Module 4-Unit 2 My favourite season is spring.-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+视频+音频+素材)-县级公开课-外研版(一起)五年级下册-(编号:31ff1).zip

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ODMULE4 seasonseatteameatpeachpeaeat/i:/I eat meat, peach and pea on the seat have tea.leaf-leaves复数复数heatMy favorite season is spring. I can see the flowers.What can the children do in summer and winter?Talk about your “favourite season”.TaskseasonQuestion: What are their favorite seasons ?seasonQuestion: 1.Whats the weather like? 2.What can you do in your favorite season?seasonwarmhotcoolcoldsee ducksgo swimmingplay with the leavesplay with the snowsnow-snowmanWhats the weather like?Its snowing.Its snowy.1.Complete by yourself.2.Then talk in your team.Hi, Im Amy. My favorite season is spring. Its warm. I can see ducks in the river.Practice 1 Listen, look and completeIts _in summer.Its _in winter.hotcoldPractice 2 say a chant Spring is warm, Summer is hot, Autumn is cool, And winter is cold.Spring ,summer, autumn, winter.Four seasons are very very good.Practice 3 read and write I can_in.I can fly my kite in spring.I can go swimming in summer.I can have a picnic in autumn.I can go skiing in winter.Task completionLets talk-My favourite seasonMy favourite season is spring. Its very warm. I can see the sea. And I can go to the park. What about you?My Favourite SeasonMy favourite season is _. Its _. I can wear _. I can _.I can _. I love _.Testseason snow play with wear coolMy favourite _ is autumn. Its_. I can_the leaves. I love winter,too. Its cold. I can play with the_.And I can _gloves.seasoncoolplay withsnowwear 必做:必做:(1 1)背写)背写 M4U2M4U2 单词单词 2 2遍,并任选课文一遍,并任选课文一 幅图背诵;幅图背诵;(2 2)完成小作文)完成小作文 选做:选做:(1 1)和同学一起交流你最喜欢的季节;)和同学一起交流你最喜欢的季节;(2 2)背诵)背诵 M4U2M4U2 全文;全文;HomeworkHomework 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?冬天来了,春天还会远吗?雪莱雪莱新标准英语一年级起点五年级下册新标准英语一年级起点五年级下册Module 4 Unit 2My favourite season is spring.教学设计教学设计 【教材分析教材分析】本课是外研版小学新标准英语一年级起点五年级下册第四模块第二单元。本模块在语言上主要是帮助学生进一步巩固强化一般过去时和一般现在时两种语态的用法。本课主要是引导学生学会运用一般现在时介绍自己最喜欢的季节。【学情分析学情分析】 五年级的学生已具有稳定的学习兴趣,有一定的英语学习基础和良好的学习习惯。在二年级学生开始学习运用一般现在时简单地谈论四季,已经初步掌握了一般现在时的结构和四季相关的基本特点。本课将在已有的语言基础和基本技能之上,启发学生的英语思维,激活学生的已有语言,进行相应的听说读写训练,进而提高学生的综合语用能力。【教学目标教学目标】(一)语言知识目标:1. 功能:介绍自己最喜欢的季节。2. 语法:全体学生能运用: My favourite season is spring.3. 词汇:全体学生能理解、运用: season, snow.4. 语音:进一步强化语音语调,初步达到语调达意。(二)语言技能目标:1. 全体学生能听懂、说:My favourite season is spring.2. 全体学生能朗读课文,阅读相关短文。3. 全体学生能写出 2-3 个语句,介绍自己最喜欢的季节。(三)运用:全体学生能运用已学语言介绍最喜欢的季节。(四)学习策略:积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。(五)文化意识:在学习和日常交际中,能进一步注意到中外文化异同。(六)情感态度:敢于开口,表达中不怕出错误,树立自信,热爱生活,热爱大自然。【教学重难点教学重难点】教学重点:能用一般现在时介绍四季。教学难点:能灵活运用一般现在时介绍自己最喜欢的季节。【教学准备教学准备】CAI,CDROM,task paper, pictures. 【教学过程教学过程】Step . Revision and lead-in1.Greeting.T: Hello ,boys and girls! Im Vivian.S: Hello,Vivian!2.T: Dear children,do you like this cartoon? What are they talking about? S: About season.(出示卡片 season,而后语音渗透“ea”/i:/) Lets say a chant! When you meet the word of “ea”, you can speak loudly, yes? I eat meat, peach, pea on the seat and have tea.3.T: Do you know how many seasons are there in a year? Ss: There are four seasons in a year. T:What are they? Ss: spring, summer, autumn and winter.(贴四季,底是字,面是图。 ) T: My favorite season is spring.