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2、is the main idea of the article/Paragraph 1?(2)What would be the best title of the passage? (3)What is the purpose of writing the text/passage?(4)What does the passage mainly talk about/discuss?(5)For what purpose does the author mention.in Paragraph 1?2.同义句替换题:同义句替换题:它要求根据所给出的英文句子,寻找短文中意思相它要求根据所给出的

3、英文句子,寻找短文中意思相同的句子。同的句子。出题方式主要有:出题方式主要有:(1)Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one? (2)Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?(3)Please find out the sentence which can be replaced by the following one.3.完成句子题:完成句子题:它要求利用上下文,将短文中的空白处用合适的词、它

4、要求利用上下文,将短文中的空白处用合适的词、短语或句子补充完整,使短文通畅。短语或句子补充完整,使短文通畅。出题方式主要有:出题方式主要有:(1)Please fill in the blank in the passage with proper words.(2)Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words.4.句子翻译题:句子翻译题:它要求将短文中划线的句子翻译成通顺的汉语。它要求将短文中划线的句子翻译成通顺的汉语。出题方式主要有:出题方式主要有:Translate the underlined sentence in the.pa

5、ragraph/passage into Chinese.5.封闭型问题:封闭型问题:结合文中具体依据进行回答。结合文中具体依据进行回答。出题方式主要有:出题方式主要有:(1)What advice is given in the third paragraph? (no more than 10 words)(2)According to Paragraph 2,how does the author settle the problem? (no more than 20 words)(3)What are the reasons for the problem according to

6、the passage? (no more than 10 words)6.开放型问题:开放型问题:结合个人观点态度进行表述。结合个人观点态度进行表述。出题方式主要有:出题方式主要有:(1)What would you do if you were.?(2)How would you solve the problem if you were.?(3)What other suggestions would you give to solve the problem mentioned?策略指导1.主旨概括题主旨概括题这类问题要求我们理解全文后对文章标题或大意进行概括。我们要做到:这类问题要求





11、面对该类问题,我们可以结合文中的具体依据进行回答,答案是固定面对该类问题,我们可以结合文中的具体依据进行回答,答案是固定的、唯一的。的、唯一的。6.开放型问题开放型问题面对该类问题,我们可以依据自己的看法结合对原文的理解作出回答,面对该类问题,我们可以依据自己的看法结合对原文的理解作出回答,注意扬长避短,避难就易。注意扬长避短,避难就易。真题诊断1 (2018天津天津)Some people live to climb the highest mountains.Some people live only dreaming about it while others live to avoid

12、 ever climbing at all.But one thing is certain,all people encounter mountains in their life.When I was a little girl,my family moved to a tiny town at the bottom of a big mountain.One day after school,while exploring the green woods of this magnificent mountain,I almost fell on a set of stairs.What

13、could these steps lead to?Curiosity got the best of me as I knew it would be starting to get dark soon.I started climbing up those strangely mysterious steps.I climbed and climbed.There was nothing but just green bushes and these steps.I had to reach the top! But it was now getting real dark. If I k

14、ept going I might not be able to see my way back.My mum would be worried sick if I didnt come home soon.So I ran back home almost in the dark while trying not to get too scared.Anxiously I went to bed dreaming about what I would find at the top of this magical mountain.Could there be a castle up the

15、re?Maybe I would find a monster(怪物怪物).Maybe I was taking the risk of never coming back home.Or,maybe all I would find was absolutely nothing! But something inside me was going to climb that mountain at all cost.I could hardly wait to try this adventure again.Now we live in a world surrounded by the

16、“cant do” attitudes. We all fall down. We all have doubts and regrets.Still we must climb and dream about whats at the top of our mountain.Monsters may appear or the night will fall.But never ever give up on your dream! Never let anyone tell you,“You cant.” Dream big and climb high!56.What made the

17、author start to climb up the stairs to the mountain top?(no more than 5 words)_答案56 57 585960Curiosity made her do so./The desire to explore.57.Why did the author hurry back home without reaching the top of the mountain?Give two reasons.(no more than 15 words)_答案Because it was getting dark,and she d

18、idnt want her mother to worry about her./Because she was scared,and might not be able to find her/the way back home.56 57 58596058.How would you describe the author in terms of personalities according to Paragraph 4?(no more than 10 words)_答案She had rich imagination and she was brave./She was a brav

19、e and determined girl with rich imagination./She was imaginative and determined,and she dared to explore./She was imaginative,adventurous and determined.56 57 58596059.How do you understand the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?(no more than 5 words)_答案We all sometimes fail./We face failure/

