Unit 4 Feelings-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+视频)-县级公开课-外研版剑桥版三年级下册-(编号:3089f).zip

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    • The Runaway Bunny母子感情感恩教育.ppt--点击预览
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Therearesomereadingtasksforyou.Ifyoudidagoodjob,yourgroupwillgetbadges.BadgesofReadingStarsrun away What can you see from the cover?Enjoy reading 享受阅读第1步:提问,预测故事。Whatdoesshewanttodo?A:She wants to stay alone.(独自呆着)B:She wants to cry.C:She wants to run away. Once there was a little bunny who wanted to run away. So he said to his mother, “Im running away.” “If you run away,” said his mother, “I will run after you. For you are my little bunny.”“If you run after me,” said the little bunny, “I will become a fish in a stream. And I will swim away from you.” swim away “If you become a fish in a stream,” said his mother, “I will become a_. And I will fish for you!”AfishBfishingCfishermanCM ( much ) 妈妈给了我很多很多妈妈给了我很多很多“If you become a fisherman, ” said the little bunny,“I will become a rock on the mountain,high above you. rock “If you become a rock on the mountain high above me.” said his mother, “I will be_. And I will climb to where you are! .”a mountain climberWhat do you think of the mother bunny?O( old ) 妈妈为我操心妈妈为我操心 , ,白发已爬上了您的白发已爬上了您的头头Can you find the same pattern(重复句型)? Task 1.Search if.I will 查一查if I will的意思和用法And then show us how to search it.信息意识:会利于网络搜索学习中的难点,并且可以分享怎么搜索。Tips(学习策略)(学习策略) “Oh, I see.” said the little bunny, “Id better stay here and be your little bunny.” “Have a carrot, my little bunny!” said the mother bunny. Guess!Whathappens?(根据前后文猜一猜发生了什么呢?) The bunny wants to run away,she becomes_,Her mother becomes other things too.Guessthemeaningofthenewwordsfromthepicturesandcontext.借助图片及上下文理解生词。Enjoy reading 享受阅读第2步:带着好奇理解内容。WhatWhat doesdoes sheshe become?become?WhatWhat doesdoes herher mothermother become?become?Tips(学习策略) Task2.Use pad to read the story. Self-watch it.信息意识:利用网站自主学习英文绘本,跟读。a fisherman a mountain climbera gardenera treethe winda motherhomemountainstreamgardenseaskyPayattentiontothepicturewhichcanshowyoutheplace.注意暗示地点的图片。Enjoy reading 享受阅读第3步:趣配音,听故事。super dubbing specialist 超超级配音大师级配音大师“If you become a mountain climber,” said the l i t t l e b u n n y , “ I w i l l b e _in_.”a flower a garden“If you become a flower in a garden,” said his mother, “I will be_. And I will find you.”a gardener“If you are a gardener,” said the little bunny, “I will become_. And _from you.”fly away a birdfly away “If you become a bird and fly away from me,” said his mother,“I will become_. I will wait for you!”a treeE(eyes) 您注视我的目光总是充满着您注视我的目光总是充满着爱爱“If you become a tree, ”said the little bunny, “ I will become _.And I will _from you . ”“If you become a little boat and sail away from me”said his mother, “I will become_, and blow you where to go. ”sail away a little boat. sail away the wind T(tears)您为我流过不少泪您为我流过不少泪 Run, run away like a bunny.Swim, swim away like a fish.Climb, climb like a monkey.Fly, fly away like a bird.Sail, sail away like a boat.Run, run away like a boy.