Module 10-Unit 1 We're going to different schools.-公开课ppt课件--(含公开课教案+音频)-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语-(编号:80ad2).zip

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Module 10 Unit 1 We are going to different schools.1.1.WeWe rere goinggoing toto leaveleave primaryprimary schoolschool soonsoon andand startstart middlemiddle schoolschool thisthis september.september.2.Im2.Im excitedexcited becausebecause WeWe rere goinggoing toto studystudy Chinese,English,Maths,History,GeographyChinese,English,Maths,History,Geography . .3.3.WeWerere alsoalso goinggoing toto meetmeet newnew friendsfriends there.there.你发现了什么规律?你发现了什么规律?4.4.WeWerere goinggoing toto differentdifferent schoolschools s. .5.5.MyMy bestbest friendsfriends SamSam andand AmyAmy areare goinggoing backback toto thethe UK.UK.6.6.TheyTheyrere goinggoing toto a a newnew schoolschool there.there.你又发现了什么?你又发现了什么?1.Theyre going to middle school this August.3.Theyre going to meet old friends there.4.Sam and Amy are going back to the US. 2.Theyre not going to study Chinese,English,Maths,History,Geography.F FF FF FF FAugustAugust 改为改为 SeptemberSeptember去掉去掉 notnotoldold 改为改为 newnewUSUS 改为改为 UKUK( )1. I going to run. A . am B. is C. are( ) 2. He going to swim. A . am B. is C. Are( ) 3. You going to jump. A . am B. is C. are( ) 4. Daming going to play football. A . am B. is C. are( ) 5.My father_going to watch TV. A . am B. is C. areABCBCRead and choose.(读一读,选一选)( ) 6. Daming is going to to middle school. A.go B.going C.went( )7. What are you going to ? A.studying B.studied ) 8. Were going to Chinese. A. speaking B.spoke C.speak( ) 9. Are you going to football this afternoon? A.played C.playing( ) 10. Im going to an email to my friend. A.send B.sending C.playACCBAAmyAmy goinggoing toto . SamSam goinggoing toto_._.AmyAmy andand LinglingLingling goinggoing toto . . SamSam andand DamingDaming goinggoing toto . . isisareareplay footballgo swimmingplay basketballlisten to music1 14 43 32 2swimIm going to _.In the morning,Im going to_.In theafternoon, Im going to_.In the evening, Im going to_.And Im going to _at ten. I think my summer holiday will beinteresting!How about your plan? Hainaneat some delicious food going swimmingthe theatrego to bedMy planHomework:Homework:1)1)听录音跟读听录音跟读56-5756-57页的课文,跟读两遍。页的课文,跟读两遍。2)2)抄写本课的单词。抄写本课的单词。(5-1(5-1格式格式) )3)3)修改小作文并誊写到本子上。修改小作文并誊写到本子上。Goodbye!Read the passage quickly. Hello, Im Lingling. This summer holiday, I have a plan. I m going to go to Beijing with my parents and we are going to visit some places. We are going to climb the Great Wall and see a film about Beijing. My parents are going to buy some postcards and take lots of photos. Im going to meet my pen friend in a restaurant. I think my holiday will be interesting!Are you going to go to middle school ?Im really _.this SeptemberexcitedexcitedYes.Yes. this September 星期星期一一星期星期二二星期星期三三星期星期四四星期星期五五第一第一节节外语外语数学数学外语外语数学数学语文语文第二第二节节数学数学语文语文数学数学语文语文数学数学第三第三节节阅读阅读品德品德科学科学体育体育外语外语第四第四节节劳技劳技体育体育作文作文美术美术体育体育第五第五节节美术美术实践实践作文作文音乐音乐信息信息第六第六节节班会班会音乐音乐品德品德自习科学科学 星期星期一一星期星期二二星期星期三三星期星期四四星期星期五五上午上午1 1数学数学英语英语化学化学语文语文物理物理2 2语文语文数学数学美术美术音乐音乐化学化学3 3英语英语音乐音乐英语英语数学数学数学数学4 4物理物理体育体育语文语文物理物理英语英语下午下午5 5化学化学历史历史政治政治英语英语语文语文6 6劳技劳技语文语文数学数学化学化学历史历史7 7音乐音乐美术美术体育体育自习自习体育体育8 8班会班会活动活动活动活动活动活动活动活动中学课程表中学课程表小学课程表小学课程表The same :Chinese ,English ,Music, P.E. Art TheThe differentdifferent : : Physics,ChemistryPhysics,Chemistry , ,HistoryHistory GeographyGeography 物理物理 化学化学 历史历史 地理地理地理地理( ) 1 Where is Lingling going to go? A Beijing B Shanghai( ) 2 Are they going to climb the Great Wall? A Yes, they are. B No, they arent.( ) 3 What are linglings parents going to buy? A Some stamps. B Some postcards.( ) 4 Where is Lingling going to meet with her pen friend? A In a library. B In a restaurant. AIm going to study _.ChemistryChemistry, ,HistoryHistoryPhysicsPhysics, , What are they talking about? . A weather B school life C birthday partyBclickListen and choose.( ) 1 Is Lingling going to go to middle school this Spetember? A Yes, she is. B No, she isnt. C Yes, he is.( ) 2 Where is Amy and Sams new school? A Its in China. B Its in England. C It in America.( ) 3 Will Lingling miss Sam and Amy? A Yes, she wont. B No, she wont. C Yes, he will. CBC在此过程中完成部分板书: + 名词+ 动词原形be going togoing to You are I am She/He/It is We/You/They aredo 1. How will you go to school, by bike, by bus or on foot? I will go to school . 2. When are you going to get up in middle school? I will going to . 3. What are you going to study in middle school? I am going to . 4. Which middle school do you want to go? I am going to .Read the passage quickly. Hello, Im Lingling. This summer holiday, I have a plan. I m going to go to Beijing with my parents and we are going to visit some places. We are going to climb the Great Wall and see a film about Beijing. My parents are going to buy some postcards and take lots of photos. Im going to meet my pen friend in a restaurant. I think my holiday will be interesting!1( ) 1 Where is Lingling going to go? A Beijing B Shanghai( ) 2 Are they going to climb the Great Wall? A Yes, they are. B No, they arent.