新人教版八年级英语上册 Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister练习-单元.doc

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1、=【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = Unit 3 I m more outgoing than my sister 练习 一、词组 1.more outgoing 更开朗 2.speak loudly 讲话声音响亮 3.have a singing competition 举行歌咏比赛 4.sing clearly 唱歌清晰 5.win the football watch 赢得了足球赛 6.have a talent for/be talented in 在 有天赋 7.take care/be careful/look out/小心 当心 8.take care of /look after

2、 照看 /保管 9.care for 喜欢,愿意,关爱 10.care about 关心,在意 11.be serious about 对 认真 12.as long as 只要,既然 13.be different from 与 不同 14.the same as 和 相同 15.be similar to 与 相似 16.bring out the best in sb 使某人呈现出最好的一面 17.get good grades 获得优秀的成绩 18.in Class Twelve,Grade Eight 在八年级 12 班 19.help sb /give sb a hand 帮助某人

3、 20.In fact 实际上 21.laugh at sb 嘲笑某人 22.share sth with sb 和某人共享 /用某物 23.in primary school 在小学 24.a primary school student 一个小学生 25.much/lots of /a lot of information.很多信息 26.have longer hair 留较长的头发 27.play the drums 打鼓 28.the girl with shorter hair 具有较短发的那个女孩 29.learn something new 学到一些新东西 30.wear co

4、ol clothes 穿时尚衣服 31.like to do the same things as me 喜欢和我做同样的事情 32.make sb do sth 使某人做某事 33.most kids/most of the kids 大部分孩子 34.study hard in class 课堂上努力学习 35.enjoy studying to gether 喜欢一起学习 =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = 36.make friends with sb 和某人交朋友 37.help sb (to)do sth 帮助某人做某事 38.help(to)do sth 帮助做某事 39.help

5、 sb more 更多地帮助某人 40.talk about sb/sth 谈论某人或某事 41.get the job 得到这份工作 42.heavier and heavier 越来越胖 43.more and more beautiful 越来越美丽。 二句子 1.Sure is more popular than me. 你比我受欢迎 2.Clair is as funny as her sister. 克莱尔同她妹一样幽默。 3.They are not as serious as us. 他们没有我们稳重 4.Tom run faster than I do. 荡姆跑得比我快 5.

6、He writes as well as His teacher. 他写得和他老师一样好。 6.Tom is the taller of the two boys. 在这两个男孩中, Tom 是较高的 那 个 7.The more you eat, the fatter you are. 8.He studies harder and harder. 他学习越来越努力了。 9.Is Tom smarter than Sam? 汤姆比萨姆聪明吗? 10.Are you more outgoing than her ? 你比她外向吗? 11.Does your sister sing as wel

7、l as mine? 你妹和我妹唱歌一样好吗? 12.Who s more hard-working, Sally or Lucy? 萨莉和露西谁较勤勉? 13.Its necessary for sb to do sth. 对某人事说做某事是必要的 14.My mother told me a good frind is a mirror. 我妈妈告诉我,好朋友就像一面镜子 15.Im shy so its not easy for me to make frends. 我害羞,因她对我来说交朋友有困难。 =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = 16.We both like reading bo

8、oks. 我们俩都喜欢读书 17.My parents are both dectists.我父母都牙医 18 They are all good kids. 他们都是好孩子 19.Maybe I shoud help him more. 也许我应该多帮帮他 20.A true friend reaches for your hard and touches your hear. 朋友就是一个援手相助并能触动你心灵的人 21.Friends are like books you dont need a lot of them as long as theyre good. 朋友就像书,只要好的

9、话,不需要太多。 22.My best friend helps to bring out the best in me. 我最好的朋友帮助呈现出最好的一面。 三、补全对话 依据对话内容在空白处填入适当的句子,使对话完整、通顺。 A:1._ B:My best friend is Jack. A:2._ B:Beeause he likes to do the same things as I do. He is popular,too. And he is good at sports. A:3._ B:Yes. I like sports,but Jack is more athletic

10、 tha n me. A:4._ B:He is funnier than me, and he is wilder. Im a little quieter. A:Youre lucky you have such a good friend. B:5. _ 四、完形填空 Do you think the twins are the same? I dont 1 so. Li Lin and Li Na are 2 sisters. They look the same and in some 3 they are the same. But in 4 ways they are very

11、different. They are both very 5 .They 6 like volleyball. But Li Na plays every day and Li Lin plays only 7 the weekend. Li Lin likes dancing but Li Na just 8 it on TV. They are both funny and outgoing. Li Na is more outgoing 9 Li Lin. Li Lin is a little 10 serious than Li Na. They are popular in the

12、 school and they both have lots of friends. ( ) 1. A. think B. believe C. remember D. hope ( ) 2. A. twin B. twins C. cousin D. cousins ( ) 3 . A. ways B. streets C. roads D. avenues ( ) 4. A. any B. other C. another D. others ( ) 5. A. weak B. athletic C. cute D. lazy ( ) 6. A. no B. all C. both D.

13、 neither =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = ( ) 7. A. by B. in C. on D. of ( ) 8. A. watch B. watching C. watches D. watched ( ) 9. A. with B. between C. and D. than ( ) 10. A. much B. most C.many D.more -别错过哦,对你有用 - 【精品教育资源文库: 】 ? 大量的公开课 ppt 课 件,精品教案 ? 优质导学案,单元测试题 ? 全国各省市月考、期中期末考试真题 ? 中考高考真题和专项复习资料 ? 各种论文,总结等 ? 音频视频等教学素材 你可以 ? 下载系统提供的有免费资料 ? 上传你的资料赚钱 ? 低价购买精品资料(最低 5 毛 1 份,远远低于国内文库) -别扯了, 我是有底线的哦! -


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