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1、2013年河南郑州小升初英语真题一、将二十六个大写字母的大小写规范地写在四线格内(2.5分)大写: 小写: 二、单项选择。(15分,每小题1分)( ) 1.can you play chess or play guitar?A .the, / B. /, the C. the, the D. /, /( ) 2. Id like_. A. a mushroom, tomato and pepper pizzaB. mushrooms, tomatoes and peppers pizzaC. mushroom, tomatoes and peppers pizzaD. a mushroom,

2、tomatoes and pepper pizza( ) 3. Its cold outside .please dont _ your coat.A. put on B. put up C. take off D. put off( )4. There_ two football matcher this Sunday afternoon.A. is going to be B. are going to be C. are going to have D. are having( ) 5. - Isnt the earth round? -_.A. Yes. it is B. No, it

3、 isnt C. Yes, it isnt D. No, it is ( ) 6. _ honest boy is _ friend of mine.A. The, a B. An, the C. The, the D. you and her( ) 7. Alan is sitting between_ and_.A. you and she B. she and you C. hers and you D. you and her( ) 8. Is she_?A. shop B. go shopping C. going shop D. shopping( ) 9. Would you l

4、ike_ to me soon?A. to write B writing C writting D write( ) 10. Im so tired. I want to stop_.A. running B. to run C to ran D runing( ) 11. -Excuse me, look at the sign, “NO SMOKING!” -_.A. Sorry, I dont see it. B. Sorry, I didnt see it.C. Sorry , I wasnt see it D. Sorry , I didnt looked at it .( ) 1

5、2. - Excuse me, may I use your pen? -_.A. Yes, here you are. B. Youre welcomeC. Yes, you take it C. Yes, it is here.( ) 13. If you go_, today will become yesterday.A. east B south C west D north( ) 14. He works for Thomas Cook Travel. Hes a_.A. cooker B tourist C guide D traveler ( )15. When the lig

6、ht passer trough the glass, youll find_ different colors.A. five B seven C eight D four三、情景对话。(5分,每小题1分)根据下面的对话情景,选择一个适当的句子填在每个空白处,使对话的意义连贯、完整。Alice: Hello, David.David: Hi, Alice. Im going go have a party next week. _?Alice: _! Whats it for?David: Its my birthday on Wednesday. I will be thirteen.Al

7、ice: Oh, dear! _.David: It doesnt matter. My birthdays on Wednesday. But the partys on Friday.Alice: Oh, thats OK. _?David: At eight thirty.Alice: Right. By the way, where is it going to be?David: Its going to be at the Garden Hotel, near the town centre on Maple Street.Alice: OK. _. Ive got a map.D

8、avid: Wonderful. See you then.Alice: See you.A. Would you like to comeB. What time will it beginC. Where shall we meetD. Thats greatE. No problemF. Im afraid I cant come on WednesdayG. Yes, Id love.四、阅读理解(22.5分)A. 阅读瑞有关预防儿童事故的建议, 并把正确序号分别归入各事故类型。(每小题0.5分)1. Fit(安装) a safety gate at the top of stairs

9、.2. Teach children how to swim early.3. If your children wear glasses, plastic lenses(镜片) are better.4. Always put cold water in the bath first.5. Dont put furniture (家具) near upstairs windows.6. Keep matches and lighters out of childrens reach.7. Dont carry hot drinks over a childs head.8. Use spec

10、ial safety fireguards in front of all fires.9. Dont let a toddler(蹒跚学步的孩子) walk around with a knife in hand.10. Make sure toys have no sharp edges(边缘) or points.11. Never leave a baby or toddler alone in the bath for one second.12. Fit locks on upstairs windows.13. Never smoke in bed.14. Dont leave

11、young children alone near or in water.15. Dont drink anything hot with a child on you lap.(大腿)Fires:_ Scalds(烫伤):_Cuts:_ Falls:_Drowning(溺水):_B. 阅读老师指给学生去他家的路线图, 并判断正误。(每小题1分) Dear Students, Here are directions to my house. Ill see you at the party. Your English teachermy house Rolling Rd. Sixth St.