“If you become a little boy and run into a house, ”said the mother bunny,“I will become _,and catch you with my arms and hug you.”your mother R(rightright)您从不欺骗我们,教导我去做正确的事情)您从不欺骗我们,教导我去做正确的事情. .“Oh, I see.” says the little bunny, “Id better stay here and be your little bunny.” “Have a carrot, my little bunny .” said the mother bunny.H (heart,here)您有一颗慈祥温暖的心您有一颗慈祥温暖的心总是在这里陪伴我。总是在这里陪伴我。 The bunny meets a lot of trouble,what does her mother do?There is a girl who runs away from home.Then what happens?How do you feel?Dont run away from home.Diditreallyhappen?Itsjusta talk.Whenyoufeelangrywithyourmom,whatcanyoudo?A I can talk with mom.B I can listen to music.C I can breath.D.Enjoy reading 享受阅读第四步:重新演绎。Choose your favorite part to show( song、pairwork,act out,pictures) kiss mehug meMother is always with me.仔细想想,原来仔细想想,原来 【 mothermother】 一词是可以这样解释的一词是可以这样解释的母亲的诠母亲的诠释释M ( much ) 妈妈给了我很多很多妈妈给了我很多很多O( old ) 妈妈为我操心妈妈为我操心 , ,白发已爬上了您的白发已爬上了您的头头T(tears)您为我流过不少泪您为我流过不少泪 H(heart)您有一颗慈祥温暖的心您有一颗慈祥温暖的心 E(eyes) 您注视我的目光总是充满着您注视我的目光总是充满着爱爱R(right)您从不欺骗我们,教导我去做正确的事情您从不欺骗我们,教导我去做正确的事情Becauseofyourlove,wehavecourage(勇气)tomakedreamcometrue.Enjoy reading 享受阅读第4步Gethelpfromthepictures.借助图片讲述故事。Showushowyoufeelaboutthisstory.让听众感到你的情感,享受你的故事。 Use mind map to retell. (学会用思维导图来复述。(学会用思维导图来复述。)fish fishermanHow do you retell the story?The Runaway BunnyfishfishermanrockmountainclimberflowergardenerbirdtreesailboatwindboymotherEnjoy reading 享受阅读第四步:T: Then what will the bunny become next? And what will the mother become? Lets write and act it out. 学生根据所给出的要求,发挥想象,与同桌讨论,续写一段对话;而后再扮演角色,有感情地朗读所编的对话。A: I will become a_. B: If you become a _, I will become a _.shepherdsheepsheepDo you want to read more about the mothers love?How can you find out?你可以通过什么方式来了解呢?BadgesofReadingStars2.Read the story with feelings. Find more love clues in this picture book.( 有感情地朗读有感情地朗读 逃家小兔逃家小兔 的故事。的故事。 )1.Post the card to your mother.( 将创作的小诗寄给妈妈。将创作的小诗寄给妈妈。) The Runaway Bunny 课例名称:英语三年级整合课适用年级: 三年级 所属学科:英语 对应教材:外研社 join in(三年级起点)课时单元:【学习三维目标设计】知识与技能目标1.学会基本单词: 普通名词 bunny,rock 与人物身份名词fisherman,climber,gardener,wind。动词词组 run/swim away/climb/fly away/sail away。2.学会读、运用句型:If you.I will能力与方法目标能运用网站看故事视频,学习重点句子,并且能够用思维导图复述故事,同时用不同形式演绎故事。情感态度与价值观目标能理解故事的情节和体会故事中所表达的伟大的母爱,并能有感情地加以朗读和用其他方式演绎(绘本创编,歌曲,推荐书卡,表演等)。学习重难点分析:学会以上新单词和句型,能正确地进行表达,能正确地理解故事的情节并进行有感情地朗读。学情者分析:教学的过程离不开对学生的了解,下面,我来谈谈学生的学习状况:三年级一班有 24 名学生,分为 6 个小组,每组 4 人。每组都有 3-4 名英语学习兴趣浓厚、乐于合作、善于表达的学生,也有 1-2 名不自信、不敢开口、不爱参与课堂学习活动的学生。因此在设计教学活动的时候,我兼顾了不同层次的学生,让他们都能发挥自己的特长,并合理的运用信息技术激发孩子们学习的积极性。 学习环境描述:学生人手一个 pad,教学环境 wifi 全覆盖,老师会运用电子白板、手机等信息技术和学生进行师生互动,学生也通过 pad 登录网站可以自学,生生互动。【教学过程】第一环节:教学内容:游戏热身,视频故事导入。教师活动:打开 PPT,讲解游戏规则。学生活动:参与活动。媒体运用:PPT,音频和视频的运用。课堂实录:T:Are you ready for class?S:Yes.T: Little bunny,I love you,1-10.And if teacher says 2,2 students are together;3,3 students are together T:Good job. Is the bunny cute?Do you want to watch a video about the bunny?(看完) 观看录像 1T: Is the bunny happy or sad?S:Sad.T:Do you want to know what happens next?Lets read a story about her.Before reading,there are some tasks for you,if you did a good job,your group will get badges,are you ready?S:Go.第二环节:教学内容:阅读三部曲。第一步,观察封面,得到信息,浏览图片,猜测故事。第二步,理解内容,自学知识点,利用网络学习。