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1、2019年西藏小升初英语真题及答案班级:_ 姓名:_ 分数:_题号一二三四五六七八九十总分得分本卷须知:1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上评卷人得分一、选择题1.Does Mary like monkeys?.AYes , she doesntBNo , she doesCYes , she does.【答案】C【解析】肯定回答Yes , she does.否定回答No, she doesnt 固定搭配。应选C。2.读下面句子,找出错误的选项。并把正确答案写在横线上。(5分)【答案】1Ban2C: watch3Blikes4Cdo5B; milk【解析】1e

2、ngineer元音音素开头,且为单数,故用an2词组 like to do ,to后应接动词原形,故为watch3该句为一般现在时,且主语he为第三人称单数,动词like后需加s,故为likes4前面用了助动词does,后面动词要用原形,故为do5milk 为不可数名词,不可数名词不能加s,要用原形,故为milk规律总结:做此类题有时要考虑词的用法,2小题动词like后应接动词原形,故为watch,3小题也应同样道理。3.Can you speak Chinese? Yes, only _.AlittleBa littleCmuchDmany【答案】B【解析】略4.Marys uncle is

3、 _ doctor, her aunt is _ artist.A. a , an, B. a, a C an, a【答案】【解析】略5.Hes going to the supermarket this afternoon.A. in B. on C./【答案】【解析】略6.My ruler is _ than yours.A. long B. longer C. taller【答案】【解析】略7.How _ he go to the park ?A. is B. does C. do【答案】【解析】略8.给下面的问句选择正确的答语。7分Can you fly?1Im 160 cm tall

4、.How did you go there?2I went to a post office.Where did you go?3I have a sore throat.How tall are you?4I went there by bike.Whats the matter?5No, I cant.Which dog is heavier?6She feels happy.How does Amy feel?7The yellow one is heavier.【答案】【解析】略9.The doctors and nurses are doing their best to fight

5、 SARS. They think more ofothers than _.AtheyBthemCthemselvesDtheirs【答案】C【解析】思路分析:从第一句可以推测第二句意思是他们重视别人的生命甚于他们自己。他们自己的表达方式是themselves。名师解析:本句句意:医生们和护士们正在尽他们的最大努力来抗击非典。他们把别人的生命看得比他们自己的都重要。我们可以看出应该选一个单词意思是“他们自己的”,需要填一个反身代词,那么答案为C。A项“他们”;B项“他们”。D项“他们的”都和题意不符。易错提示:误解题意,此题易错选成B项,注意此处是填反身代词。10.找出错误一项并改正。( )

6、 1 He likeplayingping-pongA BC改正:_( ) 2 She likes to play ofher doll.AB C改正:_( ) 3 My father isworkin the farm.A B C改正:_( ) 4 What is they favorite month ?AB C改正:_( ) 5 The dog havemypurple sock.A B C改正:_【答案】1A改为likes2C去掉3B改为working 4B改为are 5A改为has【解析】11.These socks _small.A are B. is C. am【答案】A【解析】

7、此题考查be动词am, is, are的用法。句子的主语socks是复数,因此be动词也要用相应的复数形式are,故答案为:A。12.- Are you happy?-_A. Yes, I do. B. No, I am C. Yes, I am.【答案】C【解析】思路分析:此题考查的是一般疑问句的答语。名师解析:一般疑问句在回答时使用YesNo回答,Yes后接着肯定的陈述句语序的句子,No后面接着否定的陈述句语序的句子,问句中的第二人称在回答时应改为第一人称。答案是C。易错提示:在回答时容易将含be和不含be的一般疑问的答语混淆。13.This is my friend. _names Bo

8、b.AMyBYourCHisDHer【答案】C【解析】思路分析:分析句意,横线处需要填一个代词。名师解析:推测句意:这是我的朋友。她的名字是鲍勃。鲍勃是一个男孩名字。A我的,B你的,D她的。C项意思是他的。因此选择答案C。易错提示:介绍他人时代词要用第三人称。14.The third day of a week is_.A. Tuesday B. Wednesday C. Monday【答案】A【解析】西方国家把星期天算作一周的第一天,故Tuesday 为一周的第二天。规律总结:星期的由来1.一周各日由诸神的名字命名:星期日Sunday是太阳Sun之日,即Sun太阳+day日Sunday献给太