12、 Bus#42 Park Ave Fifth St. Holly Lane Central Ave. busPost office Our school Central Ave Main St. 1. From our school, walk along Main St. to Central Ave, and turn left.2. Walk up Central Ave. 2 blocks, and youll see a bus stop at the corner, across from the post office.3. Take the Central Ave. bus a

13、nd get off at Fifth St.4. Turn left and walk along Fifth St. 3 blocks to Park Ave. and turn right.5. Walk up Park Ave. 1block, and youll see a bus stop at the corner of Park Ave. and Sixth St.6. Take Bus#42 and get off at Rolling Rd.7. Turn left and walk along Rolling Rd. 1 block.8. Turn left again,

14、 and walk 2 blocks to Holly Lane and turn right.9. Walk along Holly Lane. My house is the last one on the right.阅读后判断正(T)误(F)( ) 1.Harolds English teacher lives on Holly Lane.( ) 2. The Central Avenue bus doesnt stop across from the post office.( ) 3. The teacher made one little mistake in the direc

15、tion.( ) 4. The school is on Main Street. ( ) 5. Bus Number 42 goes to Rolling Road.C. 读下面一段从报纸摘录的科普短文,并根据短文内容选择正确答案。(每小题1分)限时阅读提示:本文词数215It is light during the day. It is dark at right. But sometimes theres a surprise. The day turns dark. The sun cant be seen. Whats going on? It is an eclipse of th

16、e sun. It is daytime. The sky grows dark. The air becomes cool. A wind starts to blow(吹) . Stars shine in the sky. Birds stop singing. They go to sleep. They think it is nighttime. Some plants close up. An eclipse of the sun happens. We see an eclipse when the sun, the moon and the earth are in one

17、line. The moon is in the middle between the sun and the earth. For a few minutes, the moon hides the sun. The moon moves between the sun and the earth every month. Why isnt there an eclipse once a month? The moon and the sun must be in certain spots(点). The moon must appear large enough to block(遮挡)

18、 the whole sun. Both the moon and the sun must be just the right distance (距离) from the earth. This does not happen often. One day you may get to see an eclipse of the sun. Remember, never look at the sun directly! Its light can hurt your eyes! It is only safe to look through a filter(滤镜). Sunglasse

19、s do not work.( ) 1. When the eclipse of the sun(日食)happens, the _ is between the _ and the _.A. sun, earth, moon B. sun, moon, earthC. moon, earth, sun D. earth, moon, sun( ) 2. Which of the following pictures shows the right eclipse of the sun?A. B. C. D. ( ) 3. Which of these are right when the e

20、clipse of the sun happens?(1) It turns dark during the day.(2) The air gets cool.(3) Stars come out in the sky.(4) People go to sleep.(5) Some plants close up.A. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) B. (1) (2) (3) (4)C. (2) (3) (4) (5) D. (1) (2) (3) (5)( ) 4. The eclipse happens _.A. once a year B. in the daytime C

21、. at night D. when the sun and the moon may be just the right distance.( ) 5. Whats the main idea of the passage?A. The sun, the moon and the earth. B. The eclipse of the sun.C. The eclipse of the moon D. How to protect your eyes.D阅读下面有关饮食习惯的文章, 然后根据文章内容, 在A、B、 C 三个选项中选择一个正确答案。(每一小题1分) What Food Do

22、Foreigners eat? When you travel from one country to another, you find that people have quite different feeling about food. They often feel that what they eat is good, and what other people eat is strange and silly. In most parts of Asia, for example, people cant eat a meal without rice. In England,

23、people eat potatoes every day. In the Middle East, bread is the main part of every meal, Eating, like so many things we do, becomes a habit( 风俗). And it is difficult to change. Americans like to drink a lot of orange juice and coffee. The English drink wine every day. Chinese like to drink green tea

