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1、 2018-2019 学年树人七年级期中测试学年树人七年级期中测试 一、单项选择一、单项选择 1. People in SouthChinajump _ fire to celebrate the SpringFestival. A.under B.over C.across D. between 2. - What time shall we havedinner? - At about 6:30 p.m. Wewillhave _ big dinnertonight. A.a B. an C.the D. / 3. Somepeoplelike _ to keep fit on the p

2、ath along the QinhuaiRiver. A.jogging B.shopping C.swimming D. painting 4. - How can I get out of the building,sir? - Go straight through that door undertheEXIT _. A.information B.notice C.message D. sign 5. - Could you finish the work beforeFriday? - Yes, I think so.Ihave _ else to do thesedays. A.

3、something B.anything C.nothing D. everything 6. A group oflittle ducks _ their mother into the river and swimaway. A.follow B.miss C.help D. cross 7. Sandy does not usually talk very much at school because sheisa _ girl. A.famous B.funny C. friendly D. quiet 8. Whenweread“Volunteersoftenmeetatthecom

4、munitycentre”,westress(重读)thesecondsyllable(音节)of theword“_”. A.volunteers B. often C.community D. centre 9. - Excuse me, _ is it from here to JimingTemple? - Well, its about ten minutes by bus. A.how often B.how much C. howlong D. howfar 10. - Shall we invite the exchange students to play football

5、withus? - _ Well have a wonderful timetogether. A. Idontknow. B.Why not? C. Ofcoursenot. D. Yourewelcome. 二、完形填空二、完形填空 Many people enjoy going to the beach during the summer. But besides swimming and sunbathing (日光浴), _11_ else can we do there? To make beach trips more _12_, the Normandy region of F

6、rance set up 12 seaside _13_ thissummer. The libraries are small wooden houses on the sand. Open from July 7 to August 26, each of the houses has 1,000 books in it. Anyone is welcome to borrow a book there, but readers _14_ stay in the chairs near the library. They cant take them _15_ to the sea. Ot

7、herwise (否则), the books could be damaged (损坏) bythesand_16_. “Its a perfect break for _17_ and relaxing,” said 12-year-old Isabelle, a tourist at Normandy. She was reading The Secret Garden. “This is my _18_ everyafternoon.” The libraries are part of the Normandy “Read at theBeach” _19_. It started

8、in 2005, with only three libraries at that time. _20_ last year, more than 3,800 people borrowed books from the libraries. Its reported that two more libraries will be built in thefuture. 11. A. when B. where C. what D. who 12. A. expensive B. interesting C. important D. lovely 13. A. libraries B. c

9、inemas C. restaurant D. hotels 14. A. will B. wont C. must D. mustnt 15. A. up B. down C. inside D. on 16. A. fire B. wood C. water D. sunshine 17. A. exercising B. swimming C. eating D. reading 18. A. treat B. trick C. treasure D. trip 19. A. show B. project C. subject D. study 20. A. And B. So C.

10、Or D. But 三、阅读理解三、阅读理解 A Meet Your Neighbours Wendy Carlo Linda Chris Job office worker artist college student teacher Personality helpful crazy friendly funny Lifestyle into watching old films intotravelling cant standgoing home early loves todance lovesplaying sports enjoys cooking mealsfor friend

11、s loves to telljokes 21. What does Chrisdo? A. Anofficeworker. B.Anartist. C. Acollegestudent. D. Ateacher. 22. Whats Wendylike? A.Helpful. B.Crazy. C.Friendly. D. Funny. 23. Which neighbor can you ask for help if you want to be in a danceshow? A.Wendy. B.Carlo. C.Linda. D. Chris. B Dinner decisions

12、 Sally: The boss has asked me to dinner. What do I do? Should I take a gift? Bob, Joe and Ellen: Yes! Sally: OK, what should I take? What about wine? Bob: No! It is too hard to pick the right wine. It is difficult because you dont want to spend too much or too little. You have to pick a wine he like

13、s. Whats more, you have to pick a wine that will go with the dinner! Dont even think about it! Get some chocolates for his wifeinstead. Ellen: No! What if shes on a diet (减肥)? _25_. You have to pick chocolates she likes. Some people like plain chocolate, while others like different fillings. So, not

