(2019版)新人教版选择性必修第二册Unit 1 课本长难句导学案.docx

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1、选择性必修选择性必修 2 2 unit1unit1 课本长难句导学案课本长难句导学案一一. . WordWord formationformation1.severe-severely2.frustrate-frustration-frustrated3.contradictory-contradiction4.infect-infection-infectious5.subscribe-subscription6.prove-proof7.multiple-multiply8.suspect-suspicious9.intervene-intervention10.pure-purely-p

2、urify11.transform-transformation12.initial-initially13.cast-cast-cast14.mechanic-mechanical15.defend-defence16.assist-assistant-assistance17.lead-leader-leadership18.gift-gifted19.steady-steadily20.astronomer-astronomy21.beside-besides22.vivid-vividly二二.Sentence.Sentence structurestructure1.Cholera1

3、.Cholera usedused toto bebe oneone ofof thethe mostmost fearedfeared diseasesdiseases in in thethe world,world, untiluntil a a BritishBritish doctor,doctor,JohnJohn Snow,Snow, showedshowed howhow it it couldcould bebe overcome.overcome.【句式分析】本句是一个复合句:until 前面的是主句,until 引导的是时间状语从句;a British doctor 与

4、JohnSnow 是同位语关系,是从句的主语,从句谓语 showed 后面是 how 引导的宾语从句。句意翻译霍乱曾经是世界上最为可怕的疾病之一,直到一位英国医生约翰.斯诺展示了如何战胜它。2.2. AsAs a a youngyoung doctor,doctor, JohnJohn SnowSnow becamebecame frustratedfrustrated becausebecause nono oneone knewknew howhow toto preventpreventoror treattreat cholera.cholera.【句式分析】本句是一个复合句:beca

5、use 引导原因状语从句,从句谓语 knew 后面的是其宾语 how toprevent or treat cholera,它属于“疑问词+不定式”结构。句意翻译作为一名年轻的医生, 约翰.斯诺感到沮丧, 因为没人知道如何预防或治疗霍乱。3.3. InIn general,general, doctorsdoctors in in thosethose daysdays hadhad twotwo contradictorycontradictory theoriestheories toto explainexplain howhow choleracholeraspread.spread.

6、【句式分析】本句是一个复合句:主句主干是 doctors had theories,而 to explain是不定式短语作theories 的后置定语,explain 后面是 how 引导的宾语从句。句意翻译 总体上,那时的医生有两种相互矛盾的理论来解释霍乱是如何传播的。4.4. SnowSnow beganbegan byby markingmarking onon a a mapmap thethe exactexact placesplaces wherewhere allall thosethose whowho dieddied hadhad lived.lived.【句式分析】本句

7、是一个复合句:where all those who died had lived 是修饰先行词 places 的定语从句,而who died 也是定语从句,修饰先行词 those。句意翻译斯诺从地图上标记所有死者居住过的确切地方开始(他的工作) 。5.5. TheThe peoplepeople whowho drankdrank thisthis waterwater werewere muchmuch moremore likelylikely toto getget choleracholera thanthan thosethose whowhodrankdrank purepure

8、 oror boiledboiled water.water.【句式分析】本句是一个复合句:主句是“The people were much more likely to get cholerathan those”,第一个who引导定语从句,修饰people,第二个who也引导定语从句,修饰those。句意翻译喝这种水的人比哪些喝纯净水或煮沸过的水的人更有可能得霍乱。6.6.H He e discovereddiscovered thatthat in in twotwo particularparticular streetsstreets thethe choleracholera ou

9、tbreakoutbreak waswas soso severesevere thatthatmoremore thanthan 500500 peoplepeople dieddied in in tenten days.days.【句式分析】本句是一个复合句:主句是“He discovered”第一个 that 引导宾语从句,sothat“如此以至于”引导结果状语从句。句意翻译他发现在两条特殊的街道上,霍乱疫情非常严重,在十天之内就死了 500 多人。7 7.It.It seemedseemed thatthat thethe womanwoman likedliked thethe w

10、aterwater fromfrom thethe pumppump soso muchmuch thatthat sheshe hadhad it itdelivereddelivered toto herher househouse everyevery day.day.【句式分析】本句是一个复合句:主句是“It seemed”that 引导表语从句,sothat“如此以至于”引导结果状语从句,含有“have sb./sth.+done”结构,表示“让某人/某物被”句意翻译这个女人似乎非常喜欢水泵里的水,所以她每天都叫人把它送到她家里。8 8.Through.Through SnowSno

11、w s s tirelesstireless efforts,efforts, waterwater companiescompanies beganbegan toto sellsell cleanclean water,water, andand thethethreatthreat ofof choleracholera aroundaround thethe worldworld sawsaw a a substantialsubstantial decrease.decrease.【句式分析】本句是一个由 and 连接的并列句,the threat of cholera around

