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1、民生物流四川有限公司民生物流四川有限公司 MINSHENG LOGISTICS SICHUAN CO., LTDMINSHENG LOGISTICS SICHUAN CO., LTDCompany Introduction民生物流四川有限公司Min Sheng Logistics Sichuan Co., Ltd.-2017-民生物流四川有限公司民生物流四川有限公司 MINSHENG LOGISTICS SICHUAN CO., LTDMINSHENG LOGISTICS SICHUAN CO., LTDMin Sheng Logistics Sichuan Co., Ltd.CONTENTS

2、ONEOVERVIEW公司介绍TWOPRODUCTS企业产品THREESECURITY PLAN服务保障FOURVALU-ADDED SERVICES增值服务目录民生物流四川有限公司民生物流四川有限公司 MINSHENG LOGISTICS SICHUAN CO., LTDMINSHENG LOGISTICS SICHUAN CO., LTD企业概况OVERVIEW 民生物流四川有限公司是一家专业的第三方综合物流服务商,所属民生成都龙泉物流中心是民生集团在西南投资新建的综合型物流基地。公司总部设在成都市规划的“四园区、四中心”之一的龙泉陆港物流园区内,紧邻成都市公路、水路联运口岸。占地170亩

3、,注册资金5000万,配备丙二类标准仓库48000平米,集装箱及散杂货场站6000平米,现代办公写字楼6500平米。 Sichuan Minsheng Logistics Co., Ltd is a professional third-party integrated logistics service provider. Its subordinate logistics center under Minsheng group,is newly invested and built in Longquan Chengdu of Southwest China. The company is

4、 headquartered in one of citys planning zones of four parks,and four centers, adjacent to Chengdu road waterway transport port.Covers an area of 170 mu, a registered capital of 50 million, equipped with the C class II standard warehouse 48000 square meters, container and bulk cargo yard 6000 square

5、meters, and office building 6500 square meters.民生物流四川有限公司民生物流四川有限公司 MINSHENG LOGISTICS SICHUAN CO., LTDMINSHENG LOGISTICS SICHUAN CO., LTD 公司创始人卢作孚先生The FounderMr. Lu Zuofu 民生集团是由中国著名爱国实业家卢作孚先生于1925年创办,民生物流四川有限公司属民生集团在四川的全资子公司。公司继承民生公司的优良传统,坚持“服务社会,富民强国,振兴中华”的公司宗旨,发扬“爱国主义、集体主义、艰苦创业、拼搏献身”的民生精神。遵循“以最优

6、质的工作服务社会,以最优良的作风影响社会,以最优异的成绩奉献社会”的理念,为国家和社会作出卓越贡献。 民生物流四川有限公司的工作准则为:“勤奋、高效、创新、务实”。 Sichuan Minsheng Logistics Co., Ltd. is the wholly-owned subsidiary of Min sheng Group, which was established in 1925 by Mr. Lu Zuofu, the famous patriotic industrialist. The company has inherited the good traditions

7、of Min sheng Group, whose missions are to serve the society, enrich the people and revitalize the country. Patriotism, collectivism, hard-working entrepreneurship and dedication are in Min shengs DNA, and “ Diligence,Efficiency,Innovation and Pragmatism are the companys working principles. Following

8、 the notion of serving the society with the best work, influencing the society with the best practice, and contributing to the society with the best results, the company has always been trying its best to promote the development of China and the Chinese society.企业文化COMPANY CULTURE民生物流四川有限公司民生物流四川有限公

9、司 MINSHENG LOGISTICS SICHUAN CO., LTDMINSHENG LOGISTICS SICHUAN CO., LTD企业产品PRODUCTS中欧班列 蓉欧快铁-中线Chengdu-Europe Express Mid Line搭载Capacity41个40英尺集装箱41 FEU containers全长Distance9826公里9826 KM11天11 Days运行时间Transit Time民生物流四川有限公司民生物流四川有限公司 MINSHENG LOGISTICS SICHUAN CO., LTDMINSHENG LOGISTICS SICHUAN CO.,

