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1、目 录第一章 单选.1第二章 阅读选择.3第三章 选词填空.7自考押题 vx 344647 公众号/小程序 顺通考试资料1第一章 单选第一章 单选单选题常考的是词义在句子中的辨析, 单词都来源于高级英语课本中的 32 篇课文, 以下是一些高频常考的单词举例。-ce 常见的名词后缀常见的名词后缀existence存在reluctance不愿意persistence坚持不懈avoidance逃避;不愿意evidence证据experience经历,经验patience耐性,耐心arrogance自大,傲慢的态度-ate 表示表示/成为成为,处理,作用,处理,作用participate参加negot

2、iate谈判navigate驾驶,航行exhilarate使高兴,使兴奋separate鼓励,分开liberate解放,释放illiterate不识字的calculate计算fluctuate波动frustrate使沮丧contaminate污染accurate精确的extricate使解脱,解救-ous 常见的形容词后缀常见的形容词后缀miraculous奇迹般的conscientious认真的ingenuous天真的ridiculous可笑的meticulous谨小慎微的mysterious神秘的monotonous单调的superstitious迷信的judicious明智的,有见识的v

3、igorous充满活力的marvelous极好的,非凡的conscientious认真的cautious谨慎的conscious意识到的suspicious怀疑的-ly 常见的副词后缀常见的副词后缀graciously优雅地,亲切地genuinely真地,真诚地generously慷慨地,宽大地gorgeously华美地,辉煌地personally就个人而言separately单独地individually单独地respectively分别,各自regrettably遗憾地doubtfully可疑地rigidly严格地aggressively侵略地-ty 常见的名词后缀,常见的名词后缀,-fy

4、 常见的动词后缀常见的动词后缀dignity尊严,高贵integrity诚实tranquility安静vanity虚荣心simplify简化,使单纯justify证明合法,替辩护ability能力equality同等,相同-tion 常见的名词后缀常见的名词后缀transition过渡,变迁transmission播送,传送transportation运送,运输transformation变化,转换distraction思想不集中distinction区别function功能dimension范围,方面自考押题 vx 344647 公众号/小程序 顺通考试资料2exploitation剥削in

5、terpretation理解explanation解释sophistication世故consumption消费,消耗publication出版,发表retraction撤销,收回conviction定罪diversion转移expectation预期,期待imagination想象力,想象prevention预防precaution预防措施convention大会conclusion结论indication指示implication含义,牵连,影响proposition命题,提议,主题-ture 常见的名词后缀常见的名词后缀stature身高,身材texture质地,手感signature签

6、名mixture混合,混合物expenditure花费,费用premature未成熟的,仓促的culture文化temperature温度-able 常见的形容词后缀常见的形容词后缀inevitable不可避免的feasible可行的workable可行的invisible看不见的,无形的irritable易怒的,暴躁的venerable庄严的,值得尊敬的vulnerable脆弱的,易受攻击的predictable可预见的reasonable合理的,公道的reliable可靠的,可信赖的unavoidable不可避免/不能废除的unattainable做不到的,难到达的-sive/tive 常


8、文dis-常见的常见的否定前缀否定前缀disengage脱离,解开,解除disguise掩饰,假装,隐瞒disastrous灾难性的,悲伤的dislike不喜欢,厌恶disturb打扰,妨碍disappoint使失望dissatisfy不满足-cal 常见的形容词后缀常见的形容词后缀political政治的,党派的tyrannical残暴的,暴君的of 的词组搭配的词组搭配proud ofcautious ofconscious ofcontemptuous of3知识点名称知识点名称知识点内容知识点内容词义辨析词义辨析解题关键:解题关键:1.分析词性2.分析词根词缀3.选择常用搭配真题演练:

