Module 10-Unit 2 It was there.-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:f0130)-外研版(一起)三年级下册英语.zip

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Module10 Unit2It was there.It on the book.It under the book.It is in the pencilcase now.They on the desk.They in the desk.They are on the floor now.iswasiswasarewerearewere哪里?哪里?It was in the box.Where was the fish?(It was here.)Is it here now?Is it here now?Yes, it is.No, it isnt.Where is it now?It isnt here now.The dog ate it.It here yesterday.waswasXiaoliXiaolis mothervegetablesfruitWhere are the ? They were here last Sunday.wereWhere is the ?It was there.wasWhere is the ?It was there, too.这里这里那里那里Are they here now ?Yes, they are. No, they arent.Where are they now?Lets go and find them.They were here last Sunday.findKarlLucysupermarket milksweetseggscakesfruitvegetablesTodayTodayTodayWhere is the milk?I dont know. It was on the second floor yesterday.Where are the cakes?I dont know. They were on the first floor yesterday.What did we buy?Food and toys.Where was the food?The food was on the first floor.Where were the toys?The toys were on the second floor.Where is the boy now?He is at school now.熟读课文。观察你家附近里超市的物品摆放,用英语谈谈物品的位置。第二课时教学设计(杨柳)本节课是这一模块的第二课时,主要句型是练习对物品过去位置的英文表达方式。用 was 和 were 描述物品的方位。学生能用英语描述超市中物品的方位。1 It was there. They were here last Sunday.2 注意区分单复数的用法。PPT, 实物游戏教学法 情景教学法教学活动教师活动学生活动设计意图GreetingGreet with the teacher师生互致问候,使学生注意力集中到课堂上来。向学生展示铅笔 Ask: where is it?Show ss some pencils. Put them in different places for ss to talk.It is on the book. It is under the book. It is in the pencilcase.They are on the desk. They are in the desk.They are on the floor.帮助学生复习以前的知识,让他们练习说物品的方位。为下一个环节的活动做好准备。.1.展示鱼的图片 whats this?Where was the fish yesterday?2,Is it here now?3, the cat is not happy.Look at them ,they are观察并回答,Its a fishIt was in the box(It was here)No,it isnt, it was here yesterdayNo they arent通过铅笔的位置自然过渡到询问鱼的位置,与正文的第一部分建立联系通过图片和上下文的引导让学生充分理解 was 的意思和用法。are they happy?Where are they?What do they want to buy?(听第一遍,无字幕)4.提问 where was the fruit last Sunday?Where were the vegetables?Where was the milk?5.通过图片理解 find 的意思。6.分角色朗读课文。回答 it was here last Sunday.图片理解 find 的意思分角色朗读课文,体会文中人物的思想情感。通过猫咪的情绪引入小丽和妈妈的情绪,他们也不开心,为什么?引发学生的好奇心。(原来是因为他们要买的东西都不在原来的位置,所以感到不开心)为下面让学生自己讨论要买的东西以前在哪做好准备。1,Karl and Lucy 去超市,也发现超市物品不见了。鼓励学生说出超市物品的摆放位置。注意区分单复数。2.sing a song :we were in the supermarket3.扩展活动:出示伦敦地图,让学生描述卡通人物小屁孩在地图中的位置。对比超市中的物品昨天和今天的位置,充分理解 was 和 were 的用法。同桌讨论超市中物品的摆放位置。唱与超市有关的歌,在歌曲中适当放松。描述小屁孩在地图中的不同方位。用到 he was at 等语句。巩固所学知识,应用于实际生活中。歌曲内容与超市购物有关,与前面练习内容相对应是对知识点的巩固也是放松。伦敦的地标性建筑学生们都学习过,这个活动很有趣味性,也是对之前学习过的知识的复习。全班分成三大组,每组一块标有番号的磁铁。回答对问题的同学自己上台将代表本组的磁铁往上移动一小格,最后看哪组的磁铁移动步数最多,哪组就获胜。家庭作业:熟读课文。观察你家附近里超市的物品摆放,用英语谈谈物品的位置。板书设计:M10U2 It was there Where was the fruit? Where were the vegetables? It was there They were there last Sunday
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