Module 3-Unit 1 We’ll go to the zoo.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:4040b)-外研版(一起)三年级下册英语.zip

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Will you take your ball tomorrow? 小学英语一起点三年级下册小学英语一起点三年级下册新标准外研版新标准外研版Book6 Module 5 Unit 1Letsing a song together.Letsing a song together.TodayTomorrowplans计划,打算计划,打算KittysKittys planplan KittysKittys planplan 1.1. Is Is sheshe goinggoing toto HongHong KongKong thisthis SaturdaySaturday? ?2.2. Is Is sheshe goinggoing toto HongHong KongKong thisthis SundaySunday? ?No,she isnt.No,she isnt.Are you going toHong kong thisSaturday?No, Im not.Imgoing to Hongkongthis Sunday.No, you cant.KittysKittys Why not?planplanKittysKittys planplanShe will go to Hong Kong on_.Monday= be going to =She is going to Hong Kong on Monday.plans计划,打算计划,打算KittysKittys planplan MrMr SmartsSmarts familyfamily planplan What are they going to do?Theyre going to _ .have a picnicMrMr SmartsSmarts F Familyamily p planlanYes! Thats a good idea!Will Amy take the kite to the picnic tomorrow?Will Amy take the ball tomorrow?MrMr SmartsSmarts F Familyamily p planlanNo, she wont.No, she wont.p26Why not?MrMr SmartsSmarts F Familyamily p planlanTomorrow is _.Theyre going on _.FridaySaturdayMrMr SmartsSmarts F Familyamily p planlanNowNow pleaseplease listen,listen, andand repeatrepeatthenthen givegive usus a a showshow! ! ReadRead inin roles.roles. OneOne isis Mr.Mr. Smart.Smart. OneOne isis Amy.Amy. OneOne isis Sam.Sam. OneOne isis Mrs.Mrs. SmartSmart.On Saturday,weregoing to have a picnic.Yes. That a good idea!Will you take your kiteto the picnic tomorrow?No, I wont.Will you take your ball tomorrow?Tomorrow is Friday.Were going on Saturday.RoleRole playplayNo, I wont.Why not?MrMr SmartsSmarts F Familyamily p planlanRead, match and order. Mr Smarts family are going to have a picnic.( ) A. On Saturday, Amy and Sam are going to have a picnic.( ) B. Why not? Tomorrow is Friday. Theyre going on Saturday!( ) C. Amy wont take her kite to the picnic tomorrow.( ) D. Amy wont take her ball tomorrow.Mr Smarts family planPracticePracticePairworkairworkA A:WillWill youyou taketake youryour _ toto thethe classroomclassroom onon _ ? ? B: Yes, I will./No, I wont.A A:WillWill youyou taketake youryour toto thethe classroomclassroom onon ? ? B: Yes, I will./No, I wont.PairworkairworkdogMondayB: Yes, I will./No, I wont.PairworkairworkA A:WillWill youyou taketake youryour toto thethe cinemacinema onon ? ? kiteTuesdayB: Yes, I will./No, I wont.PairworkairworkA A:WillWill youyou taketake youryour toto thethe triantrian onon ? ? firecrackersWednesdayB: Yes, I will./No, I wont.PairworkairworkA A:WillWill youyou taketake youryour toto HainanHainan onon ? ? coatThursdayB: Yes, I will./No, I wont.PairworkairworkA A:WillWill youyou taketake youryour toto thethe supermarketsupermarket onon ? ? ballFridayB: Yes, I will./No, I wont.PairworkairworkA A:WillWill youyou taketake youryour toto thethe airplaneairplane onon ? ? waterSaturdayB: Yes, I will./No, I wont.PairworkairworkA A:WillWill youyou taketake youryour toto thethe parkpark onon ? ? peachesSundayplans计划,打算计划,打算KittysKittys planplan MrMr SmartsSmarts familyfamily planplan MayMay DayDay planplans sMake travel plans! Find the beauty and enjoy our life! 