
上传人(卖家):淡淡的紫竹语嫣 文档编号:2057026 上传时间:2022-01-26 格式:DOC 页数:14 大小:67KB
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1、雅思写作单句练习第一组 10 词内单句1. Some students earn some extra cash from part-time jobs.学生们可以通过兼职工作赚到一些零用钱。核心结构:Aearn some extra money from B A 从 B 处赚得零用钱注:extra cash=pocket-money2. Industrial particulates are mortally detrimental to ones physique.工业悬浮颗粒对人的身体有致命伤害。核心结:Abe mortally detrimental to BA 对 B 有致命危害3.

2、 Some parents feel hemmed-in by their daily routines.很多父母感觉他们被工作束缚住了。核心结构:Afeel hemmed-in by BA 感觉受到 B 的牵制(束缚)4. Give-and-take is common in any relationship.付出与给予是人类社会中的一种普遍关系。核心结构:Abe common in any relationship A 是人类社会中的一种普遍关系5. Youngsters are given to making mistakes.年轻人一定会犯错误。核心结构:Abe given to do

3、ing A 一定会(做) 。6. Scientific developments have been fast and furious.科技发展业已一日千里。核心结构:Abe fast and furiousA 一日千里。7. In the abstract, women are more easy-going.从理论上来说,女性更加和蔼。核心结构:in the abstract 从理论上来说8.Aviolent area is always the locus of poverty.一个充斥着暴力的地区总是贫困地区。核心结构:locus 地点9. It is too moralistic t

4、o condemn new lifestyles.谴责新的生活方式未免有些上纲上线。核心结构:1. it is moralistic to do(做某事)显得上纲上线。2. condemn 谴责10. The paranormal can be rarely explained.超自然现象很难得到解释。核心结构:1.Acan be rarely explained A 很难得到解释。2. paranormal 超自然的/ 超自然事物11. Retirees are always unprepared for the oncoming boredom.核心结构:退休者对于即将到来的枯燥生活总是毫

5、无准备。1.Abe unprepared for BA 对于 B 毫无准备。2. oncoming 即将到来的12. Massacres are often done by those unprepossessing loners.大屠杀的实行者总是那些不为人所注意的孤独者。核心结构:unprepossessing 不为人所注意(关注)的13. The suggestion is weighted against average students.这个建议不利于一般学生。核心结构:Abe weighted against B A 不利于 B注:Abe weighted against B 所表

6、示的“不利结果”是深思熟虑后得出来的。14. Conservative people are rather wedded to traditions.保守的人总是遵循传统。核心结构:Abe wedded to BA 遵循 B“遵循”的其它表达方式:follow/ observe/ adhere to/ stick to/ abide by15. The reason is not valid.这个理由站不住脚。核心结构:valid 站得住脚的16. The upshot would be win-win.结果将是双赢的。核心结构:1. upshot 结果2. win-win 双赢的17. Th

7、e criticism is trenchant indeed.这个批评的确是一针见血.核心结构:trenchant 一针见血的18. Trials and tribulations always lead us to success.历练与苦难总是会引导我们走向成功。核心结构:trials and tribulations 历练与苦难19. It is nothing but a piece of excuse.这不过是一个借口。核心结构:Abe nothing but BA 不过是 B 而已。20. Fairness is the keystone of legislation.公平是立法

8、的基础。核心结构:keystone 基础21. Dying patients are not loath to end their lives.垂死的病人情愿结束他们的生命。核心结构:Abe not loath to doA 情愿(做某事)注:Abe loath to do A 勉强(做某事)22. I obsess over those disabled children.我非常关注那些残疾儿童。核心结构:Aobsess over B A 关注 B“关注”的其它结构: A be preoccupied with B/ Aconcentrate on B/ A be engrossed in

9、B(通常指对于工作与学业的关注)/ Abe dedicated to B(通常翻译为 A 致力于 B)23. We must bring perpetrators to justice.我们必须将违法者绳之以法。核心结构:Abring B to justice A 将 B 绳之以法。24. I cannot tolerate the permissiveness in education.我无法容忍在教育当中出现的纵容行为。核心结构:permissiveness 纵容行为25. In the face of a plurality of cultures, I feel befuddled.面