( ) 3 What are linglings parents going to buy? A Some stamps. B Some postcards.( ) 4 Where is Lingling going to meet with her pen friend? A In a library. B In a restaurant. AARead the passage quickly. Hello, Im Lingling. This summer holiday, I have a plan. I m going to go to Beijing with my parents and we are going to visit some places. We are going to climb the Great Wall and see a film about Beijing. My parents are going to buy some postcards and take lots of photos. Im going to meet my pen friend in a restaurant. I think my holiday will be interesting!12( ) 1 Where is Lingling going to go? A Beijing B Shanghai( ) 2 Are they going to climb the Great Wall? A Yes, they are. B No, they arent.( ) 3 What are linglings parents going to buy? A Some stamps. B Some postcards.( ) 4 Where is Lingling going to meet with her pen friend? A In a library. B In a restaurant. AABRead the passage quickly. Hello, Im Lingling. This summer holiday, I have a plan. I m going to go to Beijing with my parents and we are going to visit some places. We are going to climb the Great Wall and see a film about Beijing. My parents are going to buy some postcards and take lots of photos. Im going to meet my pen friend in a restaurant. I think my holiday will be interesting!123( ) 1 Where is Lingling going to go? A Beijing B Shanghai( ) 2 Are they going to climb the Great Wall? A Yes, they are. B No, they arent.( ) 3 What are linglings parents going to buy? A Some stamps. B Some postcards.( ) 4 Where is Lingling going to meet with her pen friend? A In a library. B In a restaurant. AABBRead the passage quickly. Hello, Im Lingling. This summer holiday, I have a plan. I m going to go to Beijing with my parents and we are going to visit some places. We are going to climb the Great Wall and see a film about Beijing. My parents are going to buy some postcards and take lots of photos. Im going to meet my pen friend in a restaurant. I think my holiday will be interesting!1234( ) 1 Where is Lingling going to go? A Beijing B Shanghai( ) 2 Are they going to climb the Great Wall? A Yes, they are. B No, they arent.( ) 3 What are linglings parents going to buy? A Some stamps. B Some postcards.( ) 4 Where is Lingling going to meet with her pen friend? A In a library. B In a restaurant. AABBHOMEWORK1 Read the words and the passage.2 Write a short passage about your summer plan.Unit 1 We are going to different schools.教学背景:教学背景: 六年级学生小学即将毕业,就要进入初级中学学习,对即将到来的中学生活充满好奇和向往。 Module10 Unit1 We are going to different schools 正是创设体现了学生告别小学生涯,迈入中学校门的真实生活话题,来复习巩固一般将来时 be going to 句型结构,培养学生听、说、运用 be going to .的句型表达将要发生的事情的能力。Module10 Unit1 是新标准小学英语六年级下册第十模块第一单元,也是本学期最后一个模块,本课是学习将来时,为初中英语的继续学习打下基础。教学目标:教学目标:知识目标:1.学生能听懂、认读并会说单词:middle , middle school , speech, classmate , leave , September , excited , Geography , same , at the same time , speak , little , keep on , practice , sometime , each other.2 学生能听懂、认读并会说句型: Where are you going? Im going to 技能目标:学生能够学会运用 be going to 描述自己的计划和将要发生的事情。 了解即将开始的中学生活。 情感目标:教学重点:教学重点:本课单词和句型的听说读。eg::middle , middle school , speech, classmate , leave , September , excited , Geography , same , at the same time , speak , little , keep on , practice , sometime , each other . Where are you going? Im going to 教学难点:教学难点:运用 be going to 句型表达将要发生的事情和用一般将来时描述将要发生的事情和自己的计划。教学准备:教学准备:PPT、CD-ROM、单词卡、单词卡教学过程:教学过程:Step 1 Warm-up一)Greeting二)ReviewT: Im going to the park this weekend . How about you?Q:Where are you going this weekend?S1: Im going to S2: Im going toS3: Im going to Step 2 Lead in一)Watch a video and answerQ1:Where is Sam going? Q2:Where is Daming going? Middle School 学习并操练 二)Listen and repeat 课题 Were going to different schools.Step 3 Presention一)Watch a video学生观看动画从整体上感知课文内容二)Read and find学生自读课文并找出带有 going to 的句子,画出来并标序号请学生读句子并说一说发现了生么规律在此过程中学习 September geography 三)Read and judge学生默读课文并判断句子正(T)误(F)。1. Theyre going to middle school this August. ( ) 2. Theyre not going to study Chinese, English, Maths, History, Geography. ( )3. Theyre going to meet old friends there. ( )4. Sam and Amy are going back to the US. ( )三)Listen and repeat学生听录音跟读句子,在跟读过程中通过各种方法学习新单词 speech, classmate , leave , September , excited , Geography , same , at the same time , speak , little , keep on , practice , sometime , each otherStep 4 Practise一)Read and choose二)Look and fill in blanks三)Talk write and shareStep 5 Summary What did we learn today?Step 6 Homework1) 听录音跟读 56-57 页的课文,跟读两遍。 2) 抄写本课的单词。(5-1 格式)3) 修改小作文并誊写到本子上Step 6 Blackboard designUnit 1 Were going to different schools. am is areStep 7 Teaching reflects
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