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1、Unit 2Unit 2The Olympic GamesThe Olympic Games基础知识基础知识考点知识考点知识基础知识基础知识 抓主干抓主干固双基固双基阅阅读读词词汇汇1.mascot n.1.mascot n. . .2.Greece n.2.Greece n. . .3.Greek adj.3.Greek adj. . . n. n. . .4.magical adj.4.magical adj. . .5.slave n.5.slave n. / /6.gymnastics n.(pl.)6.gymnastics n.(pl.) . .7.athletics n.(pl.)

2、7.athletics n.(pl.) . .8.stadium n.(pl.stadiums or stadia) 8.stadium n.(pl.stadiums or stadia) . .吉祥物吉祥物希腊希腊希腊希腊( (人人) )的的; ;希腊语的希腊语的希腊人希腊人; ;希腊语希腊语巫术的巫术的; ;魔术的魔术的; ;有魔力的有魔力的奴隶奴隶体操体操; ;体能训练体能训练体育运动体育运动; ;竞技竞技( (露天大型露天大型) )体育场体育场 9.gymnasium (gym) n.9.gymnasium (gym) n. . .10.motto n.10.motto n. . .1

3、1.swift adj.11.swift adj. . .12.similarity n.12.similarity n. . .13.physical adj.13.physical adj. . .14.princess n.14.princess n. . .15.glory n.15.glory n. . .16.prince n.16.prince n. . .17.goddess n.17.goddess n. . .18.striker n.18.striker n. . . 体育馆体育馆; ;健身房健身房座右铭座右铭; ;格言格言; ;警句警句快的快的; ;迅速的迅速的相像性相

4、像性; ;相似点相似点物理的物理的; ;身体的身体的公主公主光荣光荣; ;荣誉荣誉王子王子女神女神敲击者敲击者;(;(足球的足球的) )前锋前锋 识识记记词词汇汇1.1. adj. adj. 古代的古代的; ;古老的古老的2.2. vi. vi. 比赛比赛; ;竞争竞争3.3. n. n. 竞争者竞争者4.4. n. n. 奖章奖章; ;勋章勋章; ;纪念章纪念章5.5. n. n. 志愿者志愿者; ;志愿兵志愿兵 adj. adj. 志愿的志愿的; ;义务的义务的 vt.& vi. vt.& vi. 自愿自愿6.6. n. n. 祖国祖国; ;本国本国7.7. adj. adj. 规则的规则

5、的; ;定期的定期的; ;常规的常规的8.8. n.(pl.bases) n.(pl.bases) 基础基础; ;根据根据ancientancientcompetecompetecompetitorcompetitormedalmedalvolunteervolunteerhomelandhomelandregularregularbasisbasis9.9. n. n. 运动员运动员; ;运动选手运动选手10.10. vt.& vi. vt.& vi. 容许容许; ;承认承认; ;接纳接纳11.11. adv. adv.现今现今; ;现在现在12.12. vt. vt. 做东做东; ;主办主

6、办; ;招待招待 n. n. 主人主人13.13. n. n. 责任责任; ;职责职责 14.14. vt. vt. 取代取代; ;替换替换; ;代替代替15.15. vt.& vi. vt.& vi. 收费收费; ;控诉控诉 n. n. 费用费用; ;主管主管16.16. vt. vt. 罚款罚款 athleteathleteadmitadmitnowadaysnowadayshosthostresponsibility responsibility replacereplacechargechargefinefine17.17. n. n. 海报海报; ;招贴招贴18.18. vt.& v

7、i. vt.& vi.做广告做广告; ;登广告登广告19.19. vi. vi. 讨价还价讨价还价; ;讲条件讲条件 n. n. 便宜货便宜货20.20. adj. adj. 没有希望的没有希望的; ;绝望的绝望的21.21. adj. adj. 愚蠢的愚蠢的; ;傻的傻的22.22. n.n. 疼痛疼痛; ;痛苦痛苦23.23. vi.& vt. vi.& vt.应受应受( (报答或惩罚报答或惩罚););值得值得 posterposteradvertiseadvertisebargainbargainhopelesshopelessfoolishfoolishpain pain deserv

