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1、欧洲文化入门(六)欧洲文化入门(六) The Age of Enlightenment (启蒙时代启蒙时代) 1ppt课件English RevolutionEnclosure movementPuritan movementCivil War 1642Cromwell as Protector 1649Restoration of Stuart 1660Glorious Revolution 1688The Bill of Rights 16892ppt课件The Bill of RightsThe king should not make the law.The king should n

2、ot collect taxes.The king should not keep army.Roman Catholic or anyone marrying a Roman Catholic shouldnt become the king.3ppt课件I. General Introduction Enlightenment 启蒙时代启蒙时代 / 理性时代理性时代4ppt课件什么是启蒙运动什么是启蒙运动? ? 启蒙运动是指欧洲近代资产阶级上升时期伴随资产阶级政治上的反封建斗争而展开的反对封建传统意识形态的思想文化运动。这一思想文化运动表现在意识形态领域,就是用资产阶级的哲学、伦理、教育、

3、文艺和科学反对封建神学及其传统的封建文化。启蒙运动是一次进步的理性的运动。它兴起于法国并同时席卷整个西欧。启蒙运动是14至17世纪文艺复兴运动的继续,其目的是用现代哲学和艺术的光芒来照亮整个世界。5ppt课件1. Enlightenment启蒙时代启蒙时代The Enlightenment MovementThe Age of Reason 理性时代理性时代An intellectual movementOriginated in FranceSupported by the ruling and intellectuaral classes6ppt课件2. Historical Contex

4、tThe American War of Independence in 1776The French Revolution in 1789The Industrial Revolution in England (1760-1840)7ppt课件The American War of Independence The Declaration of Independence: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creato

5、r with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends,

6、it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. 8ppt课件美国独立宣言我们认为这些真理是不言而喻的:人生而平等,造物主赋予他们某些不可被剥夺的权利,包括生命权、

7、自由权和追求幸福的权利。为了保障这些权利,人类才建立政府,而政府的正当权利,是经过被统治者的统一而产生的。如果有任何一种形式的政府损害了这些目的,那么,人民就有权利来改变或者废除它,以建立新的政府。9ppt课件Declaration of the Rights of ManLiberty consists in the freedom to do everything which injures no one else;All citizens, being equal in the eyes of law.The free communication of ideas and opinion

8、s is one of the most precious of the rights of man.10ppt课件人权宣言自由是指有权实施一切无害于他人的行为。在法律的面前,所有的公民都是平等的。自由交流思想和意见是人类最宝贵的权利之一。11ppt课件The Industrial Revolution工业革命Marked by the following developments” (1). The introduction of machines which reduced the need for hand labor in making goods (2). The substitut

9、ion of steam power for water, wind, and animal power. (3). The change from manufacturing in the home to the factory system12ppt课件II French Philosophy and Literature13ppt课件The most important forerunners : Montesquieu孟德斯鸠孟德斯鸠 Voltaire:伏尔泰Rousseau 卢梭Died rot 狄德罗14ppt课件Montesquieu孟德斯鸠孟德斯鸠查理查理路易路易孟德斯鸠孟德斯

10、鸠The juristPolitical and social philosopherThe first great men of letters法国启蒙思想家法国启蒙思想家社會學家社會學家西方国家学说和法学理论西方国家学说和法学理论的奠基15ppt课件Major WorksA. Persian Letter 波斯人信札波斯人信札B. The Spirit of the Law 论法的精神论法的精神 16ppt课件Montesquieu孟德斯鸠孟德斯鸠A man should be mourned at his birth, not at his death. 一个人应当在出生时,而不是在临死

11、前悲泣。Liberty is the right of doing whatever the laws permit. 自由是在法律许可的范围内任意行事的权利。17ppt课件VoltaireVoltaire伏尔泰伏尔泰French poetDramatistHistorianphilosopher18ppt课件 Voltaire Voltaire伏尔泰伏尔泰The best is the enemy of the good. 完美是好的敌人。If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him. 倘若上帝不存在,有必要去创造他。I

12、disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. 我并不赞成你说的话,但我誓死捍卫你的言论权。19ppt课件Main works A. Letters Anglaise(letters philosophiques) 哲学书简哲学书简 B. Candide 老实人老实人(哲学讽刺故事哲学讽刺故事 )20ppt课件Rousseau卢梭PhilosopherAuthorPolitical theoristComposerHis famous words: Man was born fre

