Module 7-Unit 1 Are there many children in your class -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:70063)-外研版(一起)三年级下册英语.zip

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外研社版(一起)三年级下册Module7 Unit1Are there many children in your class?Are there any monkeys on the hill?No, there arent.Are there any monkeys on the hill?Yes, there are.Are there any monkeys? Are there many monkeys? 一些;任何一个许多MonkeyMonkeyMonkeyMonkeyclever smarttricky (狡猾的)Task向Jamie介绍我们学校的情况,并选出我们学校的“讲解员”。What are they talking about?Xiaolins classAmy and Sams classWhat are they talking about?Xiaolins classAmy and Sams classAmy,_ ask you a question? polite(有礼貌的)Can IUnderline the sentencesAre there . ?QuestionsAre there many children in your class?Are there many children in a class in the UK?Questions Find the answersDo they love Chinese class?Weve got more friends in china!present XiStudy hard and make progress every day.(好好学习,天天向上。)Good good study,day day up.Play in roles!Play in roles!12345Lets retell!Lets retell!Amy and Sams classThere are .There are .and .There are about .2020There are .and .more friends.Were family.Number one to twelve,lets remember;Thirteen to nineteen , there is -teen;Twenty to ninty,there is -ty;-teen and -ty , please be careful!数字规律,我来记数字规律,我来记Lets chantLets chant!Are there many children in a class in China?Yes, there are.Are there many children in a class in the UK?No, there arent.PracticeS1: Are there many . at school .?S2: Yes, there are. / No, there arent.S1: How many .?S2: There are .groups2w 2dCan you guess?A: Are there many .?B: Yes, there are. / No, there arent. There are.There is / are.onefourteenforty-six raspberries (树莓)Fruit is good for your healthy!(多吃水果有益健康!)EyesEyes on our schoolon our schoolEyesEyes on our schoolon our schoolEyesEyes on our schoolon our schoolphotosEyesEyes on our schoolon our schoolfishEyesEyes on our schoolon our schoolwritingsEyesEyes on our schoolon our schooltreesEyesEyes on our schoolon our schoolphotosEyesEyes on our schoolon our schoolflowersEyesEyes on our schoolon our school.tentwentythirtyfortyfiftysixtyseventyeightynintyflowerspaintingscomputerstrees photos7326486352our our schoolschoolA: Are there many . in our school/class?B: Yes, there are. / No, there arent. There are about.1music classroom1w 3dfish12our schoolour school Hello, Jamie. Welcome to Xixiaomozi school! In our school, there are about. . There are about. There are about. There are about. Our school is great! Were family!1. Are there.?2. Yes, there are. / No, there arent.3. Compare -teen and -tysummaryHomework1.Act out M7U1.2.描述我们学校的情况。fiftyforty eightysixtythirtyBoom! Boom!A AB BC CD DE EF F1.This book is about London.B.关于2.There are about twenty children.A.大约Can you choose?In Amys class, there are .There are . and .In the UK, there are .So Amy and Sam .Lets retell!Lets retell!2020Can you read?1216fourteen40teentyAre there any dogs in your class?No, there arent.Are there any monkeys in your class?How many children are there in your class?There are .familyfamily414243484944474645Guess!Every coin has two sides.(每件事情都有两面性。)Dont be a parrot.(不要人云亦云。)新标准英语(一起)三年级下册新标准英语(一起)三年级下册Module7 Unit1 Are there many children in your class?教学设计教学设计一、教材分析一、教材分析 本模块是三年级下册第七模块,话题功能是谈论数字;本课是第一单元基于 Xialin 和 Amy,Sam 谈论中国和英国学校班级学生人数的情境,学生重点 there be 一般疑问句的询问和回答,在上一模块学生已经学习过了 there be陈述表达,因此理解方面学生问题不大,重点在于运用。学生在本课会了解一些中英解学校的文化差异,有助于培养学生国际视野,逐渐形成跨文化交际意识和能力。 二、学生分析二、学生分析 三年级学生经过一段时间的学习已经初步形成一些有效英语学习策略,具有自主学习和合作学习能力,少数学生合作意识较弱,需要课堂上教师及时关注;在学习注意力稳定性方面仍然不强,教学设计时要兼顾活动的有效性和趣味性,以便为抓住学生注意力提高学习兴趣。学生在 M6U2 中简单学习过 There is/are.,所以本课重点there be 结构的一般疑问句进行问答,对学生来说理解难度不大,关键在于语言的真实运用。难点是学生基础和学习能力不同,课上会让学生进行同桌合作和小组合作,相互帮助,共同学习。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 (一)语言知识 1. 词汇:全体学生能够理解:class any ask question forty so about 全体学生能够运用 class any ask about 部分学生能够用 question forty so 2. 语法:全体学生能够运用:Are there many children in your class? Yes, there are forty-one. Are there many children in a class in the UK? No, there arent. 