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1、Customer logo附件XX :乘用车车辆信息En closure xx: Passe nger Vehicle In formati on项目Items主项目 Base project变型项目基本信息Ge neral整车制造商 vehicle manufacturer发动机制造商engine manufacturer量产计划时间planned SOP time年产量 volume per year排放目标 Emission target目标市场Target market燃油喷射系统FIEECU 型号 ECU type软件版本SW version油泵型号pump type油轨型号rail

2、 type喷油器型号injector type油嘴型号和博世号nozzle type and RB no.发动机Engine发动机型号Engine Type排量 Displaceme nt汽缸数量 No of cylinders每缸气门数量 number of valves per cylinder缸径Bore冲程Stroke发火顺序firing order压缩比 compression ratio额定功率 Rated Power / rpm最大扭矩 Peak torque / rpm发动机最大转速 Max. engine speed增压器型号 Turbo charger type中冷器型号I

3、n ter cooler type飞轮型号Fly whell type空滤型号 Air filter typeEGR 阀 EGR Valve外特性曲线变化?Full load curve changed?车辆 Vehicle车辆描述Vehicle Type整备质量 complete vehicle curb mass(Kg)基准质量 Reference mass(Kg)最大总质量 Maximum Gross weight(Kg)传动比(所有档位)Trans. Ratio(all gears)Varia nt proj主传动比 Main Trans. Ratio轮胎类型Tyre type轮胎滚动

4、半径 Tyre rolling radius (mm)驱动方式Powered Axels助力转向泵型号 Stero Pump type最咼车速 Max. vehicle speed底盘结构是否变化?chassis changed?液力系统Hydraulic低压管路LPC pipe:Size 尺寸M_x_D_in 内径mmD_out夕外径mmLen gth 长度mmMateria l材料Type类型Size 尺寸M_x_Inlet pipe in side tank油箱内油管Conn ector of tank outlet 油箱出口处管接头Pipe from tank to filter 油箱

5、至滤清器Pipe from filter outlet to CP1H 滤清器至高压油泵Pipe from injector to in tegrated joint 喷油器至总回油接点的油管Pipe from HPP to in tegrated joi nt 咼压泵至总回油接点的油管Conn ector of in tergrated joint outlet 总回油接点接头Pipe from integrated joint to tank总回油接点至油箱的油管Conn ector of tank inlet油箱回油口管接头Retur n pipe in side tank 油箱内回油管

6、*类型包括:大蒜头接头,直线接头,T型接头,弯角接头,等。滤清信息 Filter information供应商/supplier长 X 宽 X 深/Height X width X depth(mm)额疋流量 /Nominal flow rate(l/h)允许工作压力 /Operating pressure(kPa)新滤清器压力降/Pressure drop(kPa)过滤效率 /Filtration efficiency(%)滤纸媒介材料/Filter medium穿透压力 /Burst pressure(kPa)油箱 /Fuel tank材料和供应商/Type and supplier高度差

7、 /Delta heightmm容积 /VolumeL油箱内和大气通气孔是否带有滤网?Fuel tank ventilation with filter or not?油箱内回油管是否伸到最低油面以下?Return pipe digs below the min. fuel level in side the tank or not?*The delta height betwee n in/o ut-let of tank to the inlet of gear pump高压油管 High pressure pipeD_in 内径mmD out夕外径mmLength长度mmMateria

8、l材料Supplier供应商D_in 内径mmHPP-Rail高压油泵到油轨Rail-lnjectors油轨到喷油器电气系统Electronic线束厂商 Wiring harness supplier线束参数 Wiring harness parameter (EDC16C39 系统)Wire len gth(cm) 长度Area of cross secti on of the wire(mm2)截面面积Material type (compos itio n)Wire leng 长度From Main relay con tact (T87a)to Fuse(k01)- Battery +

9、toECU从主继电器rTlOy端到tact1(端熔断器Fuse(k03)- Battery +toECU从主继电器pT8K端到(KF3端熔断罷ry +to ECU从ECU K01端到熔断器From ECU pin K 05 to Fuse-Battery +to ECU 从ECU K05端到熔断器From ECU pin K 02 to Jun ction V3-Battery-to ECU从oSCECU/ 端1到04连接J 点V3o n V3-Battery-to ECU从昭蛀低04:)端唾06连接点nV3o n V3-Battery-toECU从jCUundo端V3 t连接Ofeiyneg

10、ative termi nals-Battery-to ECU从o连接点U/3a到电池o负极ng clamp) to vehicle body从oiCECU壳到车 身6 to Injector Cy1.1从ECU A16端到第一缸喷油器From ECU pin A 47 to Injector Cy1.1 从ECU A47端到第一缸喷油器From ECU pin A 02 to Injector Cy1.2 从ECU A02端到第二缸喷油器From ECU pin A 31 to Injector Cy1.2 从ECU A31端到第二缸喷油器From ECU pin A 01 to Injec