13、e, and everywhere he is in chains“人生来是自由的,但无处不受制约人生来是自由的,但无处不受制约” 21ppt课件 Major WorksThe Origin of Human Inequality论人类不平等的起源论人类不平等的起源The New Heloise新爱洛伊斯新爱洛伊斯Emile, or On Education爱弥儿爱弥儿 The Social Contract社会契约论社会契约论 The Confession忏悔录忏悔录22ppt课件The Origin of Human InequalityThe Origin of Human Inequa

14、lity论人类不平等的起源论人类不平等的起源Mans greatest ills are not natural but made by man himself; the remedy lies also within mans power.23ppt课件The Origin of Human InequalityThe Origin of Human Inequality论人类不平等的起源论人类不平等的起源 The first man who, having fenced in a piece of land, said, “This is mine,”and found people na

15、ive enough to believe him, that man was the true founder of civil society. 谁第一个把一块土地围起来,说“这是我的”,而且找到一些头脑简单的人相信他的话,这位就是文明社会的真正奠基人 论人类不平等的起源24ppt课件The ConfessionThe Confession忏悔录忏悔录The thirst after happiness is never extinguished in the heart of man.Nature made men happy and good, but society makes hi

16、m evil and miserable.25ppt课件Denis Diderot狄德罗 French philosopher, and a man of letters法国文学家、哲学法国文学家、哲学家家 现代百科全书之现代百科全书之父父 26ppt课件Denis Diderot狄德罗主编主编Encyclpedie百科全书百科全书 Philosopgical Thoughts哲学断想哲学断想Letters on the Blind盲人书简盲人书简Elements of Physiology 自然解释断想自然解释断想Rameaus Nephew拉摩的侄儿拉摩的侄儿 27ppt课件Diderot

17、狄德罗From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step. 从狂热到野蛮,仅是一步之遥。Staircase wit. 事后诸葛亮。(下楼时的巧思,指说完了话下楼时突然想起了该说的妙语)28ppt课件III. English LiteratureAlexander Pope蒲柏蒲柏Essay on Criticism论批评论批评The Rape of the Lock鬈发遇劫记鬈发遇劫记 Dunciad笨伯咏笨伯咏、群愚史诗群愚史诗 愚人志愚人志Essay on Man 论人论人 29ppt课件Alexander PopeAlexander Pope蒲柏蒲

18、柏 Why has not man a microscopic eye? For this plain reason, man is not a fly! 人为什么不长显微镜般的眼睛? 理由很简单:人不是苍蝇。 Whatever is, is right. 凡存在,皆合理。 To err is human, to forgive, divine. 人孰无过,恕过者神。30ppt课件2. Daniel Defoe丹尼尔丹尼尔笛福笛福 The Journal of The Plague Year 大疫年记事大疫年记事 Moll Flanders 摩尔弗兰德斯摩尔弗兰德斯 Robinson Crus

19、oe鲁滨逊漂流记鲁滨逊漂流记31ppt课件Robinson CrusoeRobinson Crusoe鲁滨逊鲁滨逊漂流记漂流记Friday: 星期五 (奴隶,助手,伙伴)Woman Friday; 女星期五(女强人,得力、能干的女助手、女秘书等)32ppt课件3. Jonathan Swift乔纳森乔纳森斯威夫特斯威夫特 A. A Modest Proposal一个温和(小小)的建议一个温和(小小)的建议B. Gullivers Travel格列弗格列弗游记游记大小人国历险记大小人国历险记 33ppt课件格利佛游记格利佛游记的情节、结构和主题是什么的情节、结构和主题是什么? 格利佛游记是乔纳森

20、斯威夫特的不朽之作。直到今天它还具有一定的现实意义,并被列为世界名著之一。 其故事情节按格利佛所到的不同国家划分为四个部分:“小人国游记”、“大人国游记”、“拉普他等地游记”、和“智马国游记”。这四个部分各自独立,又相互联系。在每个部分中,斯威夫特都具体描述了那些国家的奇特之处以及他们的社会制度和人们的生活习惯、生活方式等。其中,对各个国家的描述都以英国为原型,并在描述的过程中不露声色地对英国当时的社会现实和政权纷争予以抨击和讽刺。 因此,我们决不能简单地把格利佛游记理解成一部童话。这部讽刺小说充满着对当时英国社会的讽刺。透过这些辛辣的讽刺,我们看到的是英国社会当时的黑暗和腐朽。34ppt课件

