Reading for Pleasure-The Girl in the Pagoda-ppt课件-(含教案)-外研版(一起)五年级下册--(编号:e0a7c).zip

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我会读我会读What did you learn from reading?The Girl in the Pagoda 塔塔What happened?ThereThere waswas a a pagoda.pagoda. 塔塔Suddenly 突然突然strong wind 强风强风GuessGuess 猜猜看猜猜看AtAt thethe toptop ofof 在顶在顶部部thethe youngyoung manman 年轻年轻人人marrymarry 嫁娶,和嫁娶,和结结婚婚GuessGuess 猜猜看猜猜看What happened?angryangry 生气的生气的 lockedlocked thethe doordoor锁住门锁住门scaredscared 害怕的害怕的GuessGuess 猜猜看猜猜看belowbelow 在在下面下面monstermonster怪物怪物scaredscared 害怕的害怕的GuessGuess 猜猜看猜猜看Later.Later.后来,后来,thethe girlgirl sawsaw a a youngyoung 扔扔coatcoat 衣服衣服GuessGuess 猜猜看猜猜看PeoplePeople sawsaw thethe monster,theymonster,theyhit-hithit-hit 打,打,击击flyfly away-flewaway-flew awayaway 逃离逃离GuessGuess 猜猜看猜猜看1.What did you learn from reading?2.If you are the girl, what will you do?3.What will the young man do? 想一想?Escape逃跑?Ask villager for help?1、If you are the shoemaker, what will you do?想一想?2、If you are the elves, are you happy?Say“Thank you ”, cook a big dinner.Homework必做:必做:看图复述课文故事。看图复述课文故事。选做:选做:选一篇自己喜欢的英语绘本故事,自选一篇自己喜欢的英语绘本故事,自己来读一读吧!并用英语写下你的感己来读一读吧!并用英语写下你的感受。受。外研版新标准英语五年级下册Reading for pleasureThe Girl in the Pagoda.教学设计学校: 设计者:教材分析:教材分析:本节阅读课的话题是小女孩被怪物锁在塔中,寻求帮助,最终获救。语言功能:学生运用一般过去时进行看图说话,预测故事发展,发散思维,自主构建语言,进行英语交际能力的运用。语言结构:动词一般过去时的运用,及动词过去式的形式运用。学情分析:学情分析:五年级学生已经掌握一定的语言基础,他们具有逻辑思维及发散思维能力,能简单的自主构建语言,预测故事的发展,但灵活运用一般过去时表达故事情节的能力不足,有待于进一步增强,因此本节课注重引导学生养成积极小组合作的意识和习惯,灵活运用一般过去时表达故事发展。教学目标:教学目标:语言知识与技能:语言知识与技能:语言知识:学生能够听懂,会认读单词:pagoda, sit ,sat , suddenly, strong, wind, marry, blow, blew, anymore,throw, threw, hit, hit, fly, flew句子:含有一般过去时的句子.语言技能:学生能够观察图片,运用所学词汇,根据提示 when, where, what, who 以及 how,引导学生思考并运用所学词汇预测故事发展,讲英语小故事,进行发散思维,自主构建语言,提升学生在英语学科中的核心素养。文化意识文化意识:学生能够发散思维,自主构建语言,并能与他人积极合作,共同完成学习任务。学习策略:学习策略:积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。情感态度:情感态度:学生立志要做一个正直,有良好道德的好人。教学重点与难点:教学重点与难点:一般过去时的运用,动词过去式的规则及不规则变形。以学生为本,给学生创设了很多想象和思考的空间,充分发挥了学生的主观能动性,通过 If you are the girl, what will you do?What will the young man do?Escape?Ask villager for help?等一系列开放性的问题,和孩子们一起预测故事发展,并让学生抒发自己的观点和看法,发散思维,提高了孩子们发现问题,分析问题并解决问题的能力。教学过程:教学过程:.Warming up and leading in 1.Greetings. Good morning. 2. Reading a story:Students read a story about wolf. T: What did you learn from reading? Ss: Dont tell lies./To be a honest/nice person.设计意图:学生在四年级时已经学过了狼来了的故事,通过再次阅读回顾一般过去时的应用及动词过去式的变化,达到回忆旧知的目的,为本课谈论新的话题,培养新的语言能力做铺垫。.任务呈现任务呈现 Reading for pleasure.To learn another reading of “the girl in the pagoda.” Ss look at the pictures, and guess what happened, to make a story. Then T show the reading text, Ss learn the reading. 课文学习课文学习 Reading for pleasure.(阅读前)(阅读前)1.Look and guess. Ss: Learn the new words: pagoda, sat, suddenly, strong, wind.T:What happened? Ss: Discuss in groups. There was a pagoda, one day T:Show the text. Ss read and grasp the main ideas. Who is similar to the reading. Give a sticker. Then Ss Learn the new words: marry, below, anymore, threw, hit, flew. T:What happened? Ss: Discuss in groups.(T show other pictures.) 2.Listen , repeat and answer. (阅读中)(阅读中)Picture1 and 2.(P74-75)T:Look! The girl is still at the top of the pagoda. “What did she see? Ss: She saw a young man. T:What did he say ? And did she agree with that? Ss: “Will you marry me?” No, she didnt.Picture3 and 4. (P76-77)T:One day,What did she find ? Ss:The young man was a monster. T: What did she do?Ss:She threw her coat out of the window.T: Then what did the man do ? Ss: He ran to the village for help She was saved. 3.Read in pairs. Ss: Read in pairs. 评价阅读标准:correctly, clearly, beautifully4. Retell the story. (阅读后)(阅读后)设计意图: 学生观察图片, 根据提示故事情节线索 when, where, what, who 以及 how,引导学生思考并运用所学词汇预测故事发展,讲英语小故事,进行发散思维,自主构建语言。小组合作学习使语言表达能力强的同学带动组内其他同学,共同完成学习任务。小组评价反馈最接近语篇的同学给予奖励,增强学生学习英语的兴趣。IV.IV. 操练巩固操练巩固1、Act the story out. (T give stickers) 2、Ask, think and answer. What did you learn from reading? Ss: To be a nice/good man./Help others. . If you are the girl, what will you do? Ss: I will shout:“help,help.”/Throw coat. What will the young man do?Escape?Ask villager for help? Ss:Ask villager for help设计意图:开放性的问题,给学生创设了很多想象和思考的空间,让学生抒发自己的观点和看法,进行发散思维,提高了孩子们分析问题并解决问题的能力。V. 任务完成任务完成The elves and the shoemaker.Ss: Read another text out of this book by themselves.T: If you are the shoemaker, what will you do? Ss: Say “Thank you ”, cook a big dinner./make clothes, too.T: If you are the elves, are you happy?Ss: Yes. Because.设计意图:学生通过本课阅读学习,进行课外的阅读训练,培养思辨能力及理解能力,提升学生在英语学科中的核心素养。. 小结与作业小结与作业1.小结本节课的学习情况,整体梳理本节课的重点词汇及一般过去时应用。教育学生做一个有道德的好孩子。2. Homework: A: Look at the pictures and retell the reading. B: Choose another reading and write down your feelings. 选一篇自己喜欢的英语绘本故事,自己来读一读吧!并用英语写下你的感受。板书设计:板书设计:Reading for pleasure The Girl in the Pagoda. girlTo be a nice/good man. Help others. pagodamanWhenWhere What How
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