- 2022新深港朗文版六年级下册英语Unit 1 Being politeppt课件
- Unit 1 Being polite教学课件
- Unit 1 Being polite教学课件.ppt--点击预览
- 2022新深港朗文版六年级下册英语Unit 2 Fire and safety ppt课件
- Unit 2 Fire and safety 教学课件
- Unit 2 Fire and safety 教学课件.ppt--点击预览
- 2022新深港朗文版六年级下册英语Unit 3 Let’s go shoppingppt课件
- Unit 3 Let’s go shopping教学课件
- Unit 3 Lets go shopping教学课件.ppt--点击预览
- 2022新深港朗文版六年级下册英语Unit 6 Busy peopleppt课件
- Unit 6 Busy people
- nit5Acitive animals.ppt--点击预览
- unit6 book12.ppt--点击预览
- 2022新深港朗文版六年级下册英语Unit 7 Good memoriesppt课件
- Unit 7 Good memories
- Unit 7 part A 六年级.ppt--点击预览
- 2022新深港朗文版六年级下册英语Unit4 Revisionppt课件
- Unit4 Revision教学课件
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- 2022新深港朗文版六年级下册英语Unit5 Active animalsppt课件
- Unit5 Active animals教学课件
- Unit5 Active animals教学课件.ppt--点击预览
Unit 1 Being politeLets chant.WeshouldntbreakAnyschoolrules.Todosoismostuncool.Weshouldntbesad.Letsbehappy.LetswalktogetherAndmakeitsnappy.SitinyourchairAndshareyourfood.Weshouldbepolite.Weshouldntberude.Wereintheweshould/shouldntWhenwereintheweshould/shouldntWhen were having class, we should we shouldnt When we walk in the corridors, we should we shouldnt When we play in the playground, we should we shouldnt When we read in the library, we should we shouldnt When we go swimming, we should we shouldnt talk to shake handshug peopleMeetingnewpeopleAnsweringthephonesay, “Hello”take a messagewalkingonbusystreetsdont pushExcuse me.Waitingforabusline updont run and dont pushmeetnewpeopleanswerthephonewalkonbusystreetswaitforabusDearPat,YouregoingtostudyinEngland.Whenyoumeetolderpeople,youcan_()withthemand_()them.Youcan_()yourfriends,too.Whenyouanswerthephone,first,say,_()Then_.()Whenyouwalkonbusystreets,dont_.()Youshould_,“_.”()Whenyouwaitforbus,youshould_()Whenthebuscomes,dont_()or_.()Dontworryaboutit,Pat.Imsureyoullbefine.Lotsoflove,Markshake handstalk to hug“Hello.”takea messagepushsay Excuse meline uprunpushLets chant.Iminaforeigncitywithbusystreets.Therearelotsofpeopleandthingstoeat.Wow!Thesethingsareallverynew.WhatdoIsayandwhatdoIdo?Say,“Excuseme,”and“Pardon,”And“Nicetomeetyou.”Takemessages,shakehandsAndcloseyourmouthwhenyouchew.Say,“Please,”and“Thankyou,”Andlineup,too.Whenyouarepolitetoothers,Theyllbepolitetoyou,too.Being politeWhenwemeet friends,wecanhugthem.Whenwemeet older people,weshouldshakehandswiththemandsay,“Mynames.Itsnicetomeetyou.”Whenwemeet younger people,wecanwaveandsay,“Hi,Im.”Whenwewalk on busy streets,dontpush,weshouldsay,“Excuseme.”Whenwewait for the bus,weshouldlineup.Whenthebus comes,dontpushorrun.Whenweanswer the phone,first,say,“Hello.”Thentakeamessage.B1: A short play.B2:Bobistalkingonthephone.Listenandanswerthefollowingquestions:(1)Whomadethecall?(2)Whodidthecallaskfor?(3)WereBobsdadandmumathome?(4)WhatdidBobdothen?(5)Whatwasthephoneabout?(6)IsBobapoliteboy?DadandMumAuntMollythetrainarrivesat10:00am.Mr.GreenMr.Jimwantstoplaychesswithyou4:00pm,FridayMrs.GreenMissZhaocantmeetyoutodayshehasafeverBobTimcantplaybasketballtomorrowwillhaveatestonMondayThismeansweshouldbenicetootherpeople.WhenWearenicetootherpeople,theyareusuallynicetous,too.Peopleliketoworkwith,playwithandtalktopolitepeople.C. A quiz. Are you polite? Why? When I I Sitdown,please. How polite are you? How polite are you? How polite are you?1.Oneday,youstayathome,thetelephonerings.Whenyouanswerthephone,youshouldsay,“”A.Whoareyou?B.Hello.C.Whatdoyouwant? How polite are you? How polite are you? How polite are you?2.WhenyourfriendKokoinvitesyoutoherbirthdayparty.Yousay,“”A.Letmethink.B.ThatsOK.C.Sure,Idloveto. How polite are you? How polite are you? How polite are you?3.Yourcousinisvisitingforaweek.Hewantstogototheparty.Whatshouldyoudo?A.Gotothepartytogether.B.Askyourcousintogohome.C.Say,“Imsorrybutyoucantgo.” How polite are you? How polite are you? How polite are you?4.Whenyouwanttoborrowyoursistershandbagtotheparty,youmaysay,“”A.CouldIuseyourhandbag?B.Doyouuseyourhandbag?C.Isthisyourhandbag? How polite are you? How polite are