Module 3-Unit 1 Have you got the Harry Potter DVDs -ppt课件-(含教案)-部级公开课-外研版(一起)五年级下册-(编号:10a1e).zip

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Snow WhiteBooksThe Three BearsWolf, Wolf!Maths for ChildrenMa Liang and the magic paintbrushThis Is LondonModule 3 Unit 1 Have you got the Harry Potter DVDs?西宁市水井巷小学西宁市水井巷小学 史林芳史林芳Listen and find the sentences with “have got” (找出含有have got 的句子)Have you got the Harry potter DVDs?Sorry , we havent got the DVDs.But we have got the books.You have got lots of Harry Potter books here. Listen and answer:1. Have they got the Harry Potter DVDS?A. Yes, they have. B. No, they havent. But they have got the books.2. How long they can have the books?A. In two weeks.B. In one week.读课文,圈出读课文,圈出T/F Read and circle “T” or “F”.1) Amy wants the Harry Potter DVDs. T F 2) The library has got the Harry Potter DVDs. T F The library hasnt got the Harry Potter DVDs.3) The library has got the Harry Potter books. T F4) Children dont like Harry Potter in China. T F Children like Harry Potter in China.5) Amy hasnt got a library card. T F Amy has got a library card.6) Amy should return the books in two weeks. T FSnow WhiteBooksThe Three BearsWolf, Wolf!Ma Liang and the magic paintbrushThis Is LondonHarry potterHere you are.Please give the books back in two weeks.Thank you!Your library card, please.How to borrow books at a library 借书用语 Make a dialogue (编对话编对话)A: Excuse me ,have you got .B: Yes, we have./ No, we havent,but we have got.B: Your library card, please.A: Here you are!B: Please give the books back in two weeks.A: Thank you.Amy and Lingling are at the _.Amy wants to borrow the Harry Potter_. But they_the DVDs. They only_ the books. Amy and Lingling have got lots of books there. Children _Harry Potter in China. Amy has a_.She should _ the books in _ weeks.libraryDVDshavent gothave gotlikelibrary cardreturntwoHomework1.Read Module 3 Unit 1.2.Write 23 sentences.(How to borrow books at the library. ) Module 3 Have you got the Harry Potter DVDs? 教学设计教学设计 本模块的话题是运用图书馆获取信息。课文以 Amy 和 Lingling图书馆借书为故事背景,谈论了图书馆借书的一般步骤,并简要说明了图书馆里的相关规定。学习了本模块后,学生对于图书馆借书的步骤以及包括图书馆在内的公共场合里的相关规定有清楚的认识,并应积极遵守。1 语言知识目标:能从语句中辨别,并正确使用、朗读出如下单词及目标语句:return, borrow; Have you got the Harry Potter videos? Yes, we have. No, we havent.能够书写单词及目标语句 borrow; Have you got the Harry Potter videos? Yes, we have. No, we havent.2、语言技能目标:能够在图片的帮助下,听并读懂课文;在老师或同伴的帮助下,尝试模仿在图书馆借书。3、情感态度目标:鼓励学生热爱读书,并学会遵守规则。教学重点教学重点:能辨别,并能正确使用、朗读如下单词及目标语句:return, borrow; Have you got the Harry Potter videos? Yes, we have. No, we havent.教学难点教学难点 :学会用所学目标语句询问。教学准备 :录音机、单词卡片、CD-Rom,借书卡,教学过程:教学过程:一 Warmer 1.sing a song .Module 2 unit 2 part 4.(设计意图:学生由教室到录播室环境的改变,能放松一些心情和精神,很快投入到学习中去。)2.Free talk.T:show them a watch,I have got a watch.Have you got a watch? S1:Yes,I have. T:Have you got A pet? S2:Yes ,I have.T:What is it? S2:its a dog.T:What colour is it? S2:Its brown.(talk aboutA good friend, book)(通过谈话,拉进学生和教师间的距离,同时为本课重点句型打下伏笔)。二:Presentation:1.T:Ask two Ss to stand up.Have you got basketballs?Try to help them answer:Yes,we have/No,we havent.Then ask them to practice one by one in a groups. (pens,books,computers,mobilephones)Then write the main sentences on the Bb.(我校是篮球学校,从同学们熟悉的事物下手,有利于激发学生们的关注和兴趣。2.T:Look, Here are some books.who can read? Showthem pictures.T:Where are they? Ss:library.T:Who is this? Ss: librarian.T:write key words(library ,librarian)on the Bb.Then teach them new words.(通过对比记忆单词,效果会更好一些。) show them pictures and practice.Excuse me ,have you got?Yes, we have.No,we havent.(pair works)(练习完毕,抽查一大组,查看掌握的效果。)3.T:Today well learn Module 3 unit 1.Have you got the Harry Potter DVDs?(课件并板书)Harry Potter is a book.You know English children like Harry Potter,Chinese children like Harry Potter, the book is very popular.What do you think of Harry Potter? S1:interesting. S2:funny.S3:magic.S4:amazing.S5:4. OK,Lets watch the screen.listen and try to find the sentences.“have got”.Then ask the students to find.Read them out and try to put them into Chinese.5.listen to the tape and try to answer the questions.(课件展示)T:Explain the “Howlong”.6.Lets listen to the tape again,Then read them together.Ask the parters to choose “T or F”.(课件展示)。Explain “return=give back”.7.Here are some books.let the Ss read quickly.How to borrow books at the library,let the students to discuss.Then show them on the Bb.Then let the SsMake a dialogue.(课件上部分提示)At last Practice together.二 Summary:Today we have learned sentences: Have you got ? Yes ,we have /No, we havent.Harry Potter is a book about三 Homework.1.Read the text several times.四 (Module3 unit 1.)2.Write 3-4 sentences (how to borrow books at the library.) 板书设计 Have you got s? Yes, we have./No, we havent.Harry Potter:popular, interesting, funny. Magic.ow: grow,borrow,low,row,know,snow,show.课后反思:教师能通过多种形式活动来组织学生参与活动,教学环节扎实有效。客容量大,能适当补充和相关材料支持学习并能进行教学内容进行适当的拓展。存在的问题,关注学困生方面做的不够好,节奏有点快,在语篇教学中要注意功能话题,句型的练习英语实际生活相结合,能将 Have you gots?运用到商店购物,借东西等效果更好。学生编对话的时候设计面就更宽泛谢。
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