Module 4-Unit 1 Did you read them -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-外研版(一起)五年级下册--(编号:5007e).zip

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Module 4 Unit 1 play listen clean work talk borrowdodrive is take eatare playedlistenedworkedtalkedborroweddiddrovewastookatewerecleaned Listen to the chant of Activity 1, can you find the past tense of a word? (听活动1的韵句,你能找到动词的过去式吗?)I you a football.Did you_?Yes.I_ .Thank you. Tips(提示词):(提示词): a football play played sentplay it played itI you a bike. Did you_?Yes.I_.Thank you. Tips(提示词):(提示词): a bike ride(骑现在式)(骑现在式) rode(骑过去式)(骑过去式) ride it rode itsentYes.I _them.Thank you. I you _.Did you_them? Tips(提示词):(提示词): dresses(裙子复数)(裙子复数) wear(穿现在式)(穿现在式) wore(穿过去式)(穿过去式) dresses wearwore sent The class objective(目标): Today we are going to learn how to introduce(介绍 )our gifts.US (America)grandmaListen and answer:What presents did Daming get? Listen and choose: What presents did Daming get?A. A Maths gameB. A footballC. A bikeD. American chocolateE. English booksF. CDsWhat did Damings grandma send Daming ?She sent Daming a maths game, American chocolate and English books. My mum sent me a present.Can you guess?She sent me a dress.Damings grandma lives in the US.合作学习要求: 1.全员参与,积极讨论.(积极讨论的小组会有加分奖励) 2.从单词、发音、大意,语法这三方面进行讨论。 3.汇报时,以问答的形式进行。别的组提问,本组回答。 And I sent you American chocolate. Did you eat it?it?Grandma: And I sent you American chocolate . Did you eat it?Daming: Yes, I ate some of it. Thank you. It was delicious. Grandma: And I sent you English books. Did you read them? Daming: Yes, Grandma, I read them. They are interesting.Grandma: Good! Do you want to come to the US this summer?Daming: Yes, Grandma. Oh, Mimi is eating my chocolate!Did you get it ?Did you eat it?Did you read them?a Maths gameAmerican chocolateEnglish booksIt thema maths game American chocolate English books - themitititititthemthemthemRole play between pairs角色扮演角色扮演小组合作要求小组合作要求 1.1.单人读文单人读文 1 1 pointpoint 2.2.小组齐读小组齐读 2 2 pointspoints 3.3.小组分角色朗读小组分角色朗读 3 3 pointspoints Tips: 语音、语调纯正语音、语调纯正额外加分。额外加分。Damings grandma in the US. She sent Daming a .She also sent Daming American . Daming ate of it. Daming says it was . And Grandma sent English to Daming. Daming them. The books are . Daming wants to go to the US this .Fill in the blankslivesmaths gamechocolatesomedeliciousbooksreadinterestingsummerIve got some CDs.I listened them last week.Ive got a bike.I rode it last week.Ive got a doll.I played it last week.Ive got a football.I played it last week. Ive got some dresses.I wore them last week.Task consolidation提示:提示: What have you got? Who sent it/them to you? When did he/she send ? Did you use it/them? Did you like it /them?WritingWritingIve got a blue dress.My mum sent it to me last week.I wore it yesterday.I love it very much.交代时间交代时间交代礼物交代礼物感受感受交代人物交代人物过去式过去式To cherish the presents youve got, and to give the others more!珍爱他人的馈赠,并给予他人更多。珍爱他人的馈赠,并给予他人更多。Homework:1.背诵课文(70分以上). 熟练朗读课文.(70分以下)2.完成学案4M1。3.抄写功能句和课文。4.一起作业网。随堂检测卷一补全句子1. Sam s_ me a maths game yesterday.2. Did you g_your present? 3. Please come to Beijing this summer.Do you w_ to come?二圈出正确的单词。1.Ive got a doll.I often play _it?2.The cat is _my bread.3.Shes _some dresses.4.He _his bike yesterday.三Read and Choose Im Jim. My grandpa lives in the UK.He loves me very much.He sent me many things. She sent me basketball and robots last Sunday.I got them yesterday. I love them very much.In the morning, my grandpa gave me a call.She invited me to the UK this winter. Im very happy to hear that.1.Jims grandpa lives _. A. in the UK B. in the US 2.What did his grandpa send him? B. basketball and robots3.When will Jim go to the UK? A. this winter B.this summer“四步八度四步八度”小组合作学习教学设计案小组合作学习教学设计案第 1 课时 课型 NT 年 月 日授课学科English授课课题Did you read them?