9、真题演练:He suggested a card game to relieve the ( ) of the journey.A:monopolyB:monologueC:monotonyD:monograph答案:C解析:本题考查名词词义辨析。mono-是常见的表示数量单一的词缀。monopoly:垄断,垄断者,专卖权;monologue:独白;monotony:单调,千篇一律;monograph:专题著作,专题论文。由题干可知,旅途很无聊,用纸牌来缓解,所以C 项更符合。句意:他建议玩纸牌游戏以减轻旅途的单调。第二章第二章 阅读阅读选择选择对.骄傲谨慎的意识到蔑视with 的词组搭配的词

10、组搭配connect with与联系unite with混合,联合reconcile with与和解combine with与.结合about 的词组搭配的词组搭配excited about对兴奋curious about对.好奇superstitious about迷信anxious about为担心知识点知识点名称名称知识点内容知识点内容细节题细节题解题关键:解题关键:以 what,who,when,how,where,which 等引导的问题。Eg:What do we know about( )?Why do Peirce and Guppy get a second-hand sui

11、tcase( )?Which of the following is true( )?According to the text, who ( )?解题步骤:解题步骤:Step 1:浏览文章每段中心句(段首,段尾每段中心句(段首,段尾) ,把握文章大意Step 2:找出题干中关键词,回归原文定位(关键词通常有:数字、人名、专有名词、名词、形容词或副词、动词)Step 3:对比原文和选项,得出正确答案真题演练:真题演练:Compared with traditional fast-food restaurants, fast-casuals( ).A:insist on using import

12、ed ingredientsB:concentrate on making more moneyC:attract customers with new products4D:provide food of better taste at higher prices答案:D阅读原文:Unlike traditional fast-food restaurants, fast-casuals emphasize fresh, natural, andoften locally sourced ingredients. (Chipotle, for instance, tries to use o

13、nly antibiotic-free meat.)Perhaps as a result, their food tends to taste better. Its also more expensive. The averageMcDonalds customer spends around five dollars a visit; the average Chipotle check is more thantwice that. Fast-casual restaurants first appeared in serious numbers in the nineteen-nin

14、eties, andthough the industry is just a fraction of the size of the traditional fast-food business, it has grownremarkably quickly. Today, according to the food-service consulting firm Technomic, it accountsfor thirty-four billion dollars in sales. Since Chipotle went public, in 2006, its stock pric

15、e hasrisen more than fifteen hundred per cent.解析:本题考查 fast-casuals 相较于传统快餐店的特点。由文章第一句话“Unlike traditional fast-food restaurants, fast-casuals emphasize fresh, natural,and often locally sourced ingredients. Perhaps as a result, their food tends to taste better. Its alsomore expensive.”可知,和传统快餐店不同,fas

16、t-casuals 主张食材新鲜、自然、本地采集,所以它们的食物口感很好,价格也会高一些。故 D 选项符合题意。推断推断题题解题关键:解题关键:What can be inferred from the passage about( )?推断The purpose of the passage is( )?推断We can conclude from the passage that( )?总结The writer implies that ( )? 暗示解题步骤:解题步骤:Step 1:浏览文章每段中心句(段首,段尾每段中心句(段首,段尾) ,把握文章大意Step 2:找出题干中关键词,回归

17、原文定位Step 3:一般答案不会在原文里直接体现,需要进一步推测内容(了解句子的基本意思,挖掘潜在内涵)真题演练:真题演练:The fact that stables are suavely planned as the house implies that ().A:horses are considered importantB:horses are vulnerable to harsh weathersC:horses are more useful than other farm animalsD:horses are considered symbolic of a mans r

18、ank答案:A阅读原文:These houses, however, are certainly not little. Let us say that their size, like theirloneliness, is an effect rather than a reality. Perhaps the wide, private spaces they occupy throw adistending reflection on to their walls. And, they were planned for spacious living for hospitalityab

19、ove all. Unlike the low, warm, ruddy French and English manors, they have made no naturalgrowth from the soil-the idea that begot them was a purely social one. The functional parts ofthem-kitchens and offices, farm-buildings, outbuildings-were sunk underground, concealed bywalls or by trees; only st