10、 LTD中欧班列 蓉欧快铁-中线(在途时效)Chengdu-Europe Express Mid Line(Transit Time)20英尺集装箱最大装载量Maximum load for 20-feet container4040英尺集装箱英尺集装箱HQHQ最大装载量最大装载量Maximum load for 40-feet container HQ货物毛重:18.5吨货物体积:28mGross weight of goods:18.5 tons Volume of goods:28m货物毛重:21吨货物体积:68mGross weight of goods:21 tons Volume

11、of goods:68m在途时效 Transit Time成都波兰罗兹/库特诺/波兹南Chengdu-Lodz/Kutno/Poznan Poland站到站11-12天11-12 days for station to station成都-德国纽伦堡Chengdu-Nuremburg Germany站到站14-15天14-15 days for station to station成都-荷兰蒂尔堡Chengdu-Tilburg Netherlands站到站14-15天14-15 days for station to station民生物流四川有限公司民生物流四川有限公司 MINSHENG L

12、OGISTICS SICHUAN CO., LTDMINSHENG LOGISTICS SICHUAN CO., LTD中欧班列 蓉欧快铁-中线(班次)Chengdu-Europe Express Mid Line(Train Schedule)出口班次(成都至欧洲)Schedule for export(Chengdu to Europe)进口班次(欧洲至成都)Schedule for import(Europe to Chengdu )波兰罗兹/库特诺/波兹南Chengdu-Lodz/Kutno/Poznan Poland每周一/二/四/六Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/S

13、aturday德国纽伦堡Nuremberg Germany每周五Friday荷兰蒂尔堡Tilburg Netherlands每周三/六Wednesday/Saturday波兰罗兹/库特诺/波兹南Chengdu-Lodz/Kutno/Poznan Poland德国纽伦堡Nuremberg Germany荷兰蒂尔堡Tilburg Netherlands每周三/五Wednesday/Friday每周六Saturday每周四/日Thursday/Sunday民生物流四川有限公司民生物流四川有限公司 MINSHENG LOGISTICS SICHUAN CO., LTDMINSHENG LOGISTIC

14、S SICHUAN CO., LTD中欧班列 蓉欧快铁-南线Chengdu-Europe Express South Line民生物流四川有限公司民生物流四川有限公司 MINSHENG LOGISTICS SICHUAN CO., LTDMINSHENG LOGISTICS SICHUAN CO., LTD 成都至伊斯坦布尔班列从成都国际铁路港成都铁路口岸始发,经新疆阿拉山口出境,途径哈萨克斯坦、阿塞拜疆、格鲁吉亚等国,全程经2次铁路、1次轮渡运输抵达土耳其伊斯坦布尔,到达站点包括阿克套、巴库、波季、伊斯坦布尔等,运输里程约13000KM,运输时间15-16天。 目前,成都至伊斯坦布尔班列已开

15、行3列测试班列,计划于2017年正式稳定开行。 Chengdu-Istanbul train starts from Chengdu Railway Port, leaves China from Xinjiang Alataw Pass, travels through Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia and other countries. After 2 railways and 1 ferry transport, passing Aktau, Baku, Poti stations, the train reaches Istanbul station

16、. The journey is about 13000 km and takes 15-16 days. At present, South Line has run 3 rows of test trains and expected to work stably This year.中欧班列 蓉欧快铁-南线Chengdu-Europe Express South Line民生物流四川有限公司民生物流四川有限公司 MINSHENG LOGISTICS SICHUAN CO., LTDMINSHENG LOGISTICS SICHUAN CO., LTD中欧班列 蓉欧快铁-北线Chengdu

17、-Europe Express North Line民生物流四川有限公司民生物流四川有限公司 MINSHENG LOGISTICS SICHUAN CO., LTDMINSHENG LOGISTICS SICHUAN CO., LTD中欧班列 蓉欧快铁-北线(线路方案)Chengdu-Europe Express North Line(Route Scheme)距离8218公里 Distance 8218KM运输时间10天 Transit time 10 days货物搭乘班列经由霍尔果斯出境,驶向莫斯科。班列开行计划:从2017年3月底发班,10天抵达莫斯科,完成测试班列。根据客户需求,可每周

18、稳定开行。The cargo could be delivered from Chengdu to Moscow, leaving China from Khorgos, Xinjiang. Schedule & plan :One test train will depart from Chengdu at the end of march, 2017, and will arrive in Moscow in 10 days. The frequency could be increased if needed. 民生物流四川有限公司民生物流四川有限公司 MINSHENG LOGISTIC