12、 the world 作主语 saw 是谓语,表“经历;目睹”。可以理解为一种拟人的修辞手法使表达既简练又生动。英语中使用拟人修辞手法的句子中,主语通常是表示时间、地点/心爱之物(如车、船等)的名词,谓语动词常为 see, witness, find 等。e.g. The twentieth century saw two world wars.The National Day of 2019 witnessed so many traffic jams on the express way.句意翻译经过斯诺不懈的努力,自来水公司开始销售纯净水,世界各地霍乱的威胁大幅度减少.9.However

13、,9.However, afterafter thethe SonghuSonghu BattleBattle brokebroke outout in in 1932,1932, QianQian mademade thethe decisiondecision toto switchswitchhishis majormajor toto aviationaviation becausebecause hehe realisedrealised thatthat ChinaChina neededneeded itsits ownown powerfulpowerful airair fo

14、rceforce totoprotectprotect andand defenddefend thethe country.country.【句式分析】本句是一个复合句,主句是“Qian made the decision to switch his major toaviation”,属于“主+谓+宾”结构;after引导时间状语从句;because引导原因状语从句,其中that引导 realised 后的宾语从句。句意翻译然而,1932 年淞沪会战爆发后,钱学森决定改学航空专业,因为他意识到中国需要它自己强大的空军来保卫国家。10.10. AsAs a a graduategraduat

15、e assistantassistant atat thethe CaliforniaCalifornia InstituteInstitute ofof TechnologyTechnology duringduring thethe 1930s,1930s,QianQian helpedhelped conductconduct importantimportant researchresearch intointo rocketrocket propulsion,propulsion, andand in in thethe 1940s,1940s, hehe andandseveral

16、several otherother peoplepeople foundedfounded thethe JetJet PropulsionPropulsion Laboratory,Laboratory, nownow oneone ofof NASANASA s s leadingleadingspace-explorationspace-exploration centres.centres.【句式分析】本句是一个由 and 连接的并列句,and 前后的两个分句都属于“状+主+谓+宾”结构;其中 now one of NASAs leading space-exploration ce

17、ntres 和 the Jet PropulsionLaboratory 之间是同位语关系。句意翻译 在 20 世纪 30 年代,作为加州理工学院的研究生助理,钱学森帮助开展了火箭推进的重要研究,并且在 20 世纪 40 年代,他和其他几个人建立了喷气推进实验室, (而这个实验室)现在是美国宇航局领先的太空探索中心之一。11.11. However,However, whatwhat mightmight havehave mademade himhim suchsuch anan outstandingoutstanding andand creativecreative scientist

18、scientist waswasprobablyprobably hishis strongstrong interestinterest in in otherother things,things, suchsuch asas musicmusic andand drawing.drawing.【句式分析】本句是一个复合句,其中 what might have made him such an outstanding and creativescientist 是 what 引导的主语从句;was 后的部分都是主句的表语部分。句意翻译然而,使他成为如此杰出且有创造力的科学家的原因可能是他对

19、其他事物的强烈兴趣,如音乐和绘画。12.12. SinceSince hehe camecame downdown withwith a a diseasedisease whichwhich causedcaused himhim toto loselose thethe useuse ofof mostmost ofof hishismuscles,muscles, hishis worldworld becamebecame oneone ofof abstractabstract thought.thought.【句式分析】本句是一个复合句,主句是 his world became o

20、ne of abstract thought,属于“主+系+表”结构;since引导的是原因状语从句,其中的which引导的是一个定语从句,修饰先行词a disease。句意翻译他因患上了一种使他失去大部分肌肉功能的疾病,他的世界变成了一个抽象思维的世界。13.13. HeHe waswas willingwilling toto saysay whatwhat othersothers werewere afraidafraid toto say,say, andand toto dreamdream ofof whatwhat othersotherswerewere afraidafra

21、id toto dreamdream about.about.【句式分析】本句是一个复合句,主句是“He was willing to sayand to dream”;句中的两个 what 都引导名词性从句,分别用作 say 和 dream of 的宾语。句意翻译他愿意说别人不敢说的话,梦想别人不敢梦想的东西。1 14.Described4.Described byby thethe authorsauthors ofof thethe StoryStory ofof QianQian XuesenXuesen asas a a manman withwith “ “greatgreat s

22、cientificscientificthoughtthought andand scientificscientific spiritspirit” ” whowho waswas patrioticpatriotic andand servedserved hishis homelandhomeland withwith effort,effort,achievement,achievement, andand devotion,devotion, QianQian waswas anan extremelyextremely well-respectedwell-respected ma

