(2019版)新人教版选择性必修第一册Unit 4 Body Language 单元测试A卷(含答案).docx

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1、一、阅读理解一、阅读理解When I lived in Spain, some Spanish friends of mine decided to visit England by car. Before they left,they asked me for advice about how to find accommodation (住所). I suggested that they should stay atbed and breakfast houses, because this kind of accommodation gives foreign visitors a g

2、ood chance tospeak English with the family. My friends listened to my advice, but they came back with some funnystories.We didnt stay at bed and breakfast houses they said, because we found that most families wereaway on holiday.I thought this was strange. Finally I understood what had happened. My

3、friends spoke little English, andthey thought VACANCIES meant holidays, because the Spanish word for holidays is vacaciones.So they did not go to houses where the sign outside said VACANCIES, which in English means thereare free rooms. Then my friends went to houses where the sign said NO VACANCIES

4、, because theythought this meant the people who owned the houses were not away on holiday. But they found that thesehouses were all full. As a result, they stayed at hotels!We laughed at this and about the mistakes my friends made in reading other signs. In Spanish, the wordDIVERSION means fun. In E

5、nglish, it means that workmen are repairing the road, and that you musttake a different road. When my friends saw the word DIVERSION on a road sign, they thought theywere going to have fun. Instead, the road ended in a large hole.English people also have problems when they learn foreign languages. O

6、nce in Paris, when someoneoffered me some more coffee, I said Thank you in French. I meant that I would like some more.However, to my surprise, the coffee pot was taken away! Later I found out that Thank you in Frenchmeans No, thank you. .1. Why did the author suggest his friends staying at bed and

7、breakfast houses?A.It would be much cheaper than staying in hotels.B.It would be convenient for them to have dinner together.C.They would be able to practise their English.D.There would be no problem about finding accommodation there.2.If you see a road sign that says DIVERSION in London, you will _

8、.A.fall into a large holeB.find the road blocked by peopleC.have a lot of fun and enjoy yourselfD.have to take a different road3.What did the author really mean when the coffee pot was taken away?A.He would finish drinking his coffee.B.He was expecting another cup of coffee.C.He meant that he didnt

9、want any more.D.He has already had enough coffee.Body language is the quietest, most secret and most powerful language of all. It is said that our bodymovements communicate about 50% of what we really mean while words themselves only do 7%. Sowhile your mouth is closed, just it is your body language

10、 that is saying.When it comes to body language at the office, you may be making some big mistakes that could causeyou trouble. The following are some tips on what you should not do when using body language at youroffice.Dont touch your co-workers, even if its on the back of the arm or shoulder. Many

11、 of your co-workersare not comfortable with any body contact (接触) with others. Be careful not to touch anyone at youroffice.Dont avoid eye contact. Eyes can speak. Lack of eye contact means cheat, and it can also point to nosafety or lack of confidence. Trust and confidence are things you will commu

12、nicate to the other person ifyou hold eye contact 50% of the time.Dont have a bad handshake. Youre going to show your kindness at once with a firm palm (手掌) topalm handshake. Showing the palms of your hands is an amiable gesture as it shows that you have apeaceful purpose. It means acceptance, and t

13、hat youve open to new ideas. Be careful of the dead fishhandshake.Dont lean (倾斜) your head while listening to others. When listening to others, you should listen to himor her carefully with your head straight. For women especially, you think you are expressing interest byleaning your head when you a

14、re listening to others, but you actually come across as if you dont understandwhats going on.1.What can we learn from the first paragraph?A.The importance of body language.B.The development of body language.C.The best way to communicate with others.D.How to avoid making mistakes at the office.2.What

15、 can the underlined word amiable in Paragraph 5 be replaced with?A.Common.B.Polite.C.Friendly.D.Strange.3.What can it be known from the passage?A.The stronger you shake hands with others the better.B.Leaning your head when listening expresses interest.C.Leaning back and forward shows you are thought

16、ful.D.Eye contact is very important in communication.4.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?A.Pay Attention to Your Body Language at the OfficeB.How to Get Along With Your Co-workersC.The Meaning of Body Language You Should KnowD.Different Countries Have Different Body Langua

17、geThe British are known for their sense of humour. However, it is often difficult for foreigners tounderstand their jokes. The main point to remember is that the British often use understatement.Understatement means saying less than you think or feel. For example, if someone gets very wet in ashower

18、 of rain, he might say. Its a little damp (潮湿的) outside. Or, if someone is very impolite andshouts at another person, someone else might say, She isnt exactly friendly. Understatement is oftenused in unpleasant situation or to make another person look silly. Understatement plays an important partin

19、British humour.Another key to understanding British humour is that the British like to make fun of themselves as wellas others. They often laugh about the silly and unpleasant things that happen to our everyday life whensomeone accidentally falls over in the street. They also like to make jokes abou

20、t people from differentclasses of society. They like to make jokes about their accents, the way they dress and the way they behave.Whats more, the British love to watch comedies about people who do not know how to behave in society.The comedy series Mr Bean is a good example of this kind of humour.