24、 or black tea without milk or sugar. People in different places eat different meat. Horse meat is popular in France. In Hong Kong, some people enjoy eating snakes. In Guangdong, China, some people like to eat mice. New Zealanders eat sheep. But the Japanese dont like it because of its smell. Japanes

25、e like to eat raw fish. What do you enjoy eating?( ) 1. In most parts of Asia, _ is very important in meals.A. bread B. cakes C. rice( ) 2. If you go from one country to another, you will find that_.A. people eat different foodB. people nearly eat the same foodC. people like to eat all kinds of food

26、( ) 3. Eating is something which is_.A. very easy to changeB. very hard to changeC. very difficult to learn( ) 4. English like to have_ every day.A. bread B. meat C. potatoes( ) 5. People in Hong Kong like to eat _ while people in Guangdong like to eat _.A. snakesmice B. micesnakes C. sheep raw fish

27、五、 根据下列有关话题和简单信息, 完成填空或选择。(15分, 每空1分)1. Take off my skin, and I wont cry, but you will! What am I? _ 2. If the red house is on the right side, and the blue house is on the left side, where is the White House? In _.3. is a symbol (象征) of _.4. Youre in Beijing(东八区), and your friend is in Mexico City(西

28、七区) . Youd like to call him at his time 10 p. m. on Wednesday. You can call him at_ in the_ on_ in Beijing.5. EZ means_.6. Which two words have the most letters? _7. Pandas are from China, Kangaroos are from_.8. The Eiffel Tower is in_, the people in the city are proud of it.9. On_ Day people eat tu

29、rkeys(火鸡) and pumpkins(南瓜). 10. When you see a clock face in a mirror and the time on it is 2:30, what time is it really? _11. One day, a boy finds an ant in a bottle. The ant is climbing up to the mouth of the bottle. When it arrives, it falls down. Then it begins to climb up. Six times in successi

30、ons(连续) it falls down, six times it begins to climb up again. The goy watches it fall for the seventh time and thinks it will give up (放弃). But it starts to climb up and comes out of the bottle at last. How many times does the ant arrive at the mouth of the bottle? _12. 下面有两组图案, 每组有四个选项, 从每组中选出与其它三个

31、图案不同的一个。(1) (2)_ 六、 书面表达。(15分)A. 连词组句, 要求句子通顺, 语法正确。 (每小题1分)1. animals, you what, like (?) 2. teachers, parents, Toms be, English of (.) 3. like, they, cute, because, I penguins, are (.) 4. have, I , two, can, potatoes, please, pounds, of (?) 5. havent mushrooms, today, got, any, we (.) B 根据后面的要求阅读短

32、文完成书面写作。(10分)A son felt so happy(欣然自得)after finishing college. He thought he had make it easily(唾手可得). Just at that moment his father told him a story. A man went to look for the heaven(天堂) and found it with great difficulties at last (历经艰辛最终找到了天堂). He stood at the door, shouting madly(欣喜若狂地高喊) “I v

33、e got to the heaver.”The gatekeeper(看守天堂的人) asked him in surprise(诧然地), “Is this the heaver?” The man was puzzled at it (大惑不解), “Dont you know this is the heaver (你难道不知道这儿就是天堂)?” The gatekeeper answered, “No, I dont.” The gatekeeper went on asking(继续问道), “wherere you from?”“The hell(地狱). “ answered

34、the gatekeeper with a shaking head. The man seemed a little understood(似有所悟) and then said, “I know why you didnt know where the heaven was because you didnt go there before(难怪你不知道天堂何在, 原来你没去过地狱).” Its just like a Chinese old saying “不经历风雨, 怎能见彩虹.”一、 根据内容在下面空白处填上恰当的语句。1. 若经历痛苦, 那么 便是进了天堂。2. 若遭受失败, 那么 便是进了天堂。(If you dont have one of the two, you wont have the other.) (用双语(中文或英文)写一段话真诚地表达你类似的生活体验及感悟。


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