14、 chocolates, Sally. Sally: Flowers,then? Joe: No! Hehasanallergy (过敏) toflowers. Theymakehimsneeze (打喷嚏). Takesomegood coffee. I know he LOVEScoffee. Ellen: Anyway, Sally, thats not the most important question. What are you going to wear? You mustnt be better dressed than his wife. But you still hav

15、e to look smart enough, or it isdisrespectful. Sally: Oh no! Its too hard! I dont want togo! Bob: Well, thatwouldberude (无礼的)! 24. What does Bob want Sally to take to herboss? A.Wine. B.Chocolates. C.Flowers. D. Coffee. 25. Whichsentenceis thebestfortheblank (空白) inLine8? A. Chocolates usually cost

16、a lot. B. Chocolates are bad for herteeth. C. It is hard to keep chocolates forlong. D. It is too hard to pick the rightchocolates. 26. What can we infer from thedialogue? A. Sally wont go tothedinner. B. Joe knows the boss verywell. C. The bosss wife likesplainchocolate. D. Bob, Joe, Ellen and Sall

17、y areclassmates. C There is a big apple tree. A little boy loves to come and lie around it every day. He climbs to the tree top, eats the apples, takes a nap under the shadow. He loves the tree and the tree loves to play with him. Time goes by. The little boy grows up and he no longer plays around t

18、he tree every day. One day, the boy comes back to the tree and he looks sad. “Come and play with me,” the tree asks the boy. “I am no longer a kid. I dont play around trees any more.” The boy answers, “I want toys. I need money to buy them.” “Sorry, but I dont have money. You can pick all my apples

19、and sell them. So, you will have money.” The boy is so excited. He picks all the apples on the tree and leaves happily. The boy never comes back after he picks the apples. The tree issad. One day, the boy comes back and the tree is so excited. “Come and play with me,” the tree says. “I dont have tim

20、e to play. I have to work for my family. We need a house to live. Can you help me?” “Sorry, I dont have a house. But you can cut off all my branches to build your house.” So the boy cuts all the branches off the tree and leaves happily. The tree is glad to see him happy, but the boy never comes back

21、. The tree is again lonely and sad. One hot summer day, the boy comes back and the tree is delighted. “Come and play with me!” the tree says. “I am sad and getting old. I want to go sailing to relax myself. Can you give me a boat?” “Use my trunkto build your boat. You can sail far away and be happy.

22、” So the boy cuts the tree trunk to make a boat. He goes sailing and never shows up for a longtime. The tree is happy, but it is not true. 27. Every time the boy comes to the tree when he grows up, hewantsto _. A. getsomehelp B. takeanap C. play withthe tree D. eat apples 28. When the boy isnt with

23、the tree for a long time, thetreefeels _. A.excited B.lonely C.delighted D. happy 29. The word “trunk” in the LAST paragraphmeans “_”. A. a largestrongbox B. the part of yourbody C. the main part ofatree D. an elephants longnose 30. The boy and the tree in the story arejustlike _. A. brothersandsist

24、ers B.classmates C. childrenandparents D. neighbours 四四、基础知识、基础知识 A) 请根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确。请根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确。 31. Nanjing Underground Line 4 is from the west tothe_ (东部). 32. It is good for us toeat _ (新鲜的) vegetables andfruitevery day. 33. Itsimportantto _ (检查) yourhomeworkcarefullyafte

25、r finishingit. 34. In fairy stories, a prince always livesina _ (宫殿) witha biggarden. favourite weather neighbours clean up leaves smells funny 35. _ (记得) thatyourparents are thepersonswholoveyou most. B) 请根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。请根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 36. This is ourroom, and _ (your) is just acro

26、ss the hall. 37. Jim,Mr.Greens _ (three) child often works as a volunteer in themuseum. 38. Confucius Temple isfullof _ (visit) at the Lantern Festival everyyear. 39. Mr. Black looksforwardto _ (drive) his car to Xinjiang thissummer. 40. - Why are you collecting the wood,Daniel? -We _ (make) a fire

