Module 6-Unit 2 It was amazing.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-外研版(一起)五年级下册--(编号:407dc).zip

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1. Read and choose.2. Read, choose and write Tips :课标分析 本模块来自于外研社一年级起点五年级下册 Module6,这一模块在整个五年级教材中起到承上启下的作用。本课的设计根据语言学习的规律和小学生发展的需求,体现出语言学习延续性、递进性、循环性的特点。让学生在一级目标的基础上,进一步学习并实现二级目标要求。本课体现出课标中要求达到的学生能谈论旅行计划、描述旅行经历。在图片、音频的帮助下听懂、读懂这封信。并且在整个学习过程中,学生们能感受旅行的意义,了解英国著名标志物和旅游文化。Module6 Period2Travel DiaryTravel Diary girlcircleworldwordWe love travelling.irorshirtskirtdirtybirdworkwormworthworseIts a _.Its _.about five thousand years oldWell see _.They are _.Some stones are _ the others.Well _ , _ and _.We will get there _.It will take _.very old placelots of big stonesin a circleon top ofbuy presentstake photostake a helicopter rideby carthree hoursWhat What WhatWhat(see) (see) WhatWhat(do) (do) How How (get) (get) Travel PlanThey went to Stonehenge.They _(get/got) there by car.It _(take/took) three hours.tookgotWow ! The trip was amazing! I want to write a travel diary.(旅游日记)Friday Apr.27th 2018 sunny .Last Saturday, we went to Stonehenge. It took three hours. There was a very big surprise waiting for me. WeTheSome stones are on top of We got thereby car. the others. They are very big , but they looked small from the sky. It was amazing.I took some nice photos there. Then I bought someWe had a good trip._took a short helicopter ride over Stonehenge.stones are in a circle.presents._B . They are very bigA. took a short bus ride D. took a short helicopter ride C . surpriseRead and chooseWatch and checksurprisesurprisehelicoptertook a helicopter ridetook a short helicopter rideTour Helicopter 10mintook a_ ridetook a _ridebusshipThey are very big,but they looked small from the sky.They are very big,but they looked small from the sky.Stonehenge .Last Saturday, we went to Stonehenge. It took three hours. There was a very big surprise waiting for me. WeTheSome stones are on top of We got thereby car. the others. They are very big , but they looked small from the sky. It was amazing.I took some nice photos there. Then I bought someWe had a good trip.took a short helicopter ride over Stonehenge.stones are in a circle.presents.What else did they do ? How did they feel ? Stonehenge .Last Saturday, we went to Stonehenge. It took three hours. There was a very big surprise waiting for me. WeTheSome stones are on top of We got thereby car. the others. They are very big , but they looked small from the sky. It was amazing.I took some nice photos there. Then I bought someWe had a good trip.took a short helicopter ride over Stonehenge.stones are in a circle.presents.Where How (get) What (do) What (see) How (feel) What aspects does Lingling write in the travel diary? (从哪些方面描写的?).Last Saturday, we went to Stonehenge. It took three hours. There was a very big surprise waiting for me. WeTheSome stones are on top of We got thereby car. the others. They are very big , but they looked small from the sky. It was amazing.I took some nice photos there. Then I bought someWe had a good trip.took a short helicopter ride over Stonehenge.stones are in a circle.presents.Wednesday Apr.25th 2018 sunny River ThamesRiver Thames by car1 hourIts very long.Its very wide.took a ship ride on the river saw many famous places near the riverIt was amazing.London EyeLondon EyeIts a big wheel.Its very high.went on the London Eyetook some nice photos Tower BridgeTower BridgeThis It can open .liked this trip.Last Sunday , we went to _. Where We got there _. How(get)It took _. We saw _.What(see) We _.What(do) It was _. / We_.How(feel) We _.What(do) Tips :River Thames, by car, 1 hour famous places near the river, London Eye, Tower Bridge went on the London Eye, took some nice photos, took a ship ride on the river, bought presentsamazing, interesting, beautiful, had a good trip. liked this trip. Friday Apr.27th 2018 sunny and read the passage fluently.Listen and read the passage fluently.Listen and read the passage fluently.Listen and read the passage fluently.2. Read your travel diary to your parents.2. Read your travel diary to your parents.2. Read your travel diary to your parents.2. Read your travel diary to your parents.3. Prepare some photos about your trip.3. Prepare some photos about your trip.3. Prepare some photos about your trip.3. Prepare some photos about your trip.