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1、一、如何使用高级词汇一、如何使用高级词汇 1择词要准确、贴切。择词要准确、贴切。 He is a good man. He is good-looking.He is a kind-hearted man.He is handsome.2表达新颖、寻求亮点。表达新颖、寻求亮点。It is more and more difficult to find jobs in China nowadays.Its really a difficult task for me.increasingly difficultchallenging选词时适当选用别人使用较少的词,可以使自己选词时适当选用别人使用

2、较少的词,可以使自己与众不同与众不同,从而取得,从而取得出奇制胜出奇制胜的效果。的效果。3短语替词、展示实力短语替词、展示实力。(1)I have _ to study English better this term.(同义词同义词decided)(2)I _ how to enlarge my vocabulary. (同义词同义词dont know)(3)We will _ the matter _ (同义词同义词consider)(4) He _ music so much that he devotes much time to it.(同义词同义词likes)made up my

3、mindhave no ideatake into account /consideration如果能用短语代替单词,一方面会使文章生动,如果能用短语代替单词,一方面会使文章生动,另另 一方面则会展示你的实力,这会使阅卷老师对一方面则会展示你的实力,这会使阅卷老师对你你刮目相看刮目相看,从而,从而提高提高文章的文章的档次档次。is fond of 在写作中,我们运用并列连词合并句子在写作中,我们运用并列连词合并句子是最常用的手段。常用的并列连词有是最常用的手段。常用的并列连词有and, but, or, nor, so, yet, for, as well as, bothand,notbut

4、, not onlybut (also), eitheror, neithernor,(and) then, since等。等。4. 使用并列连词使用并列连词【课堂练习【课堂练习】用并列连词合并每一组句子。用并列连词合并每一组句子。1.John wanted to settle down. His wife also wanted to settle down.2. He got a job as a manager in New York City. He was looking for a house to live in.John, as well as his wife, wanted

5、 to settle down. He got a job as a manager in New York City and he was looking for a house to live in. 3. He found a house not far from his office. The house was not far from his childrens school.He found a house neither far from his office nor far from his childrens school. 4. The house was not big

6、. The house had a beautiful garden. The house was not big, but had a beautiful garden. 5. His wife liked their new home. His children also like their new home very much.Not only his wife but also his children liked their new home very much.5巧用习语、引人入胜。巧用习语、引人入胜。(1)He promised to show us around the ci

7、ty,but soon he ate his words.(2)Many families used to struggle to make ends meet.(3)He has been a laughing stock of the class.(4)Why did she turn a deaf ear to what I said?语言是文化的载体,习语又是语言的精华。语言是文化的载体,习语又是语言的精华。恰当恰当地使用它,会给文章增色,加强文章的感染力,地使用它,会给文章增色,加强文章的感染力,从而引人入胜。从而引人入胜。收回前言收回前言使收支相抵使收支相抵笑柄笑柄置若罔闻、不理睬

8、置若罔闻、不理睬6引用谚语。引用谚语。和汉语一样,英语中也有大量谚语。和汉语一样,英语中也有大量谚语。若能在写作中恰当运用,会给文章增色不少。若能在写作中恰当运用,会给文章增色不少。(1)Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.(2)Where there is a will, there is a way.(3)He who laughs last laughs best.(4)It is no use crying over spilt milk.(5)Practice makes perfect.(6) Every coin

9、has two sides.【体验写作【体验写作】.用更贴切的词来代替画线的词用更贴切的词来代替画线的词1Terry is such a good boy that every student wants to get along with him. 2It is cold this winter. A drop of water will freeze in no time. 3He is a nice student. He often makes us laugh and we have much fun with him. 4Peter is good to others. He al

10、ways gives away things to those in trouble.5The house is good .Look at the sofas,tables and so on.well-furnishedkind-heartedfreezinghumorousgenerous.用正确的固定短语替换画线部分用正确的固定短语替换画线部分(不得改变句意不得改变句意) 1The club has twenty members.2The dog sensed danger and ran away. 3He said he would help me if necessary.4Su

11、rprisingly,the little girl knows so many things.5They advised me on how to solve the problem.6The man is jobless and he feels upset. 7When I saw the horse,I began to cheer up.is made up of/ consists ofwas aware ofgive me a hand/come to my aidTo our surprisegave me some adviceout of work/out of a job

12、caught sight of二、如何使用较多的语法结构二、如何使用较多的语法结构1为了达到简洁的目的,我们常常用短语来代替为了达到简洁的目的,我们常常用短语来代替句子。这其中包括:句子。这其中包括:(1)不定式短语不定式短语You are so kind that you help me.You are so kind as to help me.Its so kind of you to help me.(2)过去分词短语过去分词短语The teacher walked out of the lab and some students followed him.The teacher wa

