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1、2021 年上海上外版本高中英语作文范文 16 篇范文一:Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions givenbelow in Chinese.如今,电子支付(electronic payment)成为潮流,现金的使用频率越来越低。请你简要说明电子支付在生活中的具体应用,并谈谈你对电子支付是否会取代现金的看法。你的文章必须包括:1.简要说明电子支付在生活中的具体应用:2.电子支付是否会取代现金?为什么?There is a growing trend that

2、electronic payment has dominated our lives,and we aregradually stepping into a cashless society.Take a quick look at your daily life,and you will find e-payment has covered every aspect oflife today.Its hard to imagine without Alipay how you can make online purchases on Taobao witha few simple click

3、s.Without WeChat,how can you unlock a shared bike and pay for the fee?E-payments are alsoalmost universally accepted by brick-and-mortar stores.In one sense,we now literally haveeverything at our fingertips thanks to electronic payment.Eventually,I believe,e-payment will replace cash.For one thing,i

4、t stands out for itsincomparable convenience. Not only does it spare us the trouble of carrying cash everywhere,but it also saves us enormous amounts of time that would have otherwise been wasted, forexample,in long queues. For another,it eliminates the necessity to worry about whether thebanknotes

5、youve received are real of fake.E-payment also makes it easier for the government tosupervise the circulation of money by offering a transparent environment for electronicpayments.Admittedly,e-payment has its own drawbacks,such as potentially severe consequences ifones account is hacked or stolen. B

6、ut with the improvement of relevant law and regulations,theproblem is sure to be kept at bay.To put it in a nutshell, electronic payment can simplify daily affairs, regulate the flow ofmoneyandwillultimatelydominateoureverydaylife.Iamlookingforwardtoaconvenient,time-saving and safe cashless society.

7、范文二:Guided WritingDirections:Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructionsgiven below in Chinese.假设你是明启中学学生王林, 你校计划在暑假开设体育夏令营, 希望听取全校学生关于夏令营活动内容的意见。你写一封邮件给夏令营负责人员,内容需包括:1.你认为体育夏令营必须包括哪些活动;2.这些活动可以学生带来怎样的好处。So excited to hear that our school will organize summer camp for

8、 us and we can offer somesuggestions. I have thought about it for a long time,and I believe my suggestions,or plan forsummer camp,are sure to be accepted by teachers and students.First,I think advanced lectures and academic exchange will be welcomed. We are eager tohave advanced lectures on the rece

9、nt technology development. If we can have face-to-faceinteractions with some famous university professors,I am sure we will be feeling on top of theworld.The famous professors will not only broaden our views on certain fields,they but also setexamples on how to study,which is definitely most importa

10、nt to us.Second,a bonfire party is what we are all expecting.A bonfire party will catch our eyes andmake every one of us expect to take part. We can dance around the bonfire and have lots of fungames and all these will make us feel like living in a big family.More importantly, we can show ourtalents

11、 on such occasions, which are never seen in class. I believe it is sure to help our teachershave a new understanding of students.Third, buffet is a must for a summer ca mp. Buffet offers a wonderful occasion for all thestudents and teachers to eat and talk together freely. In such situation,all the

12、people are like oldfriends, and we can know each other better.I am expecting to attend the wonderful summer camp,and I also hope my suggestions willbe welcomed and accepted.范文三:Guided WritingDirections: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions givenbelow in Chinese

13、.你的文章必须包括:简述图表;分析造成此趋势的原因;联系实际,谈谈你愿意读传统读物还是有声读物,并简述理由。注意:作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称The chart clearly demonstrates the change of the market share of audio books from 2012 to2017, with a small slice of the market in 2012 but by contrast,approximately 4 billion yuancaptured in 2017.Whats also notable is that the

14、 amount doubles from 2015 to 2017.Several factors are held accountable for the phenomenon. With the rapid development oftechnology,portable electronic devices become a common sight.Only by taking out their smartphones can ordinary people have access to audio books anywhere anytime.Besides,the progre

15、ssmade in the quality of audio books also appeals to those whod like to further their study. A widerange of high-quality audio materials and programmes hosted by experts are waiting for listenersto explore.As for me,audio books would be my preference.As a student who takes subway to school,Idbe happ

16、y to have audio books as my companion to make full use of the time otherwisewasted.Moreover, listening to the beautiful voice would be a feast for ears,helping me relaxmentally and physically.In a nutshell,try putting on your earphone when possible!范文四:Guided Writing76. Directions: Write an English