20、ables ( for horses ranked very highly) emerged to view, as suavelyplanned as the house.解析:本段中提到,房子中的功能区比如餐厅等都是在地下的,不露在外面,而马厩是露在外面的,因为马的排名很靠前,这就意味着马在人们的心中有着很重要的地位,故 A 选5项正确。主旨题主旨题解题关键:解题关键:What is the main point the author makes in the second paragraph?What is the main idea of the first paragraph?Wha

21、t is the main idea of the passage?This article mainly tells that( ).Which of the following gives a general idea of the passage?解题步骤:解题步骤:Step 1:阅读题干与选项,了解选项大意。Step 2:浏览每段中心句,把握文章大意Step 3:先排除与文章中心句描述不符的选项,再将剩余选项与文章中心句进行比较,选择最相符的选项。Step 4: 其次如果文中找不到主题句,则应根据文章内容自行总结,注意主题句切忌范围过大或过小。注意:一般,段落的中心句位于这个段落里的第

22、一句、第二句或倒数第一句,倒数第二句。文章的中心句位于第一段的前三句,或倒数三句。真题演练:真题演练:Which of the following might be the best title for this passage?( )A:The Socialization Function of the FamilyB:How Your Family Makes You SuccessfulC:Families, Schools and Peer GroupsD:Ever-Changing Families答案:A阅读原文:The family is only one of the vari

23、ety of agencies of socialization. The socializationfunction of the family is a generalized one, and is aimed at preparing us for membership of thekinship group and the community. In the rural community emphasis will be placed upon valuessuch as group solidarity and the belief in the natural superior

24、ity of the male.In the case of the cityfamily educated to professional standards, the process is likely to take a different form. But thefamily cannot hope to socialize the child in every aspect of life and this is where the otheragencies come in. The peer group also operates as an agency of sociali

25、zation. In the peer groupwe associate with others who are approximately of our own age and social status. No matter howstrong the family influence it cannot hope to provide all the necessary material for socializationinto an occupational citizenship because it will not have all the technical and soc

26、ial knowledgenecessary to cope with all situations in life.For these reasons, and many others, there are thosewho say that the day of the family as it has been traditionally known is now over: that theinstitution of the family as the only natural basic unit of society is in the process of breaking u

27、pbecause of rapidly changing economic conditions as well as the reluctance of the youngergeneration to accept the strict religious and social morality of the past. (文章 8 个段首句)解析:本题考查给文章起题目。由文章每一段的段首句,可知主要描述的是家庭的社会化,以及家庭与其他机构的联系,家庭在未来的发展趋势等等,所以家庭的社会化功能是文章的中心,所以 A 项符合原文。6词义辨词义辨析题析题解题关键:解题关键:The word “

28、”in the XX paragraph most probably means.What is the possible meaning of the word “” in line.?Which word is closest in meaning to the underlined word “development”in Para.3 ?解题步骤:解题步骤:1.根据定义或解释、说明猜测生词的词义根据定义或解释、说明猜测生词的词义在 be, be called, call 等判断词出现的判断句中,或定语从句及标点符号,可以根据已知部分,猜测生词的含义。2.根据对比关系猜测生词的词义根据对

29、比关系猜测生词的词义在 but, however, yet, otherwise, though 这些表示意义转折的连词出现的句子中3.通过因果关系猜测词义通过因果关系猜测词义because, since 与 as 表原因,so, so.that 与 such.that 表结果。4.根据同等关系猜测词义根据同等关系猜测词义同等关系,指的是一个词,一组词或短语在句中作同一成分,而且它们的词义都属于同一范畴。明显的标志是,这样的词组或短语中间常常用并列连词 and 或 or 来连接。5.根据列举的事例猜测词义根据列举的事例猜测词义6.根据构词法知识猜测词义根据构词法知识猜测词义可以看这个词的词根词