9、阳的日子(星期日);星期一Monday是月亮Moon之日;星期二Tuesday是战神蒂尤Tiu之日;星期三Wednesday是诗神Woden之日;星期四Thursday是雷神Thor之日;星期五Friday是爱神Freya之日;星期六Saturday是农神Saturn之日15.I will _ to visit my grandparents tomorrow.A. to goB. go C. going【答案】B【解析】will是一般将来时的标志,后边跟动词原形。评卷人得分二、填空题16.连词成句。1by I train going am_2visit to Im my going aunt

10、_3a have new to computer Im going_4take to Im trip a going_5Renmin Im tomorrow going to Park_6are morning going what you to this do_【答案】1I am going by train.2Im going to visit my aunt.3Im going to have a new computer.4Im gong to take a trip.5Im going to Renmin Park tomorrow.6What are you going to do

11、 this morning?【解析】略17.翻译。1去上学 _2喜欢睡觉 _3每天下午 _4学习汉语 _5写作业 _【答案】1go to school2love to sleep / like sleeping3every afternoon4study Chinese5do ( ones ) homework【解析】略18.根据所给中文、英文释义及首字母提示完成子。1.How many_(猴子does the zoo have?2.He listens to the teacher as_ (仔细as his cousin.3.The old man lived in a_ (not qui

12、et) street., so he couldnt sleep well every day,4.W_ (the fourth day in a week) is my busiest day.5.My ideal school starts at 9:00 a. m. and f _ at 3:00p. m.【答案】1.monkeys2.carefully3.noisy4.Wednesday5.finishes【解析】思路分析:此题主要考查一些常用的单词及短语的拼写及翻译。注意做此类题时要根据句意,人称及时态做相应的改变。名师解析:1.本句句意为“动物园里有多少只猴子?”how many是

13、针对可数名词进行提问,后面要接可数名词的复数形式,因此答案是monkeys。2.英语中表达仔细的的单词为“careful”和“carefully”,careful 形容词,主要修饰名词;carefully 副词,主要修饰动词及动词短语,要修饰的是listen to the teacher这一动作,因此答案是carefully。3.not quiet意思是“不安静的”,也就是吵闹的,因此答案是noisy。4.the fourth day in a week“意思是一周的第四天”,西方习惯把周日作为一周的第一天,因此答案是Wednesday。5.本句句意为“我理想中的学校是从上午9点上学,下午3点

14、放学”,前半句根据主语My ideal school,谓语使用动词三单形式,后半句要与前半句形式统一,finish是以sh结尾的单词,变三单形式要在词尾+es,因此答案是finishes。易错提示:注意单词的单复数形式,三单形式和句子时态。19.依次写出含有与f共同读音的字母(大小写)。_.【答案】Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx【解析】字母f的音标为/ ef/,26个字母中字母Ll的音标为/el/ ,字母 Mm的音标为/ em/ ,字母Nn 的音标为/en/ ,字母Ss的音标为/es / ,字母Xx 的音标为/eks/,它们都含有共同的音标/e/,其它字母发音不含/e/,故答案为Ff Ll

15、 Mm Nn Ss Xx20.选择单词的正确形式填空。1. I like _ (ride, riding ) a bike.2. My mother _( go, goes ) to bed early.3. My father likes _ (teach, teaching ) English.4. Miss White _( teachs, teaches ) Chinese.5. I _ (live, lives ) in the city .【答案】1. riding 2. goes 3. teaching 4. teaches 5. live【解析】1. like后接动词ing形式

16、,所以此题选riding。2. my mother为单数第三人称,所以动词go用单三形式,即goes。3. like后接动词ing形式,所以此题选teaching。4. Miss White为单数第三人称,所以动词teach用单三形式,即teaches。5. I后用动词原形,所以此题选live。评卷人得分三、阅读理解21.阅读短文,回答以下问题。(10分)Its sunny today. My friends and I are playing on the beach(沙滩). Its a very beautiful place(地方). The water is clean and bl

