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ModuleModule 4 4 UnitUnit 1 1 TheThe balloonsballoons areare flyingflying away.away.一、教学目标一、教学目标1.知识目标:(1)掌握四会单词 balloon;(2)用现在进行时描述正在发生的事情;(3)掌握目标句子:运用 Who can help me?这类语句寻求帮助和提供帮助并作出正确的答复。2.能力目标:运用旧知和新知进行综合语言交际训练,会向他人提供帮助。3.情感目标:学会关心他人,帮助他人。二、教学重点二、教学重点1. 掌握四会单词 balloon;2用现在进行时描述正在发生的事情;3掌握目标句子:运用 Who can help me?这类语句寻求帮助和提供帮助并作出正确的答复。 三、教学难点三、教学难点用现在进行时描述正在发生的事情,并所学语言来寻求帮助和提供帮助。四、教学过程四、教学过程Step 1. Warming upFree talk.Step 2:Lead-in 引出并教授 balloon. (say more words about ”oo” ) 通过 Whats happing? 引出课题 The balloons are flying away.Step 3. PresentationT: Look at these verbs. Do you know it?T: Can you say more words?T: Can you use these words to make sentences? Can you use these lucky words to make sentences?【设计意图:让学生应用这些单词输出所学过的句型,已达到复习的的目的】T: I want to check you! Lets play PK between boys and girls.T: Boys first! Ok. How many sentences? T: You re all winners! Youre all lucky dogs! T: Next, I think youll like some interesting sounds. Ok! Listen carefully! Open you mind and say more sentences.T: They can play table tennis. They are good at playing table tennis. They are playing table tennis. Ss: He can sing. He is singer. He is good at singing. He is singing. S1: She is playing the piano.S1: I am playing the piano. I am good at playing the piano. T: Now, There are three sentences. Whats the same?由学生总结 Be+V.-ing. T: Your eyes are so sharp. Please remember it. T: What am I doing? What is happening?T: You did a good job. What is happening in Damings family? Turn to page 20T: Whats happening? take questions to read. Step 4. WritingT: Thank you. What we can do is not only this, we can do more. What can we do? Lets enjoy the video. What is happing?T: Four students in a group. Talk about this video. What is happing?(四人小组)【设计意图:让学生结合语境大胆尝试,用英语进行交际对话,根据情况,作适当的回答,把完成任务的主动权交给了学生。交际用语就自然地融入到交际环境中。 】Please fill in the blanks. (请学生读)Step 5 EndingAs you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others. Helping others can make us happy ! Module 4 Unit 1 The balloons are flying away. 课后反思本节课的内容为六年级英语第八册第四模块第一单元 ,在备课的过程中,我对教材进行了一定的加工,根据学生的实际生活,扩展了教材的内容。除了教授课文中的重点单词、句型以外,还让学生自主创设情境,操练所学过的语言文化知识。但是我对课堂的整体设计不够严密,整个课堂并未出现我所期待的亮点。现将我对这节课的整体思路阐述如下:一、导入、呈现新内容较自然。在本节课中,我从 Free talk 导入气球飞走了,让学生在轻松、有趣的参与中不知不觉进入课文情境。 二、创设情境,学习新知。通过对课标的学习和理解,以及对学生和本课教材的分析,我在The balloons are flying away.一课的教学时注意做到:创设丰富的课堂教学情境,通过任务型交际活动培养学生综合运用语言的能力。在本课教学中,我创设了较为生活化的交际环境,例:书掉地上,找气球等,让学生结合语境大胆尝试,用英语进行交际对话,根据情况作适当的回答,把完成任务的主动权交给了学生。交际用语就自然地融入到交际环境中,并在期间渗透情感教育,即使别人因有事要做不能帮助你,也要同样表示感谢,做懂礼貌的好学生。学生通过交际活动,能够促使学生获取、处理和使用信息,用英语与他人交流、发展用英语解决实际问题的能力。 二、自主学习,发挥学生的表演才能,在真实的情景中灵活的运用英语。英语作为一门语言,应体现它的交际功能,我一贯认为学生会应用英语是关键。在拓展环节,让学生自己创编、设计需要他人帮助的情境,给学生自由发挥的空间,通过小组合作,让他们充分的发挥想象,运用所学的内容自编自演谈话场景。这样学生可以活学活用英语,同时也培养了学生的表演才能。有的学生极有想象力和创造力,能够有一些新点子自创情境,而且往往不局限于本节的内容。 此外,本课存在着许多的不足。如:教师和学生间的交流还不够深入;课堂语言叙述较为平淡;课堂上学生听得不够充分,没能充分让学生读课文。如果让我重新上这节课,我会加强单词和句型的训练,点面结合。总而言之,我要努力提高自己在英语语言方面的水平,全面锻炼自己多方面的应变能力,做到授课时不慌不乱,沉着稳重。Module 4 Unit 1 The balloons are flying away.balloonsblunballoon 、 、room、 、cool、 、school、 、soon、 、zoo、 、moon、 、too、 、foodModule 4 Unit 1 The balloons are flying away.runningswimmingflyingskippinghavingcarryinglyingtakingmakingbuyingfallingrunswimflyskiphavecarrylietakemakebuyfallGirlsBoys3030292928282727262625252424232322222121202019191818171716161515141413131212111110100909080807070606050504040303020201010000startstartGirls PK BoysI am doing.HeShe is doing.They are doing.3030292928282727262625252424232322222121202019191818171716161515141413131212111110100909080807070606050504040303020201010000startstartGirls PK BoysI am doing.HeShe is doing.They are doing. can+V. be+ V.-ing be+ good at A: My books are falling. Who can help me ? B: I can help you. /Sorry , I cant . Read the text (难难 文文)1.Where is Mum? 2.What is Simon doing?3.Whats Simons mum trouble(困困难 ) ?4.Who can help Mum?5. What is happening to the balloons?She is at the supermarket .He is making Damings birthday card.She cant carry everything.Daming.They are flying away. The boy is falling off the skateboard(sketbd滑板滑板). The man can help him. The old woman_. The boy_.The young lady (find her wallet(wlt 难 包包).The old woman_.The mans card .The old woman_. The boy_(fall) off the skateboard(sketbd滑板滑板). The man can help him. The old woman cant _ (carry) everything. The boy can_(help) her. The young lady _(find) wallet(wlt难 包包).The old woman can help her. When you are in trouble, you should ask for help.(当你当你难 在麻在麻难 中,你中,你难难难 求帮助求帮助) _can help me?Fill in the falling carryhelpis finding WhoAsyougrowolder,youwilldiscoverthatyouhavetwohands,oneforhelpingyourself,theotherforhelpingothers.“当你长 大长 ,你会长长 你有两只手,一只用来帮助自己,一只用来帮助长 人。”奥黛长 赫本
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