Module 2-Unit 1 What did she have for lunch -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-县级公开课-外研版(一起)五年级下册-(编号:700b0).zip

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1Listen and answer1.What did she have for breakfast?2.What did she have for lunch?3.What did she have for dinner?2Fill in the blanksDaming : Look . Ive got an _ from Lingling. Its about English food.Fanfan: What does it say?Daming:Yesterday she had an English breakfast.Fanfan:What did she have?Daming :She had _.Fanfan:And what did she have for lunch?Daming :She had _.Fanfan:What did she have for dinner?Daming:_.Fanfan:Fish and chips?Daming:Yes. Its a _(传统的)English dish.Fanfan:Does Lingling like English food?Daming:Yes,she does. She says its _!(美味的)3完成任务Namebreakfastlunchdinner调查你的朋友昨天三餐饮食情况,用上下面的句子及单词A: What did she/he have for yesterday? B: She/He had juice, meat, beef,fish, chicken, bread, rice,coffee, tea,milk,water, apples, bananas, pears, oranges, eggs, hot dogs, cakes, noodles,hamburgers, sandwiches, sausages 4展示任务Yesterday,hadfor breakfast . She /He had for lunch. She /He had for dinner.Module 2 Unit 1Module 2 Unit 1What did she have for lunch?What did she have for lunch?O F O DO F O DO F O DO F O DFood Festivaleggssandwichessausagesfish and chipsIts a traditional English dish.traditional traditional 传统的传统的dishdishdishdish食品食品食品食品delicious delicious delicious delicious 美味的美味的美味的美味的I had for breakfast.I hadandfor lunch.I hadandfor dinner.have hadhad means “ate” 吃I had for sausages eggssandwichesricenoodlesbreadhamburgercakes2. What did she have for lunch?She had eggs and sausages.She had sandwiches.1. What did she have for breakfast?3. What did she have for dinner? She had fish and chips.Listen and answer!Listen and answer!Fill in the blanksFill in the blanksDaming: Look . Ive got an _ from Lingling . Its about English food.Fanfan: What does it say? emailDaming: Yesterday she had an English breakfast.Fanfan: What did she have?Daming: She had _ .eggs and sausages Fanfan: And what did she have for lunch?Daming: _.She had sandwichesFanfan: And what did she have for dinner?Daming: _Fanfan: Fish and chips?Daming: Yes. Its a _(传统的) English dish.Fanfan: Does Lingling like English food?Daming: Yes, she does. She says its _(美味的).She had fish and chips.traditionaldeliciousThere were some children in the restaurant before. Lets have a look: What did heshe have for.?NamebreakfastlunchdinnerYao MingA: What did she/he have for yesterday? B: She/He had juice, meat, beef,fish, chicken, bread, rice,coffee, tea,milk,water, apples, bananas, pears, oranges, eggs, hot dogs, cakes, noodles,hamburgers, sandwiches, sausages 调查你的朋友昨天三餐饮食情况,用上下面的句子及单词noodlesnoodlessausages &eggssausages &eggschickenchickenMake an oral report.反馈汇报Yesterday, hadfor breakfast . She /He had for lunch. She /He had for dinner.总结提高Good diet, can keep healthy.Homework1.读课文三遍以上,有能力的同学试着背诵课文。2.整理本课所学的关于食物的单词。3.有所学词汇和句子与同学做对话练习。 新标准英语一年级起点五年级下册 Module 2 Unit 1 What did she have for lunch? 教学设计一、教材分析:Book10 Module 2 的主题是“English Food”,Unit1 What did she have for lunch? language function is describing eating habits(谈论西方饮食的习惯);学习任务是学习目标语句“What did she have or breakfast/lunch/dinner yeaterday? ”并能用She had来回答询问。Target Language :What did she have for breakfast ? She had eggs and sausages. 本单元出现了一般现在时和一般过去时,但重要运用一般过去时,重点是来谈论别人的饮食习惯,英语句型主要以一问一答的形式谈论别人早餐,午餐和晚餐都吃了什么 ?2、学生学情分析现在我所教的学生是我从一年级带上来的,处于五年级下学期,总体上学生的英语知识已经有了一定的积累,具备一定的英语听说读写等方面的能力,对学习英语还是很感兴趣,学习习惯良好,能运用英语做事情。