17、ue. We are having a good time. Many birds are flying over the sea. Some are standing on the rock(岩石). Many people are swimming. Some boys are playing football. Some people are lying(躺) on the beach. Mary is sitting on a chair and drawing a picture. John is taking pictures of his friends. And Im sitt

18、ing on a rock and writing to you! What are you doing now? I hope I can get your letter soon.Best wishes,Tim1Whats the weather like today?_2Where are Tim and his friends?_3Can they see birds?_4Is Tim playing football on the beach?_5What is John doing?_【答案】【解析】略22.读一读Alan 的个人情况,用英语完成Alan的个人信息。5分Alan B

19、rown is an Australian boy . He is twelve years old . He lives at 69 Park Road , Sydney with his parents .Art and music are his favourite subjects . In his spare time , he likes playing the violin and doing sports.Name:_Age年龄:_Address地址:_Nationality国籍: _Favourite subjects最喜欢的科目: _Hobby:_【答案】【解析】略23.E

20、nglish breakfast is a very big meal eggs, tomatoes, tea, coffee For many people lunch is a quick meal. In cities there are lots of sandwich bars. People can buy the kind of bread they want brown, white, or a roll and all kinds of salad and meat or fish to go in the sandwich.School children can have

21、a hot meal at school, but many just take a sandwich, a drink and some fruit from home.Tea means意味着two things. It is a drink and a meal. Some people have afternoon tea with sandwiches, cakes and a cup of tea.They usually have the evening meal quite early, between six and eight, and often all the fami

22、ly members eat together. On Sundays many families have a traditional传统的lunch. They have chicken, pork with potatoes and vegetables.The Englishmen like food from other countries, too, especially French, Chinese, Italian and Indian food. People often get take-away meals they buy the food outside and b

23、ring it home to eat.Many Englishmen have a _ breakfast and a _ lunch.A.big; quickB.fast; smallC.little; slowD.slow; big When do they usually have their evening meal?A.At about 6.B.At 5.C.At about 9.D.We dont know.When they get take-away meals, they eat it _.A.in the schoolB.outsideC.at homeD.in the

24、barsTea means a drink and _.A.coffeeB.a mealC.milkD.orange juiceMany families have a traditional lunch on _.A.FridaysB.SundaysC.MondaysD.Saturdays【答案】A;A;C;B;B【解析】从English breakfast is a very big meal和For many people lunch is a quick meal可知“英国人早餐很丰盛,午餐会草草凑合一顿”。从They usually have the eve ning meal qu

25、ite early, between six and eight可知“英国人的晚饭经常吃的很早,在6点到8点之间”。从People often get take-away me als they buy the food outside and bring it home to eat.可知“英国人把快餐食品带回家吃”。从Tea m eans意味着two things. It is a drink and a meal.可知“Tea包括饮料和一顿饭”。从On Sundays many families have a traditional传统的lunch.可知“很多英国家庭在周日会吃传统的午餐

26、”。24.阅读短文,回答以下问题Mr and Mrs Smith come from Sydney. They teach English in a middle school in China. They like their work. They have a son and a daughter, Jim and Sue. They are all in China now. Mr Smith can speak Chinese. He likes swimming and reading. Mrs Smith likes swimming in the afternoon and co

27、oking. Jim and Sue like playing chess. They often play games with Chinese boys and girls. Jims uncle, Green, works on a farm在农场里near Sydney.He likes swimming, too. He wants to work in China. But he cant speak Chinese. So he is still there and goes to Chinese classes every week.1Where are Jim and Sue

28、 from?A. America B. Canada C. Australia2What does Mr Smith like? He likes _.A. cooking B. reading C. playing games3What does Jims uncle like? He likes _.A. reading B. playing games C. swimming4Where does Sues uncle work?A. On a farm. B. In a school. C. In a club.5Who works in different countries国家no

29、w?A. Mr and Mrs Smith.B. Mr Smith and his uncle.C. Mr Smith and his brother.【答案】1 C2B3C4A5C【解析】评卷人得分四、单词拼写25.用所给词的恰当形式填空、l.they(listen) to the teacher now?2. Mr Green(teach) us French.3. They(watch) TV now.4. They(visit) a farm and a factory next Monday.5. Jim(read) a comic book yesterday afternoon.