21、Jonathan Swift乔纳森乔纳森斯威夫特斯威夫特 When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that dunces are all in confederacy against him. 当一个真正的天才在世上出现时,你可以通过这种迹象来判断:所有的低能儿会群起而攻之。 I never wonder to see men wicked, but I often wonder to see them not ashamed. 我从不惊异于人的邪恶,却常常惊异于他们的无耻。35ppt课件5

22、. Henry Fielding亨利亨利菲尔丁菲尔丁 A. The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and his Friends, Mr. Abraham AdamsB. The Life of Mr. Jonathan Wild the Great大伟人江奈生魏尔大伟人江奈生魏尔德传德传C. The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling 汤姆汤姆琼斯琼斯 36ppt课件Why is Henry Fielding Why is Henry Fielding regarded as regarded as “

23、Father of the Father of the English NovelEnglish Novel”? ? Fielding has been regarded as “Father of English Novel” for his contribution to the establishment of the form of the English modern novel. Of all the 18th-century novelists he was the first to set out, both in theory and practice, to write s

24、pecifically a “comic epic in prose”, the first to give the modern novel its structure and style.37ppt课件亨利亨利菲尔丁为什么被誉为菲尔丁为什么被誉为“英英国小说之父国小说之父”? ? 菲尔丁被誉为“英国小说之父”是由于他在创建现代英语小说的形式方面作出了巨大的贡献。他是18世纪小说家中第一个对“喜剧性的散文体史诗” 从理论上进行研究并进行创作实践的。是他第一次限定了现代小说的结构和风格。38ppt课件6. Samuel Johnson塞缪尔约翰逊Dictionary Johnson:伟大的辞典

25、编纂家,创造了第一伟大的辞典编纂家,创造了第一部令世人满意的英语辞典部令世人满意的英语辞典theDictionary of the English Language) Vanity of Human WishesRasselas拉塞拉斯拉塞拉斯The Lives of the Poets诗人传记诗人传记 39ppt课件为什么把塞缪尔为什么把塞缪尔约翰逊叫做约翰逊叫做“字典约翰字典约翰逊逊”? 塞缪尔约翰逊是诗人、剧作家、小品文作家、批评家和政论家,更是一位伟大的辞典编纂家。他编纂了第一部英国人自己 的 英 语 辞 书 英 语 大 辞 典 (1755)。这部辞典在当时影响很大,对英语的规范化起了

26、重要作用。约翰逊花了七年的时间独自一人完成了这项艰巨的工作。他所编纂的这部著名的辞典,为他赢得了“字典约翰逊”的称号。 由于他在词汇方面比其他作家造诣更深,所以他的文章趋于高深复杂,而且词汇运用非常准确到位。40ppt课件IV. Geman Literature and Philosophy1. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing 戈特霍尔德戈特霍尔德埃夫莱姆埃夫莱姆莱辛莱辛 Philosopher Dramatist Critic41ppt课件 Lessing Lessing莱辛莱辛 Yesterday I loved, today I suffer, tomorrow I d

27、ie: but I still think fondly, today and tomorrow, of yesterday. 昨日我曾爱过,今日我烦恼痛苦,明日我将死去。可是不论今日、明日,我始终对昨日怀着好感。 42ppt课件WorksA. Minna von Barnheim明娜明娜 冯冯 巴尔赫姆巴尔赫姆B. Nathan the Wise智者纳森智者纳森 C. Laocoon拉奥孔拉奥孔 D. Hamburgische Dramaturgie 汉汉堡剧评堡剧评 43ppt课件2. Wolfgang von Goethe 歌德歌德 A. The Sorrows of Young Wer

28、ther少年维特之烦恼少年维特之烦恼 B. Wilhelm Meisters ApprenticeshipC. Wilhelm Meisters Travel 威廉迈斯特的学习时代威廉迈斯特的学习时代 威廉迈斯特的漫游时代威廉迈斯特的漫游时代D. Faust 浮士德浮士德E. Poetry and Truth44ppt课件Goethe 歌德歌德Man is in error throughout his strife. 人在努力追求时总会有迷误。A talent is formed in stillness, a character in the worlds torrent. 才子是在国泰民

29、安时造就的,俊杰是在世界的风云变幻中产生的。I call architecture frozen music. 我把建筑称之为冻结的音乐。My peace is gone, 我的宁静消失, My heart is heavy. 我的心情沉重。 45ppt课件 4. Immanuel Kant康德康德The key figure of the German classical philosophyThe “waterhead of modern philosophy”Natural scientistNebular Hypothesis:星云假星云假说说德国哲学家、天文学家、星云德国哲学家、天文

