Unit 1 Teenage life 知识点学案-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第一册.docx

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1、科目:英语 讲次:Unit 1 Teenage life 年级:必修一 主题知识集萃 &核心词汇1.volunteer n. & v. voluntary adj.志愿的,自愿的 voluntarily adv.自愿地,主动地(1) n.志愿者 work/act as a volunteer做志愿者(2) v.自愿(做某事); 自告奋勇, 自愿效劳常用搭配: volunteer to do sth.自愿做某事volunteer for sth. 自愿为某事效劳【例如】During the emergency, many people volunteered to work through th

2、e weekend.紧急时刻,很多人都自愿周末加班。He volunteered for the army.他自愿参军。2. debate n. & v.(1) n. 辩论;争论【搭配】under debate 在辩论/讨论中 a heated/lively debate 一场激烈/热烈的讨论 beyond debate 无可争论(2) v. 辩论;争论【搭配】debate sth. with sb. 同某人辩论/讨论某事 debate on / about sth. 讨论某事 debate +疑问词+to do sth. 讨论 【例如】We debate whether to take th

3、e earlier train or not.3. prefer vt. 较喜欢preference n. 偏爱;喜好 preferable adj. 更适合的 prefer doing sth./to do sth.更喜欢做某事 prefer sb. to do sth. 希望某人做某事 prefer A to B 与B相比更喜欢A (to为介词) prefer doing A to doing B与做B相比更喜欢做A prefer to do A rather than do B ( = would rather do A than do B/would do A rather than

4、do B) 宁愿做A而不愿做B prefer + that从句 ( that从句的谓语动词常用 should +动词原形,should可以省略)4. content n. adj.& vt.(1) n.内容;满意,满足; pl. 目录;所容纳之物; 容量,含量【搭配】with content满意地,满足地例:Weve discussed the unusual form of the book now,what about the content?我们已经讨论了这本书与众不同的形式现在,谈谈它的内容怎么样?(2) adj.满意的,满足的【搭配】feel/be content with 对感到满

5、意/满足搭配 (be) content to do sth.愿意做某事【例如】He seems fairly content with life.他好像对生活相当满足。(3) vt. 使满意,使满足【搭配】 content oneself with使自己满足于5. actually adv. 事实上,的确【例如】I didnt actually see himI just heard his voice 实际上我并没有看见他,我只是听见了他的声音。【用法拓展】actually =in fact/in actual fact/as a matter of fact/in reality/in e

6、ffect 事实上,实际上6. challenge n. & vt. challenging adj.富有挑战性的,困难的 changer n. 挑战者(1) n.挑战;艰巨任务 the challenge of doing sth. 做某事的挑战 meet the challenge of 迎接的挑战 take up/accept/face a challenge接受/面对挑战(2)vt. 怀疑;向挑战 challenge sb. to (do) sth.向某人挑战(做)某事 例:l did not think he was right, so I challenged him. 我认为他是

7、不对的,所以我向他提出质疑。【正误对比】challenge sb.向某人挑战()challenge to sb.向某人挑战()7. confusing adj. 令人困惑的,难以理解的,不清楚的【用法】confusing常用来修饰物例:The instructions on this bottle are very confusing. 【词汇拓展】(1) confused adj. 迷惑的,糊涂的(常用来修饰人或人的表情,声音等)用法: be confused about 对感到困惑的例:The little boy seems very confused about what his fa

8、ther says. (2) confuse vt. 使迷惑,使糊涂,使混乱用法:confuse A with B例:I think it is a serious mistake to confuse work with life. (3) confusion n. 困惑,不知所措in confusion 困惑,不知所措8. fluent adj. 流利的,熟练的 fluently adv. 流利地【搭配】be fluent in (语言表达)熟练,流利的 fluent Chinese / France 流利的汉语/法语9. graduate n. & v. graduation n. 毕业

9、 graduation ceremony 毕业典礼(1) v. 毕业;获得学位【搭配】graduate from 毕业于(某学校) graduate in 毕业于(某专业)(2) n. 毕业生 【例如】He is a graduate in medicine.10. recommend v. (1) vt. 建议,劝告 recommend doing sth. 建议做某事 recommend sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事 recommend that 建议 (that引导的从句的谓语用(should+)动词原形)(2) vt. 推荐,推举 recommend sth. to s

10、b. 把某物推荐给某人 recommend sb. as/for 推荐某人担任例:Tom recommended a few novels to me, and all of them were to my taste. Who would you recommend as the monitor of the class?11. advanced adj. 高级的;高等的;先进的 advanced technology 先进的技术 advanced learners of English 高级英语学习者【词汇拓展】advance v. / n. 前进;发展;促进 in advance 预先;

11、提前 in advance of (时间上)在之前;发展上超前【例如】Hes trying to advance his own career.12. obvious adj. 显然的;明显地的obviously adv. be obvious to sb. 对某人来说是显而易见的 It is obvious that 很明显 【例如】It is obvious that she doesnt like adventure.13.quit vi. / vt. 停止;戒掉;离开(工作职位或学校)【搭配】quit doing sth. 停止做某事(坏事或令人厌烦的事)【例如】I am going

12、to quit smoking.14.responsible adj. 负责的;有责任的 responsibility n.责任,职责,义务 a sense of responsibility责任感【搭配】be responsible for (doing) sth.对(做)某事负责 be responsible for sb. 对某人负责【例如】It is the boss rather than the workers that should be responsible for the accident.【误区警示】(1) responsible 作前置定语和作后置定语时意义不同: a

