Module 8-Unit 1 He works hard.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:808c5)-外研版(一起)三年级下册英语.zip

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Module 8 Unit 1He works hard.外语教学与研究出版社三年级英语下册.Lets guess.3.Hes very loud,and hes very,very naughty. Whos he?1.She is very nice. But shes a bit shy. Who is she ?2.Hes very clever.But hes a bit quite. Whos he?Who are they?What day is today? Listen and answerChildrens Day. Teachers Day. Mothers Day. Fathers Day. What about Damings work?Is Daming naughty in class?Is Daming lazy in class?Is Daming a good boy?No,he isnt .No,he isnt .Yes ,he is .Listen and answerHis work is good .Whats Daming like in class?Report : DamingDaming is a good boy.He works _.He isnt _. And he isnt _.Hes a _ boy too.His _ is good.He _hard.hardclever worklazynaughtyworksMy role model(我的榜样):(我的榜样):Xu LihuaMrs Xu is a good teacher.She is very nice.But shes a bit quiet.She works hard.She can draw very well.Her work is good.A role model transcend all.榜样的力量是无穷的榜样的力量是无穷的. ._ is a good girl/boy.She/He is _.But shes/hes a bit_.She/he _.She/he can _ very well.Her/His_ is good. ?Talk about your role model Todays homework: 1.Listen and read the text.2.Tell your performance at school to your parents.新标准英语一年级起点第六册Module8 Unit1 He works hard 教学设计【教材分析】本课是小学三年级下册 Module 8 的新授课。本课的话题是描述他人的性格特点和学习表现。通过大明的父母参加家长会与 Ms Smart 交流的情境,学习句型 Is he naughty? Yes, he is. No, he isnt. He works hard.等询问及回答某人表现的语句。本课知识是 Module 1 知识的延伸,拓展了许多形容词,为我们更加丰富地描述具有特点的人物奠定了基础。另外本课在语言上还要复习巩固动词“be”的用法,为下一模块学习“was,were”做准备。【学情分析】学生在第一、二模块中已经学习了如何简单描述人或物的特征,已经掌握了部分形容词。在此基础上,教师适当增加,丰富学生词汇,为更加确切地描述人物特征提供依据。通过创设情境,自然新授,与学生平日表现及喜爱的卡通人物相结合,引导学生根据实际情况加大练习,培养学生灵活运用语言的能力【教学目标】 1、知识与能力目标a.掌握单词:lazy、 hard、parent、ParentsDay、speak b.认读句子:Is Daming naughty in class? No, he isnt. His work is good. Im happy with that. Thank you. c.能运用所学语句询问并回答他人的学习表现。 2、情感态度目标 培养学生善于发现别人身上的优点,取长补短的良好品质,并让其树立其自信心,提高学习热情和主动性【教学重点】 掌握新单词,了解新句型,在此基础上理解课文内容。并能简单的利用句型和学过的形容词描述他人在学校的表现。【教学难点】 be 动词及其否定形式的灵活运用;第三人称单数主语后的动词形式;综合运用语言对人的个性特征进行描述。【教学准备】教学用书、多媒体课件、板书词条、奖励卡片【教学过程】Step 1 Warmming up 1. Greetings Hello, everyone. How are you? 2. Lets say a chant. 课本 6 页活动 4 This little boy is naughty.And this little boy is shy. This little boy is nice.And this little boy will cry.(利用 chant 创设出轻松的课堂气氛,激发了学生学习的兴趣,同时也集中了学生的注意力。 ) 3.Play a guessing game 课件出示 Maomao, Xiaoyong 等的性格特点,提问让学生猜一猜他是谁。 Shes very nice. But shes a bit shy. Whos she? Hes very clever. But hes a bit quiet. Whos he? Hes very loud. And hes very, very naughty. Hes a bird. Whos he? (通过复习操练,巩固形容人特征的词汇,将学生迅速带入英语学习氛围)Step 2 Presentation 1. Show the picture of Kitty. T::Who is she? Whats she like? Lets Watch the vedio.S:Hes very lazy.(理解学习单词 lazy,练读单词 cake,make,game) 学生跟录音读活动 1。2. Show other pictures.Lean the new word “hard”and the setennces : Is he lazy? Yes,he is./No, he isnt. He works hard.(理解学习单词 hard)3. Work pairs: talk about your classmates.4.Look at the picture,Hes tall and cool. Shes tall and beautiful. Who are they?(They are Damings parents.) Practise, read and understand “parents” , parents means father and mother.(理解学习单词 parents) 3.Today is Parents Day.Do you know Parents Day? What are his parents going to do? Lets watch the video . They are going to speak to his teacher. (理解学习 speak、Parents Day) (学习新词根据“词不离句,句不离境”的语言学习特点,并联系学生的生活学习英语知识,让学生感到更加亲切自然。 ) 2. Whats Daming like in class? Lets read the text .Then anser the questions. Is Daming naughty in class? No, he isnt. (引导学生说 He works hard 强调第三人称单数主语后的动词形式) Whats Daming like in class? He works hard. He isnt lazy. Hes a clever boy. His work is good.(强调学习 work 的用法)Is Ms Smart happy with Daming? Yes,she is .(Whats meaning of “happy with”? Read and understand.) 4. Listen and repeat.5.Read the text in your group. (让学生带着问题学习课文,找出答案,培养学生自主探究学习的能力,反复听读、跟读课文,培养学生正确的语音、语调及语感)Step 3 Practice 1.Heres Damings report.Can you finish it? Report : Daming Daming is a good boy. He works _. He isnt _. And he isnt _. Hes a _ boy too. His _ is good. He _hard. 2.We know Parrot is clever and helpful. But hes in trouble. Can you help him?(Match) 1)Is Daming naughty in class? A. Yes, I am. 2)Are you happy? B. No, he isnt. 3)Is this dog clever? C. No, they arent.4)Are they loud in class? D. Yes, she is. 5)Is Lingling good in class? E. Yes, it is. (练习逐层递进,检测学生对知识的掌握程度和灵活运用知识的能力)Step 4.Consolidation Write your role model on the paper. (引导学生公正客观地评价周围的人,看清别人的优点,取他人之长,补己之短) Step 5.Summary Have the students read the key words and key sentences on the blackboard. Step 6.Homework 1.Listen and read the text. 2.Tell your performance at school to your parents. (课后巩固所学内容,并将课堂延伸到课外,让学生与家人分享学习英语的兴趣,达到学以致用的目的)
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