30、学家、星云假说的创立者之一、德国古典假说的创立者之一、德国古典唯心主义创始人。唯心主义创始人。 46ppt课件Nebular HypothesisNebular Hypothesis星云假说星云假说 1755年,德国哲学家康德(Immanuel Kant)首先提出了太阳系起源的星云假说。他认为,太阳系是由原始星云按照万有引力定律演化而成。在这个原始星云中,大小不等的固体微粒在万有引力的作用下相互接近,大微粒吸引小微粒形成较大的团块,团块又陆续把周围的微粒吸引过来,这样,团块越来越大,而“天体在吸引最强的地方开始形成”。引力最强的中心部分吸引的物质最多,先形成太阳。外面的微粒在太阳吸引下向其下落

31、时,与其它微粒碰撞而改变方向,变成绕太阳作圆周运动;运动中的微粒又逐渐形成引力中心,最后凝聚成朝同一方向转动的行星。 1796年,法国著名的数学家和天文学家拉普拉斯(Pierre Simon Laplace)也独立提出了关于太阳系起源的星云假说。与康德的星云说不同之处在于,他认为太阳系是由炽热气体组成的星云形成的。气体由于冷却而收缩,因此自转加快,离心力也随之增大,于是星云变得十分扁平。在星云外缘,离心力超过引力的时候便分离出一个圆环,这样反复分离成许多环。圆环由于物质分布不均匀而进一步收缩,形成行星,中心部分形成太阳。47ppt课件老子的道与星云假说 相同之处相同之处 老子说:老子说:道之为

32、物, Tao as a thing 惟恍惟惚。Is vague and indefinite.惚兮恍兮,Vague and Indefinite,其中有象;It presents images;恍兮惚兮,Indefinite and vague.其中有物。 It Embodies substance.窈兮冥兮,Distant and dark其中有精;It embraces semen-like essence.其精甚真, The essence is a genuine existence其中有信。 That can be tested as true. 道德经 21章 Chapter 21

33、 The Book of Tao & The “有象”、“有物”、“有精”、“有信”,不但“有”并且“甚真”。其物质性是无疑的。所以道也可以看作“有”,客观存在本身就是道。天下万物生于道,道既然可以看作有,故老子曰:“天下万物生于有”。All things of the world are born from Existence (Being).48ppt课件老子的道与星云假说 不同之处:老子说:不同之处:老子说:视之不见名曰夷 What cannot be seen is called “Yi”(without color);听之不闻名曰希 What cannot be heard is c

34、alled “Xi”(without sound);搏之不得名曰微 What cannot be touched is called “Wei” (without shape);此三者不可致诘 These three things can be in no way defined,故混而为一 So they combined into one.其上不皦 Above it there is no light;其下不昧 Below it there is no darkness; 绳绳兮 不可名 So vague as to defy any description.复归于物 It is cate

35、gorized as Nothingness,是谓无状之状 And is called the shape withoug shape无物之象 as well as the image without substance.是谓惚恍 It is hence named “Huhuang” (vague and dimly visible). 迎之不见其首 Facing it, you cannot see its front; 随之不见其后 Following it, you cannot see its back. 道德经 14章 Chapter 14, The Book of Tao & T

36、he 道是“不见”、“不闻”、“无状”、“无物”的精神实体。所以道也可以看作“无”,天下万物既可以生于道,自然也就可以生于无,故老子又曰:“有生于无”。And Being from Nothingness. 49ppt课件道是精神性的,也是物质性的有和无之间的转化有过程、有条件:道生一, Tao begets the One;一生二, The One consistes of Two in opposition (the Yin and Yang)二生三, The Two begets the Three;三生万物。The Three begets all the things of the

37、world.道德经 42章 50ppt课件质与量之间的转化合抱之木,A huge tree grows from a tiny seedling;生于毫末;九层之台, A nine-storey terrace起于累土; rises from a mound of earth千里之行,A journey of a thousand Li始于足下。 Starts from beneath ones feet. 道德经 64章51ppt课件Major WorksA. General History of Nature and Theory of the Heavens自然通史和天体论自然通史和天体

