Module 4-Unit 2 The apples are falling down the stairs!-公开课ppt课件--(含教案)-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语-(编号:20c31).zip

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Module 4 Unit 2The apples are falling down the stairs.Listen and sing.The sun is shining.The bird is singing in the tree.The balloons are flying away.The apples are falling down the stairs.1. Whats broken?2. Whats falling down the stairs?3. Whats falling too?The eggs are broken!The apples are falling down the stairs!The cola is falling, too!Practice1 Quick answer-True or False.1.The woman can carry all these things.2.Everything is falling.3.The apples are broken!4.The eggs are falling down the stairs!5.The cola is falling, too!FTFFTPractice2 Fill in the blanks.Oh dear! I cant _(carry) all these things. Everything _(fall)! The eggs _(be) broken! And the apples _(fall) down the stairs! Oh no! Now the cola _(fall), too! What a mess! Who can _(help) me? carryis fallingareare fallingis fallinghelpPractice3 Listen, match and write.Yes, I can. I can pick up the apples.I can wash the apples.I can clean the stairs.Practice4 Look at the picture and fill in the blanks.Im Simons mum. I_ all these things. Simon cant help me. Hes _.Daming can _. He can _. But the oranges _! We _ Simons help. But Simon cant _ the balloons. The balloons _ away. They _, “Happybirthday, Daming.”can carryon the phonehelp mecarry the boxare fallingneedgrabare flyingsayPractice5 Write a composition.下课了,同学们正在进行活动,请你写一段话,描述图片。要求:条理清晰,意思明确,句子通顺,书写工整,不少于6句话。play ping-pong; play volleyball (打排球); play basketball; do the high jump (跳高); do the tug of war (拔河); bounce the ball (拍球)Homework Listen and read the text 2 times. Kekelian 15-16. Remember the text. 教学目标:1. 知识目标:掌握单词 stairs, mess 以及句子:The apples are fallingdown the stairs. Can he help? Yes, he can. No, he cant.2. 技能目标:能运用现在进行时态描述正在发生的事情,能使用 can 谈论能力和向他人提供帮助。3. 情感目标:培养学生关心他人、助人为乐的品质。教学重点:Who can help me? I cant carry them all. Sorry, I cant. Im making Damings birthday card. Yes, I can help you. Can he help? Yes, he can. No, he cant.教学难点:单词 stairs, mess 的听、说、读、写。教学准备:录音机、苹果、可乐、图片等教学过程:Step1. Warming up教师进教室时有意创设一个求助的情景:抱很多作业本走进教室,结果书掉了一地。T: Who can help me?Ss: I can.在部分学生帮助老师的过程中,教师就正在发生的情景询问其余的学生。T: What are they doing?Ss: They are .教师板书 pick up,引导学生说出 They are picking up the exercise-books.Step2. Presentation1. 教学单词 stairs、mess教师呈现课文第一部分图片T: Look at the picture. Why is the girl crying? Whats happening?S1: The apples are falling.教师手拿苹果,在挂图上演示出苹果从楼梯滑落的动作:T: The apple is falling down the stairs.教师手指楼梯领读 stairs。教师把苹果放在课桌上,不小心碰到了桌子,苹果从桌子上掉下来,T: The apple is falling down the desk.从而使学生更好的理解:falling down 这个短语。T: Whats happening to the cola?S2: The cola if falling.T: And the eggs?S3: The eggs are broken.T: Yes. The apples are falling down the stairs. The cola is falling. And the eggs are broken. What a mess!教师指着混乱的景象领读 mess。2、学习课文第一部分 找出单词 fallingT: Now listen to the tape and find out how many “falling” words in the tape.T plays the tape.Ss: Two “falling” words.学生逐句跟读两遍录音。 学生有表情的朗读课文。3、学习课文第二部分 听音连线T: Who can help the girl? Look at Part 2, lets listen and match.指图说话T:Who can help the girl? What will he /she do? Who cant help the girl? Why? Please talk with your partner.教师让学生两人一组指图来描述每个人的情况。T: Who can help the girl? What will he/she do?S1: The man can help the girl. He will pick up the apples.S2: The boy can help the girl. He will wash the apples.S3: The girl can clean the stairs.你问我答教师让学生两人一组指着第二部分图片进行问答练习。A: Can she help?B: No, she cant. She is talking on the phone.4、分角色表演把课文第一部分和第二部分的内容结合,让学生四人一组分角色进行表演。哪个组表演的最生动形象,将被评为“最佳表演小组” 。Step3. Practice1、趣味组合教师让学生分为 3 组,第一组的学生写出一个句子的主语和相应的 be 动词(am/is/are),第二组的学生每人写一个正在进行中的行为(动词或动词短语的 ing 形式) ,第三组的学生每人写出一个包括介词的地点或场所。每组轮流派一名学生朗读所写内容,组成一个有趣的句子。如:The elephants are playing computer games in the lake. 然后三人一组开展活动,比一比哪三个同学的句子最有趣,教师评出“最佳组合奖” 。2、诗歌朗诵教师放录音,学生看插图试着理解诗歌大意。教师逐行讲解诗句,重点讲解短语:get on, get off。再放录音,每句后停顿,学生跟读。学生边朗诵诗歌边表演,教师对表现好的同学予以奖励。Step4 Development教师呈现一些在困境中人们的图片,让学生讨论他们能为这些人做什么。Step5 Homeworka. Read the text fluently , copy the tape as possible as you can.b. Make sentences with three new words.板书设计:Unit 2 The apples are falling down the stairs.The apples are falling down.The eggs are falling down, too. I can help her. I will The cola is falling, too.
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