30、【答案】1.Are, listening2.teaches3.are watching4.are going to visit5.read【解析】1.由now可知,此句应为现在进行时,且是一般疑问句,be动词开头大写,再动词后加ing动词后加。来源:2.该句 动词teach为经常性动作,故为一般现在时,主语Mr Green为第三人称单数,所以teach后加es3.由now可知,此句为现在进行时,主语为复数,故为are加watch的现在分词形式。4.由next Monday可知,此句应为一般将来时,一般将来时的句式为be going to +动词原形,故为be going to visit.5.

31、由yesterday afternoon可知,此句应为一般过去时,动词应为过去式,read是不规则动词,过去式形式也是read。规律总结:运用动词的正确形式填空,主要要依据时间状语确定时态,然后选择正确的动词形式。评卷人得分五、书面表达26.小作文。15分以Myself我为题按下面的要求写一篇英语小作文。要求:1语句通顺,条理清楚,书写清晰、规范。2不得少于50个单词。【答案】见解析【解析】参考范文:MyselfMy name is Wang Dong. Im 12 years old. Im a student of No. 5 Primary School in Beijing. I ha

32、ve many hobbies. I like reading and watching TV in my free time. Snow White is my favourite book.I have some friends in my class. My best friend is Chen Gang. I often play games with him. My English teacher is Miss Hu. I like her very much.评卷人得分六、句型转换27.根据括号里的提示,写出答句。A. Is she cleaning her room? (否定

33、回答)B. _.【答案】No, she isnt.【解析】略评卷人得分七、翻译28.英汉互译。110 = 10分【答案】1喉咙痛2have a cold3看电视4have a fever5买礼物6learn English7弹钢琴8play football 9洗衣服10listen to music【解析】略评卷人得分八、判断题29.听录音,判断所听内容与图意是否相符,用“”或“”表示。【答案】12 3 4 5 6 7【解析】【听力材料】1The girls are playing football now2Last Friday the students planted trees3A:W

34、hat did you do yesterday?B:We walked in the mountains4The boys danced at the camping site5Nancy is pulling up carrots6A:Did you milk cows on the farm? B:No,I didnt7The boys like playing volleyball30.选出下面句子中错误的一项,并改正。( ) 1They want to makingthe country greener.A B改正:_( ) 2It is always on a sunday.A B

35、改正:_( ) 3I want to stop the sand in rainy day.AB改正:_( ) 4New Years Day is on January .A B改正:_【答案】1B改为make 2B改为sunny day 3B改为days4B改为in【解析】略31.Look at the ducks.看鸭子们。【答案】T【解析】略32.根据对话内容判断正误,对的用T,错的用F。Teacher: Mike, what do you think about the life in 2050.Mike: Oh, I think there will be many robots.

36、And they will help people do everything.Teacher: Can you give me an example?Mike: For example, the robots can help people with the housework.Teacher: What else?Mike: I also believe that people will work and study at home.Teacher: Uh, what do you feel about it?Mike: I think it will provide more conve

37、nient for people, but it may make people be lazy.Teacher: I agree with you, thanks for your answer.( ) 1. Mike thinks there will be many robots in 2050.( ) 2. The teacher thinks the robots will help people do everything.( ) 3. Mike gives an example about the robots.( ) 4. Mike thinks that the robots

38、 are prefect.( ) 5. The teacher also thinks the robots will make people become lazy .【答案】1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5.T【解析】1. 从文中“Teacher: Mike, what do you think about the life in 2050.Mike: Oh, I think there will be many robots.”可知正确。2. 从文中“ Mike: Oh, I think there will be many robots. And they will help

39、 peopledo everything.”可知错误。3. 从文中“Mike: For example, the robots can help people with the housework.”可知正确。4. 从文中“Mike: I think it will provide more convenient for people, but it may makepeople be lazy.”可知错误。5. 从文中“Mike: I think it will provide more convenient for people, but it may makepeople be lazy.Teacher: I agree with you,”可知正确。33.判断下面每组单词


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