you? How polite are you?5.Yougotothepartybybus.Whenthebusiscoming,youA.lineupandwait.B.pushandstandfirst.C.sitdownonthestreet. How polite are you? How polite are you? How polite are you?6.Whenyougetonthebus,youA.runtothefirstseat.B.letoldpeoplesitdownfirst.C.pushpeopledown. How polite are you? How polite are you? How polite are you?7.YouloseyourwaytoKokoshome.Whenyouasktheway,yousay,“”A.Excuseme,wheresHongdaBuilding,please?B.Tellme,wheresHondaBuilding?C.HowcanIgettoHongdaBuilding? How polite are you? How polite are you? How polite are you?8.WhenyougettoKokoshome,yougivethepresenttoherandsay,“”A.Happybirthday,Koko!B.Hereyouare.C.Doyoulikeit? How polite are you? How polite are you? How polite are you?9.WhenyoumeetKokosdadandmumattheparty,youshouldA.lookatyourfeetandsay,“Hello.”B.waveandsay,“Whatsyourname?”C.shakehandsandsay,“Itsnicetomeetyou.” How polite are you? How polite are you? How polite are you?10.WhenKokointroduceyoutoherfriends,youshouldA.waveandsay,“Hi,itsgladtoseeyou.”B.shakehandsandsay,“Whatsyourname?”C.hugthemandsay,“Howoldareyou?” How polite are you? How polite are you? How polite are you?11.Whenyourfriendssay,“Yourdressisverynice!”Youshouldsay,“”A.Dontsaythat.B.Thankyou.C.Youreright. How polite are you? How polite are you? How polite are you?12.Whenyoutalktonewpeople,youmaysay,“”A.Hi,whatareyoudoinghere?B.Whyareyousittingherealone?C.Itsabeautifulday,isntit? How polite are you? How polite are you? How polite are you?13.Whenyoudonthearsomething,youmaysay,“”A.Whatdidyousay?B.Pleasesayitagain.C.Pardonme? How polite are you? How polite are you? How polite are you?14.Whenyouhavedinner,howshouldyouusethenapkin(餐巾)?A.Putinonthetable.B.Putitonyourleg.C.Holditinyourhand. How polite are you? How polite are you? How polite are you?15.Whenyouhaveabeefsteak(牛排),howshouldyouusetheforkandtheknife?A.Takethefoodwithyourhands.B.Lefthandtakesaforkandtherighthandtakesaknife.C.Lefthandtakesaknifeandtherighthandtakesafork. How polite are you? How polite are you? How polite are you?16.Whenyouareeatingatthetable,youwanttosneeze,youshouldsay,“”A.Hi!B.Sorry.C.Excuseme. How polite are you? How polite are you? How polite are you?17.Whenyouwanttohaveabreakwhileyouareeating,whatshouldyoudo?A.Puttheknifeandtheforkontheplate.B.Puttheknifeandtheforkonthetable.C.Leavethetable. How polite are you? How polite are you? How polite are you?18.Whenyouhavesomebadfood,youshouldA.telleveryoneatthetable.B.spit(吐)thefoodontheplate.C.spitthefoodonthefloor. How polite are you? How polite are you? How polite are you?19.Whenyourefull,butyourfriendwantsyoutohavemorefood,youmaysay,“”A.Ok,Illhaveitlater.B.No,Idontwantthat.C.No,thanks.Imfull. How polite are you? How polite are you? How polite are you?20.Thepartyisover.Whenyouleave,youshouldA.sayGood-byetoKokoandthankforherinvitation(邀请).B.telleveryonethatyouregoing.C.goawaywithout(没有)tellinganyone. How polite are you? How polite are you? How polite are you?Howdidyoudo?060:Youarenotpolite!6580:ThatsOK,butyoucanbemorepolite.85100:Youareverypolite.Goodforyou!E. Can you say it?This is Jane. She was born in June.She likes joking And drinking orange juice too.This is GeorgeHe likes young giraffes.He has yellow hair.He always yawns in class. June1.Whatisthetextabout?2.Whydoweshakehands?3.Whendoweshakehands?4.Alongtimeago,whatdidshakehandsmean?5.Whatdoesshakehandsmeantoday?allovertheworldfordifferentreasonsduringspecialholidaysmakeadealwanttodosthinonessleeveshand-shakingasighofpeacehavetoworryaboutWemeetnewpeople.Businesspeoplemakeadeal.Athletesplayagame. peace and friendshipDearAlice,IwillhaveabirthdaypartyonSaturday.WhenAfriendgivesmeanuglygift,whatshouldIdo?JDearJ,Takeyourfriendsgiftbutdonotsayanything.Thisisthebest.AliceDearJ,whenafriendgivesyouanuglygift,say,“Thisisugly.Idontlikeit!”andrunaway.Alice.DearJ,Takeyourfriendsgiftandsay,“Thankyou.Thatsveryniceofyou.”Yourfriendwillbehappy.Alice DearTom,MyfriendwillhaveabirthdaypartythisSaturday.Ihaveagiftfrommybirthdaylastyear.CanIgiveittomyfriend?S- cannotgiveanoldgift- maybe/sawthegift- maybe/gaveyouthegiftlastyear- buy/newgiftDearS,_DearTom,MyfriendwillhaveabirthdaypartythisSaturday.Icannotgo.WhatshouldIdo?T- talktoyourfriend- say,“ThankyoubutIcantcometoyourparty.”