17、composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions give有声读物的市场规模in Chinese.班级将组织大家参与“垃圾分类”的活动(garbage sorting),就此请你谈谈自已的想法。你的文章必须包括以下内容:1.简要描述你所在班级垃圾是否有分类现象:2.进行“垃圾分类”的必要性;3.你班级垃圾分类的具体要求。A “garbage sorting” campaign is about to be launched in our class.It draws our attention towaste sorting

18、around us.Garbage bins filled with all sorts of recyclable and non-recyclable wastesmixed together are seen every day in our class.We students still havent formed the habit ofsorting garbage.Such kind of campaign is really essential.First of all,neglecting waste sorting causes a mass ofwaste of reso

19、urces that could have been recycled or reused.As we all know,our country is nowfacing a problem of resource shortage;we really cant afford a bit of waste. Besides, wasteseparation could save a lot of energy and time on its processing.Therefore,lets take action right now. Always remember different ki

20、nds of waste in our classare required to be put in different dustbins. Paper and plastic bottles are recycled. Harmful wastesuch as batteries should not be mixed with other wastes. And other daily wastes can be throwninto a dustbin.Everyone should go to great length to join in this meaningful campai

21、gn. Only in this way,canwe create an environment-friendly campus.范文五:Guided Writing76.Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions givenbelow in Chinese.假定你是明启中学的学生李华,学校计划下个月起进一步改进午餐供应,提高午餐质量。现在校长室向全校师生征求意见和建议。请你结合自己的实际,从安全、营养、口味、价格、品种五个方面任选其中的三个, 给校长写一封电子邮

22、件, 提出合理的建议并给出适当的理由。注意:你的作文中不得出现你本人的姓名、班级及学校等真实信息。Dear headmaster,No sooner had I heard the news that our school planned to further improve the supply oflunch and its quality than I couldnt wait to write an email to suggest the improvement in ter msof nutrition,price and variety.As for nutrition, its

23、 beyond doubt that it is crucial to students health. As senior threestudents, we are under enormous pressure of study every day. Consequently,rich nutrition canlay a foundation for our health, which can guarantee that we have the full energy to strive for ourdream universities.Thus,it makes sense fo

24、r our school to take how to add more nutrition intoaccount. With regard to the price,from my perspective,the lunch should be worth the price.Despite some students complaints about the high price of lunch,our school can consult thesestudents and ask them for some useful advice so that we can put a re

25、asonable price on ourlunch.When it comes to variety,in my judgment, more varieties mean larger appetite,which is alsoa big deal to us students.In order to address the phenomenon that many students have lostappetite for the dishes on account of the limited variety nowadays, our school is supposed toe

26、nsure that there is a wide variety of dishes for lunch every day.In conclusion,it is nutrition,price and variety that require to be urgently improved.I would bemuch obliged if my suggestions could be adopted.Yours,Li Hua范文六:Guided Writing76. Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words

27、according to the instructions givenin Chinese.遇到困难或挑战时, “永不放弃”一直被认为是一种积极的生活态度,是个人成功的关键因素,但是,也有人认为适当的放弃才是明智的选择。简要说明你的观点和理由。Throughout our life,we are always confronted with various challenges and difficulties.Wemay have to choose:to give up or not.Many people think that “never give up”is a wise choic

28、e. Those people will keep trying toreach their goal no matter how many times they fail,because they are confident that success iswaving to them around the corner.If they dont hold on,they will never achieve anything.Theybelieve in patience and determination. However, others hold a different view.In

29、theiropinion,there are many changes in the world,so it is necessary to re-evaluate their old decisionnow and then. In order to adapt to the new environment,to update or even to give up is a wisechoice.They believe in flexibility.To me,there is truth in both opinions.Whether to give up or not depends

30、 on what we aredoing and how we are performing? On one hand,we must have determination.Once we havemade a decision, determination and diligence are key factors leading to success. However, if wefind our goals are beyond our power, it is wise to give up and set a more realistic aim.范文七:76. Directions

31、: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to theinstructions given below in Chinese假如你是明启中学的学生李华,你校正开展节约粮食的活动。请你写一封信给校方,信件内容包括:1.食堂中学生浪费粮食的情况及原因:2.解决的措施或建议。To whom it may concern,Our school is promoting the idea of saving food and preventing waste at present. As aresponsible citizen,

32、I think it is everyones duty to answer the call. So I am writing to share myideas about the problems in our school canteen and some possible solutions to it.While students are aware of saving food and preventing waste,there are still some problemsworth our attention.I can see some students, especial

33、ly girl students,throw a lot of leftovers intothe garbage bin(s).Whats more,if you are careful enough,you may notice food waste is morecommon on certain days than on others. These problems occur for a reason.Somestudents,especially girl students,have a relatively small appetite.Fortunately,I think t

34、he problemis easy to solve.The canteen can serve smaller portions as required by us students.Food waste is more common on certain days because some food happens to be burnt andtastes unpleasant.In this case,I think the canteen manager should instruct his staff to paymore/attention to the quality of

35、the food and the process of cooking.The manager himself shouldtaste each dish before serving them to avoid future problems. We students all know foodresources are limited and under no circumstances should we waste it. So it would be desirable ifthe school canteen takes each individuals need for food

36、 portions into account.Meanwhile,the manager should make sure that the dishes are properly prepared.I hope myideas will contribute a little when you decide on the measures to take to prevent food waste.Ithink with our combined efforts. it is hopeful that food loss will be cut to the minimum.范文八:76.