13、lked out of the lab,followed by some students.(3)现在分词和动名词短语现在分词和动名词短语If you stand here, you can see it clearly.Standing here, you can see it clearly.(4)with复合结构复合结构The teacher walked out of the lab and some students followed him.The teacher walked out of the lab, with some students following him.(5)

14、 独立主格结构独立主格结构If the weather permits,Ill come tomorrow.Weather permitting,Ill come tomorrow.2使用复合句把两个以上的简单句连接起来,使使用复合句把两个以上的简单句连接起来,使句子变得简洁、紧凑。句子变得简洁、紧凑。(1)The girl is spoken highly of. Her composition was well written.The girl whose composition was well written is spoken highly of. The reason why th

15、e girl is spoken highly of is that her composition was well written.(2)I live in a small town. It is about 20 kilometers away from the city. I live in a small town which is about 20 kilometers away from the city. (3)In the past,we planted many trees here. Now,no trees can be seen except heavy smoke

16、and dark rivers.Although we planted many trees here, no trees can be seen now except heavy smoke and dark rivers.3选择别人少用的句式或结构将会使你的文章选择别人少用的句式或结构将会使你的文章“不同凡响不同凡响”。(1)倒装句倒装句They are so grateful to their partners that they dont know what to do.So grateful are they to their partners that they dont know

17、 what to do.(2)强调句强调句What he said at the meeting surprised everybody.It was what he said at the meeting that surprised everybody.4为了使句子表达生动,可使用感叹句和反问句为了使句子表达生动,可使用感叹句和反问句He has made great progress in recent years.What great progress he has made in recent years!They believe what you said.Dont they be

18、lieve what you said?5.我们也可以使用比喻、拟人等修辞手法。修辞手我们也可以使用比喻、拟人等修辞手法。修辞手法能给读者留下较深刻的印象,具有强大的感染法能给读者留下较深刻的印象,具有强大的感染力。力。(1)To finish the work ahead of time,they have been as busy as a bee recently.(2)August 8th,2008 saw Beijing holding the opening ceremony of the 29th Olympic Games.另外,句式也要精心选择。如谈到环境保护时,另外,句式也

19、要精心选择。如谈到环境保护时,We must take measures to protect our environment 远远不如远远不如Measures must be taken to protect our environment.表达有力。表达有力。【体验写作体验写作】.用正确的语法结构来替换下列画线的句子用正确的语法结构来替换下列画线的句子(注意注意不得改变句意不得改变句意)1. When you are trapped in the fire, keep calm.2. Because he has so many things to do, he feels stressf

20、ul.3. As he has been sentenced to 15 years in prison, Jim is in a hopeless state.4. When he saw his mother, the boy ran up to her.5. As it has hosted the 29th Olympics success-fully, Beijing becomes a hit.(When )trapped in the fireWith/Having so many things to do(Having been)Sentenced to 15years in

21、prisonSeeing his motherHaving hosted 1.如果他听了我的话,他就不会失去他的工作。如果他听了我的话,他就不会失去他的工作。(follow)_, he wouldnt have lost his job.2. 随着考试的到来,学生们忙着他们的学业。随着考试的到来,学生们忙着他们的学业。(approach)With _, the students are busy with their studies.3.房价将要下跌的消息使得很多人以更低的价格出售了房价将要下跌的消息使得很多人以更低的价格出售了他们的房子。他们的房子。(fall)The news _ has

22、caused many people to sell their houses at lower price.4. 受到老师的表扬,他又恢复了自信。受到老师的表扬,他又恢复了自信。(praise)_,he regained confidence.5.任何别的地方你不可能看到像武汉一样多的桥任何别的地方你不可能看到像武汉一样多的桥(nowhere)_so many grand bridges as in Wuhan.If he had followed my advicethe exam approachingthat house prices will fallHaving been prai

23、sed by the teacherNowhere else can you see修改下面修改下面2段话,使其简洁、连贯、紧凑。段话,使其简洁、连贯、紧凑。 1.The Chinese womens football team beat theUS team. He heard the news. He was very happy. He couldnt go to sleep.2. Chaplin was a famous director. He directed a number of films. Most of them were silent.They were popular

24、 with people of all ages.Hearing the news that the Chinese womens team beat the US team, he was too happy to go to sleep.Chaplin, who was a famous director, directed a number of films, most of which were silent and popular with people of all ages.3.Waste water is making the river worse and worse. The waste water is from a factory.The factory lies on the river.Waste water from the factory on the river is making the river worse and worse.


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