译林版四下英语Unit 4 Drawing in the Park教案1.doc

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1、Unit 4 Drawing in the park 教案一、 教学目标1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:draw, picture, park, flower, boat, river, hill, lake, easy, difficult. 2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语:Good idea! Sure, its easy. Its difficult, but I can try.3. 能初步用以下句型What can you see? I can see 来对看到的事物进行交流;初步用句型Can you ? 询问交流会做的事。二、 教学重点1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:draw,

2、picture, park, flower, boat, river, hill, lake, easy, difficult. 2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语:Good idea! Sure, its easy. Its difficult, but I can try.3. 能正确理解朗读课文内容。三、 教学难点能够较准确的朗读课文并在教师的指导下表演。四、 教学过程Step 1. Presentation1. Talk about the things in the park.T: We know so many parks. I will draw a picture of it

3、. 边画边问:What can you see in the park?S1: I can see a T: Yes, it a tall tree. 依次教授词语:tree, flower, boat, river,注意每个词语教授时和学生拓展交流:What color are the flowers? I can row a boat, can you? Can I draw well? Yes, its easy for me. May its difficult for me, but I can try.2. Chant T: Is it a nice park? Lets chan

4、t about it. Listen to me, first. (节奏声)Chant: In the park, I can see.See some trees, over there.In the park, I can see.See some flowers, under the tree.S: Chant together. 3. Change some words and try to make a new chant.4. T: What can you do in the park? I can row a boat. S: I can fly kites/ play foo

5、tball/ride bike/ Step2. Enjoy the story1. T: Good, Mike and Tim are in the park now. What do they do? Lets have a look! (出示图1)T: 出图局部,让学生猜测。S: They are drawing pictures in the park. Teach: draw, picture (揭题)2. Watch and choose.T: What do they draw? (出示选项:a tree, some flowers, a boat, a river)Lets wa

6、tch the story and choose.Check 3. Read and judge.T: Yes, Tim can draw a tree, some flowers and a boat. Can Tim draw all of them very well?Read and judge.Tips: 快速浏览故事并判断。(学生自己在书上画一画,如果Tim 能画得好则画星,画得不好画三角。)4. T: Tim can draw the tree and flowers very well, so theyre easy for Tim. Teach: easy So Tim sa

7、ys: Sure. Its easy. 出示图2. T: 引导学生有感情地朗读该句话。Can you read it? What else can you say?S: So easy! Its easy for me. T: But he cant draw the boat, so its not easy, its difficult for him. Teach: difficultT: So Tim says: Its difficult, but I can try. 出示图4. T: 引导学生有感情地朗读该句话。5. T: You read very well. Listen and repeat 6. Read in pairs7. Read the story together


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