Module 10-Unit 1 Were you on the second floor -ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-部级优课-(编号:a02e3)-外研版(一起)三年级下册英语.zip

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外研社(新标准)英语(一起)三年级下册外研社(新标准)英语(一起)三年级下册Module10 Unit 1 Were you on the second floor?Were you in .? Yes, I was./No, I wasnt.Were you in Beijing yesterday?No, I wasnt.I was in London.TaskHow to ask and find a location with was and were. (用was和were 询问过去所在的位置。)Im worried. I cant find Daming.必做:(1)听课文录音跟读,注意模仿语音语调。(2)抄写本单元黑体单词2遍。选做:请用was和were询问过去所在的位置。Homework1外研社外研社新标准新标准(英语)(一年级起点)(英语)(一年级起点)三年级下册三年级下册M10M10 U1U1 WereWere youyou onon thethe secondsecond floorfloor?教学设计?教学设计一、教学内容:一、教学内容:新标准英语一年级起始第六册Module10 Unit 1 Were you on the second floor?1.教学四会单词second,floor,find,first2.教学句型Were you on the first/second floor? Yes, we were. / No, we werent. Was he there? Yes, he was. / No, he wasnt.3.理解课文对话内容,有感情地朗读或表演对话。二、教材分析:二、教材分析:在通过上一模块首次让学生接触一般过去时后,这一模块通过对人物所处地点的变换和回忆物品放置地点的情境,向学生进一步来展现这个内容。涉及到的标志着过去时的词语还是上一模块出现的“was”和“were”,但是句型不同了,本节课Unit 1主要学习be动词过去式引导的一般疑问句。本模块的语境也有了变化,主要谈论shops话题,所以在Unit 1的教学中,教师通过情境创设,将“听、说、读、写” 巧妙地穿插于四个有梯度的闯关环节中,以情景为主线贯穿整个教2学过程,通过“整体感知局部探究综合运用”三个教学环节,在具体情景中进行知识的迁移和运用。让学生真正能够掌握、理解本课重、难点,为Unit 2学习be动词过去式引导的特殊疑问句打好基础。三、学生分析:三、学生分析:三年级孩子活泼可爱,敢想、敢说、敢做,求新求异的愿望非常强烈。但他们仍然存在着稳定性较差,注意力不易长时间集中等特点。所以,在教学设计中,我们注意结合儿童的心理和生理特点,想方设法地为他们创设真实、有趣的语言学习环境,通过丰富多彩的课堂教学活动(如:闯关游戏、竞赛、表演等),激发他们学习英语的兴趣,调动他们学习英语的积极性。同时三年级的孩子好胜心强,集体荣誉感也强,因此所设计的内容要面向全体学生,由易到难,让学生在愉快的氛围中从不同程度上得到提升。从而达到培养学生综合运用语言能力的目的,增强其自信心。四、教学目标:四、教学目标:1.1.知识目标知识目标(1)能听、说、读、写并会运用单词first second,floor,find。(2)进一步学习、掌握一般过去时态be动词 were was 的用法。(3)能在恰当的情景中熟练运用以下句型进行交际对话Were you on the first/second floor? Yes, we were./ No, we werent.3Was he there? Yes, he was./ No, he wasnt.(4)理解课文对话内容,有感情地朗读或表演对话。2.2.能力目标能力目标(1) 使学生能用一般过去时态谈论过去的状态;谈论过去与现在的变化。(2) 设置情境,通过各种活动培养学生的语言综合运用能力。(3)培养学生合作学习的能力。3.3.情感目标情感目标(1)通过多种形式的教学活动,激发并延续学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生勇于开口,善于与人沟通的良好素质。(2)渗透西方文化意识,教育学生关心他人,孝敬父母和长辈。五、教学重、难点:五、教学重、难点:1.教学重点(1)初步听懂、会说、会读、会写单词 first second,floor,find。(2)引导学生运用句型Were you on the first/second floor? Yes, we were./ No, we werent. Was he there? Yes, he was./ No, he wasnt.询问他人及谈论自己过去的状态。2.2.教学难点教学难点能在特定语言环境中的正确运用由Was, were引导的一般疑问句,并能区分人称进行回答。4六、教学方法:六、教学方法:单元整体教学法、情境法、全身反应法、任务型教学法、游戏法、表演法七、教具准备:七、教具准备:多媒体课件、图片、面具八、教学过程:八、教学过程: Warm-up and lead-in1. Greeting.2. Show two photos of the teacherT: Last year I went to a beautiful city. Its an old city, I ate delicious food. I had a good time. Please guess with “Were you in ?”T:Now Ill show a map of China. Please guess: Were you in ? In fact, I was in Nanjing. T: There are some students, lets guess where did they go? XXX, were you in ? Who wants to come here and guess(同时找4个学生)3.Learn Activity 1T:Look,this is the alien,listen,watch and answer: (动画)Q1:Were you in Beijing yesterday, alien?5Ss: No, I wasnt. I was in London yesterday.4.Listen and repeat.