10、对各种各样的文化概念,我感觉头晕目眩。核心结构:1. in the face of 面对2. a plurality of 各种各样的3. befuddled 头晕目眩(文气用法,通常指对概念与观点的茫然、不知所措)26. Torrents of youngsters flood into universities in frenzy.如潮水一般的年轻人疯狂的涌入大学。核心结构:1.Aflood into BA 涌入 B2. in frenzy 疯狂的(副词结构)27. Teachers tend to be magisterial.教师们总会有些专横跋扈。核心结构:1.Atend to do

11、 A 倾向于(做)2. magisterial 专横跋扈的、权威的(反语或幽默说法)28. When put in public eyes, the problem is magnified.在公众的眼中,问题总会被放大。核心结构:1.Aput B in public eyes A 将 B 置于公众视线当中。2. magnify 放大(动词)29. Offstage, celebrities do not behave differently from commoners.在日常生活中,名人与普通人的表现并无不同。核心结构:offstage 在台下、在日常生活中(副词结构)注:offstage

12、 的原意是演员为上场前的状态。其实,人生也是一场戏。在台上、在公众面前,人总是会尽量表示出自己优雅、博学、幽默的一面(社会属性) ,虽然很少有人真正具备这些素质。在台下,我们总是会回归自己的真实属性(自然属性) 。难怪先古哲学家苏格拉底讲“人类的全部知识都是隐藏人类自身局限性与愚蠢的知识,我们很少能够解释真实的生活。”多么 cynical(犬儒主义的、秉持怀疑论的)的一个哲人啊!30. The rupture between two generations is caused by communication failure.两代人之间的隔阂是有沟通不畅造成的。核心结构:rupture 隔阂注

13、:rupture 的原意是“断裂”。它最早被借用表示抽象关系还是在哲学专著论道德的谱系中。记得在 4 年前,北大的一些文学博士曾经拿周星驰的电影风格说事,讲他的电影是后现代主义风格。他们英文论文中曾有一个句子“His works mark the rupture between industrial andsurrealistic works.”(他的作品标志着工业电影与超现实主义电影的断裂) 。后来据星星自己讲“我就是想拍电影,没想成什么后现代主义大师。”31. Much of pressure is self-inflicted.很多的压力都是自己强加的。核心结构:self-inflict

14、ed 自己强加的32. Many of trendsetters were not pioneers in their childhood.很多先驱者在他们的童年期并不是领袖。核心结构:trendsetter 先驱者注:trend 本意为趋势,setter 可理解为创造者。可谓“时势造英雄、英雄造时势”。33. Trepidation is usually caused by inferiority complex.恐慌感总是由自卑造成的。核心结构:1. trepidation 恐慌2. inferiority complex 自卑感(情结)注:complex 的形容词意为复杂的,名词为情结(

15、心理学词汇) 。复杂就是纠结、情结也是纠结。就是没事和自己较劲!34. It is hard for us to figure out the definition on an infant prodigy.我们很难得出天才儿童的定义。核心结构:1. figure out 得出2. infant prodigy 天才儿童注:中国古代有个名篇叫伤仲永 ,不知大家看过没有?文中的 protagonist(主人公)小小年纪就可以写 poem(诗) ,也许还能写 acrostics(藏头、尾诗) 。我小的时候只勉强写过几首 doggerel(打油诗、歪诗) 。35. No measures are i

16、nfallible.方法没有绝对无误的。核心结构:infallible 绝对无误的。36. Ones childhood and adulthood are inextricable.一个人的童年期与成年期是不能分割的。核心结构:inextricable 不能分割的37. Some youngsters may commit crimes without rhyme or reason.一些年轻人会无缘无故的犯罪。核心结构:without rhyme or reason 无缘无故地(副词结构)38. Human society develops invariably to a better s