做好旅行计划,去发现美好,享受生活!做好旅行计划,去发现美好,享受生活!On May Day, I will have a trip.MayMay DaysDays planplanHarbinBeijingChengduSanyaShanghaiWill you go to Taian on May Day?Will you go there by train?Will you eat fruit?Will you have a picnic?MayMay DaysDays planplanI will go to Beijing on May Day. I will go to Beijing by train on Wednesday. I will take water, bread, kite and my ID card. I will climb the Great Wall on Thursday. I will visit the Tiananmen square on Friday. I will visit the Summer Palace on Saturday. I will be back on Saturday evening. I will have a good trip.A:Will you go to xxx on May Day?B:Yes, we will./ No, we wont.A:Will you go there by train?B:Yes, we will./ No, we wont.A:Will you eat fruit?B:Yes, we will./ No, we wont.A:Will you have a picnic?B:Yes, we will./ No, we wont. have a picnic row a boatswim in the sea take pictures climb hills go to the parkride a bike go to the zooWords BankMayMay DaysDays planplanI will go to xxx on May Day. I will go to xxx by train. I will take. I will. I will have a good trip.SummarySummaryShe is going toAre you going to?Yes, I am./ No, I am not.I willWill you ?Yes, I am./ No I am not.1.Listen and repeat the dialogue. 2.Finish your plan.3.Do a survey in your family about May Day Holiday. HomeworkHomework Life is beautiful,make your travel plan to find the beauty. 生活很美,制定你的计划,生活很美,制定你的计划,去发现美!去发现美!小学英语三年级下册新标准一起点外研版小学英语三年级下册新标准一起点外研版Book6Book6 Module5Module5 Unit1Unit1 WillWill youyou taketake youryour ballball tomorrow?tomorrow?教学设计教学设计一、教案背景一、教案背景1.面向学生:小学2.学科:英语 新标准外研社 三年级 下学期3.课时:1二、教学内容:星期 6 爸爸要带 Amy 和 Sam 去野餐。Sam 一直在问 Amy 明天野餐准备带什么。Amy 总是摇头。原来明天才星期 5,Sam 当成星期 6 了,引得大家哈哈大笑。 三、教学对象 小学三年级学生 教学目标 四、语言知识目标 功能: 本节课主要是让学生学会运用将来时描述自己的计划,在创设情境、完成任务活动中操练学生的听、说、读、写综合素质。 语法(结构、句子):一般将来时: We are going to have a picnic . Will you take your kite tomorrow ? Yes, I will ./ No, I wont. 五、语言技能目标 听 能听懂 will 及一周七天的英语单词谈论的出行计划。 说 能够询问别人的打算,简单制定自己的计划并能够进行交谈。 读 能够看图熟练朗读课文中含有 will 表示将来计划的句子。 写 能够看图抄写出简单的计划: On Sunday Ill read my books . 六、情感目标: 培养学生的合作交流能力,教育学生做一个有计划,有条理的人。 七、学习策略目标:积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。 八、教学重点难点 重点:学习单词:picnic 句型:“Will you take your tomorrow?” “Yes , I will ./No ,I wont .” 难点:新单词相关语句在实际生活中的应用。 九、教学准备 单词卡片、画纸、盒子、音频资料、课件 十、 教学过程 Step1: Warming up 1.T: Class begins .Stand up . Good morning , boys and girls . Ss: Good morning , teacher . T: Sit down , please . You can call me Miss Zhang. T: Do you like singing ? Ss: Yes . T: Now , Lets singing . The song is . watch the video then sing together. (第一遍认真听;第二遍边听边做动作) 设计意图:教师与学生一起唱歌,复习以前所学的内容。根据歌曲,复习一周七天,并用一周七天的单词进行分组。这不仅为学生学习本课内容做了铺垫,而且让学生在歌曲中进入最佳学习状态。 2.Review the words (教师带孩子们根据 PPT 带学生朗读一遍) 设计意图:让学生回忆以前所学的单词,为下面的教学做铺垫。 Step2:presentation 1)T: 出示单词 Today,问:What day is today? Ss: Its Friday. T: 出示单词 tomorrow,根据自然拼读,用单词卡教授单词并问:What day is it tomorrow? 2)Talk about Kittys plan. 3) Talk about Mr. Smarts family plan. First listening:Answer:WhatWhat areare theythey goinggoing toto do?do?TheyreTheyre goinggoing toto _ T: Yes ,theyre going to have a picnic (野餐).(呈现单词卡 picnic). Read after me, picnic. Ss: picnic .