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1、Unit 4 Natural Disasters Reading For WritingPre-testing Read the passage on Page 54 and then choose the best answer.1. Whats the main idea of the passage? A. Something about the most powerful tsunami in Asia. B. The cause of the most powerful tsunami in Asia. C. The loss of the most powerful tsunami

2、 in Asia. D. How to rescue ourselves in times of disaster.2. What caused the tsunami? A. Hurricane. B. Typhoon. C. Flood. D. Earthquake. 3. What is the magnitude of the earthquake that happened on December 27, 2004?A. 7. 0. B. 9. 0. C. 7. 5. D. 6. 0.4. Why were food and supplies hard to deliver?A. B

3、ecause there were not enough food and supplies. B. Because rescue teams dared not go.C. Because conditions were hard and roads were destroyed.D. Because governments didnt organize rescue teams.While-reading the news report and answer the questions.1. When did the tsunami happen?2. What caused the ts

4、unami?3. Why would it be difficult to deliver food and supplies?一、1.Write clearly the subject of the article-to introduce the situation after the earthquake.2. Decide the tense of the article-the past tense and the present tense.3.Write down the specific tips-the basic situation of the earthquake, t

5、he action people take , and the appreciation to the rescuers.二、Preparation for writingWords and phrases_ 引起_破坏_ 死亡_成为废墟_ 最终_大量_立即_埋葬_在困境中_前来救援三、Preparation for writingSentences1).这次地震造成了很大的破坏和许多人员死亡。 It _much damage and many deaths.2). 所到之处,我们看见一切都已经变成了废墟,好像世界到了末日。 Wherever we went, we found everyth

6、ing_. It seemed as if the world was_.3).并不是所有的东西都被毁。(部分否定)_were destroyed.4).许多人并没有丧失信心。_people didnt lose heart.5). 他们立刻前来救援,救出了一些困在废墟中的人。They came to the rescue _, saved some people who were trapped under the ruins, and _.6).我们再怎么表扬他们也不为过。We _praise them _highly.Language points教材原句p.53 Stay calm.

7、保持镇静。1 calm adj. & v.(1)adj. 镇静的;沉着的搭配:keep/stay/remain calm 保持镇静Try to remain calm. You can do this. 尽量保持冷静。你能做到的。(2)v. 使平静;使镇静搭配:calm(.)down(使 )平静下来,(使)镇定下来Use the time to familiarize with the environment and calm yourself down. 利用这段时间熟悉环境,让自己镇定下来。Calm down! Well find her.镇静一点!我们会找到她的。【词语辨析】calm,s

8、till,quiet 与silent(1)calm 表示人在危急情形中保持镇静;(2)still 表示站、坐、躺的姿势静止不动;(3)quiet 表示人的外表安静或性情稳定;(4)silent 表示没有声音,沉默,不讲话。【一言辨异】In the face of danger,you must keep calm;when you have a photo taken,you should stay still;while someone else is asleep,you ought to remain quiet;in class you cant be silent about the

9、 teachers questions. 面对危险时,你必须保持冷静;当你拍照时,你应该保持不动;当其他人睡着时,你应该保持安静;在课堂上,你不能对老师的问题保持沉默。单句语法填空(1) Calm yourself _;there is no need to feel upset about it.(2) The excited football fans managed _(calm) down at last.完成句子(3) Moved by what she said,he could hardly _(平静下来).(4) Dont be nervous! _(保持镇静) even wh

10、en you are in the face of danger.(5) The child was crying,so the nurse had got to give him some toys to _(使他平静下来).辨析填空:calm,still,quiet,silent(6)You should stay _ even in an emergency.(7)Could you keep the kids _ while Im on the phone?(8)Keep _. The photographer is ready.(9)He was _ for a moment,and

11、 then began his answer.教材原句p.53 .explain what emergency supplies people should keep on hand. 解释人们应该准备哪些应急用品。2 on hand 现有(尤指帮助)The emergency services were on hand with medical advice. 随时都有急诊服务,并提供医疗咨询。【归纳拓展】(1)in hand 在手头;在进行中at hand 在手边;即将到来by hand 用手hand in hand 手拉手地;密切关联on the one hand. ;on the ot

12、her hand. 一方面;另一方面On the one hand,its convenient,but on the other hand,its time-consuming. 一方面,这个很方便,但是另一方面又很费时间。(2)hand in 交上;提交hand out 分发hand over 交出;移交 hand on 移交;传递下去Could you hand these books out,please? 请把这些书发给大家好吗?完成句子(1) I am sorry we do not have any of the kinds _(现有).(2)_(一方面),producers w

13、ould reduce confidence to us; _ ,without profit,our company cannot survive.(3) Technology and business strategy go _(相辅相成).(4) Im supposed to have _(交上) a first draft of my paper.教材原句p.54 Fishermen,tourists,hotels,homes,and cars were swept away by huge waves. 渔民、游客、酒店、住房和汽车都被的巨浪卷走。3 sweep vt. & vi.