17、tate.人类社会总是向好的方向发展。核心结构:1. invariably 总是2. a better state 一个好的状态注:大家看过 The Day After Tomorrow 吗?最近几年气候怪异,地球总发脾气。希望大家能够热爱地球,少用纸巾(facial tissue) 、多用手绢(handkerchief)。注意环境保护(environmentalprotection)。否则说不定世界末日(Armageddon)很快就来了。39. Rampant hackers are proud of attacking PCs skillfully.猖獗的黑客以能够娴熟的攻击个人电脑为骄傲

18、。核心结构:1. rampant hacker 猖獗的黑客2.Abe proud of BA 以 B 为荣注:很多的网络犯罪(cyber-crimes)不以为耻、反以为荣(see a crime as a pride)。不过,大家还是要小心被“烧香”。40. In an extended family, sibling rivalry is rather obvious.在一个大家庭中,兄弟姐妹间的对立是很明显的。核心结构:1. extended family 大家庭2. sibling rivalry 兄弟姐妹间的对立注:不知大家是生长在大家庭(extended families 由三代或三

19、代以上的人所组成的家庭。看过我爱我家没有?对!就是这种!太准确了!)还是小家庭(nuclear families 由两代人组成的家庭)中?不过肯定不是丁克家庭(Dink, 由两个冷酷的上班族所组成的无小孩家庭。 )就对了。41. Many of traditional beliefs are erased by new ones.很多的传统观念因新观念的出现而消失了。核心结构:erase 擦除42. While inveighing against the phenomenon, we must figure out solutions.在抱怨这种现象的时候,我们必须得出解决方法。核心结构:i

20、nveigh against 抱怨、批评(有亵渎意味)43. Some inveterate liars are born and brought up in violent families.很多有撒谎习惯的人都生长在暴力家庭中。核心结构:inveterate liar 习惯撒谎的人注:大家看过皮诺曹(Pinocchio)的故事吗?44. Modern buildings are always pale in comparison to ancient ones.与传统建筑相比,现代建筑显得那么苍白。核心结构:in comparison to A 与 A 相比45. Large rambli

21、ng buildings are piled in cities.高大的、杂乱的建筑被堆砌在城市当中。核心结构:rambling 杂乱的注:东京和上海没有什么区别。京都和北京有很大区别。小日本对于传统建筑的保护还是很有一套的。46.Aseries of ramifications are bound to be found.核心结构:一系列的后果定会接踵而来。1. a series of 一系列的2. ramification 后果3. be bound to do 一定会47. Ones idiosyncrasies always developed from his childhood.一

22、个人的嗜好总是从他的童年期发展而来的。核心结构:idiosyncrasy 嗜好注: 朱军的童年嗜好一定是看悲剧片。 他的 艺术人生 就是一个典型。 非把嘉宾、 观众(电视里、电视外)弄哭。非把美好的回忆弄成悲剧、赚足眼泪!太没教养!导演、策划、主持人一起没教养!48. Ones socialization may be encumbered by a multitude of factors.一个人融入社会的过程可能会受到很多因素的制约。核心结构:1. encumber 阻碍2. a multitude of 很多的“很多的”其它结构:multifarious/ various/ a vari

23、ety of / multifarious49. Violent crimes are especially rambunctious in under-developed areas.在贫困地区,暴力犯罪尤其猖獗。核心结构:rambunctious 猖獗的注:美国有个纽约(又叫 Big Apple) ,它由曼哈顿(Manhattan) 、布鲁克林(Brooklyn) 、皇后区(Queens) 、布郎克斯(Bronx)和斯塔滕岛(Staten Island)五个区(Five Boroughs)组成。其中的布鲁克林就曾经是一个暴力犯罪 rambunctious 地区。50. Ones savoi

24、r-faire is of vital importance to his success.对于一个人的成功而言,社会能力至关重要。核心结构:1. savoir-fair 社会能力2.Abe of vital importance to BA 对 B 至关重要。第二组 10-20 词单句In developed areas, neither does the number of population decline nor inclines drastically.在发达地区,人口数量既没有答复下降,也没有答复上升。核心结构:drastically大幅度地2. The values, life