13、responsible person可信赖的人,可靠的人the person responsible负责人,主管人15.schedule n.&vt.(1) n. 工作计划;日程安排 1. on schedule 按预定时间2. ahead of schedule 提前3. behind schedule 迟于预定时间4. have a tight/busy schedule 日程安排紧【例如】Having worked for a week, Jack managed to finish his paper on schedule. (2) vt. 安排,预定1. be scheduled

14、to do sth. 被安排做某事2. schedulefor 把安排在【例如】The sports event has been scheduled for Saturday. 16.attract vt. 吸引;引起的注意attraction n. 吸引力attractive adj. 吸引人的 attract sb. to sth. 把某事吸引到某事上来 attract ones attention 吸引某人的注意 be attracted to 喜爱17.focus v. / n.(1) vi. / vt. 集中(精力;注意力);调节焦距 focus on 集中 focus ones

15、mind / attention on sth. 集中某人的注意力在某物上(2) n. 中心; 重点;焦点 come into focus 成为焦点bring sth. into focus 使某事成为焦点18. solution n. 解决办法;答案solve vt. 解决;解答 a solution to 的解决办法 the solution to the problem19. teenage adj. 青少年的teenager n. 青少年20. youth n.青年时期;青春youthful adj. 青年的;年轻的21. behaviour n. 行为;举止behave v. 变现;

16、变现的体;有礼貌22. addicted adj. 有瘾的;上瘾的;入迷的addict n. 对入迷的;吸毒成瘾的人23. suitable adj. 合适的;适用的suit v. 合适;相配 / n. 西服suitably adj.24. editor n. 编辑;主编edit v. 编辑&重点短语和句型1. clean up 打扫(或清除)干净 2. be suitable for 适合某人/某物 3. sign up for 报名(参加课程) 4. sign up to do sth. 报名做某事5. be attracted to 喜爱 6. attract sb. to sth. 把

17、某人吸引到某事上7. focus on 集中,特别关注 8. focus ones eyes on 注视9. be/become addicted to 对很入迷 10. be suitable to do sth. 适合做某事&语法归纳短语的类型和功能一、名词短语(1)定义:名词与它的修饰语一起构成名词短语,在句中作主语、宾语、表语或宾补等。名词的修饰语与名词有两种位置关系:一是放在被修饰名词的前面,作前置定语;二是放在被修饰名词的后面,作后置定语。(2)构成1. adj. +n./n. + adj.- small table小桌子- advanced maths高等数学2. n.+n.-

18、the school basketball team校篮球队- a woman teacher一名女老师3. n.+ and +n.- doctors and nurses 医生和护士4. v-ing+n./n.+v-ing- the singing girl 唱歌的女孩 -students studying in the library 在图书馆学习的学生5.-ed +n./n.+-ed-fallen leaves 落叶- photos taken by Mike迈克拍的照片6.n.+to do- the meeting to be held tomorrow明天要召开的会议7. n.+介词

19、短语- a solution to the question问题的解决办法-the main purpose of the course该课程的主要目的. 8. 限定词+n- an English book一本英语书 -my schedule我的时间表二、形容词短语(1)定义: 形容词短语是指以一个形容词为中心构成的短语,在句中的功能相当于一个形容词。(2)构成: 形容词短语是指由几个形容词或形容词及其修饰语构成的。具体形式如下:(1) 形容词形容词 (两个或多个形容词可以由and, but等连词连接,构成形容词短语)large and beautiful 大且漂亮young but wise

20、年轻但有智慧(2) 副词形容词( very , so , enough 等副词作修饰语,可与形容词构成形容词短语)very hot很热long enough足够长(3) 形容词+介词短语 (介词短语可用在形容词后修饰形容词,与形容词构成形容词短语)sure of success确信会成功的full of water装满了水(4) 形容词+不定式短语 (不定式在形容词后作修饰语,与形容词一起构成形容词短语)anxious to know the answer焦急地想知道答案(5) 语法功能 作表语 (与连系动词构成系表结构,说明主语的性质或特征)The bridge is long and wi

21、de.这座桥又长又宽。 作宾补 (说明宾语的性质、状态或特征)You must keep the room clean and tidy. 你以须保持房间干净整洁。 作定语 (修饰名词、代词,说明其性质、特征等)This pretty little Spanish girl is Toms cousin. 这个漂亮的西班牙女孩是汤姆的表妹。 作状语 (说明主语的性质、状态或特征)The lost boy spent three days in the forest cold and hungry.那个迷路的男孩又冷又饿地在森林中过了三天。三、副词短语(1) 含义: 副词短语是指以一个副词为中心

22、构成的短语,在句中的功能相当于一个副词。(2) 构成: 副词短语是指由几个副词或副词及其修饰语构成的。具体形式如下:1. 两个或多个副词可以由and , but等连词连接构成副词短语。quickly and correctly 快且准确 slowly but steadily缓慢但稳步2. very ,enough等副词作修饰语可与其他副词构成副词短语。very fast 快极了clearly enough够清楚了【能力测试】画出下列各句中的名词/形容词/副词短语并写出其句法功能1. All the students are invited to take part in the Englis

23、h speech contest.2. Most of the little children are naturally curious about everything around them.3. Wet or fine, he got up at six and took a walk in the park.4. They considered Beijing the brain and heart of our country.5. We could see a strange light ahead of us very clearly.6. They are good students always ready to help others. 学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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