授课单元M4-U1教学内容Offering and accepting presents.学习目标(教学重点)会运用一般过去时谈论收到过的礼物。知识导入热身学生做好预习,复习学过的动词及过去式,温故知新。初步感知听读课文,了解大意,再读课文,小组合作解决问题。能听懂会运用 I sent you English books. Did you get it ? sent , American , chocolate,interesting.阅读理解分角色朗读课文,创设情境,能运用所学语言知识进行交流,介绍收到的礼物。目标分解(教学策略)巩固与检测语句实际应用,读通文本解决问题。教学活动教师行为学生行为学习资源时间分配一.Warm-up1. Greet to students.2. Ask students to chant .3. Show some verbs to students.1. Greet to teacher.2. Chant together.3. Watch carefully and say the past tense of the verbs quickly.5minites二Task presentation1. Show the flash of Act.1.2. 帮助学生理解韵句大意,引出sent。教授 sent 的语义并讲解。3. Play the flash again.4. PPT show the class objective to the students.1. Look , listen and comprehend.2.会使用 sent ,为接下来的学习奠定基础。A .I sent you a footlall? Did you play it?Yes , I played it.b. I sent you a bike.Did you ride it?Yes, I rode it.C .I sent you dresses. Did you wear them? Yes, I wore them.3.Read together.注意体会韵句的节奏。4. Know the class objective.5minites三.Task learning 1介绍本节课的主人公。2.播放 SB Unit 1 活动 2 的动画。Show the question to the Ss: What present did Daming get?3. Show a present to the students. Let them to guess.4.(1)第一段课文学习,提出问题1.知道本课的主人公。2.观看动画,通过回答问题,理解语境。3.Look, think, and guessAnswer the question by 15minitesQ1: Where is Grandma?Q2:How does Daming feel?继续带领学生学习单词 sent。在学生回答后强调“I sent .的用法;指出 a maths game 这个短语。(2)第二,三,四段课文学习,出示小组合作学习的要求。Give some time to students and let them study by groups.预设带学生体会“it 和 them”不同。强调 read 的具体读法。帮助学生理解现在进行时的运用。指导学生分角色朗读。themselves.巩固 sent 的用法。会使用重点句型造句。(2)以小组合作的形式对课文的细节问题进行自主学习,总结汇报。They can ask some questions or resolve some questions.能够理解 it 和 them 的区别。并会使用。1.I sent you an English book. Did you read _? 2. Look at the dress.Do you like _?3.The shoes look nice. Do you want _? 4.The children fall from their bike. Lets help _.学生会回答现在进行时的构成时主语+be + doing 学生分组分角色练习课文。四.Practice1. Ask students to retell the text.2. Ask students to talk about pictures on page 22.1. Retell the text2. Talk about pictures on page 22.7minites五.Task consolidation.1.出示写作要求,并给例文。I have got a beautiful dress .My mum sent it to me. She sent me last week. I wore it yesterday .I love it.2鼓励学生完成随堂测试。1. 能用 3-4 个语句谈论自己收到过的礼物。2.完成课堂测试。一补全句子1.Sam s_ me a maths game yesterday.2.Did you g_your present? 3.Please come to Beijing this summer. Do you w_ to come?4.I bought some American 8minitesbiscuits .Did you e_ it?二圈出正确的单词。1. Ive got a doll .I often play _it?2. The cat is _my bread.3. Shes_some dresses.4. He_his bike yesterday.三.Read and Choose Im Jim. My grandpa lives in the UK. He loves me very much .He sent me many things. She sent me basketball and robots last Sunday. I got them yesterday. I love them very much. In the morning, my grandpa gave me a call. She invited me to the UK this winter. Im very happy to hear that.1.Jims grandpa lives _. A. in the UK B. in the US 2.What did his grandpa send him? A. basketball B. basketball and robots3.When will Jim go to the UK? A.this winter B. this summer板书设计Module4-Unite1Did you read them?She sent Daming a maths geme /American chocolate/books.Sent American read interesting 课后作业1.抄写功能句和课文。2.70 分以上背诵课文。70 分以下熟读课文。3.完成学案。4.完成一起作业网配音作业。教学后反思只有承担才能成长,老师应该多多承担教学任务。本节课 课堂环节都能完成,学生能较好的掌握本节课的知识点,并能完成当课的知识目标。不足的地方是课件在播放的时候出了点问题,下次要提前做好调试。
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