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1、Lesson 3Body Language自主预习一二三四一、释义搭配1.explicit A.to describe roughly or briefly or give the main points or summary of something2.unconsciousB.easy to understand;allowing you to see through it3.transparentC.to buy4.outlineD.precisely and clearly expressed5.negotiateE.acceptance;support6.upwardsF.(feel

2、ings,thoughts,etc.)existing or happening without you realizing or being aware;not deliberate or controlled7.purchaseG.to discuss the terms of an arrangement8.approvalH.from a lower to a higher position答案:18 DFBAGHCE自主预习二、英汉互译1.不管,不顾 2. in different ways3.另一方面 4. be aware of5.故意地 6.differ from7.由组成 8

3、.congratulate.on.regardless of 用不同的方法 on the other hand 意识到 on purpose 不同于 consist of 因而祝贺 一二三四自主预习三、阅读课文BODY LANGUAGE SPEAKS FOR ITSELF,完成下列各题1.Which of the following can be welcomed by the whole world?A.Crying.B.Shouting.C.Smiling.D.Laughing.2.Body language in different cultures.A.always has the s

4、ame meaningB.sometimes causes misunderstandingC.usually has the opposite meaningsD.always has different meanings答案:C 答案:B 一二三四自主预习3.What does nodding mean in different countries?A.It always means YES.B.It never means YES.C.It means YES in some countries but NO in other ones.D.It always means nothing

5、.4.Which of the following receives universal approval?A.Moving shoulders.B.Nodding.C.Shaking hands.D.Smiling.答案:C 答案:D 一二三四自主预习5.You may pat ones back .A.when he succeedsB.when he is illC.when he does something wrongD.when he is late答案:A 一二三四自主预习四、阅读课文BODY LANGUAGE SPEAKS FOR ITSELF,判断正误(T/F)1.When

6、people dont understand each other,body language cant be helpful.()2.Body language is very useful when communicating.()3.There is not a form of body language which is universal in the world.()4.People often use body language on purpose.()5.Different countries have different body languages.()F T F T T

7、 一二三四合作探究12345678910111.You would probably think that the father was congratulating his son on doing something well,maybe passing an exam or winning a race.你可能会认为父亲在祝贺儿子某事做得好,也许是通过考试或者是赢得比赛。剖析本句是一个复合句。that在句中引导名词性从句,作think的宾语。考点congratulate vt.祝贺We congratulate you sincerely on your being accepted b

8、y Harvard University.我们真诚地祝贺你被哈佛大学录取!合作探究12345678910111)Congratulations on your birthday!祝你生日快乐!You really should congratulate yourself on avoiding the danger.你真该为自己避险成功而庆幸。归纳:congratulation n. “祝词,贺词”,常用复数形式。congratulate sb.on sth. 祝贺某人某事。congratulate oneself on 庆幸自己。2)辨析: congratulate和celebrateThe

9、 villagers were celebrating the Dragon Boat Festival,and congratulating the new leader on coming into power.村民们当时正在庆祝端午节,同时祝贺新领导人执政。归纳:congratulate是指对人取得的成就或喜事用言语表示“庆贺,祝贺”,其宾语是人。celebrate的宾语是物而不是人,表示“庆祝(新年、圣诞节、生日、结婚纪念日、成功、胜利等)”。合作探究1234567891011活学活用语法填空1)I want to congratulate you your winning first

10、 prize with all my heart.2)(congratulate) on your success in the match.You are great!完成句子3)他庆幸自己在空难中幸存。He having survived the air crash.选词填空(congratulate/celebrate)4)These young people had a party to their victory.5)Lets them on their happy marriage.on Congratulations congratulated himself on celebr

11、ate congratulate 合作探究12345678910112.It is a language without words that consists of gestures,facial expressions and body movements that greatly add to and sometimes even replace spoken language.这是一种没有词语,由手势、面部表情和身体动作组成的语言,它极大地丰富了有时甚至取代了口头语言。剖析本句是一个复合句。两个that都引导定语从句;it是代词,指上文中的body language。考点一consis