23、n.man.【句式分析】本句是一个复合句,主句是“Qian was an extremely well-respected devotion”;定语从句 whowas patriotic and served his homeland with effort, achievement, and devotion 修饰 a man,过去分词“Described byand devotion”作状语。句意翻译被钱学森的故事的作者描述成一个有着“伟大的科学思想和科学精神”,非常爱国而且用努力、成就和奉献来报效他的祖国的人,钱学森是一个非常值得尊敬的人。活学活用练案活学活用练案一一. . WordWo

24、rd formationformation1.severe _(adv.)2.beside_(adv.)3.contradictory_(n.)4.astronomer_(n.)5.subscribe_(n.)6.prove_(n.)7.multiple_(adv./v.)8.suspect_(adj.)9.intervene_(n.)10. steady_(adv.)11.transform_(n.)12.initial_(adv.)13. vivid_(adv.)14.mechanic_(adj.)15.defend_(n.)16.gift_(adj.)17.lead_(n. 领 导 人)

25、 _(n. 领 导 能 力)18.assist_(n.)_(n.)19.pure_(adv.) _(v.)20.infect_(n.)_(adj.)21.frustrate_(n) _(adj.)22.cast_(过去式)_(过去分词)二二.Sentence.Sentence structurestructure1. Cholera used to be one of the most feared diseases in the world, _a Britishdoctor, John Snow, showed _ it could be overcome.2. As a young do

26、ctor, John Snow became frustrated _no one knew_to prevent or treat cholera.3.In general, doctors in those days had two contradictory theories to explain _choleraspread.4. Snow began by _ (mark) on a map the exact places _ allthose _died had lived.5. The people _drank this water were much _ (likely)

27、to get cholerathan those who drank pure or _(boil) water.6.Hediscovered_intwoparticularstreetsthecholeraoutbreakwas_severe _more than 500 people died in ten days.7.It seemed _ the woman liked the water from the pump so much that shehad it _(deliver) to her house every day.8.Through Snows _(tire) eff

28、orts, water companies began to sell cleanwater, _ the threat of cholera around the world _(see) a substantialdecrease.9.However, _ the Songhu Battle broke out in 1932, Qian made the_ (decide) to switch his major to aviation _ he realised that Chinaneeded its own _(power) air force to protect and def

29、end the country.10. As _ graduate assistant at the California Institute of Technology during the1930s, Qian helped _( conduct) important research into rocket propulsion,_ in the 1940s, he and several other people _( found) the JetPropulsion Laboratory, now one of NASAs _(lead) space-explorationcentr

30、es.11. However, _ mighthave made him such an outstanding and_ (create) scientist was _( probable) his strong interest _other things, such as music and drawing.12. _he came down _a disease _ caused him tolose the use of most of his_( muscle), his world became one of abstractthought.13. He was willing

31、 to say _ others were afraid to say, _ todream of _others were afraid to dream about.14._(describe) by the authors of the Story of Qian Xuesen as a man_“great scientific thought and scientific spirit” _was patriotic and served hishomeland with effort, achievement, and devotion, Qian was an _(extreme

32、)well-respected man.三三. .KeyKey phrasesphrases in in thethe sentencesentence structurestructure1.过去,曾经 _战胜最令人恐惧的疾病_2.沮丧_懂得怎样治疗霍乱_3.总体上_两种矛盾的理论_4.标记确切地点_5.有可能做 _饮用纯净水_6.在两条特定的街上_如此严重以至于_7.似乎;好像 _让做_8.经过某人不知疲倦的努力_大量减少_9. 爆发_把 某 人 的 专 业 转 换 为 航 空 航 天_强大的空军 _保卫国家_10.一位研究生助理_做重要研究_11.一位如此杰出富有创造力的科学家_12.患

33、上一种疾病_使某人失去某物_13.心甘情愿做 _梦想_14. 用努力、成就和奉献报效祖国_一位非常值得尊敬的人_1.until; how;used to;overcome the most feared disease;2. because; how;become frustrated;know how to treat cholera3. how;in general;two contradictory theories4. marking; where; whomark the exact places5. who; more likely; boiled;be likely to do;

34、drink pure water6. that; so; thatin two particular streets;so severe that7. that; delivered;it seemed/seems that;have sth done8. tireless; and; saw;through ones tireless efforts;a substantial decrease9. after; decision; because; powerful;break out;switch ones major to aviation; powerful air force;de

35、fend the country10. a; conduct/to conduct; and; founded; leadinga graduate assistant; conduct important research;11. what; probably; creative;in;such an outstanding and creative scientist12. Since; with; which; muscles;come down with a disease;cause sb. tolose sth.13. what; and; what;be willing to do;dream of/about14. Described; with; who;serve ones homeland with effort, achievement, and devotionan extremely well-respected man


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