
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:2226599 上传时间:2022-03-23 格式:PPT 页数:29 大小:379.50KB
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1、1. desire v.1) 渴望渴望;希望希望(做某事做某事):_2) 要求某事要求某事_3)要求要求(请求请求)某人做某事某人做某事_4)desire thatdo/should do; desire to do sth.desire sth.desire sb. to do sth.我请您立即回信。我请您立即回信。 I desire _ of yours.我们希望有个好结果。我们希望有个好结果。 _去请他进来。去请他进来。_Exercisean immediate answer We desire to have a good result. Please desire him to c

2、ome in.他们要求你马上回来。他们要求你马上回来。They desire _.that you should come at oncedesire n. (1) 愿望愿望; 欲望欲望 (2) 要求要求 (3) 食欲食欲 (4) 向往的东西向往的东西他有强烈的求知欲。他有强烈的求知欲。He has _.a strong desire for knowledge / to learnmeet ones desirehavefeel a great desire forat ones desire满足某人的欲望满足某人的欲望强烈渴望得到强烈渴望得到照某人希望照某人希望2. satisfactio

3、n n. ( opp. dissatisfaction)满意地满意地_令某人满意的是令某人满意的是_对对表示满意表示满意_我听了这个消息非常满意。我听了这个消息非常满意。 I heard the news _.with great/ much satisfactionwith satisfactionto sbs satisfaction/ to the satisfaction of sb. express ones satisfaction at/ with1) 满足满足; 满意满意; 舒服舒服 (at; with) 2)令人满意的事物令人满意的事物satisfy vt.satisfied

4、 adj.satisfying adj.satisfactory adj.满足满足; 使满足使满足满意的满意的; 满足的满足的令人满意的令人满意的令人满意的令人满意的1.Its not easy to satisfy him.2.I am satisfied with the result of the exam. The result of the exam is satisfying. 3.Its a satisfactory excuse for his absence. 3. alarm n. 警报警报; 惊慌惊慌; 恐慌恐慌 火灾引起很大恐慌。火灾引起很大恐慌。 _The fire

5、caused much alarm.give/raise/sound the alarmtake (the) alarm ata fire alarma false alarmair alarmwater level alarm发警报发警报; 敲警钟敲警钟对对感到吃惊感到吃惊;火警火警虚惊一场虚惊一场空袭警报空袭警报水位警告水位警告alarm vt. 使警觉使警觉; 惊动惊动; 使惊慌使惊慌不要惊慌不要惊慌 Dont alarm yourself.be alarmed at (the news) 被被(那消息那消息) 吓了一跳吓了一跳.be alarmed for (the safety of

6、 )放心不下放心不下; 担心担心(的安全的安全)完成句子完成句子:1) A small boy saw the smoke and _ (发出警报发出警报).2) _ (人人都感到惊恐人人都感到惊恐) the news that war might break out.raised the alarmEverybody was alarmed at4. smooth adj. 平坦的平坦的; 平滑的平滑的; 顺利的顺利的 路平坦了路平坦了/困难扫除了。困难扫除了。 _ vt. 使使光滑光滑, 平坦或顺利平坦或顺利 用熨斗把这件衣服熨平。用熨斗把这件衣服熨平。 _ smoothly adv. 平

7、稳地平稳地; 顺利地顺利地 一切进展顺利。一切进展顺利。 _The way is now smooth.Smooth this dress with a hot iron.Everything went smoothly. 5. embarrass vt. 使困惑使困惑; 使局促不安使局促不安销路下降使公司陷于财政困难销路下降使公司陷于财政困难.The decline of sales _.在生人面前局促不安在生人面前局促不安embarrass sb. with sth./ by doing sth. 做做使某人尴尬使某人尴尬/害羞害羞/窘迫窘迫 不要问隐私不要问隐私, 会让他们觉得不好意思会

8、让他们觉得不好意思 Dont _ (by asking) personal questions.embarrassed the companybe/ feel embarrassed in the presence of strangersembarrass them withembarrassed adj. 尴尬的尴尬的, 难堪的难堪的, 害羞的害羞的他对我衣服的评论使我很尴尬。他对我衣服的评论使我很尴尬。 _ by his comments about my clothes.embarrassing adj. 使人尴尬的使人尴尬的; 令人难堪的令人难堪的你什么时候最尴尬你什么时候最尴尬?

9、What has been your _?I was embarrassedmost embarrassing moment6. sympathyn. 同情同情; 同感同感; 同情心同情心相关短语:相关短语:express sympathy for 慰问慰问feel sympathy for, have sympathy for 同情同情in sympathy with 同情同情; 赞成赞成; 跟着跟着; 和和一致一致out of sympathy for have no / some sympathy with sb /sth 不支持不支持 / 支持某人支持某人/ 某事某事 出于对出于对的同

10、情的同情 翻译翻译:我确信她一定赞成你的建议。我确信她一定赞成你的建议。(in sympathy with)Im sure she will be in sympathy with your proposal.我不同意他的意见。我不同意他的意见。(have no sympathy with)I have no sympathy with him.我同情你。我同情你。(sympathize)I sympathize with you.7. pile n. 堆堆; 摞摞; 叠叠 v. 堆起堆起; 堆积堆积a pile of / piles of = lots of 成堆的成堆的/成批的成批的pil

11、e up 增多增多; 积累积累; (车辆车辆) 相碰相碰There were a pile of magazines on the desk .Ive got piles of work to do this evening .The fallen leaves piled up. 堆积堆积8. with wonder: 疑惑地疑惑地 with + n 作状语作状语 with surprise / embarrassment / fear 9. reach for / reach out ones hand for e.g.He reached out his hand for an appl

