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1、河北小升初英语真题及答案学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_评卷人得分一、字母题1Alphabet.按顺序补全26个大小写字母。 【答案】【解析】略评卷人得分二、音标题2Read and underline. 读一读,找出每句中发音一致的字母组合,并在字母组合下面划线。例:There is a fish on your English book.1. Dont play here, please. 2. The food is in your room. 3. The young girl is singing. 4. Today is Friday.5. A sheep has four fee

2、t. 6. Can you see a brown cow?7. There is a car in the park.【答案】1. Dont play here, please. 2. The food is in your room. 3. The young girl is singing.(任意两线都对) 4. Today is Friday.5. A sheep has four feet. 6. Can you see a brown cow?7. There is a car in the park.【解析】略评卷人得分三、填空题3Read and classify. 请将表格中

3、的单词归类,注意书写规范。【答案】1. 食物:cake;egg;2. 水果:apple;pear;3. 动物:panda;monkey;4. 颜色:black;white;5. 工作:farmer;policeman【解析】略4Read and write. 选择恰当的单词补全句子,每个单词只能用一次。1. Its elephant. Its so big.2. Wow! There are horses on the farm. Can you see them?3. Would you like tea, please? 4. Are there fish in the river?5.

4、Do you have sister?【答案】1. an; 2. many; 3. some; 4. any; 5. a【解析】略5Look and write. 根据图片提示补全句子,注意句尾的时间变化。1. I yesterday. 2. I ping-pong now. 3. She last weekend. 4. She to music now. 5. She books next Sunday.【答案】1. played football; 2. am playing;3. watched TV; 4. is listening; 5. is going to read【解析】略

5、评卷人得分四、选择题6The man often on the weekend. ( )Ago swimming Bgoes swimming Cgo to swim【答案】B【解析】略7The girl her homework. ( )Ais doing Bare doing Cdoing【答案】A【解析】略8The boy likes to play . ( )Amusic Bthe piano Cbadminton【答案】A【解析】略9They some juice. ( )Aeat Bhas Chave【答案】C【解析】略10She in the sofa last night. (

6、 )Asleep Bsleeps Cslept【答案】C【解析】略评卷人得分五、排序题11Number. 请按字典上的先后顺序为下列单词排序。【答案】54132【解析】略12Read and order. 为下列短文重新排序,使之成为一段通顺的话。( ) I ran back to the taxi. The driver was gone. ( ) Today was a bad day. We went to the hotel by taxi. ( ) I was excited about the trip. ( ) The driver told us many things abo

7、ut Kunming. ( ) We went into the hotel but I didnt have my backpack.【答案】51324【解析】略评卷人得分六、连线题13Read and match. 请将对应的问句和答语连线。【答案】【解析】略评卷人得分七、选内容补全对话14Read and choose. 看图,根据上下文选择恰当的句子完成对话,并将句子规范工整地抄写在相应的横线上。Wu: Mum, I had an interesting dream last night. Mum: Wu: I had a race with Dad and Max, but I co

8、uldnt run fast.Mum: Wu: Robin gave me some water. _Suddenly I tripped and fell. Mum: Oh, dear! 【答案】AEBCD【解析】略15Read and choose. 请选择合适的句子补全会话,注意句子的书写规则。Miss White: Hello. Liu Yun: Hello. This is Liu Yun speaking. I cant go to the party. Miss White: Im sorry to hear that. Liu Yun: I have a sore throat

9、. Miss White: I hope you will get better soon. Liu Yun: Thank you. Miss White: Yes. Theyre all having fun. Liu Yun: I want to come, too. Miss White: Dont be sad. We will give you a surprise. Liu Yun: Really? Miss White: Just wait and see. Get well soon. Liu Yun: Thank you again and say hello to my f

10、riends. Bye.【答案】DCEAB 【解析】略评卷人得分八、阅读选择16Read and choose. 看图读短文,选出正确答案,并将其字母标号写在括号内。My new friendsI met Bill and his mother and he becamemy new friends. Look, this is Bill. He hasbig eyes and short hair. He is tall and strong. He is wearing a T-shirt and overalls (工装裤). The woman is Bills mother. She