12、t of 由组成The new film consists of four parts.这部新电影由四部分组成。合作探究1)辨析: consist of,make up 和be made up ofThe committee consists of ten members.委员会由十人组成。Women officers make up 13 percent of the police force.女警察构成警力的13%。This necklace is made up of gold and diamond.这条项链是由黄金和钻石组成的。2)相关短语:consist in 在于consist

13、with.与一致The beauty of Venice consists largely in the style of its buildings.威尼斯的美很大程度上在于城中建筑物的风格。His statement does not consist with the fact.他的陈述与事实不相符。1234567891011合作探究考点二add to 增加The bad weather added to our difficulties.恶劣的天气增加了我们的困难。有关add的常用短语:add up 把加起来add.to.把加到上add up to 合计,总共1234567891011合

14、作探究活学活用语法填空1)Their diet consisted largely vegetables.2)The beauty of the picture consists its balance of colours.3)The information consists her account.完成句子4)这首曲子给我们增添了快乐。The piece of music our enjoyment.5)这些数字加在一起恰好是100。These numbers exactly 100.6)你最好把你的分数加起来看看能不能通过考试。Youd better your scores and se

15、e if you have passed the exam.of in with adds to add up to add up 1234567891011合作探究3.Body language is used to communicate both attitudes and feelings from affection to anger just like any other language,but it differs from spoken language as it is not always explicit.同其他任何语言一样,身体语言被用来交流喜怒等态度和情感,但是与口

16、头语言不同的是,它不总是明确的。剖析本句是由but连接的并列复合句。as it is not always explicit是原因状语从句。考点一differ from 不同于【高考典句】How does Intensive Course differ from Standard Course?强化课程与标准课程有什么不同?1234567891011合作探究differ in 在方面不同be different from .不同于1234567891011合作探究考点二explicit adj.明确的;清楚的He gave me very explicit directions on how

17、to get there.他清楚地向我说明了去那儿的路线。His attitude is quite explicit.他的态度十分明确。活学活用语法填空1)Sometimes our opinions differ what we choose to observe and how we deal with what weve observed.完成句子2)The kidnappers have given us (明确的指示) not to involve the police.fromexplicit instructions 1234567891011合作探究4.Somebody ju

18、mping for joy is easy to see while a raised eyebrow conveying doubt is easier to miss.某人高兴地跳起来是容易看到的,而挑起眉毛表示怀疑却更容易被忽略。剖析 这是由两个并列句构成的复合句。其中while为并列连词,意为“而”,表示前后两句之间具有对比的关系或表示轻度转折,但没有but的转折意味强烈。【高考典句】It is said that body language accounts for 55 per cent of a first impression while what you say just 7

19、 per cent.据说身体语言在第一印象中占了百分之五十五,而你所说的话只占了百分之七。1234567891011合作探究观察while的其他用法:She picked up some French while she was in France.在法国时她学了些法语。While she is a lovely girl,she can be difficult to work with sometimes.她虽然是个可爱的姑娘,但有时很难与她共事。归纳:while用作连词,还可以表示“当时候”,引导时间状语从句;也可以表示“虽然,尽管”,引导让步状语从句。1234567891011合作探究

20、活学活用选词填空1) I always felt I would pass the exam,I never thought I would get an A.(While/Once)2)The one acts without thinking the other acts with the greatest care.(when/while)While while 1234567891011合作探究5.People often use body language on purpose.人们经常有意识地使用身体语言。考点on purpose 故意地Jack has been annoying

21、 me and I think hes doing it on purpose.杰克一直烦我,我想他是故意那样做的。1234567891011合作探究Many people run for the purpose of losing weight.许多人为了减肥而跑步。They have gone to the foreign country with the purpose of earning money.他们去了国外,目的是赚钱。His defending argument was well to the purpose.他的辩白非常中肯。归纳:on purpose的反义词组是by ch

22、ance,意为“碰巧”。for the purpose of .的意思是“为了的目的(目的能否实现不知道)”;with the purpose of .的意思是“目的是(暗示能实现的目的)”;to the purpose的意思是“中肯的”。1234567891011合作探究活学活用语法填空1)In order to stop his wife from attending the party,he took away the key to their car purpose.用purpose和chance填空2)Im sorry,but I didnt break the glass on .

