Unit 1 Pets-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-县级公开课-外研版剑桥版三年级下册-(编号:7034d).zip

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Unit 5 Animals in danger习题习题 1一、单项选择。一、单项选择。1. The pandas eat _. A. grass B. bamboo C. meat2. Does it live _ a farm? A. in B. at C. on3. _ you _ the South China Tiger? A. Do; know B. Do; knows C. Does; know二、翻译。二、翻译。1. 世界各地的人们都很喜欢熊猫。_2. People can only see the South China Tiger in the zoo today. _3. 翠鸟是一种很漂亮的鸟。 _ Animals in danger Part 5 Animals in dangerpandawhite-flag dolphin leopardgolden monkeytiger gorilla Animals What colour is it?Why are they in danger?What does it eat?Where does it live?What has it got? Listen and think1) Where does the panda live?2) What has it got?Read and underline ( (阅读划出新单词)阅读划出新单词) 快速浏览文本,在快速浏览文本,在新单新单词词下下划横线划横线。 Tips 小贴士小贴士ham-bambook-boobambooNorth AmericaSouth AmericaEuropeAsiaAfricaAustralia Antarctica Map of the world Task 1 Discuss in groups why the pandas are in danger(小组讨论熊猫濒危的原因(小组讨论熊猫濒危的原因)You can use:There is no.for pandas to eat/drink.People kill /sell . to get. Tips 小贴士小贴士South China Tiger Task 2 Talk about the South China Tiger in groups(小组运用所给信(小组运用所给信息谈论一下华南虎的简介)息谈论一下华南虎的简介) Name Place Colour Food Can Name Place Colour Food Can South China Tiger Chinawhite,yellow,black,orange deers (鹿(鹿) antelopes (羚羊)(羚羊) swim You can use: It lives It is It eats It can Tips 小贴士小贴士 Task 3 Read the text and do True or False by yourself.( 阅读有关华阅读有关华南虎的海报,自己完成南虎的海报,自己完成True or False练习)练习) Tips 小贴士小贴士 完成完成True or False练习时,应注意练习时,应注意在原文中找到在原文中找到相关信息相关信息,再进行判断。,再进行判断。 True or false1) The South China Tiger lives in many parts of China. 2) We can see the South China Tigers in the forests and the zoo. 3) The South China Tigers are in great danger. True or false1) The South China Tiger lives in many parts of China. F BeforeThey lived in many parts of China. BeforeThey lived in many parts of China. True or false2)We can see the South China Tigers in the forests(森林)(森林) and the zoo. F NowBut people can only see them in the zoo today. True or false3) The South China Tigers are in great danger. T Task 4 Discuss in groups how to save the animals in danger(小组讨论如何保护濒危动物)(小组讨论如何保护濒危动物)You can use:We shouldDontLets Tips 小贴士小贴士 How to save? Do Dont Plant trees Make the air/water clearMake friends with animals Love animals Cut trees, Hurt animals Buy the products of animals Make the air/water dirty Kill animals Homework 1.Write a poster in groups(小组设计一(小组设计一张濒危动物海报)张濒危动物海报) You can use: It lives It is It has got It eats It can Dont Lets Tips 小贴士小贴士 Homework2. Do exercise: P53-5tea ice-cream green egg run hair open ruler schoolbag ear tiger horseAnimals in danger 教学设计Animals in danger 教学设计1、设计背景现在由于环境的恶化,人类的乱捕滥猎,各种野生动物的生存正 在面临着各种各样的威胁。近 100 年,物种灭绝的速度已超过了自然 灭绝速度的 100 倍,现在每天都有 100 多种生物从地球上消失。我国 也已经有 10 多种哺乳类动物灭绝,还有 20 多种珍稀动物面临灭绝。 而它们的灭绝会导致许多可被用于制造新药的分子归于消失,还会导 致许多有助于农作物战胜恶劣气候的基因归于消失,甚至引起新的瘟疫,由此所造成的损失是我们永远也无法挽回的。因此,通过本节课 的学习,希望能让学生懂得保护野生动物的重要性。要知道,其实保护生物链条,保护生态平衡就是保护人类自己。2、教学课题:Join 六年级上册 Unit5 Animals danger(Part5) 3、教材分析: 1、教学内容: Join 六年级上册 Unit5 Animals danger(Part5),这部分主 要学习两篇文章: “Lets help pandas”“Save Chinas tigers”里面的新句型和单词以及让学生通过学习,明白生态平衡的重要性,从 而懂得保护野生动物,保护环境。 2、教学目标: 能读懂“Lets help pandas”“Save Chinas tigers”这两篇文章。 能流利地读出新词,如:bamboo, around ,great danger etc. 能运用所学知识,用英语简单描述一下自己所喜欢的动物。3、教学重、难点: 能读懂课文,并能听、说、认读单词 bamboo, around ,great danger ,South China Tiger,以及新句型 。能朗读课文,并运用所学知识,描述自己喜欢的动物。4、教学方法:本课时主要是运用任务型的教学方法进行教学,巩固练习部分也 会有相应的教学游戏作为辅助。 5、教学过程:(一)Greeting & Free talkWhats your favourite animals ?(以 Whats your favourite animals ?这一问题贯穿整个环节,同时通过动画复习动物名称,激发学生的学习兴趣,了解学情。)1、 Lead in We know lots of animals ,but do you know some animals in danger ? Do you know what are they ?2、 GuessWhat do you know ?(通过观看视频,感知 Animals in danger .)3、 TalkingDo you know which animals in danger ?(学生自由交流)So we must look after animals .(二)PresentationText 1 Lets help pandas 1、Answer the question What colour is it ? What does it live ? What has it got ? What does it eat ? Why are they in danger ? (先通过几个简单的问题,对 panda 做一简单的了解,Panda is the national treasure of China .)2、listen & think 1) Where does the panda live? 2) What has it got? (根据前面学生未解决的问题学习文本。)3、Read& underline 快速浏览文本,在新单词下划横线。 (自主阅读,学习新词) ham-bam book-boo bamboo4、Task1 Discuss in groups why the pandas are in danger(小组讨论熊猫濒危的原因) You can use: There is no.for pandas to eat/drink. People kill /sell . to get.Text2 South China Tiger1、Task2 Talk about the South China Tiger in groups(小组运用所给信息谈论一下华南虎的简介)(运用小组讨论的方式,自学华南虎)2、PracticeNamePlaceColourFoodCan Read the text and do True or False by yourself.( 阅读有关华南虎的海报,自己完成 True or False 练习)1) The South China Tiger lives in many parts of China. 2) We can see the South China Tigers in the forests and the zoo. 3) The South China Tigers are in great danger. 3、Before we can see animals everywhere ,but now . (通过观看视频进行情感渗透)4、Task 4 Discuss in groups how to save the animals in danger (小组讨论如何保护濒危动物) How to save? Do Dont (三)Homework1.Write a poster in groups(小组设计一张濒危动物海报)2. Do exercise: P53-5六、教学反思: 这课时主要是以任务型教学贯穿整个课堂,学生带着问题进行 阅读,这让学生在阅读时有所目标,就会阅读得更加细致。在解答问题 的过程中进行新知识的教授,也要比直接出示新内容的效果强得多, 因为学生要得知自己的答案是否正确,就会更认真地去学习新知识, 学生由要我学变成我要学。这样老师就不用担心学生的纪律 问题了。一节课下来,学生对这课时的知识掌握得比较理想 其实,教师在英语教学实践中,完全不必拘泥于某种程式,而 应深刻领悟每一种教学方法的内涵、实质,创造性地设计符合自己教 学实际的方法、模式。设合自己的,才是最好的。
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