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1、 2019 版高一英语必修一词汇过关检测 Welcome Unit 【基础巩固】 一读准单词,并说出汉语意思 1.exchange /kstend/ _ 2. lecture /lekt(r)/ _ 3. registration /redstren / _ 4.register/ redst(r) / _ 5. sex /seks/ _ 6. female /fi:mel/ _ 7. male / mel/ _ 8. nationality /nn lti/ _ 9. nation / nen/ _ 10. designer /dzan(r)/ _ 11. design / dzan / _

2、 12. campus / kmps / _ 13. formal / f:ml / _ 14. anxious / ks / _ 15. annoyed /nd/ _ 16. annoy /n/ _ 17. frightened /fratnd/ _ 18. senior /si:ni(r)/ _ senior high school _ 19. at last_ 20. outgoing / atg / _ 21. impression /mpren/ _ make an impression_ 22. impress /mpres/ _ 23. what if _ 24. guy / g

3、a / _ 25. concentrate / knsntret /_ 26. experiment /kspermnt/_ 27. leave.alone _ 28. awkward / :kwd / _ 29. junior / du:ni(r)/ _ junior high school_ 30. explore / kspl:(r)/ _ 31. confident /knfdnt/ _ 32. confidence /knfdns/ _ 33. forward / f:wd / _ look forward to _ 34. take notes_ 35. flash /fl / _

4、 flash card _ 36. organise NAmE- ize /:(r)gnaz/ _ 37. organisation NAmE- ization /:gnazen/_ 38. goal / gl / _ 39. strategy /strtdi/ _ 40. partner / p:tn(r)/ _ 41. curious /kjris/ _ 42. company / kmpni/ _ 43. personality / p:sn lti / _ 44. style / stal/_ 45. revise / rvaz/_ 二根据汉语写出英语单词或短语 1. _n. 交换;

5、交流; 交易 vt. 交换; 交流;交易; 兑换 2. _n. 讲座;讲课;演讲;教训 vi. (开)讲座;演讲;讲课 vt. 训斥 3. _ n. 登记;注册;挂号 4. _ vt. 雌性的 n. 雌性动(植)物;女子 7. _adj. 男(性)的; 雄性的 n. 雄性动(植)物;男子 8. _n. 国籍; 民族 9. _n. 国家; 民族; 国民 10. _ n. 设计师; 设计者 11. _n. 设计; 方案;图案 vt. 设计;筹划 12. _n. 校园; 校区 13. _adj. 正式的 ;正规的 14. _adj. 焦虑的; 不安的;渴望的 15. _adj. (人感到)恼怒的;生

6、气的 16. _vt. 使恼怒; 打扰 17. _adj. (人)受惊吓的; (人感到)害怕的 18. _adj. (级别、地位等)较高的; 年长的 n. 较年长者 _(美国)高中 19. _终于; 最后 20. _adj. 爱交际的;外向的;开朗的 21. _n. 印象;感想 _ 留下好印象 22. _vt. 使钦佩;给留下深刻的好印象 vi. 留下印象;引人注目 23. _如果会怎么样呢? 24. _n. 小伙子;男人;家伙 25. _vt. 聚集会神 26. _n. 实验;试验 27. _不打扰., 不惊动. 28. _adj. 令人尴尬的; 难对付的 29. _adj. 地位(或职位、

7、级别)低下的 n. 职位较低者; (体育运动中)青少年 _(美国)初级中学 30. _ vt. 信任;自信心 33. _adv. (also forwards)向前;前进 adj. 向前的;前进的 _盼望;期待 34. _记笔记 35. _n. 闪光; 信号 vi. 闪耀; 闪光;发出信号 vt. 使闪耀;使闪光;发出(信号) _教学卡片;识字卡 36. _vt. 组织; 筹备; 安排;组建 vi. 组建;成立 37. _n. 组织; 团体; 机构 38. _n. 目标; 球门; 射门 39. _n. 策略;策划 40. _n. 同伴; 配偶;合伙人 41. _adj. 好奇的; 求知欲强的

8、42. _n. 公司;商行; 陪伴 43. _n. 性格;个性 44. _n. 方式; 作风 45. _vt. 修订;复习 三单词拼写 1.Im an _ (交换)student from the UK. 2.They are in the_ (登记)office. 3.-What does Amy want to be inthe future? -A _ (设计师). 4.An exchange student is talking to a teacher on _ (校园). 5.People speak in a more polite way in _ (正式)situations

9、. 6.I want to make a good first_ (印象). 7.I didnt feel _ (尴尬)or frightened at all. 8.I believe I will make new friends here, and theres a lot to _ (探索)at senior high. 9.I feel much more _ (自信)than I felt this morning. 10.How does Li Ming_ (组织)his thoughts? 11.I have learning _ (目标)and make plans for