14、(swept,swept)打扫;清扫sweep away 消灭;彻底消除sweep sb. away(感情、思想)令某人着迷,使某人深受影响sweep up 打扫,清扫sweep aside 对置之不理;不理会;全然无视sweep out 打扫干净,清扫干净(房间等)They were swept away by the force of their emotions. 他们受感情的力量所驱使。Jane is sweeping up the bits of paper and broken glass. 简在清扫纸屑和碎玻璃。完成句子(1) Any doubts had long since

15、been _(完全消除).(2) The old man was just _(打扫)as I left the building.(3) All their advice was _(被当成了耳边风).(4) We _(不禁被 影响) by Marys enthusiasm.教材原句p.54 The undersea quake struck around 7:00 a. m. 由上午7:00 许海底地震引发。4 strike vi. vt. & n.(1)vi. & vt. (struck,struck/stricken)侵袭;突击;击打be struck with/by 被打动strik

16、e. into ones heart 使刻骨铭心It strikes/hits sb. that. (=It occurs to sb. that.)某人突然想起strike a match 划火柴strike twelve(钟)敲 12 点Youll be struck by her beauty the moment you see her. 你一见到她,就会被她的美丽打动。It strikes me that the man was not telling the truth. 我突然感觉到这个人没有说实话。(2)n. 罢工;罢课;袭击be on strike 在罢工(状态)go on

17、strike 举行罢工(动作)end/call off a strike 结束罢工Half the workforce are now(out)on strike. 现在有半数职工罢工。教材原句p.54 Foreign aid is being organised for the tsunami-hit countries. 目前正在为这些受灾国家组织国外援助。5 aid n. ,vi. & vt.(1)n. 援助;帮助;救援物资do/give/offer/carry out first aid(to sb.)(对某人)实施急救come/go to ones aid 帮某人的忙in aid o

18、f 为了帮助with the aid of 在的帮助下(= with the help of)The doctors there taught us how to give basic first aid to patients in different emergencies. 那儿的医生教我们怎样在不同的紧急情况下对病人实施基本的急救。They collected money in aid of cancer research. 他们为了癌症研究募集资金。He was breathing only with the aid of a ventilator. 他只有靠呼吸器呼吸。(2)vi.

19、 & vt.(formal)帮助;援助搭配:aid sb. in(doing)/with sth. 帮助某人(做)某事They were accused of aiding him in his escape.他们被控帮助他逃跑。单句语法填空(1) _ the aid of the doctor,Joe was back on his feet soon.(2) They aided me _ getting used to the new environment.完成句子(3) _(懂得基本的急救技巧)will help you respond quickly to emergencies.

20、(4) _(借助于)the computer,he worked out the problem.(5) The girl is badly injured. Youd better _(对实施急救)her before taking her to hospital.(6)The president approved the plan _(旨在帮助) these homeless children.重点句式教材原句p.54 I was having breakfast with my three children when water started filling my home. 当时我和

21、三个孩子正在吃早饭,海水开始灌入屋内。【句式分析】本句是一个并列句,句中含有“be doing.when.”句型,when 用作并列连词,相当于 just at this/that time。1 be doing.when. 正在做这时He is dreaming a wonderful dream when the fire alarm begins ringing.他正在做一个美妙的梦,这时火警报警器开始响了。【归纳拓展】when 用作并列连词,表示“这时”,还可用于以下句型:be about to do. when . 刚要做这时(突然)be on the point of doing.

22、 when . 刚要做突然had just/hardly/scarcely done. when . 刚做完这时I was about to go swimming when he called me to go back to thecompany. 我正打算去游泳的时候,这时他突然打电话叫我回公司。I was on the point of opening the door when the cellphone rang.我正要开门的时候这时手机突然响了。I had scarcely finished my homework when my mother came in.我刚做完功课,这时

23、母亲就进来了。单句语法填空(1) The train _(leave) when I hurried to the station.(2) Jack _(work) in the lab when the power cut occurred.(3) Tom was about _(close) the window when his attention was attracted by a bird.完成句子(4)汤姆正打算放弃,这时他突然想到了问题的答案。Tom _ he suddenly found an answer to the question.(5) 我刚到办公室,我妻子就打电话

24、让我立刻回家。Hardly _ my wife phoned me to go back home at once.教材原句p.54 .damaged roads will make it difficult to deliver food and supplies. 道路受损,食物运送和物资补给将非常困难。【句式分析】句中make it difficult to deliver food and supplies 为“make+it+ 形容词+ 不定式”结构(it 为形式宾语,真正的宾语为后面的不定式短语)。2 make it 形容词/ 名词不定式/ 动名词/ 从句This makes it

25、 possible for agriculture and industry to develop quickly. 这使工农业有可能快速发展。He makes it a rule never to borrow money. 他定下一个规矩,绝不向人借钱。He made it clear what he intended to do. 他明确表示了他打算做什么。【学法点拨】“vt. + it + 宾语补足语+ 真正的宾语”结构可总结为“6123 结构”:6 指常用的动词:think,believe,make,find,consider,feel;1 指形式宾语it;2 指宾补的两种形式:形容

26、词和名词;3 指真正的宾语的三种常见形式:动词不定式、动名词和从句。单句语法填空(1) I must make _ clear that I will support you forever.(2)词汇复现She says these activities at bedtime can get kids all excited and make _ hard for them to calm down and sleep.(3) I find it difficult _(do) the job well.翻译句子(4) 他认为养家是他的责任。_(5) 我们认为抱怨是没有用的。_(6)我们都认为跟他们争论此事是值得的。_the number of的数量”,后接名词复数。作主语时,谓语动词用单数。a number of“许多”,后接名词复数。作主语时,谓语动词用复数。A number of students _in our class.The number of students in our class _45.Recently, the number of the students in our school who skip breakfast _( increase) greatly.


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