25、styles, and behavioral ways of rich youngsters have chilling echoes of their poorpeers.富裕阶层年人的价值观、 生活方式与行为方式与那些来自贫困阶层的同龄人相比与很大的不同。核心结构:Ahave chilling echoes of B A 与 B 有很大不同。3. Feeling dispirited with reality, many of youngsters prefer escapism.对于现实感到绝望,很多年轻人现在都选择了逃避主意。核心结构:1.Afeel dispirited with B

26、 A 对 B 没有信心。2.Aprefer B A 选择 B3. escapism 逃避主义注:中国的诗歌文学大体上是“失败者文学”。在众多佳篇中,陶渊明的“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”很好的解释了避世主义思想。4. Choosing to be self-employed and unemployed has become the ways for youngsters to keepaway from office politics.选择自由职业或失业已经成为了年轻人远离办公室政治的手段核心结构:office politics 办公室政治5. In a trainee-led class, s

27、tudents may be dismissive of their teachers orders and, therefore, maketeaching activities out of order.在一个以受训者为引导的课堂当中, 学生们可能会对教师的命令不理不睬, 并使得教学活动失去秩序。核心结构:1.Abe dismissive of B A 对 B 不理睬2.Amake B out of orderA 使得 B 失去秩序6. Against sticky Muzak, passengers are becoming drowsy in stuffy compartments a

28、nd, moreridiculously, never fall asleep successfully.听着索然无味的背景音乐,乘客们在不透气的车厢里变得昏昏欲睡。更荒唐的是,他们从未成功入睡。核心结构:Muzak 背景音乐7. Public interest in charitable undertaking is in danger of petering out.核心结构:1.Abe in danger of BA 处于 B 的危险之中2. peter out消失8. Food, medical facilities, and teaching staff are always und

29、er-resourced in remote areas.在偏远地区,食物、医疗设施以及教学人员总是数量不足。核心结构:under-resourced 供应不足的9. In face of the deterioration of public morality, we should abnegate ourselves first and anycommentaries without actions are superfluous.面对公众道德沦丧现象的时候,我们应该首先自律。任何没有行动的评论都是多余的。核心结构:1. abnegate 自律2. commentary 评论3. supe

30、rfluous 多余的10. While attacking those supine journalists, we must be firstly aware that being loyal togovernments is the precondition for them to survive.在攻击那些懒惰的记者的同时,我们必须首先意识到对于政府的忠诚是记者们生存的前提。核心结构:1. supine journalist 懒惰的记者2. be aware that 意识到3.Abe loyal to BA 对 B 忠诚4. precondition 前提注:前提的表达方式: pre

31、mise/ prerequisite/ precondition11. After the artistic disciplining like dancing or performing, ones deportment will becomeobviously graceful.在学习了类似舞蹈和表演这样的艺术课程后,一个人的气质会明显变得优雅。核心结构:deportment 气质、举止、仪态12. Frequent edifying conversations can well enlighten children.经常性的启迪性对话可以很好的启蒙儿童。核心结构:edifying 具有启

32、迪性的13. Dancing against strong rhythm, youngsters are pulsating with excitement in pubs.伴随着强劲的节奏,年轻人们在酒吧里发狂的跳动。核心结构:pulsate 跳动14. In the course of urbanization, thousands acres of farming lands have become factories on theperiphery of cities.在城市化过程中,数千顷城市周边的农用地已经成为了工厂。核心结构:1. urbanization 城市化2. perip

33、hery 周边的、外围的15. The aged, especially those from empty-nest families, are in eager need for reassurance.老年人,尤其是那些来自于空巢家庭的老年人,急需安慰核心结构:1. empty-nest family 空巢家庭2.Abe in eager need for B A 急需 B3. reassurance 保证、安慰注:“空巢家庭”对于我们是一个较新的概念,它通常指代无子女家庭。无子女有三种状态,一种是老龄化的 DINK 家庭, 第二种是因为子女外出求学、 组建新的家庭、 或工作而造成的、最后

