Unit 5 Family and Home-Lesson 25 Jenny’s Family-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-冀教版七年级上册英语(编号:d05a2).zip

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Unit5 Family and Home Lesson 25 Jennys Family冀教版七年级上册Family TimeLesson 25 Jennys FamilyLearning aims(学习目标)1. Key words:member son daughter drive policeman radio2. Useful structures: 1) the Smith family the Smiths 即“the 姓氏family “the姓氏-s” 2)询问职业的三种句式 及回答:主语(sb.) + be +a/an + 职业 3. learn to introduce your family members.daughtersonfamily members New words. (the)policepolicemanpolicewomanNew words. drive a bus 开公共汽车a bus driver公共汽车司机New words.radioon the radiotalk on the police radio New words.HaveHave a a CheckCheck : : NewNew WordsWords1)1) n.n. 成员成员2 2) n.n. 儿子儿子3 3) n.n. 女儿女儿4 4) v. v. 驾驶;用车送驾驶;用车送 n.n. 驱车旅行驱车旅行5 5) n.n. (男)警察(男)警察6 6) n.n. 无线电;收音机无线电;收音机sonmemberdaughterdrivepolicemanradioPart 1: Jennys family members. Part 2: We are the Smith family. Part 2:Listen and match the people with the job descriptions.Mr. Smith Mrs. SmithLynnBobHe is a policeman.She is a student.He is a worker.She is a bus driver.1.What is Mary Smith doing?2.What is Jim Smith doing? 3.What is Bob doing? 4.What is Lynn doing? She is driving a bus.He is working.He is talking on the police radio.She is walking to school.Part 2:ReadingTask1:Answer the questions.1.史密斯一家_ 2.住在加拿大_3.开公交车_ 4.用警用对讲机讲 _ 5.步行去学校_the Smith familylive in Canadadrive a bustalk on the police radiowalk to schoolPart 2:ReadingTask2:Translate the following phrases.1.We are the Smith family.Language notes(知识点)the Smith family=the Smithsthe +姓氏+family =the +姓氏的复数,表示“某某一家人” “某某夫妇”,谓语动词用复数。The Green family _ very friendly.LiMings family _ very big.The family_ at home on Sunday. A. is B. are C. am D. beareis“主语 + be +a/an + 职业 ” 1)What do/does sb. do? 2) What + be + 主语? 3) What + be + ones job?What does your father do?Whats your father?Whats your fathers job?2.What does she do?询问某人的职业 的3种表达方式你爸爸是做什么工作的?Language notes(知识点)回答句: My father is an engineer.studentteachercleanersingerlets practise!I Love My FamilyI Love My FamilyThe following structures may help you:1.This is .2.We(He/She) live(s) in.3.He/She is a/an+职业。4.His name/Her name is.5.He/she is .years old.6.He/She is +形容词。(外貌性格)7.Look,he/she is+v-ing+.8.I love my family.Summing up1. Key words:member son daughter drive policeman radio2. Useful structures: 1) the Smith family the Smiths 即“the 姓氏family “the姓氏-s” 2)询问职业的三种句式 及回答:主语(sb.) + be +a/an + 职业 3. learn to introduce your family members.1.1.背诵背诵part2.part2.2.2.完成三本练习册。完成三本练习册。3 3.以以“My Family”为题,写一篇小作文。为题,写一篇小作文。 内容提示:你叫李雷,今年内容提示:你叫李雷,今年1313岁,你们一家有四岁,你们一家有四口人,住在北京,爸爸是一位工人,妈妈是一位口人,住在北京,爸爸是一位工人,妈妈是一位汽车司机,哥哥是一位警察,你是北京中学(汽车司机,哥哥是一位警察,你是北京中学(Beijing Middle School)的一位学生,你很爱你家)的一位学生,你很爱你家。Homework LessonLesson 2525 JennysJennys FamilyFamily 学案设计学案设计【学习目标学习目标】1. 知识目标: To learn and master some new words and structures重点单词:member,son,daughter,drive,policeman,radio重点句型:1. 即“the 姓氏family” =“the姓氏-s”2.“主语(sb.) + be +a/an + 职业” 3.What do/does sb. do? What + be + 主语(sb.)? What + be + ones job?重点语法:现在进行时 be(am/is are)+v-ing2. 能力目标:To introduce our family members in English.3. 