五年级下学期没有新的英语时态,在时态上学生并不陌生,知识单词与语言环境的不同,Unit1 What did she have for lunch?这一单元对于课文中出现的食物 sausage、 sandwich、 delicious、traditional 是新接触的。但是一般现在时和一般过去时学生熟悉。因此根据教材内容和本地学生实际学请确定教学目标如下:三、教学目标的制定:(一)知识目标:New words:email、sausage、 sandwich、 delicious、traditional ,fish and chips,要注重让学生听单词的读音,掌握正确读音,说出并拼写单词,知道字母的发音特点,了解单词的汉语意思。2. Important sentences.所有学生能听懂会说句型:What did she /he have for breakfast/lunch/dinner yesterday?She/He had eggs and sausages/sandwiches/fish and chips.全体学生能够理解该结构的意义,掌握基本的问答规律,使学生能够运用此句型进行简单的对话,培养学生的口语交流能力,能熟练地问和答,自如地运用核心句子。(二)技能目标1Talking about the three meals of a day.所有学生能够理解What did she /he have for breakfast/lunch/dinner yesterday?She/He had所表达的汉语意义2.学生通过本单元的学习能够运用所学句型向朋友自由询问昨天一日三餐吃过什么。背问学生能自由说出答案。 (三)情感目标1.让学生了解中西方饮食文化差异,能够分出 English food 和Chinese food .了解国外饮食,分析西方饮食和中国饮食的不同,增强学生的跨文化意识。2.渗透德育目标,从小养成健康合理的饮食习惯。(四)语用目标1.学生能够理解 What did she /he have for breakfast/lunch/dinner yesterday?She/He had所表达的意义,学生能够在真实的生活情境中调查并转述别人的饮食习惯。四、教学重难点:1.对一日三餐单词的掌握和运用。2.了解英语国家饮食习惯。3.询问别人和谈论自己的一日三餐的饮食五、教学准备:图片、单词卡片、 课件六、教学步骤:(一)The organization of class.1Greeting:Hello,everyone.How are you ?Im fine,thank you .And you ? Im well .Thank you .(师生问好,锻炼学生的日常口语,拉进师生之间的距离。)2.Sing an English song .Im hungry.Sing and do the actions. (学生边唱边做动作,把学生带入英语课堂,活跃课堂气氛。)(二)Review 1.Look at the letters about “food” .(通过看字母猜单词,告诉孩子我们今天上课的主题就是关于食物。)2. 教师出示课件,展现食物图片.Look at the screen.There is some food.Point the pictures .The teacher asks the questions.Whats your favourite food ? The students answer the questions.My favourite food is /veget bread/noodles/fish/cakes/rice ables/eggs /milk.3.Look at ppt. The teacher had something .(考一下孩子观察能力,通过对消失食物的问答,唤起学生的英语记忆储存,同时能处理本科的生单词,在输出的过程中做好了知识铺垫作用)(三)The new lesson .1.Write down the title. Today well learn Module2 Unit 1What did she have for lunch? (teacher writes the topic on the blackboard,and the students follow to read.)(开门见山,揭示主题。)2.Listen and chant .What did you have for dinner ? Bread,meat and vegetables.What did you have for dinner?Fish,eggs and vegetables.(为新课起到热身的作用。)3Look at the picture.The word is email.Point and read it. Daming has got an email from Lingling. Whats it about?(通过课件引出 email 单词,让学生了解意思,掌握读音)4.Listen point and say.Watch the CD-ROM, find out the answers.A : What did she have for breakfast? B : What did she have for lunch? C : What did she have for dinner? (带着目的去听音,培养学生听的能力。)5.Listen to the text.Then fill in the blanks.(记忆单词,巩固新单词,巩固课文。)6.Look at ppt. And repeat the text freely in pairs.7.Practice. Lets play a game。比眼力,为了巩固本文中的重点句型。8.Make a survey(这个环节分为完成任务以及展示任务,由听说能力的培养,逐步地上升为读写能力的升华。)9.Look at the picture.让孩子们看合理的饮食习惯,从而渗透德育教育,从小要养成合理饮食习惯。(拓展知识中渗透德育教育,培养学生的创新思维和良好习惯的饮食习惯。)(四)Summary1.What did you learn this class?(小结,通过学生小结,体现学生是学习的主体。)2.Say a chant.(五)Homework:A. Listen to the tape 5 times.B. Make a survey about the healthy food.调查你的朋友一日三餐吃什么?3.Make a survey.(目的是学习英语要会运用。多方面锻炼学生的能力。)七、Blackboard Design : Module 2 Unit 1 What did she have for lunch?eggs and sausages.She had sandwiches. fish and chips . .教学反思:本节课听说先行,注重输入,通过资料的分享,使学生对本节课的主题,背景知识有了一定的了解,接下来课堂听力环节练习听力,之后又进行读和写的训练。通过自由对话,让学生将本课的重点句型运用到现实生活中去,学生的输出效果较好,学生能举一反三,通过学习课文学生能表达一日三餐吃什么?同时学会询问他人。课文中单词与词组的学习,让他们自主学习与合作学习,学生学习积极性比较高,在此老师要给予适当的指导与订正,经过这样对教材进行处理,对学习内容进行调整,我认为收到了良好的教学效果,在后面的拓展环节中,学生真正实现了“有话可说,有话想说”。
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