Module 4-Unit 2 My favourite season is spring.-ppt课件-(含教案)-县级公开课-外研版(一起)五年级下册-(编号:93c83).zip

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Thank you1ModuleModule 4 4 UnitUnit 2 2 MyMy favouritefavourite seasonseason isis spring.spring. 教学目标:1.知识目标:知识目标: The aims of knowledge. 1) Words: season wear sandals gloves play with baby ducks2) Structure sentences: What can you do in spring/summer/autumn/winter? I can. 2.技能目标:技能目标:The aims of ability.1)To enable the students to properly describe something that they love to do in spring/summer/autumn/winter.2)To have the students create sentences by themselves.3.情感目标:情感目标:The aims of emotion & cultural awareness.1)To motivate the students to use English confidently.教学重难点:教学重难点:1.教学重点:教学重点:Key points: a. season, spring, summer, autumn, winter,sandals, gloves Whats your favorite season? My favorite season is _. b. Pronunciation of the words. 2.教学难点:教学难点:Difficult points: To grasp the sentence pattern should be in the original form. 教学过程:教学过程:Step1. Warming-up1. Sing a song.(Whats your favourite season?)2. Greetings. (Good morning, boys and girls. How are you?)教师黑板简笔画:一棵树的季节变化,以一棵树的春夏秋冬的变化来让同学们感受四季的不同。然后欣赏 video 关于大自然的四季。让学生感受和体验大自然给人们带来的快乐。2Step3. Leading-in3. 教师和学生问答Whats my favourite sports? Guess.Whats your favourite colour?教师板书句型 Whats your favourite ?B. Presentation1. 学习单词 summer,winter,autumn,spring。T:When our Ningbo is hot in summer, Australia is very cold. Its white. Look. Which season is it? 出示教材配套的澳大利亚秋天的单词卡片。教师可让学生通过上下文猜测 season 的意思,为后面 season 的教学做铺垫。学习 winter 时先出现单词卡片 window sister 让学生在主动探究字形的基础上,自己读出单词 winter。教师请学生用升降调朗读 winter。(在这一环节中,教师不但启发学生编 chant,提高学生用英语思的维能力,还让学生根据编的 chant 做动作,把语言、思维和动作结合起来,符合小学学生活泼爱动的特征,课堂气氛非常热烈。 )2.听音回答问题3.自读课文填空34.听跟读课文5.Group work。小组熟读课文可以用任意方式读课文。46.板书设计B Bo oa ar rd d d de es si ig gn nModule 4Unit 2 My favourite season is spring.My favourite season is springsummerautumnWhats your favourite season?winter7.教学反思:教学反思:本节课的亮点:1.教学设计创新:设计强调面向全体,走进生活,从学生的学习兴趣出发,让学生在个体展示、小组合作、比赛游戏等各种活动中;在听、说、读、画、演等多种学习途径中,快乐轻松、生动高效地复习巩固、实践应用学习任务。2.本节课情感教育切合实际,联系生活。围绕一年四季展开教学,让学生感知大自然,亲近大自然。3. 趣味教学。有位著名的语言家曾经说过:“教英语的最好的方法就是能引起学生学习英语兴趣的那种方法。 ”所以我设计了很多游戏提高课堂的趣味性,让学生能够充满乐趣的学习并应用英语。缺点和不足:1 多注意分层教学。2.多关注学困生。3.设置任务要保证全员参与。54.要及时捕捉和处理课堂内的“意外事件” 。 作为新老师,我要对自己的教学活动进行有意识的、自觉地反省,以便进行合理地调整与改进。在自我反省的同时,也要多听取指导教师的意见,吸取经验,更好的进行教学,在教学中发现问题,改正问题,解决问题。
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