30、缀,或是看这个词是哪个词的变形,去猜测这个词的含义。真题演练:真题演练:In Paragraph 2, the word “uncomprehending” means ( ).A:lacking supportB:lacking understandingC:showing contemptD:showing indifference答案:B阅读原文:A new national poll of Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 the millennialgeneration provides strong evidence of a new

31、generation gap, this time with the boomers(born between 1946 and 1964) playing the role of uncomprehending parents. When Millennialssay they are liberal, it means something very different than it did when Barack Obama wascoming of age. When Millennials say they are socialists, theyre not participati

32、ng in ostalgie forthe old German Democratic Republic. And their strong belief in economic fairness shouldnt beconfused with the attitudes of the Occupy movement.解析: 根据关键词定位到文中本段第一二句话: this time with the boomers (born between 1946and 1964) playing the role of uncomprehending parents. When Millennials

33、 say they are liberal, itmeans something very different than it did when Barack Obama was coming of age. 由此可以看出, 这一代人与父母那一代的人有着不同的观点, 所以这里的uncomprehending指的是“不理解,不了解”。A:lacking support:缺少支持;B: lacking understanding:缺乏理解;C:表示蔑视;showing indifference:表示无所谓。故选 B。观点态观点态度题度题解题关键:解题关键:The author thinks( ).

34、The writer would probably agree that( ).The authors attitude toward . is ( ).7第三章第三章 选词填空选词填空解题步骤:解题步骤:Step 1:阅读题干与文章相应内容,确定作者或文中主要人物的观点。Step 2:阅读时注意能够表达作者观点态度的关键词,如动词,动词短语,名词,形容词。Step 3:注意某些否定结构,特别注意反问句和正话反说等形式。真题演练:真题演练:The authors attitude toward Millennials is ( ).A:casualB:negativeC:pessimistic

35、D:objective答案:D阅读原文:Everyone agrees that there are crises everywhere: Social Security and Medicare aregoing bust and the economy has been on life support for years. The best solutions will engageand involve Americans of all ages. The Reason-Rupe poll points to some places wheregenerations are talkin

36、g past each other and others where there is wide agreement. Giving itsfinding a close read might just help narrow todays generation gap so we can get on withimproving all generations prospects.解析:本题考查作者对于千禧一代的态度。本篇文章介绍了千禧一代的不同,从政治经济等各个角度介绍了千禧一代正在发挥的作用。文章最后一句也提到:Giving its finding aclose read might j

37、ust help narrow todays generation gap so we can get on with improving allgenerations prospects. 这样我们就可以继续改善各代人的前景。 由此可见千禧一代有需要改进的地方,也有很多可取之处。所以作者的态度是客观的。A 选项 casual:随意的;B选项 negative:消极的;C 选项 pessimistic:悲观的;D 选项 objective:客观的。故选 D。知识点名称知识点名称知识点内容知识点内容选词填空选词填空考察范围:考察范围:本题考查高级英语的课文内容填空,需要熟悉每篇课文以及单词和搭配

38、。人生的一课(A Lesson in Living) 、使用武力(The Use of Force) 、生死由你(Die as YouChoose) 、领先市场的公司怎样保持竞争优势(How Market Leaders Keep Their Edge)、美国老年的悲剧(The Tragedy of Old Age in America) 、我为什么写作(Why I Write)、我想告诉您(I Would Like to Tell You Something)、 布里尔小姐 (Miss Brill) 、 论入睡 (On Gettingoff to Sleep)、我们的报纸问题何在?(What

39、s Wrong with Our Press?)、论人性和政治(OnHuman Nature and Politics)、美容业(The Beauty Industry) 、永不脱离黑人区(Ill NeverEscape the Ghetto)、 美国在分崩离析吗?(Is America Falling Apart?) 、 第十个人 (The TenthMan) 、工作面试(A Job Interview) 、伊芙林(Eveline)、扑克王(Ace in the Hole) 、年轻人的四种选择 (Four Choices for Young People) 、 电视的毛病(The Troub