(点(点读读笔)笔) Task PresentationT: OK,children,today lets learn Module10 Unit 1,how to ask and find a location with “was” and “were”.(用was和were询问所在位置) Text learning1.Preorder T:Look,this is Damings mother. lets listen,what did she say?S: Im worried. I cant find Daming. T: Im sorry to hear that. Daming was lost in the supermarket.Teach worried Teach find T: If you are Damings mother, can you say the sentence?(找学生单个表演,侧身,然后一整排turn back 表演)2.Listen and answer.(看看动动画画)Q2: Now look at the blackboard. This is the first floor. This is the second floor. Teach first second floor (用手势教first second)(指着头饰)They are Daming, Sam and Sams father, Ms Smart and Amy, now listen and watch: where are they?(指着Sam和Father的头像问) Were you on the first/second floor? Please put them on the right place.6(找3个孩子同时摆)T: Sam and father said:We were on the first floor. (板书We were)(练5人)3.Listen again and answer.T In order to find Daming, Damings mother has two questions, what are the questions?Q1: Was Daming there?Q2: Were you on the second floor?(摆大明妈妈头像在Sam旁边)Was Daming there?(板书)S: No,he wasnt. (板书)(同桌互练)T:Daming wasnt on the first floor. So Ill go to the second floor. Ms Smart and Amy were here,lets ask them:Damings mother: Were you on the second floor? (板书)Amys mother: Yes , we were.(板书)(切换成课文)T:What did Amy say?Amy: And Daming was there ! I remember! Teach remember (先老师男女生;然后一组3人)T: Open your book, turn to page 56, read and answer:T:What did Daming say to her Mum?Ss: This CD is for you ! Happy Mothers Day.T: This CD is a present for Mothers Day. So Daming is a good boy. 74.Listen and imitate.(点(点读读笔)笔)(提前分角色提前分角色)5.Act the dialogue.(先做示范先做示范?) PracticeT: Childrens Day is coming. Yeaterday we went to the supermarket to buy the presents for our friends. There are many presents on different floors. Please guess :Was your friend on the first/second floor? (边说边摆礼物)T: Im worried. I cant find you. Were you on the second floor?S1: Yes,I was. /No, I wasnt. / (S1:走到前面来)S1: This book is for you. Happy Childrens Day!T: Thank you!Task CompletionT: Now lets play a game: A catching game. Longlong ago,there was a dog and a cat.They lived in different floors.Before: The dog was on the _ floor. The cat was on the _floor.T: Now they are quarreling. The dog is angry. So the dog is catching the cat. Run!Now:The dog is on the_ floor. The cat is on the _ floor. (拖拽) Summary and homework1.Summary8T: What have we learnt today? We know how to ask and find a location with “was” and “were”.2. Homework 必做: (1)听课文录音跟读,注意模仿语音语调;(2)抄写本单元黑体单词2遍。选做: 请用Were you ?句型练习询问过去发生的活动。九、板书设计九、板书设计9
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