学情分析本课话题为介绍旅行经历,与学生生活实际非常接近。关于旅游景点的话题学生在三年级时学过英国伦敦的几个著名景点,本课的旅游景点巨石阵同样位于英国,在话题上学生很熟悉也很感兴趣。并且每个人都有旅行的经历,学生能够有话可说。学生们经过四年的英语学习,已具备了一定的听说读写的能力,有较好的模仿力,在老师的引导下,能运用所学基本句型进行语言操练,在课堂教学中能积极参与,在小组合作时能互动交流,分享信息。本课时态为一般过去式。学生在四年级上学期已经学过过去式,但是动词过去式的变化对学生来说还有一定难度,大部分学生能够掌握简单基本的动词过去式,但是储备量上会存在不足。因此课前教师需引导学生做好这方面的巩固。效果分析通过本课的学习:1、学生能扮演文中人物从 where, what(see), what(do), how(get), how(feel)这些方面描述旅行经历并写成旅行日记,表达准确流利。2、学生能运用发音规律准确朗读含有字母组合 ir,or 的词。3、 学生能运用本模块核心词汇 place, get, hour, take 和非核心词汇thousand, short, helicopter, amazing,以及核心句型 We saw, We +动词一般过去式,We got there, It took, It was. 从 where, what(see), what(do), how(get), how(feel)这几个方面描述旅行经历。4、学生能有感情地、流利地朗读和准确地理解语篇。5、通过写旅行日记,学会如何介绍旅行经历,感受旅行的意义。了解英国著名标志物和旅游文化。总体来说,目标达成度较高,后续可继续巩固动词一般过去式。Book 10 Module 6 Period 2 Travel Diary教学目标:1、语用任务目标能扮演文中人物从 where, what(see), what(do), how(get), how(feel)这些方面描述旅行经历并写成旅行日记。要求内容基本正确,表达较为流利。2、语言知识与技能(1)能运用发音规律准确朗读含有字母组合 ir,or 的词。(2)能运用本模块核心词汇 place, get, hour, take 和非核心词汇thousand, short, helicopter, amazing 从 where, what(see), what(do), how(get), how(feel)这几个方面描述旅行经历。(3)用本模块核心句型 We saw, We +动词一般过去式,We got there, It took, It was. 描述旅行经历。(4)能有感情地、流利地朗读和准确地理解语篇。3、情感体验通过写旅行日记,学会如何介绍旅行经历,感受旅行的意义。了解英国著名标志物和旅游文化。二、 第二课时教学内容第二课时文本Travel DiaryLast Saturday, we went to Stonehenge. We got there by car. It took three hours.There was a very big surprise waiting for me. We took a short helicopter ride over Stonehenge! The stones are in a circle. Some stones are on top of the others. They are very big, but they looked small from the sky. It was amazing. I took some nice photos there. Then we bought some presents. We had a good trip三、 第二课时教学过程设计Procedures Contents Methods Purposes Pre-task preparation1. Linglings travel plan about Stonehenge.1-1.Check homework.1-2.Talk about Linglings travel plan about Stonehenge.通过检查上节课作业复习巩固Lingling 去巨石阵之前做的旅行计划,为本节课做好铺垫。While-task preparation 1. Lingling and Amy went to the Stonehenge.2. Linglings travel diary is not finished.3. What else did they do? How did they feel?4. What aspects does Lingling write in the travel diary?5.Linglings tavel diary1-1.Think and fill in blanks.2-1.Read and choose.2-2.Discuss in pairs.2-3.Check the answer.2-4.Watch and check.3-1.Read and underline.3-2. Ask and answer.4-1.Choose and say.4-2.Ask and answer.4-3. Summary.5-1.Listen and imitate.5-2. Read by themselves.5-3. Read in groups.5-4. Retell.引入新的情境,学习文本第一段。让学生先根据上下文联系、文本图片、第一课时旧知分析判读文本所缺内容,培养发展学生的逻辑思维。在补充文本、学习重点知识的同时引导学生体会 Lingling 游览巨石阵的感受。通过观察提炼Lingling 的旅行日记,从而概括出从哪几个方面写旅行日记。Post-task preparation1. On Sunday, Lingling went to River Thames.2. A new travel diary3. Summary1-1. Enjoy some pictures about River Thames, London Eye, Tower Bridge. 2-1. Read and write the new travel diary.2-2. Share it in groups.2-3 Share it in class.3-1. Summarize according to the blackboard.欣赏关于 River Thames, London Eye, Tower Bridge 的照片,了解 Lingling 在这些景点的旅行经历,为写旅行日记做好铺垫。分享自己帮助Lingling 写的旅行日记,复习如何从多方面有序的写旅行日记,在这过程中巩固对旅行经历的描述,以及重点单词和句子的书写。结合板书进行总结。Assignment 1. Read the travel diary fluently.2. Finish the new travel diary and share it with you parents.3. Prepare some photos about your trip .观评记录1. 这节课在描述旅游经历的情境中展开,丰富有趣,贴近学生实际生活。让学生在有意义的情境中操练语言知识,而不是机械操练。2. 本课设定的教学目标明确具体,且基本实现。重难点突出且操练得当。教学活动设计由易到难、循序渐进,由听说逐步延伸到读,最终落实到写。3. 教师运用 skeleton 的教学方法,让学生根据配图、上下文等信息,预测文本信息,用已知带旧知,改变了传统的教学方式,训练了学生的思维。教学反思 本课取自于外研社一年级起点五年级下册 Book10 Module6 Unit2. 在本课中,为了达成教学目标,我特意创设了一个书写旅行日记的情境,学生在日常生活中也经常会书写日记,这样让学生在真实的生活情境中学会运用语言知识。本模块经过单元整合,将文本中的部分内容进行调整,适当的加入了第一课时中的内容,以实现核心知识的循环滚动。并运用 skeleton 的教学方法,带领学生学习文本。总体来说,教学目标基本达成,学生能够运用核心词汇和句子描述自己的旅行经历。今天的课堂教学,在师生不熟悉,学生未预习课文的情况下,大部分学生能够完成最终的语用任务,我感觉已经达成了目标,从孩子们的输出来看,对重点句型的理解还是不错的。当然还需要改进的方面有:课堂用语精简,有实用性;关注到每个孩子;大胆放手给孩子,让孩子有跟多展现自己的机会。
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