38、论B. Critique of Pure Reason 纯粹理性批判纯粹理性批判 C. Critique of Judgment判断力批判判断力批判D. Critique of Practical Reason实践理性批判实践理性批判52ppt课件Kant康德康德 because happiness is not an ideal of reason but of imagination. 因为幸福并非源于理性的一种理想,而是出自想象的一种理想。53ppt课件V. Art1 Rococo Art洛洛(罗罗)可可艺术可可艺术 洛可可艺术洛可可艺术(Rococo art)是法国十是法国十八世纪的艺

39、术样式,发端于路易十四八世纪的艺术样式,发端于路易十四(16431715)时代晚期,流行于)时代晚期,流行于路易十五(路易十五(17151774)时代,风)时代,风格纤巧、精美、浮华、繁琐,又称格纤巧、精美、浮华、繁琐,又称路易十五式。路易十五式。 代表作:代表作: Salon de la Princesse, Hotel de Soubise市政厅市政厅54ppt课件Salon de la PrincesseSalon de la Princesse55ppt课件Hotel de SoubiseHotel de Soubise56ppt课件Rococo ArtRococo Art洛洛( (罗

40、罗) )可可艺术可可艺术 It is an 18t h-century style of architecture and furnishing characterized by elaborately playful decoration, and regarded by stern classical purists as “effeminate” or tastelessly pretty. As applied to literature, the term is unhelpfully vague, but usually suggests a cheerful lightness

41、and intimacy of tone, and an elegant playfulness: Popes The Rape of the lock (171214) and Sterns Trisram Shandy (175967 )have been cited as English examples. 57ppt课件Salon de la Princesse, Hotel de Soubise (The finest examples of Rococo)58ppt课件洛可可艺术(建筑)洛可可艺术(建筑)59ppt课件VI. Music1. The Musical Enlighte

42、nment60ppt课件a.Johann Sebastian Bach约翰约翰塞巴斯蒂安塞巴斯蒂安巴赫巴赫德国古典作曲家德国古典作曲家 欧洲近代音乐之父欧洲近代音乐之父 61ppt课件Main worksViolin Concerto in E Major: E大调小提琴协奏曲Double Violin Concerto in D Minor: D小调小提琴协奏曲Mass in B minor: B小调弥撒曲62ppt课件b. George Friderick Handel韩(亨)德尔韩(亨)德尔 Messiah:弥赛亚Israel in Egypt:以色列人在埃及Fireworks Musi

43、c:焰火音乐Water Music:水上音乐63ppt课件2. The Classical PeriodRoughly between 1750 and 1820Leading composers: Bach Mozart Beethoven64ppt课件a. Joseph Haydn约瑟夫约瑟夫 海顿海顿 Austrian Composer奥地利作曲家奥地利作曲家维也纳古典乐派的最早期代表维也纳古典乐派的最早期代表 现代器乐之父现代器乐之父第一位认识并全力发展当时正第一位认识并全力发展当时正 萌芽中的交响曲和奏鸣曲曲式萌芽中的交响曲和奏鸣曲曲式 的作曲家的作曲家 65ppt课件 Major

44、WorksQuartet in E-flat majorQuartet in D majorQuartet in D minorQuartet in C majorQuartet in D majorSymphony No. 92 in G major(Oxford)Symphony No. 94 in G major (Surprise)Symphony No. 100 in G major (Military)Symphony No. 101 in D major (Clock)66ppt课件b. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart沃尔夫冈沃尔夫冈阿玛多伊斯阿玛多伊斯莫扎莫扎特

45、特Austrian composer, 奥地利作曲奥地利作曲家家 维也纳古典乐派的杰出代表维也纳古典乐派的杰出代表 与海顿同为与海顿同为18世纪晚期维也纳古世纪晚期维也纳古典风格音乐登峰造极的代表人物典风格音乐登峰造极的代表人物 67ppt课件Mozart A child prodigy: began to play piano at three began to compose at four died at the age of 35 It has been said that: “The world had waited centuries for Mozart and he was o

46、nly to remain here a moment.”68ppt课件Mozart莫扎特莫扎特Don Giovanni, K.527唐璜The Magic Flute,K.620魔笛The Marriage of Figaro, K.492 费加罗的婚礼69ppt课件70ppt课件Topic 1: How do you comprehend the Hamlet in Shakespeares drama.Topic 2: Choose one of your favorite character from the Greek and Roman Myth stories, and make a brief analysis on it.Topic 3: Choose a most impressive story from the Holy Bible, then make a brief analysis on it.71ppt课件


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