34、一种则是由丧子造成的。以目前的情况看,中国未来的空巢家庭会越来越多。也许政府应该鼓励、组织空巢家庭间的聚会以缓解留守老人的孤独感(the sense of loneliness)和空虚感(the sense of emptiness)。16. The saddest episodes in ones tormented life really teach a person a lot.在饱受风霜的生活中,最悲惨的生活片断往往会教会一个人很多。核心结构:1. episode 片段2. tormented 受折磨的17.According to my own experience, ones su

35、ccess is extraneous to his educational level.根据我的个人经验,一个人的成功往往与他的受教育水平毫不相关。核心结构:Abe extraneous to BA 与 B 毫不相关18. Not pessimistically, violent crimes cannot be exterminated in urban areas as long as socialgaps are not bridged.不悲观的来说,只要社会差距不被弥合,城市地区的暴力犯罪就不会被根除。核心结构:1. pessimistically 悲观地(副词)2. extermi

36、nate 根除注:根除的表达方式 eradicate/ root out/ exterminate19. Extramural activities, if well-organized, are decisive for studentssuccessful socialization.假如组织得当,校外活动对于孩子的社会化进程将起到关键作用。核心结构:extramural activity 校外活动20. When feeling scandalized by domestic violence, I feel necessary to probe into the root causes

37、to this phenomenon.在对家庭暴力感到极度反感的共识,我感觉有必要深入分析一下这种现象的根本原因。核心结构:1.Afeel scandalized by BA 对 B 感到极度反感2.Aprobe into BA 深入分析 B21. The measure of educating highly-intelligent children separately may suffocate averagestudentsaspiration for their successful life.单独教育高智商儿童的方式可能会扼杀普通学生对于成功生活的渴望。核心结构:Asuffocat

38、e BA 使 B 窒息、A 扼杀 B22. Looking into the recent cases of campus massacres, we can find that the attacks were alwayspremeditated.深入研究最近的校园流血事件,我们可以发现最近的一系列袭击都是有预谋的。核心结构:premeditate 预谋(动词)23. Being mentally immature and sociably inexperienced, many of youngsters are easy to bedeceived by subterfuges.由于心

39、理上的不成熟和社会经验的缺乏,一些年轻人很容易被假话欺骗。核心结构:1. mentally immature 心理上不成熟的2.Abe deceived by BA 被 B 蒙骗3. subterfuge 假话、借口24. In the vicinity of urban areas, the public facilities like medical and teaching organizations arestill short of well-trained professionals.在城市周边地区,医院及教学机构等公众设施仍然缺乏训练有素的专业人才。核心结构:1.Abe in t

40、he vicinity of BA 在 B 的周边2.Abe short of BA 缺少 B25. The vicissitudes of communication ways are gradually making the aged marginalized andgeneration gaps widened.交流方式的变迁正在使得老年人边缘化、代沟加深。核心结构:1. vicissitude 变迁2. marginalized 被边缘化的注:落日余晖下(in the afterglow),我们总会看到一些老人百无聊赖的(in ennui)坐在小区的某个阴凉处( shady place

41、s)、茫然的(blindly)注视着过往的行人(passers-by)。他们不主动与行人交流、 也不奢望行人停下来与他们交流, 因为主流社会与“被边缘化社会”之间几乎没有交集。26. Many of youngsters are proud of telling ribald jokes and regard it as a sign of maturity.一些年轻人以讲下流笑话为骄傲,因为他们认为这是一种成熟的象征。核心结构:ribald joke 下流笑话注:这些孩子也许是受到了他们父辈或父辈朋友的影响。社交酒局还是少带孩子去为好。社会虽然并不干净,但还是得让孩子心灵纯洁一阵儿。27.