3. 语言功能:谈论数量。 4. 语音知识:感知一般疑问句语调。 (二)语言技能 1. 听:全体学生能听懂 class any ask question forty so about Are there many children in your class? Yes, there are forty-one. Are there many children in a class in the UK? No, there arent. 2. 说:全体学生能说 Are there many children in your class? Yes, there are forty-one. Are there many children in a class in the UK? No, there arent. 3. 读:全体学生能认读 class any ask about 部分学生能认读 question forty so 4. 写:全体学生写出 class ask any about 5. 运用:全体学生能够运用已学语言说明人或物的存在和数量。 (三)情感态度 学生课堂中敢于开口表达,不怕犯错,了解热爱班集体。(四)学习策略 学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务;乐于运用所学英语进行表达交流。(五)文化意识 学生通过简单了解一些英国学校情况,感知中外学校的简单差异。四、教学重点四、教学重点 学生能够运用 there be 结构的一般疑问句进行询问和回答。 五、教学难点五、教学难点 -teen 和-ty 的区分, Are there .? 回答六、教学准备六、教学准备 单词卡片,PPT,CD-ROM,榨汁机,头饰 7、教学过程教学过程I. Warm-up and lead-in1. Greetings!2. Free talk: How are you? Are you happy today?3. Sing a song: Ten little fingers4. 评价方式:There is a magic tree. Lets pick fruit.5. Revision: numbers6. Learn A1: (1) Watch and answer: Are there any monkeys on the hill?(单词 any) (比较 many 和 any)(2) Compare different meanings of “monkey”(3) Listen and immitate【设计意图】通过 chant 引入,既复习了十以内的数字又营造了和谐宽松的学习氛围,复习数字十几的环节为了本课继续学习几十打下基础。通过评价方式的环节表明赏识教育的重要性,培养学生的文化品格。通过比较 monkey一词在中西方中的不同意思让学生首次体会到中西方文化的差异。II. Task presentationT: Theyre a naughty monkey family, and were a clever family. So today lets learn Module7 Unit1, introduce our school family to the teachers, then choose the star of our school.【设计意图】通过情境的创设,让学生在真实的情境中习得语言,通过任务驱动,明确学习目标,带着任务学习本课。III. Text learning1. Watch and answer: (1) What are they talking about? A. Xiaolins class B. Amy and Sams class(2) T: Xiaolin wants to ask Amy a question. (讲单词 ask 和 question) How does Xiaolin ask? Hes a polite boy. (培养学生英语礼貌用语)2. Listen, read and underline the sentences with “Are there .?”: What are Xiaolins question? S: Q1:Are there many children in your class? (讲单词 class) (板书) Q2:Are there many children in a class in the UK?3. Find the answers Q1: S: Yes, there are. (板书)T: 追问 How many children? How many boys? How many girls? S: There are forty-one.(单词 forty) (板书 forty-one) There are twenty boys. (板书 twenty) There are twenty-one girls. (板书 twenty-one) Q2: S: No, there arent. (板书)T: 追问 How many children? How many boys? How many girls? S: There are about twenty. (单词 about 选择两种不同的意思)(板书 about twenty)【设计意图】通过看动画视频直观得初步感知课文,理解课文大意,让学生自己划出问题,培养学生自主学习能力,初步运用 Are there .?的一般疑问句。在让学生填出 Can I.? 来体会如何运用英语来向他人询问问题,培养学生得礼貌用语,体现出文化品格的培养。在提问学生英国的班级有多少男孩女孩的环节,为了培养学生的发散思维。4. Listen, read and think: Do they love Chinese class? T: Can I ask you a question? S: Of course, you can. T: Which class do you love?5. We love Chinese class. China is stronger and stronger. Youre the hope in China in the future.【设计意图】通过情境的顺延和自由交谈,让学生体会到了中西方文化差异,深入挖掘教材,重视课文的完整性培养学生的文化品格。 6. Play in roles.7. Retell: 根据思维导图复述本课。8. 看黑板上学生自主总结 teen 和 ty,自编 chant。9. 总结 Are there many .? 的回答。IV. Practice1. Make a dialogue: S1: Are there many . at School .? S2: Yes, there are. S2: How many? S2: There are.2. Guessing Game: Family Peppa Pig go to the fruit shop. S1: Are there many .? S2: Yes, there are. / No, there arent. There are.V. Task completion1. 观看英国学校视频2. Make a dialogue: Can you ask some questions about our school? S1: Are there many .in our school? S2: Yes, there are. / No, there arent. There are about.3. Introduce our school【设计意图】通过观看学校视频,将本节课所学语音运用到真实情境,培养学生用外语来表达我国的事物文化。VI. Summary and homework1. Enjoy the pictures about Chinese famous university.2. What have we learnt?3. Homework【设计意图】回顾本节课的所学,让孩子们对今天所学再次进行梳理,加深印象。让学生感受中国教育的强大,增强国家情怀,学会做人做事,成长为有文化修养的人。 8、板书设计板书设计 Module7 Unit1Are there many children in you class?Yes, there are. / No, there arent.countrychildrenboys / girlstwenty boygsforty-onetwenty-one girlsabout twenty.countrychildrenboys / girlstwenty boygsforty-onetwenty-one girlsabout twenty.
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