19、S SICHUAN CO., LTDMINSHENG LOGISTICS SICHUAN CO., LTD中亚班列介绍“Central Asia” Express“中亚”班列从成都国际铁路港成都铁路口岸出发,经新疆阿拉山口或霍尔果斯出境,到达哈萨克斯坦阿拉木图、阿腾格里,运行时间为5天。“Central Asia” Express departs from Chengdu Railway Port of Chengdu International Railway Port, exits China through Alataw Pass or Khorgos, Xinjiang, and ar

20、rives at Alma-Ata and Altynkol of Kazakhstan on the fifth day.民生物流四川有限公司民生物流四川有限公司 MINSHENG LOGISTICS SICHUAN CO., LTDMINSHENG LOGISTICS SICHUAN CO., LTD“蓉欧+”简介(国内线路) “Chengdu-Europ+” (Domestic Routes)国内通过与昆明、南宁、上海、厦门、深圳、宁波、武汉、义乌等地政府和相关部门的紧密合作,开通往返成都的国内班列。Domestic trains travel from and to Chengdu t

21、hanks to close cooperation with governments and related departments of Kunming, Nanning, Shanghai, Xiamen, Shenzhen, Ningbo, Wuhan, and Yiwu, etc.民生物流四川有限公司民生物流四川有限公司 MINSHENG LOGISTICS SICHUAN CO., LTDMINSHENG LOGISTICS SICHUAN CO., LTD“蓉欧+”简介(国外线路) “Chengdu-Europ+” (Overseas Routes)民生物流四川有限公司民生物流四

22、川有限公司 MINSHENG LOGISTICS SICHUAN CO., LTDMINSHENG LOGISTICS SICHUAN CO., LTD服务保障SECURITY PLAN服务优势Product Advantages五定模式Five Fixed Modes定站点、定线路、定车次、定时间、定价格Fixed station、Fixed line、Fixed train、Fixed time、Fixed rate快速优价Quick and Competitive rate便捷通关Easy Customs Clearance增值服务Value-added Service公共平台Publi

23、c Platform恒温集装箱Reefer Container运输时间为海运的三分之一运输价格是空运的四分之一The time for transportation is one third of that for shipping by sea, and the rate is one fourth of that for shipping by air. 面向社会组织货源Open to public采取一次申报、一次查验、一次放行One declaration、One inspection、One release 专人监控班列及货物实时状态;全年不间断温控服务Monitor the sta

24、tus of train and goods in real time by dedicated personnel; and provide the temperature control service throughout the year全年提供冷藏箱服务,保证货物全程恒温运输Provide reefer container service throughout the year to ensure constant temperature along the whole journey民生物流四川有限公司民生物流四川有限公司 MINSHENG LOGISTICS SICHUAN CO

25、., LTDMINSHENG LOGISTICS SICHUAN CO., LTD安保方案Security Plan全程GPS跟踪定时发送追踪报告Full-length GPS tracing and regular tracing report位置追踪/地理围栏 Location tracing/Geofencing箱门监控/光线射入 Container door monitoring/Incidence of light温度变化 Temperature variation温度控制 Humidity monitoring气压变化 Air pressure change加速监控 Acceler

26、ation monitoring民生物流四川有限公司民生物流四川有限公司 MINSHENG LOGISTICS SICHUAN CO., LTDMINSHENG LOGISTICS SICHUAN CO., LTD增值服务VALU-ADDED SERVICES 民生物流四川有限公司,除提供蓉欧全线运输服务以外还可提供其它中欧班列服务,同时专注于海运、江运、航空运输、铁路运输、公路运输于一体的多式联运服务。 Sichuan Minsheng Logistics Co. Ltd., in addition to providing Chengdu-Europe door to door servi

27、ce can also provide other China-Europe transit services, while focusing on shipping, river transport, air transport, rail transport, road transport in one multimodal transport service.民生物流四川有限公司民生物流四川有限公司 MINSHENG LOGISTICS SICHUAN CO., LTDMINSHENG LOGISTICS SICHUAN CO., LTD谢谢Thanks丝路蓉欧 通达全球Chengdu-Europe Silk Road to the World-2017-


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