21、Mr Bean is the character created byBritish actor Rowan Atkinson in 1990.Mr Bean doesnt talk often, and instead he uses his body movements and facial expressions to makepeople laugh. Perhaps what makes Mr Bean so funny is that he does things that adults in the real worldcannot do. Mr Bean is popular

22、in many countries around the world because you do not have to speakEnglish to understand the humour. Because of this, many people have become familiar with the Britishsense of humour.1.Why is it difficult for foreigners to understand British jokes?A.The British often enlarge the fad.B.British jokes

23、are connected with many different cultures.C.The British try to make out that something is less important than it is.D.British jokes are not as funny as jokes in other countries.2.How does the author explain understatement?A.By using examples.B.By making comparisons.C.By following time order.D.By de

24、scribing a process.3.How does Mr Bean make people laugh?A.By telling funny stories.B.By making jokes about others accents.C.By copying how others behave.D.By using his body movements and facial expressions.4.What can be the best title for the text?A.British Humour in ComedyB.Humour in Different Cult

25、uresC.Developing Your Sense of HumourD.Understanding British HumourSimple hand gestures can make you look more confident and in control. Practice them, and use themwhenever you want to impress a person or an audience!The hand steeple, where the fingers are making a little roof top, is showing a lot

26、of confidence. Thishand gesture is very popular with lawyers, politicians and priests (it does resemble praying, dont youthink?) and while it shows great confidence, you should not use it when youre trying to gain someonestrust the hand steeple can make you look arrogant (傲慢的). It does show strength

27、 when negotiating.The reverse hand steeple is similar to the hand steeple, but this gesture is used more often duringlistening, while the hand steeple is used more often during talking. And since women are better listenersthan men, the reverse hand steeple is used more often by women.People in leade

28、rship positions often hold their hands behind their back. Its a pose that shows power, andconfidence, as it exposes the vulnerable (脆弱的;易受伤害的) parts of the body. It also improves yourposture and opens up the airways, so you gain more energy and feel more confident as you do this.Some people dont hol

29、d their hands but have one hand hold the wrist or the arm. This is a sign offrustration. The higher up the hand is, the more frustrated. Its a way to get a grip on yourself.Another show of confidence and feeling superior is by showing the thumbs. Any position where thethumbs are visible will do the

30、trick(奏效;起作用). Holding your jacket with your thumbs up, or havingthem stuck out of your back pockets is the similar hand gesture that will do the trick.1.When will you most probably use the hand steeple?A.When you are praying.B.When you are listening to a speech.C.When you are asking for advice.D.Wh

31、en you are talking with a potential business partner.2.Who mostly use the reverse hand steeple?A.Lawyers.B.Politicians.C.Children.D.Women.3.What does the following picture probably show?A.Pride.B.Anger.C.Confidence.D.Surprise.4.Which of the following shows that one is frustrated?A.B.C.D.二、七选五二、七选五Wh

32、en choosing your dream career, it is important that you first know yourself well. The best way tobegin is through self-exploration which will allow you to uncover more about your personal interests,skills, personality, and values. _Interests are important considerations when choosing a career. By fo

33、cusing on your interests, you candetermine which career options would provide you with the highest satisfaction and a sense ofenjoyment. _ Job satisfaction contributes to a positive attitude at work, which in turn willaffect your chances of gaining success in your career.The next thing you have to c

34、onsider is the skills you own. _ These skills can be either hardor soft skills. And you need to determine which of those skills are transferable (可转移的). Transferableskills are not specific to one job, so you can apply them to a variety of different jobs. Having the right skillset is the key that ope

35、ns a whole new field of career possibilities for you. You may even be surprised at thenumber of career options that are a good fit with the skills you currently have._ You will need to assess (评定) your individual personality, motivational drive, needs andattitudes to find a career that has the best