(教读三遍) T: picnic . Show me your finger . (跟我一起拼写) p-i-c-n-i-c . SecondSecond listening:listening: WatchWatch thethe videovideo againagain thenthen answer:answer:WillWill AmyAmy taketake thethe kitekite toto thethe picnicpicnic tomorrow?tomorrow?WillWill AmyAmy taketake thethe ballball tomorrow?tomorrow?Third listening: Listen and repeat, then give us a showReadRead inin roles.roles. OneOne isis Mr.Mr. Smart.Smart. OneOne isis Amy.Amy. OneOne isis Sam.Sam. OneOne isis Mrs.Mrs. SmartSmart.Talk about their plan again then finish; MrMr SmartsSmarts familyfamily areare goinggoing toto havehave a a picnic.picnic.( ( ) ) A.A. OnOn Saturday,Saturday, AmyAmy andand SamSam areare goinggoing toto havehave a a picnic.picnic.( ( ) ) B.B. WhyWhy not?not? TomorrowTomorrow isis Friday.Friday. TheyreTheyre goinggoing onon Saturday!Saturday!( ( ) ) C.C. AmyAmy wontwont taketake herher kitekite toto thethe picnicpicnic tomorrow.tomorrow.( ( ) ) D.D. AmyAmy wontwont taketake herher ballball tomorrow.tomorrow.4)4) PracticePractice thethe sentences:sentences:A A:WillWill youyou taketake youryour _ toto thethe classroomclassroom onon _ ? ? B:B: Yes,Yes, I I will./No,will./No, I I wont.wont.5)5) TalkTalk aboutabout ourour MayMay DayDay plans.plans.FirstFirst talktalk aboutabout thethe teachersteachers plan.plan. TheThe teacherteacher showsshows thethe picture,picture, thenthen thethe studentsstudents askask questionsquestions like:like:WillWill youyou gogo toto TaianTaian onon MayMay Day?Day?WillWill youyou gogo therethere byby train?train?WillWill youyou eateat fruit?fruit?WillWill youyou havehave a a picnic?picnic?ThenThen talktalk aboutabout Ssplan.Ssplan. T: Were going to have a trip. Will you take your kite ?(拿图片问学生,然后板书) S1: 是的。(Yes , I will .) T: follow me , please . (Yes , I will .)(板书) S1: Yes , I will . T: Will you take your kite ? S2: 不想带。(No , I wont .) T: Read after me . (No , I wont .)(板书) T: All together . Read after me , please . Will you take your kite ? Ss: Will you take your kite ?(看着图片跟老师读) T: Yes , I will . Ss: Yes , I will .(看着黑板读) T: No , I wont . Ss: No , I wont .(看着黑板读) T: All together . You can ask me . Will you take your kite or ?Do you understand ? T: Ok . Listen to the tape . (听里面说了什么事?出现了我们刚才学的哪几个单词和句型并写下来) 设计意图:巧设生活情景,在生活情景中呈现教学内容的做法学生更易接受。教师让学生在对话中学习生词和新句型,避免了单纯的词汇训练可能造成的枯燥和局限性;听录音回答问题可以检查学生掌握的情况。 Step3:Practice T: Lets play a game . This is a box . There are many word cards in it . Pass it one by one and when I say“stop ” . The one who catch the box .Then she/he take out a word cards and show it . The whole class ask you : Will you take your ? You answer : Yes , I will ./ No , I won t . (盒子里有几张小纸条,当哪个学生拿到盒子时,要从里面抽出一张纸条打开看写的是什么,上讲台,老师在其背后拿出图片,让全班同学看着图片问讲台上的同学“Will you take your ?”如果是就回答“Yes , I will .”如果不是就回答“No , I wont . I will take a/an .”(回答自己抽到纸条上的东西) 设计意图:通过游戏的形式,可以让学生更好的运用所学的新单词、新句型。 Step4:Consoliation Summary: Step6:Homework 1.Listen1.Listen andand repeatrepeat thethe dialogue.dialogue. 2.Finish2.Finish youryour plan.plan.3.Do3.Do a a surveysurvey inin youryour familyfamily aboutabout MayMay DayDay Holiday.Holiday.板书设计 Module5 U1 will you take your ball tomorrow? Words:Words: We are going to have a picnic . Picnic Will you take your kite ? tomorrow Yes , I will ./No , I wont . Our plan
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