Module 6-Unit 1 We’ll see lots of very big stones-ppt课件-(含教案)-部级公开课-外研版(一起)五年级下册-(编号:432da).zip

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Module 6 Unit 1Well see lots of very big stones. Its about two thousand years old. Its very long. It looks like a long snake. Its a famous place in Beijing. The Great Wall is the Great Wall?Its about two thousand years old.How old did they build it for?Youll find the things you want to know.What My trip plan 今天我们将学习如何制定旅行计划。今天我们将学习如何制定旅行计划。然后我们以小组为单位,制定本组的然后我们以小组为单位,制定本组的周末旅行计划。周末旅行计划。Were going to see_.StonehengeWhere are we going to go?Its a very old place.plpla a e en nc cTry again.“C” comes to this beautiful place by plane.Its a very old place.Its about five thousand years old.StonehengeWhat are Linglings questions?1. What will we see there?2. How will we get there?3. Why did people build it?StonehengeWhat are Linglings questions?1. What will we see there?2. How will we get there?3. Why did people build it?What will we see there?TheyThey areare veryvery . .AndAnd theythey areare veryvery . .talltallheavyheavyWhat will we see there?They are _. in a circleSome stones are _ the others. on top of TheThe starstar isis thethe tree.tree.onon toptop ofof How will we get there? How will we get there?Why did people build it?StonehengeStonehenge isis a a . .mysterymystery显赫家族墓地显赫家族墓地古天文台古天文台古代祭祀场所古代祭祀场所WhyWhy diddid peoplepeople buildbuild this?this?Maybe you will find the answer!I hope so!The world with mysteries and wonders is waiting for us to discover its beauty. 这个充满神秘与奇观的世界正等着我们去探索去发现她的美。 Why did people build it? Maybe you will find the answer! Amy and Lingling .three hours.WhenWhoWhatHowWhereOn a circle.on top of. By car. .old place.five thousand big stones Trip planRetell the text A:What will Lingling and Amy do on Saturday? B:They will read bookshave a picnictake photosborrow books A:How will they get there? B:By It will take hours. Where will we go this weekend? Well go to . What will we see there? Well see . What will we do there? Well . How will we get there? By . It will take. hours.How will we get there?What will we do there?Where will we go this weekend?What will we see there? Well go to Dalian Zoo. Well see lots of tigers. Well take some photos. By bus. It will take two hours. Hello,boys and girls. My name is . Have a good trip.How will we get there?What will we do there?Where will we go this weekend?What will we see there? Well go to . Well see . Well . By . It will take . hours. Hello,boys and girls. My name is . Have a good trip.WhenWhoWhatWhereHowProduction- A weekend trip bus taxi This weekend, Well go to Well see Well ByIt will take .We will have a funny day. A weekend trip plan. We will have a tirp plan this weekend. We will have a funny day.We should protect our environment.We can visit these beautiful places in the future.Summarywill be going to动词原形动词原形Read and find “will or be going to”一般将来时一般将来时新标准英语(一年级起点)五年级下册新标准英语(一年级起点)五年级下册ModuleModule 6 6 UnitUnit 1 1 WellWell seesee lotslots ofof veryvery bigbig stones.stones.教学设计教学设计 1 1、教材分析教材分析 本课选自新标准英语一年级起点第十册第六模块第一单元,讲述英国巨石阵。其语言功能是谈论将要进行的一次旅行,语言结构是 What will we see there? Well see lots of very big stones. How will we get there? By car. It will take three hours.2 2、学情分析学情分析本单元的学习主要是运用将来时对事件的描述。学生在三年级的教材中已经学习过将来时的表达方法。因此本课主要是复习,巩固,提高和拓展的过程。教师要调动学生已有的知识储备,调动学生学习的积极性,为学生创设语言情境,以学生个体的实际情况和兴趣为出发点,为学生梳理知识,让学生系统掌握。3 3、设计理念设计理念 五年级的教学内容主要是复习巩固以前学过的内容和继续扩展学习新的内容。这一学段学生对语言的综合运用能力需要进一步提高,为此,我们在课堂上应尽可能多地运用我们以前学习过的语言,坚持听说训练,同时进行相应的读写训练。语言离不开情境。因此本节课在利用教材中的情景之外,运用任务型教学,为学生创设与学习,生活贴近的语言情境,让学生在情境中展开思维和想象,充分的运用语言知识,培养学生运用语言进行交际的能力,真正达到在学中用,在用中学的教学目的。4 4、教学目标教学目标(1)语言知识 1.功能:谈论旅行计划,介绍旅行经历。 2.语法:全体学生能运用:Well see lots of very big stones. Why did people build it? 3.词汇:全体同学能运用:build,thousand,circle,hope,so 4.语音:进一步强化语音语调,初步达到语调达意。(2)语言技能1.听:全体学生能听懂:Well see lots of very big stones.2.说:全体学生能说:Well see lots of very big stones.3.读:全体学生能朗读课文,阅读相关短文。4.写:全体学生能写出 2-3 个语句,介绍活动计划。(3)情感态度 乐于接触外国文化。(4)学习策略 尝试阅读英语故事及其他英语课外读物。(5)文化意识 了解主要英语国家的标志物。5 5、教学重点教学重点学生能够运用目标语句描述和描写将要进行的一次旅行。6 6、教学难点教学难点文中出现的特殊疑问词 what, how, why 的区别与运用。7 7、教学准备教学准备卡片 PPT 光盘 题单8 8、教学过程教学过程.