8、edeserve拓拓展展单单词词1.volunteer n.1.volunteer n.志愿者志愿者; ;志愿兵志愿兵adj.adj.志愿的志愿的; ;义务的义务的vt.& vi.vt.& vi.自愿自愿 adj. adj.志愿的志愿的; ;自愿的自愿的pete pete vi.比赛比赛; ;竞争竞争 n. n.竞争竞争; ;比赛比赛 . . adj. adj.竞争的竞争的; ;有竞争性的有竞争性的 n. n.竞争者竞争者 3.regular adj.3.regular adj.规则的规则的; ;定期的定期的; ;常规的常规的 adv. adv.定期地定期地; ; 有规律地有规律地 n. n.

9、规则规则; ;规章制度规章制度4.admit vt.& vi.4.admit vt.& vi.容许容许; ;承认承认; ;接纳接纳 n. n.承认承认; ; 入场费入场费; ;准许进入准许进入5.responsibility n.5.responsibility n.责任责任; ;职责职责 adj. adj.有责任心的有责任心的; ; 负责的负责的voluntaryvoluntarycompetitioncompetitioncompetitivecompetitivecompetitorcompetitorregularlyregularlyregulationregulationadmis

10、sionadmissionresponsibleresponsible6.advertise vt.& vi.6.advertise vt.& vi.做广告做广告; ;登广告登广告 n. n.广告商广告商 n. n.广告广告7.hopeless adj.7.hopeless adj.没有希望的没有希望的; ;绝望的绝望的 v.& n. v.& n.希望希望 adj.adj.有希望的有希望的 advertiseradvertiseradvertisementadvertisementhopehopehopeful hopeful 短短语语记记忆忆1. 1. 参加参加; ;参与参与2. 2. 代表

11、代表; ;象征象征; ;表示表示3. 3. 也也; ;又又; ;还还4. 4. 主管主管; ;看管看管5. 5. 陆续地陆续地; ;一个接一个地一个接一个地6. 6. 拾起拾起; ;接收接收; ;开车去接开车去接;(;(偶然偶然) )学会学会7. 7. 代替代替8. 8. 在在中起作用中起作用9. 9. 事实上事实上10. 10. 除了除了11. 11. 和和达成协议达成协议 take part intake part instand forstand foras wellas wellin chargein chargeone after anotherone after anotherpi

12、ck uppick uptake the place oftake the place ofplay a role inplay a role inas a matter of factas a matter of factapart fromapart frommake a bargain withmake a bargain with句句型型整整理理1.Women are 1.Women are ,but play a very important ,but play a very important role in gymnastics,athletics,team sports and

13、. role in gymnastics,athletics,team sports and.妇女们不妇女们不 但被允许参加但被允许参加, ,而且还在体操、竞技、团体运动等比赛项目中起而且还在体操、竞技、团体运动等比赛项目中起 着非常重要的作用着非常重要的作用2.This is important because 2.This is important because you speak English, you speak English, your English will become. your English will become. 这是非常重要的这是非常重要的, ,因为你讲英语越

14、多因为你讲英语越多, ,你的英语就越好。你的英语就越好。 3.No other countries could join in, 3.No other countries could join in, . . ! ! 别的国家不能参加别的国家不能参加, ,奴隶和妇女也不能参加奴隶和妇女也不能参加! ! not only allowednot only allowedthe better the better the more the more nor could slaves nor could slaves or womenor women重点重点语法语法The Future Passive

15、 VoiceThe Future Passive Voice( (将来时的被动语态将来时的被动语态) )考点知识考点知识 解疑难解疑难提知能提知能重点单词重点单词pete pete vi.比赛比赛; ;竞争竞争归纳拓展归纳拓展compete withagainst sb.for pete withagainst sb.for sth. 为争取某物和某人竞争为争取某物和某人竞争compete with pete with sb.sth. 与某人与某人某物竞争某物竞争; ;比得上比得上compete pete in.参加参加的比赛、竞争的比赛、竞争 用用competecompete的相关词组填空的

