Reading for Pleasure-A Special Pet-ppt课件-(含教案)-外研版(一起)五年级下册--(编号:f1403).zip

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A Special PetReport timeThis is _report today.Today is _. Its _.I think its going to be_tomorrow.We have _classes all day. And In the morning we have_, _, _. In the afternoon we have_, _, _.This is my report,thank you.A Special PetspecialspecialspecialspecialspecialspecialspecialspecialspecialspecialDo you have a Do you have a Do you have a Do you have a petpetpetpet? ? ? ?PetsQ1: If you want to buy a pet ,where will you go? . .Q2: What pet do you want? I want a .Lets talk AmystorytimeQ1: Where did Amy go?Q2: What did Amy want to do?She went to . . She wanted to . . One day, Amy went to a pet shop, she wanted to buy a special pet.Can I help you?Not a special pet kittenAmy didnt want a kitten.Not a special petAmy didnt want a dog. doggoldfishAnd what about this goldfish? Its very beautuful.Not a special petAmy didnt want a goldfish.I want to buy a really special pet.string (细绳)Why special ? parrotHere are two strings on the feet. Amy can pull the strings.Lets retellLets retellOne day, Amy went to a _, she wanted to buy a _. Amy didnt want a Amy wanted a shopspecial petspecial petThe woman showed a special pet to Amy. Its a _.Its very becautiful and clever. But why special ? Here are two_ on the feet.parrotstringsAmy pull the first string, the parrot said_.Amy pull the second string, the parrot said_.Then Amy pull the both strings, the parrot said_.Amy wanted to buy a parrot.hellogoodbyeI will fall off my perch of coursetortoise (乌龟)Why special?Because It s small and cute.snake (蛇)Why special?Because It s small and cool.lizard (蜥蜴)Why special?Because it can change their colors(改变颜色), its very beautiful. dog Why special?Because it can help people and its clever.What special pet do you want?Why?I want a ( ), because .It can help people. Reasons (原因)Its very big. I like big animals.Its very beautiful.Its so cool . Its.Its very cute. It can change the colors. . homeless pets无家可归的宠物homeless pets无家可归的宠物adopt收养The Animal Shelter 动物收容所请用领养代替购买。Please adopt instead of purchasing.Homework1. Read the story2.Tell your parents what special pet do you want and why.Thank you1Storytime:Storytime: A A specialspecial petpet 授课人:授课人:教材分析教材分析 本节课要求学生了解故事内容。学生能够谈论自己觉得对自己来说特别的宠物。这节课内容由故事,对话构成。其内容在教材中占有重要地位。为后面学习谈论其他喜好奠定了基础。学好本节课才能使接下来的学习更加顺利。 学情分析学情分析课前对学生做了简单的调查,五年级学生有语音和词汇基础,有基础的宠物词汇和句型,知道怎样上英语课,能够在教师指导下顺利学习,能够在教师指令下参加一些活动,对直观生动的东西充满兴趣。所以本节课利用生动形象的卡片,动画,声音调动学生学习的积极性。 教学目标教学目标 一 语言技能目标:能复述故事,能表演和谈论对自己来说特别的动物。二 语言知识目标:能明白故事的内容并且读故事,能询问别人喜欢什么特别的宠物三 情感态度:能有爱心对待宠物,能体会学习英语的乐趣,乐于说英语,用英语交流。四 学习策略:培养学生合作意识,遇到问题主动向老师或同学请教,在课堂交流中,注意倾听,积极思考,提高学习效率,增强学习效果。五 文化意识:了解英语的语言表达,体会不同语言的魅力,促进心智发展。 教学重点及难点教学重点及难点教学重点:词汇:special, kitten, dog, goldfish, parrot, perch 句型:What special pet do you want? Why?教学难点:谈论特别的动物时,理由的部分语言支撑。教学基本策略及设计思路教学基本策略及设计思路 本课题是根据本年段学生学习语言的认知规律和课标提出的学习目标来设计的,注重直观,形象,激发学生好奇心和兴趣,以学生熟悉的生活情境和经验为基础,通过看看猜猜,听听猜猜,表演等活动让学生在“做中学,用中学”的过程中学习语言,运用语言。资源的开发及说明2本节课采用多媒体课件辅助教学,利用图片,声音,动画,表演来刺激学生感官,让学生在愉悦中学习,体验学习的乐趣,增强的学习效果。教学过程教学过程教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动预设学生活动预设学生活动设计意图设计意图 Step1 Greeting放出 Duty Report 一个孩子做 Duty Report让孩子联系口语表达,展示自己的自行 Step2Before-reading1. 放出 PPT,让学生了解什么是“special”2. Free Talk:Do you have a pet?放出人和宠物长期住在一起后的照片3. Lets talk: If you want to buy a pet? Where will you go?1.看图感受什么是“special” 图文并茂,形象了解2.谈论自己的宠物,了解宠物。了解人和宠物住在一起后的变化。3.学生谈论在哪里可以买到宠物,为故事做铺垫。直观形象 ,图片吸引学生注意,以图片带词,解决难点,让学生彻底了解“special”调动兴趣,活跃思维,发挥想象,为故事学习做准备。Step3 While-reading 学读了解1. 播放视频对话2. 放出 PPT3. 播放录音4. 让学生模仿动物,人物读故事4. 学生表演故事看听读表演 听音,看书,跟读老师和孩子一起汇报表演初识故事 再读故事,体会英语表达培养自主学习能力和合作意识。检验学生掌握故事情况Step4After-reading 1.Lets retell2.Lets talk 3.了解领养和买卖宠物的区别4.布置家庭作业让孩子当小老师,带领其他孩子一起回顾故事与同学谈论对自己来说特殊的,喜欢的宠物。找一找关于其他的动物和别人交流一下。让孩子知道可以用领养代替购买学会表达自己喜欢某种动物,从而将知识拓展延伸。作业巩固本课知识并作延伸。板书设计板书设计 Storytime: A special pet 3 Pet shopSpecial petkitten dog goldfishparrot Two string First string Hello!Second stringGoodbye!
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