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1、中考英语全国各地历年单项选择题汇总练习班级 考号 姓名 总分 名词( )1.Hurry up! Some_._ and_are on sale in the supermarket.A. tomato; egg B. tomatoes; egg C. tomatoes; eggs D. tomato; eggs( )2.Look! They are_.-Yes. We are proud of them.A. man scientist B. women scientists C. woman scientists D. man scientists( )3.Whose jackets are

2、 these? -They are_. They said they lost them yesterday.A. ours B.Li Lei and Li Taos C. Li Leis and Li Taos( )4. lf l leave my house at 9 oclock and drive to the airport,Ill arrive at about 11. So its about two_drive from my house to the airport.A. hours B.hours C. hours( )5.What else do we need to m

3、ake cold beef? 一_A. Two spoons salt B. Two spoons of salts C. Two spoons of salt( )6. Wu Dajing, a_Chinese skater, set a new world record at the Short Track World Cup lastyear.A. 25-years-old B. 25 year old C. 25-year-old D. 25 years old( )7.To keep our city beautiful, the_ are always very busy in t

4、he streets. We shouldnt throwrubbish everywhere.A. policemen B.cleaners C. drivers( )8.What should we do for the camping trip? -Wed better make a _ of things like foods,drinks, medicine and so on.A. list B. card C. report( )9.For his sons birthday, Steven is taking him to the new movie as a_.A. task

5、 B.treat C. choice D. visit( )10.One_of the book is missing, so l cant learn the whole story.A.copy B.page C. writer D.reader( )11.You can see the _._ in our faces when we talk about the great achievements in the past 70years.A.doubt B. pride C. regret D.ability代词( )1.Sunnys uncle is a teacher._enjo

6、ys staying with kids.A.He B. She C. lt D.l( )2.Tom is my best friend.l often play basketball with _.A.he B.his c.him D.himself( )3._is unhealthy for us to go to school without eating breakfast in the morning.A.That B.This( )4.ls this Mikes dictionary? No, its mine. The thick one on the desk is_A.his

7、 B. yours C. hers D.theirs( )5.Who is the girl under the tree? She is_classmate,Annie.A.l B.me C. my( )6.Nobody taught the old lady how to use weChat.She learned it all by_A. she B.her C. herself D.hers ( )7.Do you like rock music or light music?_._. l like pop music.A.Both B.None C. Neither D.Eithe

8、r( )8.Excuse me, d like to buy a birthday gift for my son.We have different kinds of new toys forboys.You can choose_ for your son.A.that B.one C. it D.either( )9.Which do you prefer, juice or tea?-_is OK. l dont care.A.All B. Neither C. Either( )10.Can you kick the ball to _.end of the football fie

9、ld?lts hard for me.I think fewgoalkeepers can make it.A.another B.the other C. other( )11.Could you stay a little longer? l havemore to tell you about the plan for tomorrow.A.something B.everything C. anything D.nothing( )12.Almost_ in our group has been to the 2nd Digital China Summit. Its fantasti

10、c.A. someone B.everyone C. anyone( )13. Father was so busy with his work that he had_time to read the newspaper.A. some B.little C. much D.a bit of( )14.We havent got_meat for dinner. Lets buy_.chicken.A. some; some B. some; any C. any; any D. any; some冠词( )1._Great Wall is one of the seven wonders

11、around the world.A.The B.A c.An D./( )2.Who is_woman in red? Shes our chemistry teacher, Miss Li.A.A B.an C. the( )3.China is_ Asian country while England is_ European country.A. an; an B.a; a c.an; a D.a; an( )4.Bill bought_._useful book._._book is very interesting.A.a; The B.a; A c.an; The D.an; A

12、( )5.Lily practices playingpiano after school every day.A.a B.an C. / D.the( )6.We often have three meals_day.And we usually have_breakfast at 8:00 everymorning.A. a, the B.a, a c.a,/ D./ , the( )7.l am going to have _picnic on _Sunday.A.the; an B.an; the c.a;不填 D.an;不填( )8.This year is_70th anniver

13、sary(周年)of the founding of the Peoples Republic of China.A. a B.an c.the数词( )1.There are_people in Dales family. They live on the_floor.A. five; nine B. fifth; nine C. five; ninth D. fifth; ninth( )2.Please pass me_book on the right.A. four B.fourth C. the four D.the fourth( )3. We are proud of our

14、country.The year 2019 is her_birthday.A. seventy B.the seventy C. the seventieth D. seventieth( )4.Every year,_._books are given away to the poor children in the countryside.A.thousand B.thousands of C. thousand of( )5._of the students in our class_going to the summer camp in Beijing next week.A.Two