23、Dont cry!Nothing is serious.I know you did it by .on purpose chance 1234567891011合作探究6.They might also cross their arms and move in an abrupt way resembling a robot more than a human.他们也可能交叉手臂,走路姿势生硬,比起人类来更像是个机器人。考点resemble vt. 像;与相似She resembles her teacher in the way of speaking and writing Englis

24、h.她说和写英语的方式和她的老师很像。归纳:resemble是及物动词,直接接宾语,词组look like也表示“看起来像”。1234567891011合作探究1)注意resemble的名词形式的用法:There is a strong resemblance between the twins.这对双胞胎极为相像。She shows a resemblance to her mother.她看起来很像她母亲。归纳:resemblance n. “相似”,常与介词to,between连用。show a resemblance to的意思是“与相像”。2)固定搭配resemble.in.表示“在

25、方面像”。1234567891011合作探究活学活用单句改错1)He resembles like his father in appearance but differs from him in character.语法填空2)Our tour prices have little (resemble) to those in the holiday brochures.答案:去掉like或resembleslooks resemblance 1234567891011合作探究7.Learning to be aware of your body language can be a very

26、 useful tool.学会意识到你的身体语言是一种非常有用的工具。考点be aware of 意识到,觉察到,明白【高考典句】Nurses and other care-givers need to be aware of the possible meanings of silence when they come across the personal anxiety their patients may be experiencing.当护士和其他护理工作者无意中发现其病人可能正在经受的个人焦虑时,他们需要意识到沉默可能代表的含义。1234567891011合作探究1)Im well

27、 aware that very few jobs are available.我很清楚工作职位非常少。归纳:aware后还可以接that引导的从句。2)辨析aware 和conscious:两者都含有“意识到”的意思。Their sudden attack made us more aware of the danger around us.他们的突然攻击使我们更清楚我们周围的危险。Im deeply conscious of my responsibility as a teacher.我深深地意识到自己作为教师的责任。归纳:aware侧重“意识到外界事物”;conscious侧重“意识到

28、内心感受”。1234567891011合作探究活学活用语法填空1)He suddenly became aware he forgot to fetch his bag.2)She was not aware having done wrong.完成句子3)I dont think people (充分意识到) the importance of the problem.4)(你是否意识到) that something was wrong?that of are fully aware of Were you aware 1234567891011合作探究8.Merely by uncros

29、sing your arms,you will look more confident.仅仅只是不交叉双臂,你就会看上去更自信。考点merely adv.只;仅仅【高考典句】You are not paying all of your tuition(学费) to merely go to class,study,pass tests and graduate.你交的所有的学费不只是为了上课、学习、通过考试以及毕业。【高考典句】While watching TV,children do not merely absorb words and images.孩子们在看电视的时候,不仅仅理解文字与

30、影像。Im merely trying to find out how the accident happened.我只是试着弄清楚事故是如何发生的。1234567891011合作探究not merely .but also .=not only .but also .不仅而且He not merely speaks English frequently but also writes good compositions.他不仅英语说得流利,而且作文也写得好。归纳:merely的同义词是only,merely只能用作副词;only既可用作副词,也可用作形容词。活学活用语法填空I wasnt b

31、laming anyone;I (mere) said errors like this could be avoided.merely 1234567891011合作探究9.On the other hand,you can also easily show what you dont like by shaking your head.另一方面,你也可以摇头,毫不费力地表示你不喜欢。剖析本句是一个复合句。what在句中引导名词性从句,作show的宾语。考点on the other hand另一方面I know this job of mine isnt well paid,but on t

32、he other hand I dont have to work long hours.我知道我这份工作报酬不高,但从另一方面来说,我的工作时间不长。1234567891011合作探究辨析:on the one hand .on the other hand .与for one thing .for another thing.On the one hand I want to sell the house,but on the other hand I cant bear the thought of moving.一方面我想把房子卖掉,但另一方面我又不愿搬家。I didnt buy th