- giveyourfriend/birthdaycard/gift.DearTom,MyfriendwillhaveabirthdaypartythisSaturday.Mycousinisvisitingforaweekandwantstocometotheparty.WhatshouldIdo?V- talktoyourcousin- say,“Imsorrybutyoucantcome.”- bringsomebirthdaycakeforyourcousin.Unit 2 A fire can happen when youre sleeping at home.When you You should hear the alarm/ get up quicklyWhen you dont leave the room/ not take your thingsWhen you dont You should not take the lift/ walk down the stairs quicklyWhen you You should get out of the building/ call 119a firemantwo firemenWhen They firemen come/ put out the fireWhen you/they dont You should hear the fire alarm/get up quicklyleave the room/not take your thingsnot take the lift/walk down the stairs quicklyget out of the building/call 119firemen come/put out of the fireMake a report on “Fire and safety”.Listen and chant.Turn off the TVAnd hang up your clothes.Dont play with matchesOr near the stove.Call 119When you get out.Try not to runScream or shout.If theres a fire,Get up and go.But dont take the liftAnd dont be slow.Wait for the firemen.They know what to do.Soon the fire will be outAnd you can say “Thank you.”When I I heard the alarm/ got up quicklyWhen I didnt left the room/ not take my thingsWhen I didnt not take the lift/ walked down the stairs quicklyWhen I I got out of the building/ called 119When They firemen came/ put out the fireVerbs in the past tense:hear walk talk call happen wait visit getleavetakecomebecomeputcanheardwalkedtalkedcalledhappenedwaitedvisitedgotlefttookcamebecameputcouldWhen I /they didnt heard the fire alarm/got up quicklyleft the room/not take your thingsnot take the lift/walked down the stairs quicklygot out of the building/called 119firemen came/put out of the fireWhen I was young, I couldnt play with candlesmatchesfirecrackersWhen I was young, I couldnt play with When I was young, I couldnt play in the kitchencookWhen I was young, I didnt put clothes on lamps or heatersShareyourmemory of childhoodWhat were your safety rules when you were young? When I was young, one/ twoyears old,I could/ couldnt did/ didnt A firemans visit(1) How old were you when you became a fireman?(2) When do you usually work?(3) What do you do when there are no fires?(4) When we call 119, do you answer the phone? (5) When theres a fire, what do you do?I was 21 when I became a fireman.We usually work from 7 am to 7 pm or from 7 pm to 7 am.We clean and fix our equipment. We also train for about one hour each day.No, when you call 119, someone else answers the phone. They arent firemen.We quickly get into the fire truck. We want to stop the fire when its small.Learn the new words, phrases and sentence patternsquestion: ask sb. some questionsbecome became: became a firemanfrom to : from 7 am to 7 pmfix our equipmenttrain: We train for about one hour each day.someone else get into the fire truckwant to do sth.stop the firethank sb. for doing sth. This is Bob.Wearing his socks.Heres his cock.Sitting on a clock.The boy is tall.The socks are long.The cock is small.But its very strong.Can you say it?1. What is the text about?2. When did people start to use fire?3. Why is fire useful?4. Why is fire dangerous? 5. What should we do with fire?start to do sthbegin to do sthat firstraw meata good firekeep sth awaychange our futurebe usefulcook sth on a firehunt at nightWhen a typhoon comes, we should/ shouldnt Typhoon safety when/ typhoon comes/ go inside/ safe when/ typhoon comes/ not go outside/ dangerous when/ typhoon comes/ put plants/ pets inside/ not/ leave outside when/ typhoon comes/ close windows/ doors not stand near windows use mobile phone/ not use home phoneFire safety at schoolFire safety at home When/ science class/ be careful When/ fire drill/ watch and listen carefully when/ leave school/ turn off all lights, fans or heaters not bring/ candles/ lanterns not put/ clothes or bags/ on lamps, fans or heaters When/ young cousins visit/ not let them see candles or matches When/ kitchen/ not stand near the stove turn off the stove/ when/ not in the kitchen keep the stove clean when/ cook/ not have towels near the stoveFunctions: 学生通过本课的学习后,能具备一定的购物常识,了解本市大型综合购物场所的地址、货品类型,掌握评价商品和挑选商品的交际用语,以满足自己的购物需求。