11、 is tall and beautiful. They often buy some vegetables in the market. They like to go to the market in the morning, because the vegetables are fresh and healthy. 1. Bill, Mrs Booth and I became friends. ( )Aold Bbest Cnew2. Bill has eyes. ( )Asmall Bbig Cshort3. Bill is wearing a and overalls. ( )As

12、hirt BT-shirt Cshorts4. The woman is Bills . ( )Amother Bfather Cgrandmother 5. They like to go to the market . ( )Ain the morning Bat noon Cin the afternoon【答案】CBBAA【解析】略17Read and choose. 阅读会话,选择填空,只填字母标号即可。Salesperson: Good afternoon. Can I help you? Sarah: Yes, please. I am looking for some pres

13、ents for my friends. Can I have a look at the coloured pencils? Salesperson: Sure. Here you are. Sarah: Theyre nice. Ill take them. Are there any books or CDs?Salesperson: Yes, this way, please. Sarah: I like this CDIts Chinese music. Salesperson: What books are you looking for? Sarah: I need a book

14、 about great scientists.Salesperson: Here are some books about Thomas Edison, Einstein and Zu Chongzhi. Sarah: Thank you. Ill take this one about Thomas Edison. How much is it?Salesperson: Its 18 yuan. Its 56 yuan all together. Sarah: Here is the money. Thank you. Salesperson: Thank you. Bye. 1. Sar

15、ah is for some presents for her friends. Alook Blooks Clooking2. - Will Sarah take the coloured pencils? - AYes, she will. BYes, she is. CNo, she doesnt.3. Sarah likes music. AEnglish BChinese CChina4. - What book is Sarah looking for? - AShe needs a book about great scientists. BShe needs a book ab

16、out Einstein. CHe needs a book about Zu Chongzhi. 5. - How much are they? - yuan all together. ASixty-five BFifty-six CEighteen【答案】CABAB【解析】略评卷人得分九、阅读回答问题18Read and fill in the blanks. 阅读短文,选词填空。Chen Jies aunt in Hangzhou. Chen Jie went there with her parents last week. She went there by train. It w

17、as a trip. She slept on the train. The next morning, she arrived at Hangzhou. Her aunt went to the train station to meet them. Chen Jie played with her cousin. She ate good food. The next day, she visited West Lake. It was very beautiful. She many pictures. She a mountain, too. She stayed in Hangzho

18、u for five days. She came to Beijing yesterday.【答案】lives; long; took; climbed; back【解析】略评卷人得分十、任务型阅读19Read and tick or cross. 阅读理解,判断正“T”误“F”。1. There was a library in Grandpas school. ( )2. In Grandpas school,there was only one small building on a hill. ( )3. At that time, Grandpa could see stars a

19、t night. ( )4. The Americans took about five days to get the moon in 1996. ( )5. There were no computers or Internet in Grandpas time. ( )【答案】FTTFT【解析】【详解】略20Read and judge. 阅读短文,参考图片,判断正“”误“”。My mother bought me three goldfish last June. I was excited. I put them in a glass jar(玻璃缸). They swam happ

20、ily. I took pictures of them. I fed them every day. They liked the food. They became bigger and bigger. I visited my grandparents yesterday. When I came back, my fish were gone(不见了). “Where are my fish?”I asked my mother. “Our cat broke the jar and ate them.” She answered. I was sad. I cried. 1. My

21、father bought me three goldfish. ( ) 2. I put the goldfish in a glass jar. ( ) 3. I fed them every day. ( ) 4. They didnt like the food. ( ) 5. The cat ate the fish. ( )【答案】【解析】略评卷人得分十一、书面表达21Composition. 看图写话。题目:My best/new friend(s)要求:1. 任选一个题目,仿照上一大题短文进行写作。2. 书写规范,语句通顺,没有语法错误,标点符号正确,不少于四句话。 【答案】略【解析】略


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