36、fit with your personality. For example, a salesperson generallyneeds to be naturally outgoing.Another important element (要素) to consider in your decision when choosing a dream career is yourvalues. _ And the scale of your values is based on your attitudes and beliefs about what isimportant in life.A

37、. Values are linked to your beliefs.B. What are the things you are good at?C. Interests are also important for your choice.D. Choosing a dream career will have an influence on your skills.E. If you enjoy your job, you will be more motivated to do your job well.F. One or more of these elements may ha

38、ve a great influence on your choice of careers.G. It is equally important that you take your personality into account when choosing your dream career.三、完形填空(三、完形填空(15 空)空)I met Daisy Banks on the way to Maghar. She was walking down the road with her white stick, and Isaw her walking towards a muddy1

39、. If she continued, she might have2into the water. Notwanting this to happen, I stopped my3and called out, Theres a hole in front of you, Daisy. If its allright with you, Ill4you to your place.She happily5my suggestion. I took her bag so she could climb on my motorbike. On the way, shetold me that s

40、he lost her eyesight as a baby. We also talked about her6, and I knew she was on theway to her school.Daisy had called me a couple of times since our chance7. However, I had been unable to meether8my busy schedules. Finally, we agreed to9at the Mahdu Mall. We talked about a range ofissues, and I cam

41、e to10that Daisy possessed (拥有) knowledge which would challenge that ofmany11fit people.Although she has a mother and three brothers, Daisy has been12on her own for the past years. Shecooks for herself and washes her own clothes while13to teach every morning at Maghas PrimarySchool. While14herself,

42、she kept listening to the news and tried to learn other things. She is a(n)15person, telling me that she said no when her brothers wanted to take turns to look after her. Ireally admire her confidence and the way she carried herself in her life.1.A.pavementB.hallC.holeD.freeway2.A.thrownB.landedC.di

43、vedD.fallen3.A.carB.truckC.motorbikeD.bus4.A.passB.dropC.takeD.fetch5.A.allowedB.expectedC.repliedD.accepted6.A.studyB.jobC.salaryD.travel7.A.appointmentB.meetingC.crashD.argument8.A.due toB.in addition toC.instead ofD.in spite of9.A.resistB.quarrelC.reuniteD.work10.A.discoverB.encourageC.persuadeD.

44、suppose11.A.mentallyB.morallyC.physicallyD.emotionally12.A.livingB.lyingC.waitingD.teaching13.A.managingB.supportingC.refusingD.reducing14.A.taking care ofB.improvingC.looking up toD.educating15.A.stubbornB.reliableC.confidentD.intelligent四、语法填空四、语法填空Most people are good at recognizing the universal

45、 facial expressions of our emotions anger, joy,sadness, etc., which present a lot of emotional information. In fact, there are less obvious facial expressionscalled micro-expressions (MEs). _ general, human beings often show them and communicate_ (they) private thoughts to others unconsciously. What

46、s more, people cannot hide them,including the experienced ones.All the _ (finding) lead to many possibilities of MEs wide use in different fields, _ people can use MEs to understand other peoples true feelings, thoughts, or beliefs. Police canuse MEs to detect unnatural behavior. Teachers can recogn

47、ize unease in students and give a more detailed_ (explain). Businessmen can use expressions of happiness to determine when they have givena suitable price.However, MEs are difficult _ (read), because they are unconscious, and occur sometimes asfast as one-tenth of a second or even one-fifteenth of a

48、 second. At present, even highly _ (train)people are not always able to notice them. Some people do see something that _ (change) onthe face, but they dont know _ (exact) what it is. Since the human recognition accuracy (准确)is so low, _ possible method for spotting MEs would be very precious.五、书面表达五

49、、书面表达假定你是李华,你校将举办外国学生中文演讲比赛,请给你的英国朋友 George 写封邮件邀请他参加。内容包括:1. 比赛时间;2. 演讲话题;3. 报名方式。注意:1. 词数 80 左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_六、读后续写六、读后续写阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150 左右。Im going to miss you so much, Poppy, said the tall, thin teenager. He bent down to hug his old friendgoodbye. He stood u

50、p, hugged his parents, and smiled, trying not to let his emotions (情绪) get the betterof him.His parents were not quite able to keep theirs under control. They had driven their son several hours outof town to the university where he would soon be living and studying. It was time to say goodbye for no


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