热身导入热身导入 Warm-upWarm-up andand lead-inlead-in( 3 3 分钟)分钟)1.Greetings. T&Ss greet each other2.Sing a song: The London Eye.3.评价机制: T: Today well go to a mysterious place. Lets have a competition in groups.You are tour guide teams. If you do the good job, you can go steps. Lets see which group will get there.4.Lead-in: (1)Play a guessing game: Where will Daming visit? The Great Wall (2)Watch the flash (3)Listen, read and answer: What are Damings questions? (单词 thousand build) (4)导入课题:This weekend I will have a trip plan.There is a famous place near my school.Do you know where is it?Its Jinglong park. I will go to Jinlong park.I will get there by car. It will take one hour. I will see lots of flowers and trees. And I will see lots of very big stones.(教授单词 stone)Today well go to a mysterious place.There are lots of stones.They are magic. 导入课题: M6U1 Well see lots of very big stones.【设计意图】跟唱歌曲激发学生学习英语的兴趣,让学生快速入境,为下文做铺垫。.任务呈现任务呈现 TaskTask presentationpresentation( 2 2 分钟)分钟)Today well learn how to make a travel plan. And then well make a weekend travel plan in your groups. 课文学习课文学习 TextText learninglearning(1515 分钟)分钟)1. Watch and answer.(1) 背景描述:a.出示图片,Our good friends are talking about their weekend plan. Who are they?板书 Who.Who. AmyAmy LinglingLingling Today well go with them. b.WhenWhen(板书) will we go? On Saturday,(板书)well go to a mysterious place.(2)Question:Question: WhereWhere (板书)are we going to go? We are going to see . S: Stonehenge.(板书)(3)Watch a video about Stonehenge. (信息技术:电子相册展示巨石阵)(4)描述巨石阵: Its a very old place.(学习单词 place) Its about five thousand years old.【设计意图】:利用多媒体课件创设真实情景,并采用师生互动,营造亲密和谐的学习气氛,分散难点,为新授做铺垫。 2. Listen, repeat and find the question.(1)Lingling has three question about Stonehenge.What are they?a.WhatWhat will we see there?b. HowHow will we get there?c. Why did people build it? 3.Read silently and find the answer.(1) T: WhatWhat (板书)will we see there? S: Well see lots of very big stones. T: What are the stones like? S1: They are in a circle.(单词 circle,学生现场围成圈演示) S2:Some stones are on top of the others.(拓展圣诞树上的星星,迁移运用) S3:石头实物演示感知巨石阵,利用白板让学生现场操作,展示巨石阵围成圆圈。(2) T: HowHow (板书)will we get there? (单词 get,利用白板光影魔术展示语音教学) S: By car. It will take three hours. (单词 hour )(3)T: Why did people build it? T: You are clever. Maybe you will find the answer. I hope so.(学生发散思维提出问题,人们为什么建造巨石阵?) 德育渗透:出示世界之谜,激发求知欲望,勇于探索发现。4.Read the text . Pay attention to your pronunciation.5.Read in roles.【设计意图】以学生为主体,课文为主线,根据课文发展的过程,培养学生寻找问题和解决问题的能力。培养学生良好的听音和模仿的能力,同时完成课文发展的主线问题,了解 can 句型的用法,课文学习为任务输出提供了支架,也构建了知识体系。.训练巩固训练巩固 PracticePractice(8 8 分钟)分钟)1. Retell the text.3.Talk about the pictures in the groups. What will Lingling and Amy do on Saturday? How will they get there? (变换短语,替换练习,尤其是交通工具,及花费时间).任务完成任务完成 TaskTask completioncompletion( 1010 分钟)分钟) 1.Show the video about three places.(信息技术:电子相册展示三个景点) Discuss weekend Plan in groups a.Aska.Ask andand answeranswer inin pairs.pairs. Where will we go this weekend? Well go to . What will we see there? Well see. What will we do there? Well . How will we get there? Well get there by. It will take . b.b.情景表演:小组扮演游客和导游。情景表演:小组扮演游客和导游。 SA: Where will we go this weekend? SB: What will we see there? SC: What will we do there? SD: How will we get there? Guide: Well go to . Well see. Well . Well get there. It will take .2.Talk about weekend Plan in groups. This weekend, Well go to Well see Well Well get there It will take . We will have a funny day.3.Write down your weekend plans.4.德育渗透:保护环境,文明出行。【设计意图】:创设情境周末要到了,让学生选择感兴趣的旅游景点,为学生提供一个互动交流的学习过程,加强语文的输出练习,强化英语的应用功能。小结与布置作业小结与布置作业 SummarySummary andand homeworkhomework( 2 2 分钟)分钟)Summary : What have we learnt today? Find the rules. 一般将来时态。Homework:必做:(1) Read and retell the text. (2)Copy the words and sentences.选做:Introduce your weekend plans to your parents. (1)Talk about your trip plan. (2)Write about it.3.3. 奖励机制评比【设计意图设计意图】教师引导学生总结本课知识点,培养了学生归纳、总结学习习惯,树立正确的学习观,教学实现语言能力与学习情感同步发展,为整节课画上了圆满的句号。九、板书设计九、板书设计 Module6 Unit 1 Trip PlanWho Amy and Lingling thousandWhen On Saturday placeWhere Stonehenge answerWhat Well see lots of very big stones. getHow By car. It will take three hours. hour
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