16、相关词组填空She and her sister are always She and her sister are always attention. attention.Aggressive wildfire control has left California forests crowdedAggressive wildfire control has left California forests crowded with small trees that with small trees that big trees for big trees for resources( res

17、ources(资源资源). ). (2019(2019年年6 6月浙江月浙江, ,阅读理解阅读理解C)C)competing for competing for compete withagainst compete withagainst 2.admit vt.&vi.2.admit vt.&vi.容许容许; ;承认承认; ;接纳接纳巧学助记巧学助记归纳拓展归纳拓展admit+n.doinghaving donethat-clauseadmit+n.doinghaving donethat-clause承认某承认某 事事( (已经已经) )做了某事做了某事admit sb.sth. to b

18、eas.admit sb.sth. to beas.承认某人承认某人某物是某物是admit sb.tointo.admit sb.tointo.允许某人进入允许某人进入; ;准许某人加准许某人加 入入be admitted tointo.be admitted tointo.被被录取录取; ;成为成为的一员的一员admission n.admission n.准许进入准许进入; ;承认承认; ;入场费入场费完成句子完成句子本杰明被迫承认了他过去的所作所为。本杰明被迫承认了他过去的所作所为。 Benjamin was forced to Benjamin was forced to . .(20

19、17(2017年年6 6月浙江月浙江, ,阅读理解阅读理解A )A )In that sense, Im pretty sure volunteering is more of a In that sense, Im pretty sure volunteering is more of a selfish act than selfish act than ( (我想要承认的我想要承认的).).(2019(2019全国全国,阅读理解阅读理解B)B)他被山东大学录取了。他被山东大学录取了。 He He Shandong University. Shandong University.admit

20、 what he had been doingadmit what he had been doingId freely like to admitId freely like to admitis admitted to is admitted to 3.charge v.3.charge v.收费收费; ;控诉控诉, ,指控指控; ;充电充电 n. n.费用费用; ;主管主管归纳拓展归纳拓展charge sb.for sth.charge sb.for sth.收费收费, ,要价要价charge sb.with sth.doing sth.charge sb.with sth.doing

21、sth.指控指控起诉起诉指责某指责某 人人( (做做) )某事某事free of charge free of charge 免费免费in charge of in charge of 主管主管, ,负责负责( (表主动表主动) )in the charge of in the charge of 由由负责负责掌管掌管( (表被动表被动) )take charge of take charge of 主管主管, ,负责负责 完成句子完成句子With her With her ( (负责负责), I was confident all would be OK.), I was confident

22、 all would be OK.(2018(2018年年1111月浙江月浙江, ,完形填空完形填空) )只要你预先付款只要你预先付款, ,我们就不收你送货费。我们就不收你送货费。 As long as youve paid in advance, As long as youve paid in advance, 。 . .他被指控犯有偷窃行为。他被指控犯有偷窃行为。 He He stealing. stealing.in chargein charge特别提示特别提示 表示表示“控告某人某事控告某人某事”还可用还可用accuse sb.of sth.accuse sb.of sth.结构结

23、构, ,此时应特此时应特别注意介词搭配的不同。别注意介词搭配的不同。we wont charge you for we wont charge you for deliverydeliverywas charged with was charged with 4.bargain vi.4.bargain vi.讨价还价讨价还价; ;讲条件讲条件 n. n.便宜货便宜货归纳拓展归纳拓展bargain with sb.aboutoverfor sth.bargain with sb.aboutoverfor sth.和某人就某和某人就某 事讨价还价事讨价还价, ,商讨条件商讨条件ItItsThat

24、sThats a bargain.s a bargain.那可是便宜货。那可是便宜货。a badgood bargaina badgood bargain买得不合算买得不合算合算合算make a bargain (with sb.)(make a bargain (with sb.)(和某人和某人) )达成协议达成协议完成句子完成句子我与出租车司机讲价。我与出租车司机讲价。 I I the taxi driver about the price. the taxi driver about the price.我们讲定了我们讲定了, ,他买东西我做饭。他买东西我做饭。 Weve Weve th

