1、Project Excellence in A VUCA World:From Process to PerformanceCommitment toImproveAn InnovativeFrameworkVUCAChanging environmentVolatility: From disruptive technologiesUncertainty: Less predictability andgreater prospects for surprise, there is noguidebook for the new situations anddecisionsto unlik
2、ely competitors, the nature andmagnitude change has becomeunpredictable and its pace hasaccelerated.Strategy ExecutionComplexity: People, industries,events, even everyday objects areall interconnected in ways that they neverhave been before.Ambiguity: The haziness of reality, greaterpotential for mi
3、sreads, and the mixedmeanings of conditionsBusiness is Becoming IncreasinglyComplex64%of CEOs said theirbusinesses were morevolatile, uncertain andcomplexand only49%79%of CEOs, LESS THANHALF, feel prepared tohandle this complexityof CEOs expected thelevel of complexity toincrease over the nextfive y
4、ears6This Complexity is Negatively ImpactingStrategy ExecutionWhile most CEOs recognize that those who execute fasterand better are positioned to capitalize on changes, theyconcede that their organizationsare not well prepared to execute.88%61%of CEOs say that successfullyof CEOs acknowledge that th
5、eir firmsexecuting initiatives/projects inorder to deliver strategic resultsis the most important area ofstrategic implementationoften struggle to bridge the gapbetween strategy formulation and itsday-to-day implementationSource: Why Good Strategies Fail, EIU, 20137Causing High FailureIn Strategic I
6、nitiative Implementations44%of strategic initiatives haveNOT been successfullyimplemented in thelast three years8Traditional PM is NOT going away It is still an essential performance platform Methodology (waterfall, Agile, others) Strategic alignment Business Analysis excellence Leadership skills Te
7、am dynamicsA commitment to improveClientsCommitment Clearly state reasons for investing inproject management Develop project management talent Create a career path and competencymodel Project Management certification system Continuous improvementPM Career Path and CompetencyModelThe PMI TalentTriang
8、leSource: PMI.orgPM Career Path and CompetencyModelWHY Such High Failure RatesIn Strategic Initiatives?44%of strategic initiatives haveNOT been successfullyimplemented in thelast three yearsSource: Why Good Strategies Fail. EIU. 201314VUCA Summary Business environment is Becoming Increasingly VUCA T
9、his Complexity is Negatively Impacting Strategy Execution Project-Based Work is Becoming Increasingly Strategic, Complex and Costly Over a Quarter of Project-Based Strategic Initiatives Fail Navigating Strategic Project Complexity requires AdaptabilityI Know What Youre ThinkingStrategic Execution Fr
10、amework (SEF)Who are you?What is the context?Where are you going?What needs to be created?How will we build it?How will you operate?Thinking about cultureEvery organization has a predominant culture and may havesubordinate cultures.CollaborationControlCultivationCompetenceSource: William E. Schneide
11、r. The Reengineering Alternative: A Plan for Making Your Current Culture Work.Burr Ridge, IL: Irwin Professional Pub., 1994.Culture and Geoffrey Moores StrategicValue DisciplinesCollaborationControlDifferentiate throughsuperior matching ofcustomer expectation withoffer fulfillmentdemandinghigher pri
12、ceDifferentiate throughsuperior executionmeasured by productivity& ultimately, lower priceCustomerIntimacyOperationalExcellenceDifferentiate through superiordesign and engineering yieldinghigher performancedemandinghigher priceThinking outside the box,imagineering, new paradigmsDisruptiveInnovationP
13、roductLeadershipCultivationCompetenceSources:William E. Schneider. The Reengineering Alternative: A Plan for Making Your Current Culture Work. Burr Ridge, IL: IrwinProfessional Pub., 1994.Geoffrey A. Moore. Living on the Fault Line: Managing for Shareholder Value in Any Economy. Rev. ed. New York:HarperBusiness, 2002.Does your strategy align with your culture?CollaborationControlCultivationCompetenceCulture and Today s Work ApproachesCollaborationControlCultivationCompetenceStart These Conversations EarlyXie Xie Ni!