40、le with Television)、科学毁了我的晚餐(Science Has Spoiled My Supper) 、工作(Work) 、摇滚巨星:我们和社会知多少?(Rock Superstars:What Do They Tell Us About Ourselves and Our Society?)、星期六的晚上和星期日上午(Saturday Night and Sunday Morning)、钻隧洞(Through theTunnel)解题关键解题关键:1.将所给单词按词性,意思,用法大概分类(不确定分类的放在一组)82.分析空格前后的语境及所需要填空的意义与词性3.在已分类的单

41、词中进一步筛选4.修饰问题:副词修饰动词和形容词,形容词修饰名词,冠词修饰名词5.一致性:由 and,or 连接,前后词性,意义,数量有一致性6.定语从句:定语从句一般由 that, which 引导7.状语从句:时间状语从句由 when 引导,表对比 while,表让步 though, although,表条件 if8.介词后一般跟 V-ing9.固定搭配10.It 作形式主语,形式宾语真题演练:真题演练:“It was the best of times and the worst of time” Her voice _ in and curveddown through and _ t

42、he words. She was nearly singing. I wanted to look at thepages. Were they the same that I had read? Or were there notes, music lined on the pages, as ina _ book? Her sounds began_ gently. I knew from listening to a thousandpreachers that she was nearing the end of her reading, and I hadnt really hea

43、rd, heard tounderstand, a _ word. 人生的一课(ALesson in Living)Watching the float so intently made him sleepy: he had been with Doreen _ twothe night before. They spoke of getting married in three months, by which time, Arthur said,they would have collected a good _ of money, nearly a hundred and fifty p

44、ounds, notcounting income-tax rebate, which will probably _ it up to a couple of hundred. Sothey would be sitting pretty, Doreen replied, because Mrs. Creatton had already _ tolet them stay with her for as long as they like, _ half the rent. 星期六的晚上和星期日上午(Saturday Night and Sunday Morning)Work theref

45、ore is _, first and foremost as a preventive of boredom, for theboredom that a man feels when he is doing necessary though_ work is as nothing in_ with the boredom that he feels when he has nothing to do with his days._ this advantage of work another is associated, _ that it makes holidaysmuch more

46、delicious when they come. 工作(Work)On the edge of a small cape that marked the side of the bay away from the promontorywas a loose _ of rocks. Above them, some boys were _ off their clothes.They came running, naked, down to the rocks. The English boy swam _ them, andkept his distance at a stones _. T

47、hey were of that coast, all of them burned smooth_ brown, and speaking a language he did not understand. To be with them, of them,was a craving that filled his whole body. 钻隧洞(Through the Tunnel)I dont know what the European figures are. Much smaller _. Europe is poor,and a face can cost as much in

48、_ as a Rolls-Royce. The most that the _ ofEuropean women can do is just to wash and hope for the best. Perhaps the soap will produceits loudly advertised _; perhaps it will transform them into the likeness of those_ creatures who smile so rosily and creamily, so peachily and pearlily, from everyhoar

49、ding.美容业(The Beauty Industry)A. desirableB. majorityC. untilD. scatterE. overF. strippingG. amountH. cascadingI. undoubtedlyJ. uninterestingK. slidL. namelyM. effectsN. bumpO. darkP. comparisonQ. ravishing R. singleS. throwT. offeredU. payingV. towards W. upkeepX. WithY. hymn9答案:K E Y H R C G N T UA

50、 J P X L D解析:将所给词汇进行分类,名词:majority,scatter ,amount,effects,bump,comparison ,single ,upkeep,hymn介词:until,even,under,towards,With形容词:desirable,uninteresting,dark,ravishing,single动词:scatter, stripping,amount,cascading,slid, bump,throw,offered,paying副词:undoubtedly ,namely1.本题考查 and 前后词性,意义,数量有一致性。and 后面


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