情感目标:Learn to love our family members.【预习导学预习导学】. Check Prepare Task: New Words1) n. 成员 2) n. 儿子3) n. 女儿 4) v. 驾驶;用车送 n. 驱车旅行5) n. (男)警察 6) n. 无线电;收音机【听力训练听力训练】Task1:Listen to text1 and fill in the blanks.This is Jennys _ . Jenny is my_. She lives in Canada. Mr. Smith is Jenny_. Mrs. Smith is her_. Bob is her _. Lynn is her_.Task2:Listen to text2 match the people with the job descriptions.Mr. Smith He is a policeman. Mrs. Smith She is a student. Lynn He is a worker. Bob She is a bus driver【任务阅读任务阅读】Read Part of the text 2 and answer the questions.1.What is Mary Smith doing? 2.What is Jim Smith doing? 3.What is Bob doing? 4.What is Lynn doing? 【难点点拨】1. The Smith family the Smiths 即 the姓氏family the 姓氏-s 表示 一家人/夫妇俩 eg: the Green family=the Greens 注意: the姓氏-s 指的是全家人或夫妇俩,作主语时,谓语动词用复数形. eg:The Blacks are friendly.2.表示某人的职业常用“主语 + be +a/an + 职业” eg: My mother is a bus driver.3.对职业进行提问常用: 1) What do/does sb. do? 2) What + be + 主语? 3) What + be + ones job? eg: What does she do ? She is a bus driver. (划线提问) What is he ? He is a teacher. (划线提问) What is your job ? I am a student. (划线提问)4.现在进行时。e观察这几个句子:1.Look! She is driving a bus.2.He is talking on the police radio.思考:你能找出它们共同的两部分吗?思考:你能找出它们共同的两部分吗?现在进行时表示现在或现阶段正在进行的动作,由be(am,is,are)+v-ing构成。be 应为助动词,它应与主语的人称和数保持一致。【巩固练习】1.Those are (公共汽车 ). 2. ( 她的 )brother is a (工人). 3.I want to be a ( 警察). 4. Wei Hua (live) in Beijing. 5. I love (I) family. 6. happy, are, family, we, a (. )(连词成句) . 7. He is a drive. (对划线部分提问) 1) is he ? 2) does he ? 3)What his ?8. We are the Black family.(同义句 .9. The Greens (be) very happy.【课后作业】1、完成 25 课练习册。2、背诵 Part2。3、写一篇介绍自己家庭的短文【我的反思】 冀教版七年级上册冀教版七年级上册 Unit5Unit5 FamilyFamily andand HomeHomeLessonLesson 2525 JennysJennys FamilyFamily 教学设计教学设计TeachingTeaching aimsaims 教学三维目标教学三维目标1 1KnowledgeKnowledge aimsaims 重点单词:member,son,daughter,drive,policeman,radio重点句型: 1. 即“the 姓氏family” =“the姓氏-s”2.“主语(sb.) + be +a/an + 职业” 3.What do/does sb. do? What + be + 主语(sb.)? What + be + ones job?重点语法:现在进行时知识目标知识目标熟练掌握重点词汇、重点句型及重点语法。2 2 AbilityAbility aimsaims Make the students learn to introduce their family members in English.能力目标能力目标将语言输入转换为输出,即使让学生能够运用所学来简单介绍自己的家庭成员,以达到语言能力的提升。3 3 EmotionEmotion aimsaims Make the students realize the importance of the family and home and make them try to love their family members.情感目标情感目标通过谈论“家庭”这个主题,促使学生树立“家”的观念,增进学生与家的感情。 TeachingTeaching ImportantImportant PointsPoints Enable the students to use the words and structures correctly and freely.教学重点教学重点通过学习,学生的熟练掌握语言点并能准确灵活运用。TeachingTeaching DifficultDifficult PointsPoints Enable the students to introduce their family members in English.教学难点教学难点如何让学生能运用所学词汇句型来介绍自己的家庭成员。TeachingTeaching & & LearningLearning MethodsMethods Task-based teaching and learning:(listening, speaking, reading, practicing, group work)教学方法教学方法任务型教与学(针对不同的学习任务采用相应的教学方法)TeachingTeaching AidsAids A multimedia computer教具准备教具准备多媒体课件TeachingTeaching ProceduresProcedures 教学过程与方式教学过程与方式Step1Step1 Lead-inLead-in Lets enjoy a song -Family Time.步骤一步骤一: :导入导入设计意图: : 歌曲视频导入,首先可以激发学生学习兴趣,同时让学生从温馨的画面和歌声中感受家庭的温暖和幸福。