(板书) Whats your favorite season? /What about you?Ss:My favorite season is summer/spring/winter. T: What can you do in summer/spring/winter? T: Here are three children. Do you want to know what can they do in summer and winter? Lets watch the CDT: What can they do in summer? (1 人)S1: They can go swimming. T: What can he do in winter? (1 人)S2: He can go skiing.4. Listen and imitate. Step . Task presentation T: Spring has gone and summer is coming. Seasonal cycle! Todays task is to talk about our favourite seasons. In this class, I will divide you into four teams(教师呈现评价机制,举起四季牌介绍): spring team, summer team, autumn team and winter team. Lets have a match,OK? Today we are going to learn Module 4 Unit2(斜着板书,突出春天气息), My favorite season is spring. Step . Text learning1. T: Look here! Our friends!What are their favourite seasons? Lets watch the CD-ROM. 2.T: NowI have two questions for you. Q 1 (生读,师出示 weather).Q2(生读,师出示 Activity) T: Open your books and read by yourselves. Find the answers and(出示题单) finish this table. T: Whats the weather like in spring? S1: Its warm. T: What can Amy do in spring?S: She can see ducks. T: Whats the weather like in summer? Its warm. What can he do in summer? He can go swimming. (依次顺着板书横着说,把 warm,hot,cool,cold 贴到黑板上)。Its (拿着卡片)生答:snow.(叫五个学生升降调读,教师手拿 snow 卡片做飘落动作,粘 snow)进行雪景情境创设: T:-Whats the weather like? - ( Ss:Its snowing. T: Also we can say “Its snowy.)3.Listen and imitate. 4.根据表格复述, 进行语言整体输出。T: Boys and girls , I want to talk about Amys favourite seasons. Listen!Hi,Im Amy. My favourite season is spring. Its warm. I can see ducks in the river.T: Can you talk about their (手指其他三人)favourite seasons? Now talk about in groups! Show in class!(4 人一组, 练两组,一人一个季节。 )(设计意图:这部分是语段的输出。课文教学通过 4 个环节(1)阅读前关书初听-整体感知;(2)阅读中开书自读-思考语用问题,完成表格回答问题(3)听音模仿语音语调;(4)阅读后根据板书(表格)复述课文,使学生顺畅输出。 )Step . Practice1. T: Seasons are colourful. Ive got a chant about seasons. Say it with me,OK?First time, slowly! This time ,quickly!2. Now lets have a listening practice. Listen !What can you hear? look at the pictures,answer four questions, OK? Now discuss in groups and then write down on the task paper. Clear? Then check with your partner.(设计意图:将教材 活动活动 3 的 Read and write 改编成 Listen and write,结合语篇主线问题设计听力问答训练,进而培养了学生的识图、读图能力和英语思维能力。 )3.First listen to a chant and then do a reading. (听完生写) judge them true or false. OK? If you have finished, you can stand up.Now take out your task paper. Do it !(设计意图:以教材 活动活动 4 小 chant 引介的两个季节为依托,拓展与之相关的季节信息,进行了小阅读的创编。进一步培养学生的英语阅读能力,形成阅读学习技巧,注重语言输出,从而拓展提升能力。 )Step . Task completionDear children, Its time to talk aobut our favourite seasons.Look! This is a photo of my daughter and me.(1) 教师范文(2) Talk about your favorite seasons in groups(3) Show1 (口头 2 人)(4) 介绍任务单,T: Here are2 stars, 3 stars here. Please choose one to write.(5) Show2(笔头 3 人,投影展示。 )(设计意图:由听说到读写是对语篇内容的延伸,注重培养了学生的英语写作思维。写作时进行分层设计(2 星和 3 星) ,做到上不封顶,下要保底。此环节紧紧与任务呈现环节首尾呼应,有效地达成教学目标。 )Step .Summary and homework1. What have we learnt today? There are 4 seasons in a year. Each season is beautiful. We should love every season. Love the nature and life. Wish our life be beautiful like four seasons.2. Whos the winner? Winter team ! You did a good job!3. Homework【板书设计板书设计】1.Read and choose. 2.Listen,read and write.A. go swimming B.warm D.see ducks with the leaves G.cold with the snowA:A:A:B:B:B:A:A:A:B:B:B:A:A:A:B:B:B:What can you do in summer?What can you do in autumn?What can you do in winter?A:A:A:B:B:B:What can you do in spring?Module 4 Unit 2 My favourite season is spring.3.Read and tick.(,)(,)Lily loves summer. In summer it is hot. The temperature is high. She can wear sunglasses. She can go swimming with her mother. Winter is Wang Fangs favourite season. It is cold. The temperature is low. There is snow. She can make a snowman. She can go skiing. She can wear her beautiful gloves. Her grandma sent the gloves to her last year. She loves winter very much.( )1. Lilys favourite season is summer.( )2. Lily can go swimming with her friend in summer.( )3. The temperature is high in winter.( )4. Wang Fang loves autumn very much.( )5. Wang Fang got gloves from her parents.4. Show Time
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