Language Focus: Make comments on products.The usage of too, either and enough.1. Its but its too 2. I dont like it, either.3. (adj.) enough. / enough (noun) Ill take this one. / Ill get this one. Topic Vocabulary: Stationery: dictionary, notebook, diary, calendar. Adjectives: expensive, cheap, thick, foreign .本单元教学要求和教学建议本单元教学要求和教学建议Periods Arrangement Period 1: A Period 2: B1 + G Period 3: B2 + B3 Period 4: C + D Period 5: E + H + WB Period 6:Revision & F Period 7: I + WB Period 8: J + WBPeriod 1: Part A 1. Stationery. 2. Adjective antonyms. 3. Students can compare and describe the stationery with adjective antonyms.Teaching stepsTeaching steps1 . Lead-in: (1). Set up a scene: Pat is reading a passage but there are many new words. She cant understand it well. Here is one of the sentences:” The sea lay like an unbroken mirror around the pine-girt, lonely shores of Orrs Island.” (2). Write the sentence on board, ask Ss to read. Who can understand it? Can you help Pat to read? Ss dont know these words either. (3). Discussion: Ss discuss the solution. Solution: Buy a dictionary!2. Presentation:(1) . Present a picture of the Foreign Language Bookshop. (2). Bring a big and a small dictionary to the class. The thin one has fewer words, while the thick one has more words. Which one should I get?(3). Lets have a look at other stationery. Teach the new words and review some adjectives. Write on board: I want I have I need 3. Practice:3. Practice: (1) .Use Kingsun or Koko, Ss listen, repeat and read. (2).Complete the dialogue on P21.(3). Pair work: Ss take out theirs own stuff, make dialogues. 4. Summary:4. Summary: (1). Revise the adjectives antonyms. Prompt Ss to think more antonyms.(2). The opposite game (memory game). Use the antonyms to make opposite sentences. 5. Workbook P. 1718.5. Workbook P. 1718.expensive cheapI want to buy a watch.I have an expensive watch. I need a cheap watch. 580045I want to go to the Foreign Language Bookshop.I have a small dictionary.It doesnt have many words.smallI need a bigger one.This big dictionary has many words.bigForeign Language Bookshop diarynew oldI want to buy a _.I have an _ now. I need a _.diaryold diarynew diaryI want to buy a _.I have a _ now. I need a _. thick thinnotebooksnotebookthin notebookthick notebookbeautiful uglyI want to buy a _.I have an _ now. I need a _.calendarcalendarugly calendarbeautiful calendar1. What do they need?2. Why do they want to buy? good - bad happy - sadbig - small huge - tinyhigh / loud - low fast / quick - slowlong / tall - short thick / fat - thinnew / young - old clever - stupidbeautiful / pretty - ugly funny - dullhot - cold warm - cooltrue - false noisy - quietfull-empty right - wrongclean - dirty messy-tidyrich - poor busy - freesmooth - rough bright - darkuseful - useless heavy - lighthelpful - helpless careful - carelessinteresting - boring lazy - hard-workingThe opposite gameIm tall. You are short.This computer is expensive. That computer is cheap. The curtain is smooth. That curtain is rough.This lunch box is clean. That lunch box is dirty. Class one is quiet. Class two is noisy. Period 2: Part B1 & G1. Do you like? How about the one? I like but its too Ill take that one. 2. Review the previous dialogues of shopping.3. Ask about others comment on goods when making choices.1. Warming-up (1). Part-time Job Wanted: Shop-assistant. Have an interview with the student shop-assistant. The student sells, the teacher acts as