27、to cook some foodsoon. C) 请根据短文内容,从下面方框中选择适当的单词或词组填空,使短文内容完整正确请根据短文内容,从下面方框中选择适当的单词或词组填空,使短文内容完整正确。 Dear Nisha, I really miss you! Ournewhouseisinatowncalled St.Cloud Minnesota.Itsavery quietcompared toMumbai(孟买).The 41. _ isgettingmuchcolder.Theleavesarefallingfromthetrees.SunilandI42. _ every Satu

28、rday in our garden. Its hard work. Sunil and I can play together, but I dont have any friends here.Meeting43. _ isnt easy forme. I go to Maple Hill Elementary School. Im the only student from India in my class. Today a boy says that mylunch44. _. It is my Moms lentil curry (咖喱), which ismy45. _. I c

29、ant say anything because I am soangry. I DONT LIKE IT HERE! I want to go back to Mumbai. Your best friend, Sati D) 请根据要求改写下列句子请根据要求改写下列句子,每空一词每空一词新东方老师提醒大家一定要仔细审题新东方老师提醒大家一定要仔细审题。 46. Thekeyring onthedeskismy cousins. (对画线部分提问) _ _ the key ring on thedesk? 47. DoctorBrown willgrowsomeflowers onhisba

30、lcony. (改为一般疑问句) _ DoctorBrowngrow _ flowers on hisbalcony? 48. Takethesecondturning ontherightand youllseeourschool. (改为同义句) _ _ at the second turning and youll see ourschool. 49. Why dontyouwatchEnglishfilms tolearnEnglish? (改为同义句) _ _ watch English films to learnEnglish? 50. Thewashing machinedoe

31、sntwork well. (改为同义句) Thereissomething _ _ the washing machine. E) 请根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空词数不限。请根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空词数不限。 51. 白马公园在紫金山脚下。 BaimaParkis _ MountZijin. 52. 许多人喜欢在微信上和朋友们分享照片。 Manypeopleenjoy _ their friends on WeChat. 53. 一些免费的APP 软件能够帮助我们学英语。 Some free APPscan _ ourEnglish. 54. 我们周六将乘坐公共汽车去南京红山森林动物

32、园。 We will go to Nanjing HongshanForestZoo _ onSaturday. 55. 马修这些天一直在担心爷爷的身体健康。 Mathew _ his grandpas health thesedays. 五、阅读填空五、阅读填空 A)任务型阅读任务型阅读 Would you like the chance (机会) to find out fun ways to make your communication better? Put your ideas into action in April on National and Global Youth Se

33、rvices Day! A Day to Help On this day, kids in New York work to make their communities safer and cleaner, or to help others. Some collect food for people who dont have money to buy it. Others raise money for local charities (慈善机构). They earn this money selling old books and clothes and getting custo

34、mers (顾客) at local shops to make donations. Texas Kids Help Out In Arlington, Texas, more than 800 kids help their communities. Some visit nursing homes. Others plant flowers. In historic Arlington Cemetery, youth baseball teams pick up rubbish. The cemetery is next to the teams ballfields. After a

35、busy day, its party time in Vandergriff Park! The hard-working kids gather there to celebrate. Helping with Art One group of artists in San Francisco is helping children make their city beautiful. Artists from a group called Kids Serve go to schools around the city. The artists help students plan sp

36、ecial wall paintings. Thepaintings areusuallyabouttopics (话题) thechildren arestudyinginclass. After the artists plan the painting, the children work together to draw the painting in a public area. When they finish it, they will call and invite their neighbours to celebrate and enjoy the painting. Ti

37、tle: 56. _ do kids help make the communitiesbetter? Kids have the chance to do volunteer jobsin57. _ on National and Global Youth ServicesDay. A Day to Help Some kids collect foodfor58. _ people. They59. _ old things to make money for localcharities. They get customers at local shops to makedonation

38、s. Texas Kids Help Out 60. _ 800 kids help their communities, like visiting nursing homesand61. _ flowers. Youth baseball teams pick up rubbish in historic Arlington Cemetery. After a busy day, they will havea62. _ inVandergriffPark! Helping with63. _ Artists from Kids Serve help students plan speci