11、tor Cy1.3 从ECU A01端到第三缸喷油器From ECU pin A 46 to Injector Cy1.3 从ECU A46端到第三缸喷油器From ECU pin A 17 to Injector Cy1.4 从ECU A17端到第四缸喷油器From ECU pin A 33 to Injector Cy1.4 从ECU A33端到第四缸喷油器线束参数 Wiring harness parameter (EDC17C04 系统)Wire len gth(cm) 长度Area of cross secti on of the wire(mm2)截面面积Material type

12、 (compos itio n) 厶4十十Wire leng 长度From Main relay con tact (T87a)to Fuse(04)- Battery +toECU线材从主继电器r8iy端ont0Ct端熔断器o Fuse(06)- Battery +toECU从主继电器plr87端到FU6端熔断器ry +to ECU从ECU 04端到熔断器From ECU pin 06 to Fuse-Battery +to ECU 从ECU 06端到熔断器From ECU pin 01 to Jun ction V4-Battery-to ECU从omECU 端n到2连接 UnV4)n V

13、4-Battery-to ECU从jCJJUnC端 n 到4连接点ttey negative termi nals-Battery-to ECU从oi接点lY4到e电池o负极 ng clamp) to vehicle body从omCECU壳到车3身o Injector Cy1.1从ECU 73端到第一缸喷油器From ECU pin 3 to Injector Cy1.1 从ECU 3端到第一缸喷油器From ECU pin 51 to Injector Cy1.2 从ECU 51端到第二缸喷油器From ECU pin 5 to Injector Cy1.2 从ECU 5端到第二缸喷油器F

14、rom ECU pin 29 to Injector Cy1.3 从ECU 29端到第三缸喷油器From ECU pin 5 to Injector Cy1.3 从ECU 5端到第三缸喷油器From ECU pin 7 to Injector Cy1.4 从ECU 7端到第四缸喷油器From ECU pin 3 to Injector Cy1.4 从ECU 3端到第四缸喷油器线束参数 Wiring harness parameter (EDC17C53 系统)Wire len gth(cm) 长度Area of cross secti on of theMaterial typeWire le

15、ng 长度From Main relay con tact (T87a)to Fuse(k01)- Battery +toECU从主继电器rT8iy端到tact1(端熔断器1use(k03)-Battery +toECU从主继电器plWK端到岬3端熔断器ry +to ECU从ECU K01端到熔断器From ECU pin K 05 to Fuse-Battery +to ECU 从ECU K05端到熔断器From ECU pin K 02 to Jun ction V4-Battery-to ECU从ICECU2:)端唾 04连接点nV4o n V4-Battery-to ECU从昭蛀低04

16、:)端唾06连接点nMfc n V4-Battery-to ECU从ECU K06端到连接点V4From Junction V4 to Battery n egative termi nals-Battery-to ECU 从连接点V4到电池负极From ECU case (moun ti ng clamp) to vehicle body从oiCECU壳到车身6 to Injector Cy1.1从ECU A16端到第一缸喷油器From ECU pin A 47 to Injector Cy1.1 从ECU A47端到第一缸喷油器From ECU pin A 02 to Injector C

17、y1.2 从ECU A02端到第二缸喷油器From ECU pin A 31 to Injector Cy1.2 从ECU A31端到第二缸喷油器From ECU pin A 01 to Injector Cy1.3 从ECU A01端到第三缸喷油器From ECU pin A 46 to Injector Cy1.3 从ECU A46端到第三缸喷油器From ECU pin A 17 to Injector Cy1.4 从ECU A17端到第四缸喷油器From ECU pin A 33 to Injector Cy1.4 从ECU A33端到第四缸喷油器起动机 starter motor电瓶

18、厂商和型号 Battery supply and type空调压缩机 Air condition compressor油门踏板厂商和型号Accelerator pedal sen sor supplier and type空气系统布置跟主项目比较是否变化(主要和HFM相关)Air system layout is cha nged or not campared with mai n project(mailly HFM related)ECU安装位置ECU mounting positi on传感器(所有连到ECU的传感器)Sen sors(all sen sors conn ected t

19、o ECU)执行器(所有由ECU控制的执行器)Actuators(all actuators con trolled by ECU)开关和指示灯(所有连到ECU的开关和指示灯)Switches and lamps(all switches and lamps conn ected to ECU)N功能(所有用到的软件功能)Functions(special SW functions used)注解:对于每一个变种项目,信息收集详细。如因以上信息与实际车辆信息不符引发的后果,博世概不负责!Remarks: to be filled in for each variant as detail as

20、 possible. Bosch will not be responsibility for the result caused by informD_in 内径mmD_out夕外径mmLen gth 长度mmMateria l材料Type类型Supplier供应商D out夕外径mmLen gth 长度mmMateria l材料Supplier供应商内径mmigth(cm)Area of cross sect ion of the wire(mm2)截面面积Material type (compositi on) 线材长度lenlength(cm)Area of cross sect ion of the wire(mm2)截面面积Material type (compositi on) 线材gth(cm)Area of cross sect ion of theMaterial type (compositi on)长度长度No,博世概不负责!or the result caused by in formati on differe nee!


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