Module 3-Unit 2 You can use the computers.-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-外研版(一起)五年级下册-(编号:20cc7).zip

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Module 3 Unit 2You can use the computers.What can you do in this bookshop? I can .You can do lots of things in the bookshop. You can buy books.You can drink coffee. You can read books. You can do your homework.But you cant play football.Lixiang Bookshop Rules(规则)library 图书馆 librariesa library Think about it :What can you do in a library?What cant you do in a library?Lets listen to the text.borrow bookstalk to your friendsRead and answer.Can you buy books in a library?Can you use computers in a library?What cant you do in a library?No, we cant.Yes ,we can.We cant talk to our friends.You cancantborrow books ,CDs and DVDsuse the computersdo your homeworktalk to your friendsLibrary RulesYou can do lots of things in libraries.libraryclasspark hospital zoo shopMake your rules. Rules1.You can2.You can3.You cant4.You cant Tips 小提示 1、四人小组讨论、制定自己的规则。 2、讨论时要使用英语。 3、写下讨论后的规则,可以适当装饰版面。 4、完成后,四人分工,朗读规则内容。play footballborrow booksread booksbuy thingsdo your homeworkwalk on the grasstalk to your friendsbe quietfeed the duckseat fooddrink waterlisten to musicrow a boatdraw a picturesing songs选一选无规矩不成方圆无规矩不成方圆 Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards. Homework:1.Make your rules for home .2.Read the rules to your parents.Module3Unit2 You can use the computers.教材分析:本课选自外研版新标准英语 (供一年级起始)的第十册 Module3 Unit2 You can use the computers.本课承接第三模块第一单元,讲述了英国图书馆中的一些规则。课文共五句话,在内容上比较简单。从语言知识上看,主要练习了can,cant 句型。这对于五年级学生来说是比较容易的。在词汇,词组方面,重点练习了 borrow,library,及 lots of,talk to 等。由于语言知识相对简单,我将本课重点在训练学生的语言技能上,即让学生能通过本课对图书馆规则的学习,举一反三,迁移到其他规则,如学校规则,公园规则等。让学生发散思维,充分运用所学,操练 can,cant。学情分析:五年级学生已经具有一定的自学能力和语言组织能力,本课内容不难学,学生缺乏的还是对知识的灵活运用能力,本课中需培养这方面的能力。教学过程:分为热身复习、读前感知内容、读中整体呈现和讲解、朗读练习、输出运用这五个阶段。热身复习中为阅读储备所需词汇和句型,最后在朗读练习活动中强化朗读输出,培养学生的语言运用能力。教学目标: 一、知识目标:学生理解会用 Vocabulary: borrow,library-libraries 学生会用 Phrases: lots of,borrow books,use computers,talk to, do homework. 学生能够使用 Sentence patterns: You can use the computers. You cant talk to your friends. 学会制定规则。二、能力目标:Students can make rules of some places.三、情感目标:懂得公共场合要注意自己的言行举止,培养学生爱读书的习惯。使他们认识到遵守规则的重要性。教学重点:Students can read the text fluently and can get the new words borrow,library. They can read, write and use these words correctly.教学难点:学生能自己制作一些特定规则,如 校规,动物园规等。教学(教具)准备:电脑多媒体,以及各种与教学内容相关的实物。教学过程 : 一、warmer:Presentation: 1、Greetings: 1、say hello to pupils. 2、free talk 2、lead in:T: Lets play a guessing game. (show the PPT)T:here is a picture of a place. Can you guess where it is? Ss: Its a shop.T: No, it isnt. Go on.Ss: Its Lixiang Bookshop!T: Yes ,it is.(show more pictures about the bookshop) T:Some of you have been to the bookshop. What can you do in it? Can I eat? Can I run? Can I take photos? Can I play with my friends? Lead pupils to say the sentences. You can,You cant.设计意图:谜语激发学生的兴趣并由在书店能和不能做的事情来引出本课主题规则,并让学生了解 can, cant 的用法。 二、New Lesson 1、T:Good! Id like to take you to another place, and there are many books.Do you know the place? Here is a puzzle.Its a big place,Therere many books. You can read and borrow them,But remember to return please.Teach new words : library, libraries 设计意图:利用另一则英语小谜语,谜底引出本课主题:图书馆。2、Show some libraries in the world .Talk about the pictures.In the library what can we do?What cant we do?T: What can we do in libraries?Can we?( )borrow books ( )read books( ) play with the toys ( ) use the computers( ) do your homework ( ) do morning exercises( )talk to your friends ( ) talk about England Teach new phrases: talk to ,do homework, use computerThen ask students to make sentences with “can” and “cant”.设计意图:通过看世界上著名图书馆的图片以及西宁的图书馆,之后讨论可以在图书馆做什么,不可以做什么?引出新单词短语并教授,为课文的学习做个铺垫。再利用思维导图将课文内容复现在课件中,让学生能对文章条理理解的更清楚,然后让学生复述课文,已达到教学目标。3、Listen to the text, Encourage Ss filling the blanks with “can” and “cant”You borrow books. You use the computers.You do your homework. you talk to your friendsRead the text and by themselves.设计意图:通过听、读课文内容让学生体会并学习图书馆的规则,然后让学生填空,加深对 can, cant 的理解,为下面的运用做铺垫。三、Practice:Group work: Class RulesEncourage students to discuss in groups. Then they will share in the class.Talk about the pictures in groups. In the _.You can_You cant_设计意图:通过班级规则的建立,运用本课关键词 can, cant,并学会制作班规,并了解无规矩不成方圆,尤其在公共场所要有规矩,要有一颗公德心。为别自己和别人营造好的环境四、Production:Make rules of other places小组合作制作规则 每个小组发一张卡纸,选定一个公共场所,先讨论再制作规则卡。对规则中可能用到得一些表达,老师进行提示。 A: ask students to make a rule by themselves and show in the class. During the time pupils are making, teacher walks around the classroom and observe their practicing, offering the help if necessary.B: Let students make a rule cards write down the rules, and show them cards.设计意图:通过小组合作完成一则公共场所的规则,并展示。不仅学习了语言还运用了语言,达到教学的目标。五、Homework:1、 Listen and read the text. Try to recite.听读课文。试着背诵下来。2、Make a rule by yourself.自己制定一个规则。六、板书设计:Module3Unit2 You can use the computers.In libraries,You can You cant七、教学反思
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