第三步,聆听故事。教师活动:组织学生学习,利用 PPT 引导启发。学生活动:猜测,自学,展示。媒体运用:手机移动讲台 app,教师端教学助手,学生网络 Pad 的运用。课堂实录:T: What can you see from the cover?S:I can see a little bunny,mother bunny,sky,grass,flowerT:What are they doing?S:They are talking.T: What does the bunny say?S:She wants to be a cop.T:What does her mother say?S:Never be a cop.(watch a video 观看录像 2) T:What does the bunny feel?S:She is sad,angryT:What does he want to do?S:She doesnt want to eat.She wants to run away.T: Lets go onAnd self-study on the pad.Tips(学习策略) Task 1.Search how to use if you.I will信息意识:会利于网络搜索学习中的难点。 S: 登录百度搜索难点。T:到学生周围观看学习情况。OK, times up. One , two ,three .Who can Search it: if you.I will”S : I can 学生把用平板搜索的资料读一读。T:Good job. Lets move to the last page.(读开始的几页和最后一页)Guess what happens?S: The bunny wants to run away,he changes a lot of times,but his mother changes too,and runs after her.T:Lets move to the step 2.Answer the questions,what does she/her mother become?Tips(学习策略) Task2.Use pad to read the story信息意识:利用网站自主学习故事。T: OK, times up. One , two ,three .Answer what mom becomes and tell what they become in 30 seconds.And match the pictures.T:Finish the task one by one or in group.T:Now Lets move to step3.Its super dubbing specialist time.S:I can read it loudly and fluently with emotion.(小组分角色有感情的朗读,评价)T:The bunny meets a lot of trouble,what does her mother do? Watch!S:She encourages her.SheT:There is a girl who runs away from home.Then what happens? S:Her mother is sad.And she has no money,may be she will meet someone bad.T:How do you feel?Can you feel the love?Dont run away from home. S: Moving.Dont run away from home. Dont make mom worried.T:Lets go back to the bunny story,does the bunny really run away?If you are angry with mom,what you can do?S:A I can talk with mom.B I can listen to music.C I can breath.D.第三环节:教学内容:通过不同方式演绎绘本。教师活动:利用 PPT,配音等方式展现活动。学生活动:个人或者小组一起演绎绘本。媒体运用:教学助手,配音课堂实录:T:Lets move to the step4. Choose your favorite part to show( song、pairwork,act out,picturestry to retell the story.S:I can use the mind map to retell.T:What is the mothers love?S:T:Watch,and does it make it?S:Yes,because of your love,we have courage(勇气)to make dream come true.T:Can you continue the story,choose your favorite part to act.S:I can.T: Make a recommendation cardT:Now, do you want to read more about the mothers love?How can you find out?S:I can第四环节:homework1.Post the card to your mother.( 将创作的小诗寄给妈妈。)2.Read the story with feelings. Find more love clues in this picture book.( 有感情地朗读逃家小兔BlackboardThe Runaway Bunnyfish run away fisherman rock swim away mountain climber flower climb gardener bird fly away tree sailboat sail away wind boy run away mother If you.I will become【课后分析以及反思】在这节课中,利用绘本重复的特点,学生自然掌握基本句型和单词,并且大量渗入情感教学,激发学生对亲人的感情。运用了多媒体网络技术教学助手三端合作运用,老师端、学生端、手机端。加强了生生互动,师生互动。本节课也大量运用视频、音频等媒体文件,原音视频不仅内化了课本知识、拓宽了课外情境,还大大调动了学生的情感:创造、想象、合作、审美等等。运用学、练、展、点、思五维一体的评价模式,大大激励了学生的学习兴趣。当然,这节课也存在着不完善之处,设计学生活动还应该更放开一些,应给学生提供更多的空间,发挥他们的创造力和想象力。针对以上问题,我在今后的教学中,将采取以下措施:教师要把凡是学生能够自己独立做的事情都留给学生,让学生有时间,有机会去选择、决定,去思考、实践、体验感悟,去创造、应用,根据所学的语言内容设计出更多的语言情境,内容更贴近他们的生活,让每个人都能开口说英语,让作为一门语言的英语学科更具生命力!
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