25、at he will do the shopping and Ill cook. that he will do the shopping and Ill cook.bargained withbargained withmade a bargain made a bargain 5.deserve vi.&vt.5.deserve vi.&vt.应受应受( (报答或惩罚报答或惩罚););值得值得归纳拓展归纳拓展deserve considerationattention deserve considerationattention 值得考虑值得考虑注意注意deserve to dodeser

26、ve to do应该做应该做deserve doingto be done deserve doingto be done 应该应该值得值得( (被被) )做做完成句子完成句子If praise is sincere and focused on the effort not the outcome,If praise is sincere and focused on the effort not the outcome, you can give it as often as your child does something that you can give it as often a

27、s your child does something that ( (值得言语褒奖值得言语褒奖). ). (2019(2019年年6 6月浙江月浙江, ,概要写作概要写作) )具有头脑的单身女性应该拥有与男性同样的机会。具有头脑的单身女性应该拥有与男性同样的机会。 A single woman with brains A single woman with brains 。 . .deserves a verbal rewarddeserves a verbal rewarddeserves to have equal opportunities deserves to have equal

28、 opportunities to mento men特别提示特别提示 deservedeserve后跟后跟v.-ingv.-ing的主动形式表示被动意义的主动形式表示被动意义, ,相当于接动词不定相当于接动词不定式的被动形式式的被动形式, ,即即deserve+doing=deserve+to be done(deserve+doing=deserve+to be done(有同样用法的动词还有同样用法的动词还有有:need,want,require):need,want,require)。They deserved rewarding.They deserved rewarding.=Th

29、ey deserved to be rewarded.=They deserved to be rewarded.他们该受奖赏。他们该受奖赏。重点短语重点短语1.take part in1.take part in参加参加; ;参与参与归纳拓展归纳拓展take an active part intake an active part in积极参加积极参加participate inparticipate in参加参加, ,参与参与play a part inplay a part in在在中起作用中起作用; ;在在中扮演角色中扮演角色 完成句子完成句子Last week ILast week

30、I ( (参加了参加了)a farmwork programme in the)a farmwork programme in the suburbs suburbs.(2019.(2019北京北京, ,书面表达书面表达) )中国在国际事务中正起着越来越重要的作用。中国在国际事务中正起着越来越重要的作用。 China is China is the international the international affairs. affairs.took part intook part inplaying a more important part in playing a more imp

31、ortant part in 特别提示特别提示 take part in take part in 意为意为“参加参加; ;参与参与”, ,在使用时在使用时, ,若其后无宾语若其后无宾语, ,则则不用介词不用介词inin。如。如: :For all our advice,to the contrary he refused to take part.For all our advice,to the contrary he refused to take part.尽管我尽管我们劝说过他们劝说过他, ,他还是拒绝参加。他还是拒绝参加。词语辨析词语辨析: :take part intake pa

32、rt in指参加群众性的活动、会议等并在其中发挥作指参加群众性的活动、会议等并在其中发挥作用。用。joinjoin指加入党派、组织、团体指加入党派、组织、团体, ,成为其中一员。成为其中一员。join injoin in指参加一些小规模活动指参加一些小规模活动, ,如球赛、游戏等。如球赛、游戏等。join sb.injoin sb.in(doing) sth.(doing) sth.指和某人一起做某事指和某人一起做某事,join,join的宾语可以是人的宾语可以是人, ,也也可以是组织、团体。可以是组织、团体。attendattend多指参加大型的集会活动多指参加大型的集会活动, ,如会议、婚

33、礼、典礼如会议、婚礼、典礼、报告、上学等。另外还有、报告、上学等。另外还有“照顾、照料照顾、照料”之之意。意。用上述词用上述词( (组组) )的适当形式填空的适当形式填空为了入党为了入党, ,他积极参加各种活动。他积极参加各种活动。 To To the Party,he the Party,he a variety of a variety of activities. activities.我甚至加入了当地的钓鱼俱乐部我甚至加入了当地的钓鱼俱乐部, ,开始参加每月的会议。开始参加每月的会议。 And I even And I even the local fishing club and s