10、my English studies. 12.What learning _ (策略)do you and your partner share? 13.My dream is to start my own IT_ (公司)! 14.Get your draft back and _ (修改)it. 15. Im not _ (外向)so Im a little_ (焦虑)right now. 四完成句子 1.So this is it senior high school _ _ (终于)! 2. _ _ (如果怎么办) no one talks to me? 3.I couldnt _

11、_ (集中精力于)the experiment. 4.I really wanted to tell him to please be quiet and_ _ _(别打扰 我)! 5.I miss my friends from _ _ _(初中), but I believe I will make new friends 6.Tom is_ _ _ (期待着)meeting the new exchange student. 7.I _ _ (做笔记)while listening and reading. 8.Im_ _ (感到好奇)everything. 答案: 三1. exchan

12、ge 2. registration 3. designer 4. campus 5. formal 6. impression 7. awkward 8. explore 9. confident 10. organize 11. goals 12. strategies 13. company 14. revise 15. outgoing;anxious 四1. at last 2. What if 3. concentrate on 4. leave me alone 5. junior high school 6. looking forward to 7. take notes 8

13、. curious about 【能力提升】 一单词拼写 1.Our school does an _ (交流)with a school in France. 2.I am going to America next week, so I have to e _ some RMB for dollars. 3.Smith gave us a l _ on business management in the l_ hall yesterday. 4.Have you come to _(注册)at the school? 5.We dont allow couples to choose t

14、he _ (性别) of their baby. 6.She was the greatest_ (女性)poet in America. 7.The college attracts students of all _ (国籍). 8.We need to _ (设计)a new course for the third year. 9.He wrote a very _ (正式的)letter of apology to Mary. 10.He seemed _(焦虑)about the meeting. 11.It a _ me that I didnt have time to do

15、more reading. 12.She was deeply i_ by the scenery in Guilin. 13.I havent been able to get enough sleep , and Im too tired to c_ in class. 14.Many people do not agree to do _ (实验)on animals. 15.There was an _(令人尴尬的)silence in the meeting room. 16.Children who have chances to e_ natural areas tend to

16、develop a strong love for science. 17.There is something wrong with the traffic light because only the red light _(闪烁) on and off. 18.Well _ (组织)some students into the basketball team. 19.Our g_ is to raise as much money as possible for the project. 20.We have reduced air pollution through many _ (策

17、略). 21.China and America are now true economic_ (伙伴). 22.A _ (好奇的)child is a teachers delight. 23.Apple is one of the largest computer_ (公司)in the world. 24.How would you describe Yuan Longpings _ (个性)? 25.Im _ (复习)geography today. 二用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Agriculture plays an important part in the _(nation)

18、economy. 2.My brother is a fashion_(design). 3.We need to dress_(formal)for the party. 4.He is _(anxious)waiting for the result of the medical tests. 5.He was _(annoy)to learn that the train would be delayed. 6.Dont ask lots of _(annoy)questions. 7.Her _(frighten )face showed us that something terri

19、ble had happened to her family. 8.The idea of death is_(frighten)to most people. 9.Her words left a lasting_(impress)on me. 10.With great_ (concentrate)she worked out the problem. 11.We have made great progress in space _(explore). 12.He expressed his _(confident)that they would win. 13.They set up

20、a charity_ (organize)last year. 14. _ (curious)enough , he had never seen the little girl. 15. The children all have very different _ (personal). 三用方框内的短语完成下列句子 What if ; in the style of; be designed to do sth; feel confident about; flash cards ; concentrate on ;in exchange for;look forward to ;at l

21、ast;take notes of 1.They sold eggs_ salt and tea. 2.The programme _ help people who have been out of work for a long time. 3.His wish to visit China has come true_ . 4._ anything should happen to the child? 5.Young children have a limited attention span and cant _ one activity for very long. 6.I_ he

22、aring from you in the near future. 7.Please_ the important words while you read. 8.Children can use _ to learn English. 9.The building was built _ a Chinese palace. 10.The teacher wants the children to _ asking questions when they dont understand. 答案: 一1. exchange 2. exchange 3. lecture; lecture 4.

23、register 5. sex 6. female 7. nationalities 8. design 9. formal 10. anxious 11.annoyed 12. impressed 13. concentrate 14. experiments 15. awkward 16. explore 17. flashes 18. organize 19. goal 20. strategies 21. partners 22. curious 23. companies 24. personality 25. revising 二1. national 2. designer 3.

24、 formally 4. anxiously 5. annoyed 6. annoying 7. frightened 8. frightening 9. impression 10. concentration 11. exploration 12. confidence 13. organization 14. Curiously 15. personalities 三1. in exchange for 2. is designed to 3. at last 4. What if 5.concentrate on 6. look forward to 7. take notes of 8. flash cards 9. in the style of 10. feel confident about


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