12、e. n. reachwithin ones reach out of ones reach= beyond ones reach 10. accompany v. 1) to go / stay with Id like you to accompany me to the supermarket.What accompanies him is always a dog.2) to exist at the same time 和和一起发生一起发生 Lightning usually accompanies thunder. 11. turn around 转身转身; 回转回转; 旋转旋转;

13、好转好转, 有起色有起色 他突然转过身来他突然转过身来, 看见了我。看见了我。 _ _All of a sudden he turned around/aboutand saw me.turn aboutturn againstturn awayturn onturn offturn out转身转身; 转向转向; 调向调向背叛背叛; 反抗反抗, 使对抗使对抗把把(脸脸)转过去转过去; 抛弃抛弃开开(电灯电灯, 收音机收音机, 自来水自来水)解雇解雇; 关掉关掉; 使失去兴趣使失去兴趣结果是结果是; 证明是证明是; 生产生产(产品产品)12. affair n. 事情事情/ 暧昧关系暧昧关系/

14、私通私通 pl 业务业务/ 事务事务/ 事态事态Affairs at present in that country are unsettled.那个国家当前的局势动荡不安那个国家当前的局势动荡不安.current/foreign/world affairs 时事时事/外交事务外交事务/ 世界事务世界事务 affairs of state 国事国事/ 国务国务/ 政务政务13. declare vt. 宣布宣布; 声明声明; 表明表明; 说明说明; 宣称宣称1) declare +n. 宣告宣告 他们将很快宣布选举的结果。他们将很快宣布选举的结果。 _ _2) declare+n.+(to b

15、e) n./ adj. 宣布宣布为为 裁判宣布他为比赛的冠军。裁判宣布他为比赛的冠军。 _ _They will declare the results of the election soon.The judge declared him (to be) the winner of the competition. 我宣布这次会议开始我宣布这次会议开始. _3) declare +(that)从句从句宣称宣称; 声称声称 她宣称她是对的她宣称她是对的. _I declared this conference (to be) open.She declared (that) she was r

16、ight.declare war on/ upon 对对宣战宣战declare against 声明反对声明反对declare for (in favour of) 声明赞成声明赞成14. more than + n _ + adj._ +num._不仅仅是不仅仅是, 不止不止很很 / 非常非常超过超过more + adj / adv / n / v + than 与其说与其说, ,不如说,不如说e.g.What he wants is more than money. He is more than scared of cats.He is more scared than ill. 他与其

17、说是病了他与其说是病了, 倒不如说他是受了倒不如说他是受了惊吓。惊吓。15. It was then that Claire realized that Tony had opened the curtains 强调句强调句 It is / was + 强调部分强调部分 + that / who + 其他其他 It is not where you come from or what you are, but the ability to do the job_ matters. A. one B. that C. what D. it It was after the invention o

18、f printing _to publish large numbers of books and pictures. A. were people able B. that people were able C. when were people able D. people were able B B 16. impress sb with sth impress sth on / upon sb make an impression on sb 这位姑娘既活泼又有幽默感这位姑娘既活泼又有幽默感, 给这位男孩留给这位男孩留下了深刻的印象。下了深刻的印象。The girl impressed

19、 the boy with her liveliness and sense of humor.他的话铭记在我心里。他的话铭记在我心里。His words was impressed on me.他给我留下了深刻的印象。他给我留下了深刻的印象。He made a strong impression on me.17. envy vt. & n. 忌妒忌妒; 羡慕羡慕1) envy+sb.(for sth.)2) envy sb. sth. 忌妒忌妒/羡慕某人某事羡慕某人某事 我真羡慕您!我真羡慕您! _ 他们羡慕我们的成功他们羡慕我们的成功. _ envy sb. doing sth. 羡慕某

20、人做某事羡慕某人做某事 be in envy of ones success 羡慕某人的成功羡慕某人的成功 envy at / of sth. 对某事物的忌妒对某事物的忌妒/羡慕羡慕How I envy you! They envied us for our success.I dont envy him his money problems.我庆幸自己没有他那些金钱的麻烦。我庆幸自己没有他那些金钱的麻烦。Her many talents were the envy of all her friends.她多才多艺她多才多艺, 所有的朋友都很羡慕她。所有的朋友都很羡慕她。 归纳拓展归纳拓展:

21、envious adj. be envious of = be jealous of 我羡慕我羡慕Tom的成功。的成功。 Im envious of / jealous of Toms success. I envy Toms success. I envy Tom his success. 18. leavealone 不管不管; 不打扰不打扰; 让让 独自待着独自待着 不要动我的书不要动我的书. _ 由我来做吧由我来做吧. _Leave my book alone.Leave me alone to do it.leave behind 留下留下; 忘带忘带; 遗留遗留leave out

22、省去省去; 排除排除; 遗漏遗漏leave off 停止停止leave over 推迟某事推迟某事; 剩下剩下19. have doing = cause sb to do sth 1) 让让做做I wont have him cleaning his bike in the kitchen. She wont have her children sitting down to dinner with dirty hands. 2) 鼓励鼓励, 教会教会, 劝说劝说Ill have them all talking in English in the classroom. Whom would

23、 you rather _with your sister?A. have gone B. have to go C. have go D. have going Who did the teacher have _ an article for the paper just now?A. written B. writing C. write D. to write CC人有了知识,就会具备各种分析能力,明辨是非的能力。所以我们要勤恳读书,广泛阅读,古人说“书中自有黄金屋。”通过阅读科技书籍,我们能丰富知识,培养逻辑思维能力;通过阅读文学作品,我们能提高文学鉴赏水平,培养文学情趣;通过阅读报刊,我们能增长见识,扩大自己的知识面。有许多书籍还能培养我们的道德情操,给我们巨大的精神力量,鼓舞我们前进。


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