20、defeat/hardships/challenges in life./There are difficulties/barriers/obstacles in life./We run into trouble sometimes./We have trouble in life.56 57 58596060.Whats your attitude towards the “mountain” in your life?Please explain.(no more than 20 words)_答案I will try to reach my goal because I want to

21、 live an exciting life./I will try to reach/get to the top of the “mountain” because I want to be successful in life.56 57 5859602 (2017天津天津)In the years of my growing up,Dad was strict with me.He made sure I made my bed and did my homework.He would call in advance to make sure there was no alcohol

22、at the party.I got so angry with him for laying down the law.I would scream,“I hate you!”Dad would yell back,“Good!I dont care!” Deep down I knew he did.One time at a party,I drank too much alcohol and got so sick.I said,“Call my dad.”Next thing,Dad was carrying me to the car.I woke up the next morn

23、ing,thinking I would definitely be criticised.As expected,I got a roasting,but I now understand why I needed discipline.Dad was 29 when he got his big roles in films.I had an early start at the age of nine with a role in a 1990s TV series,but it wasnt until I finished film studies that I pursued my

24、career as an actress.Like those early days for Dad,I faced lots of rejections.Working in such a competitive industry,Ive sometimes thought,“I cant do this any more.”Once,after a trip to Hollywood,I returned to Australia so depressed and spent months in my bedroom painting,listening to Eckhart Tolles

25、 music and trying to find myself again.Dad sat me down and said,“Alice,I know its hard,but its all about persistence(坚持不懈坚持不懈).”Now I get to work with Dad a lot,which I love.We are both passionate about acting,which comes from us being so interested in people.If it werent for Dad,I wouldnt be where

26、I am today. Hes my biggest fan,and when you have that in your life you can go a long way.56.What rules did Alices father set for her when she was growing up?(no more than 15 words)_56 57 585960答案She should make her bed,do her homework and drink no alcohol./ Making her bed,doing her homework and drin

27、king no alcohol.57.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 mean?(no more than 5 words)_答案I got/was criticised/scolded.56 57 58596058.What did Alices father do when she felt depressed?(no more than 5 words)_答案He encouraged/comforted/inspired her.56 57 58596059.According to the last paragraph,wha

28、t do Alice and her father have in common?(no more than 10 words)_答案They are both passionate about acting and interested in people.56 57 58596060.What do you think of Alices father?Please explain.(no more than 20 words)_答案He is a good/devoted/caring/loving father because he was strict with his daught

29、er and encouraged her when she was in trouble.或或He is always supportive/a source of strength.Whenever she is in trouble,he is there for her.56 57 5859603 (2016天津天津)Im a 34-year-old man,married,live in a nice house,and have a successful career as an educational consultant.But my life was not always s

30、o great.I had a learning disability from an early age.I went to a special school where I got plenty of extra help.Still,I suffered the rest of my school days in public schools.My life improved remarkably when I discovered art.The art world gave me a chance to express myself without words.I went to a

31、 workshop and gradually got good at making things with clay(黏土黏土).Here I learned my first important lesson:disabled as I was in language,I could still be smart and well express myself with clay.And my confidence came along.I got my next lesson from rock climbing.It was a fun thing but I was scared f

32、rom the start.I soon noticed it wasnt a talent thing; it was practice.So I did it more.After about five years of climbing,I found myself in Yosemite Valley on a big wall.I learned that if you fall in love with something and do it all the time,you will get better at it.Later I decided to apply my pre

33、vious experience to learning how to read and write.Every day I practiced reading and writing,which I used to avoid as much as possible.After two hard years,I was literate.Having gone through the long process with art,rock climbing,and reading and writing,now Ive got to a point in my life where I kno

34、w I am smart enough to dive into an area that is totally unknown,hard,but interesting.56.What made the authors school days difficult?(no more than 5 words)_56 57 585960答案His learning disability./Or:Having a learning disability./Or:That he was learning disabled./Or:That he had a learning disability.5

35、7.Why did art give the author confidence? (no more than 10 words)_答案Because he could be smart and express himself with clay./Or:Because art could help him express himself without words./Or:Because he could well express himself with clay/art.56 57 58596058.What lesson did the author learn from rock c

36、limbing? (no more than 15 words)_答案If you enjoy something and keep doing it,you will get better at it./Or:The more you practice something,the better at it you will become./Or:Practice makes perfect./Or:Practice leads to success.56 57 58596059.What is the meaning of the underlined part in Paragraph 4