34、tarted the local fishing club and started . . the monthly meetings. the monthly meetings.他们他们( (孩子们孩子们) )饶有兴趣地倾听饶有兴趣地倾听, ,听完后又热情地加入到关于哈利听完后又热情地加入到关于哈利波特冒险波特冒险 的讨论中。的讨论中。 They listened with great interest,and then enthusiastically They listened with great interest,and then enthusiastically grand conv

35、ersations about Harrys adventures. grand conversations about Harrys adventures.joinjointook an active part in took an active part in joinedjoinedattendingattendingjoined in joined in 2.stand for2.stand for代表代表; ;象征象征; ;表示表示; ;支持支持; ;忍受忍受归纳拓展归纳拓展stand sth.doing sth.stand sth.doing sth.忍受忍受( (做做) )某事某

36、事stand by stand by 站在旁边站在旁边; ;袖手旁观袖手旁观; ;支持支持stand out stand out 突出突出; ;显眼显眼; ;杰出杰出stand on onestand on ones own feet s own feet 自立自立; ;不依靠他人不依靠他人用用standstand短语填空短语填空用密码本用密码本, ,你可以写下代表其他单词的单词。你可以写下代表其他单词的单词。 With a code book,you might write down words that would With a code book,you might write down

37、 words that would . . other words. other words.他的红头发使得他在人群里特别引人注目。他的红头发使得他在人群里特别引人注目。 His red hair made him His red hair made him in the crowd. in the crowd.stand forstand forstand out stand out 3.as well3.as well也也; ;又又; ;还还归纳拓展归纳拓展as well as well 也也, ,置于肯定句句末。置于肯定句句末。as well asas well as也也, ,和和, ,

38、用来连接两个并列成分还可以表示用来连接两个并列成分还可以表示 “和和同样好同样好”。当主语含有当主语含有as well asas well as时时, ,谓语动词需和谓语动词需和as well asas well as前面前面 的主语在数上保持一致。的主语在数上保持一致。maymight as well do sth.maymight as well do sth.最好做某事最好做某事; ;不妨做某事。不妨做某事。完成句子完成句子An A-team may require a balancenot just A players, but a fewAn A-team may require a

39、 balancenot just A players, but a few generous B players generous B players ( (也也一样一样). ). (2019(2019北京北京, ,七选五七选五) )天气太坏了天气太坏了, ,早知道如此早知道如此, ,我们倒不如待在家里。我们倒不如待在家里。 The weather was so bad we The weather was so bad we have stayed at home. have stayed at home.as wellas wellmight as well might as well 重

40、点句型重点句型1.Women are not only allowed,but play a very important role in 1.Women are not only allowed,but play a very important role in gymnastics,athletics,team sports and. gymnastics,athletics,team sports and.妇女们不但被允许参加妇女们不但被允许参加, ,而且而且 还在体操、竞技、团体运动等比赛项目中起着非常重要的作用还在体操、竞技、团体运动等比赛项目中起着非常重要的作用归纳拓归纳拓展展no

41、t only.but (also).not only.but (also).“不仅不仅而且而且”, ,主要用来连主要用来连接两个并列成分接两个并列成分; ;连接两个主语时连接两个主语时, ,谓语动词在人称和数上与谓语动词在人称和数上与邻近的主语保持一致邻近的主语保持一致;not only;not only置于句首时置于句首时, ,含有含有not onlynot only的的句子要用倒装语序句子要用倒装语序, ,但但but alsobut also后的句子仍用陈述语序。后的句子仍用陈述语序。完成句子完成句子你可能也会开始注意到不仅仅是对你健康的影响你可能也会开始注意到不仅仅是对你健康的影响, ,