42、The results of campus poll will be skewed since the voters are always well skimmed off andthose average ones are excluded on purpose.校园选举的结果总是不公正的, 因为投票者总是经过精挑细选的。 那些普通学生总是被故意排斥在外。核心结构:1. campus poll 校园选举2. skew 歪斜的3. skim off 优中选优4. on purpose 故意(副词结构)28. It is inhuman to tame wild animals and cage

43、 them in zoos permanently.驯服野生动物并将他们永久关在动物园力的做法是不人道的。核心结构:1. It is inhuman to (do)做是不人道的2. tame 驯服3. cage 笼子(名词) 、关住(动词)4. permanently 永久性的、终身性的29.Although in the habit of being obsequious, pets may attack their owners all of a sudden.核心结构:虽然习惯于献媚,但宠物有可能突然袭击他们的主人。1.Abe in the habit of doing A 有做的习惯2

44、. obsequious 献媚的3. all of a sudden 忽然地(副词结构、通常置于句尾)30. The generality of office ladies have had the idea of returning to their families and beinghouse-wives.核心结构:绝大多数的职业女性都曾经有过回归家庭、安心当家庭主妇的想法。1. the generality of 绝大多数的31. Urbanization, although seeming to be an irreversible result of population grow

45、th, is caused byboth gentrification and industrialization in fact.城市化现象,虽然看起来是人口增长的必然结果,事实上是由士绅化与工业化所造成的。核心结构:1. an irreversible result 一个不可逆转(必然)的结果2. gentrification 士绅化3. industrialization 工业化注:最近 4 年,中国的房地产发展在价格上、区域上、概念炒作上都到达了令人瞠目结舌的地步。 城市中心的住宅不断翻新、 价格也是一路高歌猛进。 有钱阶层占据了城市的心脏位置,以前在这里居住的人可以得到一些补偿费,

46、然后他们搬到了城市的周边地区。 那么城市周边地区的人怎么办?往乡村搬!这就是士绅阶层对城市化进程所施加的影响。32. Driven by envy and vanity, the idea of making money by fair means or foul will naturallygerminate in a poor girls mind.受到嫉妒心与虚荣心的驱使,不择手段赚钱的想法会很自然的在贫穷女孩的头脑中萌芽。核心结构:1.Abe driven by BA 被 B 驱使2. envy and vanity 嫉妒心与虚荣心3. by fair means or foul 不择

47、手段地(副词结构)4. germinate 萌芽33. The phenomenon of gerontocracy has existed for millennia because the young are accustomedto following the aged.因为年轻人习惯于跟从老年人,所以老年政权现象得以存在了几个世纪的时间。核心结构:1. gerontocracy 老年政权2.Abe accustomed to (doing) A 习惯于做34. Youngsters observe that the marital relationship of their paren

48、ts is nothing but an emptycharade.年轻人发现他们父母之间的婚姻关系不过是一场没有实质内容的猜谜游戏。核心结构:1. marital relationship 婚姻关系2.Abe nothing but BA 不过是 B 而已3. an empty charade 一场没有实质内容的猜谜游戏35. Licenses are inactive in some situations in fact because youngsters desire to consume alcoholcan hardly be controlled.因为年轻人对于酒精类饮品的消费很

49、难被控制,所以,事实上,禁令在很多情况下是没有作用的。核心结构:Abe inactive in BA 在 B 当中是没有作用的36. Environmental protection did not become a contentious issue until the end of 1980s.直达 20 世纪 80 年代末,环境保护问题才成为了一个倍受争议的问题。核心结构:a contentious issue 一个倍受争议的问题37. The decadence of young offenders is always firstly caused by their families

50、and then society.少年犯的堕落首先是由他们的家庭造成的、然后才是由社会造成的。核心结构:decadence 堕落38. Most adults are unaware of the social contract they have been subject to since childhood.核心结构:很多成年人从少年时代起就不知道他们要受制于社会契约。1.Abe unaware of BA 不知道 B2.Abe subject to BA 受到 B 的限制注:“无规矩不成方圆”就是社会契约的最好概括。39. The generality of parents tend t


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