37、Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to theinstructions given below in Chinese.假如你是王启,你的外国朋友 John 给你写了封邮件向你倾诉抗击疫情期间的烦恼和担忧,请你给他回封邮件,与他分享一些健康卫生生活的好习惯,缓解他的焦虑。(注:文中不得出现真实姓名或学校名称。)Dear John,Hearing from you about going through this terrible disease,I am so sorry for all you

38、r sorrowsand worries. As your good friend,I would like to offer you some useful ways to keep fit and easeyour worries during this critical period.First of all,wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.Y our handsmay carry a lot of bacteria and even viruses when touching thing

39、s,so washing hands regularlywith soap can protect you from being infected with diseases.Avoid touching your eyes,nose,ormouth with unwashed hand is also suggested. In addition,avoid all unnecessary outings. If youhave to go out, remember to wear disposable surgical masks correctly and avoid close co

40、ntactwith others. Last but not least,follow a healthy lifestyle and keep good moods. Make sure youhave balanced meals and enough fruits,which can provide certain nutrition you need to stayfit.Some indoor exercise can also be helpful,such as yoga or some basic stretching exercise.Whatsmore, stay in a

41、 good mood and dont worry too much.Optimism is another key to a strong body.If you still feel bored or annoyed,feel free to write to me.We are sure to overcome thehardships.Yours sincerely,Wang Qi范文九:VI.Guided Writing76.Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instr

42、uctions givenbelow in Chinese.上周末,为了购书,你去了两家书店,一家是传统的书店(左图所示) ,一排排整齐的书架放置着各类书籍;另一家是新型书店(右图所示) ,你可以点上咖啡茶点,慢慢选书。回家后,你用英语写了一篇日记,内容包括:对于两家书店的描述;根据你的购书体验,你认为哪家书店更受读者欢迎。Sunday, March 15,2020SunnyLast weekend, in order to make a purchase of some books,I visited two bookstores near myhome.The first bookstor

43、e I visited is a traditional one.It is not very large,but the walls are lined withhigh bookshelves,on which books of different kinds are arranged neatly.However,when I enteredthe second bookstore, I felt like coming into a coffee shop. It is brightly-lit and well-decoratedwith some plants.Low booksh

44、elves are put against the wall,while some tables and chairs take upmost of the space in the middle.There is a coffee bar in one corner. You can take a best-sellerfrom the shelf, order a cup of coffee or some snacks and spend an enjoyable afternoon there.According to my own experience,I think the new

45、-type bookstore will be welcomed by morecustomers. The new-type bookstore features a more relaxing atmosphere for book-lovers. Youcan browse through several books, compare them and finally decide on the most suitable one.Or you may come across someone who has the small taste for books.In a nutshell,

46、I think the new-type bookstore is more like book- lovers paradise. It offers agood place free from the hustle and bustle of the fast-paced world. It will become a new trend inour society.范文十:VI.Guided WritingWrite an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below inCh

47、inese.2018 年“青少年网红梦”一度成为全名热点讨论话题,作为一名高中生,请根据2019 毕业生求职意向调查报告显示的数据(见下表),谈谈你对该话题的看法并给出理由。最受欢迎职业前三:主播25.12%网红19.06%新媒体运营18.2%With rapid development of science and technology,Internet is having a bigger impact onpeople,especially teenagers,which can be seen from the data from the survey on the jobintent

48、ion of graduates in 2019.In the report,the top three expected careers are hostonline,internet celebrity and new media operators, taking up 25.12%,19.06% and 18.2%respectively.Though being an internet seems a good choice,as a teenager,I wont choose to be such aman considering safety and stability. Be

49、ing a star online means you are exposed to a lot of people.Your information and personal life will be inevitable to be shown and be commented on bythem.When your information is misused,such problems as financial loss will happen.Badcomments and rumors may even spoil your life,so this choice may infl

50、uence your safety.Additionally,the popularization of internet stars mainly lies in outstanding appearance andnovelty.The upgrade of internet and entertainment is so fast that no one can ensure that you willbe favored and supported by the viewers for a long time.In this regard,this job has moreinstab


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