42、还有对你口袋的影响。还有对你口袋的影响。 You might also begin to notice the effects You might also begin to notice the effects . . . . (2018(2018年年6 6月浙江月浙江, ,语法填空语法填空) )你将不但节省时间和金钱你将不但节省时间和金钱, ,而且还可能会重新发现真实交流的乐趣。而且还可能会重新发现真实交流的乐趣。 ,but you may also ,but you may also rediscover the pleasure of true communication. redis

43、cover the pleasure of true communication.not only on yournot only on yourhealth but in your pockethealth but in your pocketNot only will you save time and money Not only will you save time and money 2.This is important because the more you speak English,the better 2.This is important because the mor

44、e you speak English,the better your English will become. your English will become.这是非常重要的这是非常重要的, ,因为你讲英语越多因为你讲英语越多, ,你的英你的英 语就越好。语就越好。 the more.the better the more.the better 越多越多越好越好归纳拓展归纳拓展the+the+比较级比较级(+(+主语主语+ +谓语谓语),the+),the+比较级比较级(+(+主语主语+ +谓语谓语) ) “越越越越”比较级比较级+and+and+比较级比较级 “越来越越来越”, ,表示本

45、身程度表示本身程度 的变化。的变化。完成句子完成句子达到一定的程度后达到一定的程度后, ,你的压力越大你的压力越大, ,你就会表现得越好。你就会表现得越好。 Up to a certain point, Up to a certain point, ,the better,the better your performance will be. your performance will be.越来越多的学生正利用越来越多的学生正利用“间隔年间隔年”赚钱维持他们的学习以获取学位赚钱维持他们的学习以获取学位, ,这并不这并不 奇怪。奇怪。 It is not surprising that It

46、 is not surprising that are taking a gap are taking a gap year to earn money to support their study for the degree. year to earn money to support their study for the degree.the more stress you are underthe more stress you are undermore and more students more and more students 3.No other countries co

47、uld join in,nor could slaves or women!3.No other countries could join in,nor could slaves or women!别的国别的国 家不能参加家不能参加, ,奴隶和妇女也不能参加奴隶和妇女也不能参加! ! nor nor引导的倒装句型引导的倒装句型归纳归纳拓展拓展“norneither+norneither+助动词助动词系动词系动词bebe情态动词情态动词+ +主语主语”构成倒装构成倒装 句型句型, ,意为意为“也不这样也不这样”, ,表示某人或某物也有前面说过的情表示某人或某物也有前面说过的情 况况( (否定情况

48、否定情况) )。so+so+助动词助动词系动词系动词bebe情态动词情态动词+ +主语主语, ,意为意为“也是如此也是如此”, , 表示某人或某物也有前面说过的情况表示某人或某物也有前面说过的情况( (肯定情况肯定情况) )。so+so+主语主语+ +助动词助动词系动词系动词bebe情态动词情态动词, ,表示说话人同意对方的观表示说话人同意对方的观 点或对前文内容加以强调或肯定点或对前文内容加以强调或肯定, ,意为意为“的确如此的确如此”。如果前面句子的谓语既有肯定又有否定如果前面句子的谓语既有肯定又有否定, ,或者形式不同或者形式不同, ,就用句型就用句型 So it iswas with.

49、 So it iswas with.或或It iswas the same with.It iswas the same with.完成句子完成句子简今晚不会和我们一起吃晚饭简今晚不会和我们一起吃晚饭, ,汤姆也不会。汤姆也不会。 Jane wont join us for dinner tonight and Jane wont join us for dinner tonight and . .我弟弟我弟弟20162016年年9 9月月1515号观看了号观看了“天宫二号天宫二号”发射发射, ,我也是。我也是。 My brother watched the launch of Tiangon

50、g-2 on September 15th,2016, My brother watched the launch of Tiangong-2 on September 15th,2016, . .他很聪明他很聪明, ,但不努力但不努力, ,他姐姐也是这样。他姐姐也是这样。 He is very clever but he doesnt work hard;it is the same with He is very clever but he doesnt work hard;it is the same with his sister his sister . .norneither wi


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