37、? (no more than 5 words)_答案I could read and write.56 57 58596060.How does the authors story inspire you to overcome difficulties in life? Put it in your own words.(no more than 20 words)_答案We should not lose heart in face of difficulties.If we work hard,we will find a way out./Or:The authors story t

38、ells me that I should be confident and practice hard to overcome difficulties in my life./Or:We should overcome our weakness and fears with courage and determination.56 57 585960随堂限时练1(2018天津部分区县二模天津部分区县二模)Marga Allen might be around 93 years old.However,she wouldnt put her feet up.Every week,she le

39、ads a 90-minute fitness class in her community for her ladies,and the youngest of them is 60.The class is a mixture of Scottish dancing,line-dancing and routine.“I want to make it fun for them,” says Marga,“Ive been teaching classes since 1965.” At that time,8 ladies attended her class,but now there

40、 are as many as 18.And when Marga isnt out,she is a writer of poetry.She has written six books and is now going on the seventh.“I write in the evenings,about anything and everything,” says Marga.In writing about her life,Marga isnt short of materials.Born in the 1920s,Marga was a gifted pianist from

41、 a young age and even won a scholarship to the Royal College at the age of 14.Marga stopped work as a railway worker when she had the first child.Then she was a volunteer of the Red Cross for more than 40 years.She now has four grandchildren and four great-grandchildren;the youngest of them is just

42、six-month old.In spite of her astonishing activity level for her age,Marga says that loneliness is the concern of society and that all the things she does still dont fill up her time.Whenever she gets lonely or down,she picks up the phone and chats with friends,which makes her in high spirits.“I mis

43、s people most of all.But a lot of people are lonely,and Id love to help them all.” 解析解析根据第一段中的根据第一段中的“I want to make it fun for them”可知,她开可知,她开办这个课程是想让她的朋友们生活得有趣。办这个课程是想让她的朋友们生活得有趣。答案解析 123451.Why does Marga Allen give a fitness class in her community each week?(no more than 10 words) _She intends t

44、o make her ladies life interesting.12345解析解析由题干中的由题干中的“materials when writing about her life”可定位至可定位至第二段第四句,而其后的内容则讲述了不缺少素材的原因,即她有丰第二段第四句,而其后的内容则讲述了不缺少素材的原因,即她有丰富的人生经历。从她的人生经历来看,她经历过很多的事情,做过多富的人生经历。从她的人生经历来看,她经历过很多的事情,做过多种工作,所以她不缺素材。种工作,所以她不缺素材。答案解析 2.Why doesnt Marga Allen lack materials when writi

45、ng about her life?(no more than 12 words) _She has experienced a lot,doing various things in her life.12345解析解析前文说她九十三岁了,前文说她九十三岁了,however“然而然而”表转折;后文说她每表转折;后文说她每个星期还要上健身课。可以猜测这句话的意思是她闲不住。个星期还要上健身课。可以猜测这句话的意思是她闲不住。答案解析 3.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 1 mean?(no more than 10 words) _She

46、doesnt want to have a rest/break.12345解析解析根据最后一段第一句可知,当她感到孤独或沮丧时,她就拿起根据最后一段第一句可知,当她感到孤独或沮丧时,她就拿起电话和朋友聊天。电话和朋友聊天。答案解析 4.What does Marga Allen usually do when she feels depressed?(no more than 5 words) _She communicates with her friends.12345解析解析本题可根据提问和自己对文章的理解表达自己的观点,然后阐本题可根据提问和自己对文章的理解表达自己的观点,然后阐明理

47、由,言之有理即可。明理由,言之有理即可。答案解析 5.What do you think of Marga Allen? And why? (no more than 25 words) _Shes old but active and kind.Because though 93-year-old,she does a lot to fill up her time and cheer up others.2She had to pack up her bedroom in Virgina Beach,where she lived with her mother,two sisters a

48、nd brother.She had to say goodbye to her two dogs,who used to sleep in her bed,and to the beach,where she loved to ride waves on her boogie board.But it was time to take the leap,however,heartbreaking and awkward it would be.Even at 14,Douglas knew that.So off she went about 1,200 miles to West Des

49、Moines,Lowa,to train with a coach from China and live with a white family she had never been met.When she arrived,Douglas thought that she must be the only black person in the state.When she woke up,she always said,“This isnt my bed set.Where am I?”Liang Chow,who had coached the Olympic gold medalis

50、t Shawn Johnson,transformed Douglas into one of the best gymnasts in the world,helping her skyrocket from an average member of the national team to the top of the sport.And a couple with four young daughters became her second family,nurturing her in Iown while her real family supported her from afar


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