39、al wall paintings. Their topics are abouttheir64. _. With the help of the artists, the children draw the painting on the wall in a publicarea. Their neighbours will cometo65. _ and enjoythe painting. B)首字母填空首字母填空 IMAGINE (想象) you are living in a moving house. Inside the house, there is a 66.s_ kitch

40、en, bathroom and bedroom.67.E_ you neediscloseathand(触手可及). In the US, you can easily see these moving houses on the road. They are called recreational vehicles (RVs房车).People68.c_ them houses on wheels (轮子). When its holiday time, the 69. w_ family often gets into this lovely house and hits the roa

41、d for a trip70.a_ the country. Compared to (和相比) a real house, this home on the road is small for a 71.f_ because they have to spend every hour of every day together. But the best thing about it is that it 72. c_ yourtripintoafreeexploration(探险). You can drive as long as you like without worryingabo

42、ut 73.f _ hotels and restaurants. Or you can just stop somewhere nice and stay for a few weeks. You may also meet other families who are on road trips.74.T_ with them, you take out your tents and snacks. Its camping time with a lot of chat andlaughter! Of course, RVs are not always convenient (便利的).

43、 They can sometimes break down (抛锚) and you 75. h_ to spend time fixing them. But this kind of road trip still wins peoples hearts because they can go wherever they want, whenever theywant. 六、书面表达六、书面表达 假如你是南京新东方的学生李磊, 下周你将接待几位来自美国的交流学生, 为做好接待工作, 请根据下表内容任选其中一条任选其中一条旅行线路设计“一日游”行程, 并通过电子邮件向他们介绍南京及介绍南京

44、及“一一日日游游”的出行计划的出行计划。 Nanjing east of China; capital of Jiangsu; a history of more than 2000 years Routes Travel route 1 Travel route 2 Time Places Activities Places Activities Morning Mount Zijin . Nanjing Museum . Afternoon Xuanwu Lake . Deji Shopping Mall . Evening Confucius Temple . Poly Theatre

45、. 参考词汇:travelroute:旅行线路 MountZjin:紫金山 ConfuciusTemple:夫子庙注意: 1. 文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称; 2. 要点齐全,适当发挥,语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范; 3. 词数80词左右,邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear friends, Welcome to Nanjing! I am Li Lei from Sunshine Middle School. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Best wishes. Li Lei 参考答案参考答案 一、单项选择一、单项选择 1-5BAADC 6-10ADCDB

46、二、完形填空二、完形填空 11-15CBACB 16-20 CDABD 三、阅读理解三、阅读理解 21-25DACBD 26-30 BABCC 四、填空四、填空 A)31. east 32. fresh 33. check 34.palace 35. Remember B)36.yours 37. third/ 3rd 38. visitors 39.driving 40. will make / shall make / are going to make C)41.weather 42. cleanupleaves 43.neighbours 44.smellsfunny 45. favo

47、urite D)46.Whoseis 47.Will; any 48. Turnright 49.Whynot 50. wrong with E)51. at the footof 52. sharing (their / the) photos / pictureswith 53. help with / (to) learn / (to)study 54. by bus / on a bus / on thebus 55. is worrying about / is worriedabout 五、阅读填空五、阅读填空 A) 56. How 57. April 58. poor 59. s

48、ell 60. Over 61. planting/ growing 62. party 63. Art 64. study/ studies/ classes/ lessons/ subjects 65. celebrate B) 66. small 67. Everything 68. call 69. whole 70. across/ around 71. family 72. changes 73. finding 74. Together 75. have 六、书面表达六、书面表达 One possible version: Dear friends, Welcome to Nan

49、jing! I am Li Lei from Sunshine Middle School. Nanjing, the capital of Jiangsu, is in the east of China. It has a history of more than 2000 years. When you come here, Im sure youll love our city. Now I will plan a day out for you. In the morning, well go walking around Mount Zijin. Its really a wond

50、erful place to enjoy fresh air there. After lunch, lets visit Xuanwu Lake. Its the biggest lake in Nanjing. Its great to row a boat on the lake. Shall we go to Confucius Temple to enjoy local food and culture in the evening? We can try a lot of delicious Chinese food there. I am looking forward to s


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