Step2Step2 learninglearning aims:aims:1. Learn and master some useful words and structures.2. Learn to use the Present Continous Tense.3.3. Learn to introduce our family members in English.步骤二:学习目标步骤二:学习目标设计意图:让学生明确本节课学习任务,做到有的放矢,有备而来。Step3Step3 NewNew wordswords : 1. Learn the new words by some pictures. member,son,daughter,drive,policeman,radio2. Words check:1) n. 成员 2) n.儿子 3) n. 女儿 4.)用车 5) n.(男)警察 6) n. 无线电;收音机步骤三:词汇学习步骤三:词汇学习设计意图:通过图片引导学生学习单词,直观形象有趣味性,单词检测部分,让学生参与板书。 Step4Step4 Listening:Listening: Task1:Task1:Listen to text1 and fill in the blanks.This is Jennys _, Jenny is my_. She lives in Canada. Mr. Smith is Jenny_. Mrs. Smith is her_. Bob is her _. Lynn is her_.Task2:Task2:Listen to text2 and match the people with the job descriptions.Mr. Smith He is a policeman. Mrs. Smith She is a student. Lynn He is a worker. Bob She is a bus driver步骤四:听力训练步骤四:听力训练设计意图: 1. 训练学生听力。2. 任务一主要让学生初步了解 Jennys family,同时加强学生对生词印象。3. 任务二主要让学生加深对 Jennys family 的了解,同时渗透询问职业的句型。Step5Step5 ReadingReading Task1Task1QuestionsQuestionsRead text 2 and answer the questions.1. What is Mary Smith doing? 2. What is Jim Smith doing?步骤五步骤五: 阅读训练阅读训练设计意图: 1. 考察学生对课文细节理解。2. 加强学生对现在进行时的运用。 3. What is Bob doing? 4. What is Lynn doing? Step6Step6 languagelanguage points:points: 1. The Smith family the Smiths 即 the姓氏family the 姓氏-s 表示 一家人/夫妇俩 eg: the Green family=the Greens 注意: the姓氏-s 指的是全家人或夫妇俩,作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式. eg:The Blacks are friendly.2.表示某人的职业常用“主语 + be +a/an + 职业” eg: My mother is a bus driver.3.对职业进行提问常用: 1) What do/does sb. do? 2) What + be + 主语? 3) What + be + ones job? eg: What does she do ?She is a bus driver. (划线提问) What is he ? He is a teacher. (划线提问) What is your job ? I am a student. (划线提问)4.现在进行时 观察这几个句子:1.Look! She is driving a bus.2.He is talking on the police radio.思考:你能找出它们共同的两部分吗?现在进行时表示现在或现阶段正在进行的动作,由be(am,is,are)+v-ing构成。be 应为助动词,它应与主语的人称和数保持一致。步骤六:难点点拨步骤六:难点点拨设计意图:对重难点进行详细的讲解和剖析,让学生能熟练掌握本节课知识要点。Step7Step7 practice:practice:Task1-Task1- translationtranslation Translate the following phrases:1. 史密斯一家_ 2.住在加拿大_2. 开公交车_4.用警用对讲机讲话_5.5. 步行去学校_Task2:Task2:LookLook atat thethe pictures(pictures(见见 PPT)PPT) andand practicepractice usingusing thethe structures:structures:A: What do/does sb. do?B: Sb. is a/an.A: what be sb. doing?B: Sb. be doing步骤七:小组讨论步骤七:小组讨论设计意图 1. 任务一主要考察学生对重点短语的掌握情况。2. 任务二通过看图片作对话训练学生对本节课重点句型和语法的运用。3. 任务三通过小组合作,介绍自己家庭成员,将语言输入转换为语言输出,真正实现学习语言的目的,同时培养学生的小组合作能力。Task3:GroupTask3:Group work:work:Work with your deskmates and introduce your family members to your partners. And then ask some students to show in front of the class. Step8Step8 SummingSumming upup A A familyfamily fullfull ofof lovelove isis warmwarm andand cozy.cozy. SoSo learnlearn toto lovelove ourour familyfamily andand trytry toto dodo whatwhat wewe cancan forfor ourour family.family.步骤八:课堂小结步骤八:课堂小结 设计意图: 1.对照学习目标,梳理思路,总结 课堂.。2.渗透情感目标,升华课堂。 Step9Step9 HomeworkHomework 1 以“My Family”为题,写一篇小作文。内容提示:你叫李蕾,今年 13 岁,家里有四口人,住在北京,爸爸是一位工人,妈 妈是一位汽车司机,哥哥是一位警察,你是北京中学的一位学生,你很爱你的家人。2. Finish off the exercises of Lesson 25.3Recite part2.步骤九:作业布置步骤九:作业布置设计意图:通过布置三维作业,检测学生在知识、能力、情感三维目标的实现情况。
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