Unit 3 Clothes-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-外研版剑桥版三年级下册-(编号:80522).zip

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小学英语三年级下册小学英语三年级下册UnitUnit 3 3 ClothesClothes LessonLesson 1 1 教学设计教学设计 1 1教材分析:教材分析: 本课是外研 2011 课标版三年级起点三年级下册 Unit3 Clothes,Lesson 1, 是本单元的第 1 课时.本课是一节词汇新授课。把本单元的重点词汇和句型集中教学。主要教学内容为 coat, shirt,jacket,sweater, shorts 和 socks 六个单词,和句子 Where are/is my new.? What colour are they/is it?2 2学情分析:学情分析:三年级下学期的学生经过半年多的英语学习,对英语的词汇和句子已经有了一定的基础。为本课时的学习奠定了基础,降低了难度.三年级学生的思维仍然以形象思维为主.喜欢唱歌,做游戏. 三教学目标三教学目标:知识目标知识目标: :1. 学生能够听、说、认读六个表示衣服的单词:coat, shirt, jacket, sweater, shorts, socks.2. 学生能够熟练运用句型:Where are/is my.? What colour are they/is it? 就衣服的位置和颜色展开问答。能力目标:能力目标:学生能够将本课所涉及到的单词和句型在生活当中进行熟练运用。情感目标:情感目标:学生能够养成及时整理个人物品的好习惯。四教学重、难点:四教学重、难点:重点:重点:学生能够听,说,认读单词:coat, shirt, jacket, sweater, shorts, socks. 难点:难点:1. 名词单复数的使用; 2. shorts,shirt 和 socks 中 sh- 和 s-发音的不同,注意这两个单词发音的区别。 五教学方法五教学方法:图片展示法,TPR 教学法六教学准备六教学准备:教师准备:PPT 课件,卡片,奖励小卡片学生准备:课本七教学过程:七教学过程:StepStep 1:1: 创设情境,综合复习:创设情境,综合复习:(4 4 分钟)分钟)1.1. freefree talk:talk:T: Good morning, girls and boys.S: Good morning, Miss Yan.T: Nice to meet you!S: Nice to meet you, too!T: I am very glad to meet you here. This lesson, we will share it together, OK?S: OK.T: First , lets listen to the song together.2.2. SingSing a a songsongT: look at here. Whats this?/ What are these?S: Its a./ They are.T: Whats the song about?S: Its about the clothes.T: Yes, Its about the clothes. Today, we are going to learn Unit5 Clothes ,Part B, Lets learn.T: Girls and boys. We will take a trip today. 3.3. DialogueDialogue 1:1:T: Before our trip, please talk about What should we prepare for the trip?A: Hello, Whats the weather like?B: Hi! Its hot .A: Whose pants are those/ is this?B: Its/ They are .s.A: Is this/Are these yours?B: No ,it isnt/they arent. Mine is/are green .A: I like that green skirt.B: Me too. 设计意图复习旧知,创设情境,激发学生兴趣,为新授课教学做铺垫,降低新授课的难度。StepStep 2 2:听读新知,初步感知:(:听读新知,初步感知:(1414 分钟)分钟)1. T: Girls and boys. Are you ready?S: Yes.T: OK. Lets go our trip. Look at the picture. Whats this. S: Its a map. T:Today we are going to travel to these cities. Look! This is the road map of the trip. The first stop is London. The second one is . Now, lets go. 2. 教授新词:1).Sydney-shorts (hot)2)Singapore- shirt (warm)3)London- jacket, sweater (cool)4)Moscow - coat, socks (cold)3. 强调 shorts, shirt, socks 三个单词发音的不同 4. Lets say. StepStep 3 3:情境交际,巩固新知;(:情境交际,巩固新知;(5 5 分钟)分钟)DialogueDialogue 2 2:T: The next station is Beijing. Welcome to Beijing. Beijing is very beautiful. Our trip will be over. lets pack our clothes.KeyKey wordswords:A: Where is/are my ?B: What colour is it/are they?A: . .B: Its/They are . (on,in,near.)A: Whose is this/are these?B: Its/They are s.A: I want to wear my . B:Here you are.设计意图通过设计另外的一个情境,让学生把本课所学知识进行灵活运用。 StepStep 4:4: 拓展听读,整体感知:(拓展听读,整体感知:(1212 分钟分钟)We are tired now. Oh, look! Heres a TV. Lets watch TV together.拓展一:Boy, put on the clothes拓展二:tonys pants拓展三:gogo wash the clothes拓展四:The king and his clothesStepStep 5:5: 综合运用,灵活表达:(综合运用,灵活表达:(5 5 分钟)分钟)T: The cartoons are so funny. We have a good rest. The trip will be over. lets go back to our school.T: Whats the weather like in Luanzhuang?S: Its warm.T:Lets change our clothes. DialogueDialogue 3:3:1. MakeMake a a dialogue.dialogue.(同桌相互讨论,自编对话,可以用思维导图当中的关键词句,也可以用自己的语言。)StepStep 6:6: 小结小结We must get into the good habit of putting away our clothes in time. StepStep 7:7: 家庭作业家庭作业1. Design the clothes you like 设计自己喜欢的衣服。 2. Talk about your clothes with your partner.StepStep 8:8: 板书设计板书设计 Unit 5 My clothes B Lets learn: Where is/are my ?: Its/They are .: Yellow.
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