Unit 5 Food-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案)-县级公开课-外研版剑桥版三年级下册-(编号:c0046).zip

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    • The story-Bad luck for Pat.pptx--点击预览
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What food do you like?Look and sayI like_.Good luck Good luck oror Bad luckBad luckPlay a gameAB? Good luckGood luck:( )( ) Bad luckBad luck:( )( ) A.A.好运气好运气 B.B.坏坏运气运气Good luck or bad luck?Look and guessDose Pat have good luck or bad luck?( ) A. Bad luck B. Good luckWatch and say1. What food are in the story?(故事中有哪些食物)2.Does Pat have good luck or bad luck?Watch and answer1.What food are in the story?2.Dose Pat have good luck or bad luck?A. Bad luck B. Good luckRead and find?Bad luck for PatWhy dose Pat have bad luck?Read and findlovely美味的 、可口的Dose Pat eat the popcorn?(Pat 吃了爆米花吗?)Read and findRead and findlovely美味的 、可口的Listen and findPat loves _.His friend(朋友) _ on the hamburger.BUTD 但是hamburgersitDose Pat eat the hamburger?(Pat 吃了汉堡包吗?)Read and findRead and find1. Who eats the ice cream?(谁吃了冰激凌?) A. Pat B. The dog.2. Why cant Pat eat the ice cream?(为什么Pat不能吃冰激凌?)A. The dog is hungry. B. No ice cream on the bus. Tip:在图片中找到答案.公交车上禁止吃冰激凌。No ice cream on the bus.Dose Pat eat the ice cream?(Pat 吃了冰激凌吗?)Read and findNo popcormNo hamburgerNo ice creamBad luck for PatWhy dose Pat have bad luck?Lets read带着感情朗读绘本小狗PatPAT的朋友汉堡爷爷Lets paly卖冰激凌女孩儿巴士司机How is Pat feeing today? ( ). Happy. Sad.(难过的)BThink and shareThink and sayPat eats nothing(没吃东西). He must be very_.hungryCan we buy some food for him? 我们能为他买点儿食物吗? Can I have some_?Can I have a/an_?cakeWhat do you want to buy for Pat?你想为Pat买什么呢?Food shop与Pat分享Have a _.Have an _.Have some _.Thank you!Good luck for PatThink and shareDo you like to be friends with Pat?你想和Pat交朋友吗?Pat likes to share.(分享)Good luck will come if we share with others.(分享总会带来好运)Homework1. Role play the story in groups after class.2. Share the story with your parents.Goodbye!学校学校 姓名姓名 武汉市光谷第二十九小学武汉市光谷第二十九小学 卫素雯卫素雯教学设计教学设计课文标题:Bad luck for pat授课年级:Grade 3一、教学目标一、教学目标Teaching Aim1. The knowledge aim(1) Students can get the meaning of bad luck and lovely.(2) Students can understand the whole story and find out why Pat has bad luck.2. The ability aim(1) Students can act out the story(2) Students can use “Can I have XXX” ,“Have XXX” to communicate3. The emotional aim(1) Help students to know that good luck will finally comes to you if you share with others.二、教学重难点二、教学重难点Focus of the lesson:1. understanding the text as a whole.2. Students can act out the whole story.Predicted area of difficulty:Students know that good luck will finally comes to you if you share with others. . 三、教学过程三、教学过程Teaching procedures:Step Lead-in1. What food do you like?2. Play a game-Good luck or bad luck.Step Understanding and learning 1. Students guess if Pat has good luck or bad luck.2. Students watch a story of Pat and check their guess. Students find out the food in the story.3. Students read the first part of the story carefully and find out why Pat has bad luck.4. First part-No popcorn a. Students read after the tape. b.Teacher plays Pat and shares popcorns with students. Teacher use body language and popcorns to help students understand the word “lovely”. c. Teacher show the empty popcorn box and introduces the first reason- no popcorn. 5. Second part-No hamburger a. Students listen to the tape. b.Students speak out the hiding words c. Teacher choose two students and act out this part. d. Teacher let students fill in the blanks and introduces the second reason-no hambueger.5. Third part-No ice cream a. Students read this part by themselves. b. Teacher ask two questions to check students understanding. c. Teacher explain No ice cream on the bus d. Teacher invite two three students to act out this part. e. Teacher point at Pat and ask students Dose Pat eat the ice cream?, therefore introduces the third reason-no ice cream.6. Students read the whole story emotionaly.Step Consolidation1. Students role play the story. Step Extension 1. Students think how is Pat feeling today.2. Students go to a food shop and buy some food for Pat.3. Student share their food with Pat.4. Teacher help students understad Good luck will come If we share with others.Step Homework1. Read the story loudly and do role play with their classmates. 2. Share this story with their parents.
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