15、 fifths, is B. Second fifths, are C. Second fifths, is D.Two fifths, are介词( )1.When will the movie The Lion King (狮子王) return to movie theatres in America?-_July.A.On B.At C. In( )2.l think tea will taste better_some milk in it.A. for B. with C. from D.at( )3.Shall l help you_the street, Grandpa? 一N

16、o, thanks.l can manage it myself.A.on B. with C. across D.along( )4.This story is.simple English. My little sister can read it.A. for B. in C. with D.by( )5.Ben was helping his mother when the rain began to beat heavily _ the windows.A. against B.across c.above D.below( )6.ls that your headmaster? Y

17、ou mean the man_blue?A.on B. with C. in( )7.一l want to watch TV the whole day after the long journey.You shouldnt watch TV too much.Itsbad_your eyes.A.on B. in C. for D. with( )8.l enjoy talking with my classmates_our way to school.A.on B.atD.under( )9.The high-speed train_Qingdao and Beijing travel

18、s faster now.The train ride takesonly about three hours.A. from B.among C. in D. between( )10. lts very important_us to make a plan before a new term begins.A.of B. withcC. by D. for( )11.The bright sunlight comes into the room_ the window.A.through B.across C. past( )12.To my great joy, my family i

19、s always_._me whatever l decide to do.A. behind B.to C. from D.against形容词( )1.lts a good way to study English with a group.Thats true.l find it_to improve ourpronunciation.A.thankful B.harmful C. helpful D.careful( )2.The High Speed Rail is amazing. lt makes travel_A.easier B.harder C. higher D. slo

20、wer( )3.What do you think of working as a doctor? lts a good job to help people keep _.A. busy B.strict C. healthy D.generous( )4.More and more people have realized that clear waters and green mountains are as_ asmountains of gold and silver.A.central B. special C. valuable( )5.Diana, I forget new w

21、ords quickly. How can I remember them?Dont worry. Its_ toforget new words! l suggest you read the words and try to use them.A.rude B.exciting C. perfect D.natural( )6.一The 5G technology can help doctors treat patients who are hundreds of kilometers away.ltsreallyA. secret B.direct C. amazing D.tradi

22、tional( )7.一You havent said a_word since last Friday. Whats wrong?一Nothing.Just leave me alone.A. simple B. single C. similar D. silent( )8.How about the fruit salad? Yummy! It tastes very.By the way,who made it?A. good B.bad C. well D.badly( )9. Does the dish taste as_as it looks?A. well B. best c.

23、good D.better( )10.The_we do for other people, the_we will be.A. much; happier B. more; happy C. more; happier D. most; happiest( )11.一Mike plays the drums so wonderfully!Of course.He is_ than any other student in hisclass.A. talented B. more talented C. less talented D.the most talented( )12.一He is

24、 planning to walk on the wings of a flying plane.What? I have never heard of_ideabefore.A.a crazier B.the crazier c.a craziest D.the craziest( )13.一Roy never likes junk food.Neither do l.Thats probably why Im becoming_now.A.healthy and healthy B. more and more healthily C. weaker and weaker D.health

25、ier and healthier( )14.Guess what? The university has accepted my application!一Wow! Thats_news lveheard this year, Boris! Lets celebrate.A. a worse B.the worst C. a better D.the best( )15.Do you know Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (港珠澳大桥)?一Yes, it is_cross-seabridge in the world.A.the longer B.longes

26、t C. the longest D. longer( )16.Do you know that China is one ofcountries in the world? Yes, l do. lts muchthan the us.A.the oldest; older B.old; older c.older; older( )17.Of the two physics problems, Martha just finished _one.A. the most difficult B.the least difficult C. the less difficult副词( )1.S

27、antaishan Forest Park isbeautiful that it has become a hot tourist attraction.A. so B.very C. such D.quite( )2.I came to school_ this morning because it was my turn to clean our classroom.A.early B. slowly C. quietly D. suddenly( )3.一How often do you usually go to work by subway?一_.l always take a b

28、us, because there isno subway in this city.A.Sometimes B.Often C. Never D. seldom ( )4.Lisa made so many mistakes in her homework,because she didnt do it_enough.A. carefully B.busily C. quickly D. warmly( )5.Betty felt so tired last night that she_fell asleep in bed after lying down.A.recently B.sud

29、denly C. frequently D. immediately( )6.Ken was_late for school.The bell rang right after he entered the classroom.A. still B.always C. already D.almost( )7.The young are always busy checking their mobile phones while getting together.So it is. Theyshould put down phones and have more talks,_-.A. sti

30、ll B.too c.either D. instead( )8.一As we know,its very difficult to live in a foreign country like the UK, the Us and so on.l agree._._, if you dont understand the local language.A.Especially B.Generally C. Naturally D.Exactly( )9.一-.d_is it from your school to the bus stop? lts about 5 minutes walk.