33、at car.For one thing,I didnt like its colour,and for another thing,I didnt have enough money.我没有买那辆车,一方面,我不喜欢它的颜色,另一方面,我没有那么多钱。归纳:这两组短语都表示“一方面另一方面”。on the one hand.on the other hand.指相反或相对的两个方面,而for one thing.for another thing.指相一致的两个方面。1234567891011合作探究活学活用完成句子一方面来说,快餐可能不如传统烹饪的食物有营养,但是另外一方面,快餐可能对人和

34、人之间的联系有着很深的影响。,fast food is not as nutritious as the food cooked in traditional ways,but ,fast food might have a profound impact on the bond between people.On the one hand on the other hand 1234567891011合作探究10.You can negotiate the price by using your fingers and even ask questions by using your han

35、ds to outline the shapes of things you want although this can cause confusion and a few laughs too!你可以用手指讨价还价,甚至可以用手比画你想要的东西的形状来问问题尽管这会让人迷惑不解,还会引人发笑。剖析这是一个复合句。you want是省略了引导词的定语从句,修饰things;although引导让步状语从句;by using your fingers和by using your hands是方式状语。考点一negotiate vt.协商;谈判Weve decided to negotiate

36、with the employers about our wage claim.我们决定就工资问题与雇主谈判。归纳 negotiate with sb.about sth.意为“和某人商议某事”。1234567891011合作探究阅读下面的句子,体会黑体词的词性及含义:How is the negotiation going?谈判进展如何?词性:名词含义:谈判,协商,商谈It is said that it remains in negotiation with the Russian authorities.据说,此事还在与俄罗斯当局磋商之中。归纳:be in negotiation wit

37、h sb.的意思是“与某人协商”。1234567891011合作探究考点二outline vt.勾出轮廓They saw the huge building which was outlined against the sky.他们看见了在天空的映衬下那座巨大建筑的轮廓。outline还可用作名词,了解以名词outline为中心词的短语。John will tell you the plan in outline.约翰将告诉你那项计划的梗概。Youd better make an outline of the world history before the examination.你最好在考

38、试前把世界历史拟出一个提纲。归纳:in outline的意思是“概括地”;make an outline of的意思是“为拟出提纲”。1234567891011合作探究活学活用语法填空1)The minister said,“We are ready for discussions with any legal parties,but well never negotiate criminals.”2)As far as I know,the problem is still under (negotiate).完成句子3)他在会议上简明扼要地说明了自己的想法。He presented his

39、 idea at the meeting.with negotiation in outline 1234567891011合作探究11.Regardless of these differences,experts agree that across the globe there is one form of body language that receives universal approval the smile.尽管存在着这些不同,专家们却一致认为有一种身体语言得到了世界各地普遍的认同,那就是微笑。剖析本句是一个复合句。第一个that引导宾语从句;第二个that引导定语从句,修饰

40、one form of body language。考点regardless of 不管,不顾【高考典句】Regardless of your choice of course,youll develop your language ability both quickly and effectively.不管你选择了什么课程,你都将快速而高效地提高你的语言能力。1234567891011合作探究“不管;尽管”的多种表达法:We often go to the English Corner,regardless of/despite/in spite of being busy.尽管很忙,我们

41、仍然经常去英语角。Though it was raining,he went there.虽然当时正下着雨,他还是去那里了。Although they are poor,they are happy.他们虽然穷,但是很幸福。Women enjoy being dressed,whether they are young or old.女人无论年轻还是年老都喜欢打扮。归纳:同样表达“不管;尽管”,regardless of,despite 和 in spite of 是介词,后面接名词、代词和动词-ing形式;though,although和whether是连词,后面接从句。1234567891

42、011合作探究活学活用用regardless of/though填空1) I need money for myself,Im still willing to help.2)He says what he thinks, other peoples feelings.句型转换3)All our proposals were rejected,despite their merit.All our proposals were rejected,their merit.All our proposals were rejected,their merit.Though regardless of regardless of in spite of 1234567891011


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