31、A.How often B.How long C. How soon D.How far( )10.一_do teenagers need to sleep? At least eight hours a night.A.How long B.How many c.How often( )11.一_._do you put a lot of snakes into the forest?To protect the ecosystem.A. Why B. Which c.How D. when( )12.Excuse me,_is this T-shirt? lts 88 yuan.A.how

32、 much B.how many c.how long D.how old( )13.A mobile phone with 5G can send videos much_than the one with 4G.A. fast B. faster C. fastest D. the fastest( )14.Jenny will get up _than usual in order to catch the first bus.A.early B.very early c.earlier D.earliest( )15. Wang Wei speaks English as _._ as

33、 Yang Lan. They both study English hard.A.good B. well C. better D.best( )16.What subject do you like_,English, math or physics? Of course, English.A. good B.better c.Best( )17.Who sings_in your class? Li Jing does.A. most beautifully B. most beautiful C. more beautifully D. more beautiful连词( )1.Put

34、 on your coat,_you will catch a cold!This is what my mum often says to me.A. and B.but c.or D.so( )2.The film seems interesting_we all want to see it.A.and B. but C. unless D. if( )3.This cap is nice,_it doesnt look good on me.A.for B. so C. but D.or( )4.You cant decide whether or not you like somet

35、hing until you try it,_ its important to trysomething new.A. but B.or C. so( )5.lts a pity that_my teachers_-._parents allow me to swim alone.After all you aretoo young, safety first.A.either . or B.neither . nor C. both . and D.not only . but also( )6.Love your parents_they are alive.Dont wait unti

36、l it is too late.A. while B.though C. because D.unless( )7. They didnt go homethey finished their work.A.because B. when C. until( )8.The environment will be much worse._._everyone has a sense of protecting it.A. unless B. if C. so that( )9.Friends are like books. You dont need a lot of them_. they

37、are good.A.or B.and C. as long as D. as soon as( )10. StorySign is ._. a useful app_. it can make it easier for deaf children and their parentsto read bedtime stories.A.so . that B.such . that C. too . to D. as . as( )11.一Did you call Michael back? l didnt need to,_ ll see him tomorrow.A.unless B. b

38、ecause C. when D.though( )12.Youd better take the map with youyou wont get lost.A. so that B.as soon as c.now that D.as long as( )13._._my grandpa is over 80 years old, he still looks strong and healthy.A.Although B.Because c.Unless复合句( )1._l do, l do it for you. Do not ever doubt that, my boy.A. Wh

39、atever B.Wherever C. Whenever D. Whoever ( )2. If you study hard, you_into a good senior high school.A.got B. will get c.get( )3.l dont know if Samtomorrow.Dont worry. l will tell you as soon as he_.A. will come, comes B.comes, will come C. will come, will come D.comes, comes( )4. When we_ _building

40、 the Subway Line 3, it will be easier to travel around the city.A.finish B.finished C. will finish( )5. The movie_l have seen twice is The wandering Earth.A. who B. which C. where D.when( )6.一Tomorrow is Fathers Day. Whats your surprise for your father? The first thing_lwill dois to make a card for

41、him.A. who B. where C. whose D.that( )7.Do you know the man_._spoke at the meeting just now? 一No, l dont know.A. what B. who C. which D. whose( )8.China is getting better at making hi-tech products_can be bought in all parts of the world.A. who B. which C. what( )9. My mother doesnt like stories _ha

42、ve sad endings.A.that B. who C. where D.those( )10.Could you tell me_for the fruit? By paying over the Internet.A.how much will l pay B.how much l will pay c.how will l pay D.how l will pay( )11.l wonder _._the students have a physical examination.-Once a year.A.how far B.how soon c.how long D.how o

43、ften( )12.l wonder_Tom had a good time having a picnic yesterday.A.that B. if C. what D. which( )13.l dont know_we will go.Why not? We will go to the beach for a picnic.A. where B. when C. how( )14.Hi, Shirley.Could you tell me _?一At 11:30 tomorrow morning.A. when you will arrive B. when will you arrive C. where you will arrive( )15.Kate, do you know_lIm not sure. Maybe a Bird-watching Society worker.A. where can l watch birds


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