Unit 1 知识点过关检测素材-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第一册.docx

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1、必修第一册 Unit 1过关检测资料版一、词性转换1.volunteer n.志愿者 vi.志愿voluntary adj. 自愿的 2.prefer vt.较喜欢n.preference偏爱过去式preferreding形式preferring3.suit vt. 适合;使适应 vi. 合适;相称n. 一套衣服;套装suitable adj.合适的;适用的4.challenge n.挑战;艰巨任务vt.怀疑;向挑战challenging adj. 富有挑战的,5.confusing adj.难以理解的;不清楚的;令人迷惑的, confuse vt.使糊涂;使迷惑confused adj. 迷

2、惑的/难懂的;confusion n困惑, 混乱;混淆 6.fluent adj.(尤指外语) 流利的;熟练的fluently adv. 流利地fluency n. 流利,流畅7.recommend vt.建议;推荐;介绍n. recommendation建议;推荐;介绍8.advanced adj.高级的;高等的;先进的advance n.前进;发展vi.前进;发展vt.发展;促进,推断发展9.obviously adv.显然;明显地adj.显然的;明显的obvious10.responsible adj.负责的;有责任的responsibility n责任;义务responsibly ad

3、v.认真负责地irresponsible 不负责的11.solution n.解决办法;答案vt. solve 解决 12.survival n. 生存; 幸存;幸存事物survive v. 生存; 幸存;13.behaviour n.行为;举止v. behave 表现14.attract vt.吸引;引起的注意(或兴趣) attractive adj. 有吸引力的;吸引人的attraction n. 吸引力;吸引15.addicted adj.有瘾的;上瘾的;入迷的addict n.对入迷的人;吸毒成瘾的人 vt.使上瘾,使沉溺addictive adj. 使人上瘾的,使人入迷的addict

4、ion n. 瘾,入迷16.youth n.青年时期,青春 young adj.年青的17.graduate vi.&vt.毕业;获得学位n.毕业生graduation n. 毕业 18.actual adj.真实的,实际的actually adv.事实上;的确19. move v.移动;搬家;感动n.运动;活动;移动movement adj.可移动的movable二、词块记忆6apply to be a volunteer申请成为一个志愿者have a heated debate进行一场激烈的讨论form a good habit养成好习惯be/get/become confused by对

5、感到困惑be fluent in English英语很流利recommend sb to do sth推荐某人做某事as scheduled/planned/arranged 按计划make all the/a difference大不相同;关系重大be suitable for适合likebetter更喜欢take a course选课;上课sign up for报名参加;注册,选课advanced literature高级文学extra-curricular activities课外活动on ones own靠自己make the team入选球队hand outto分发;施舍给be re

6、sponsible for对负责keep up with赶得上;和保持联系be well prepared for为作好充分的准备the sameas与一致make a workable schedule制定一个可行的计划choose suitable courses选择合适的课程make a decision作决定face a challenge面临挑战, 应战try out for参加选拔in the wild在野外spoken English英语口语get started开始;被启动ask for some advice征求意见teenagers of your generation你们

7、这一代青少年be attracted to喜爱,被吸引到a tourist attraction旅游景点attract ones attention吸引某人的注意力 become addicted to对上瘾;沉迷于concentrate/ focus on集中精力于;全神贯注于encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事why not do sth.为什么不做某事?listen to听,倾听all the best一切顺利,万事如意tooto太而不能fall behind落在后面work out解决;算出;锻炼have a chance to do sth.有机会做某事;d

8、rop out of/quit school辍学be grateful/thankful for对心存感激make the most of充分利用solve the problems解决问/难题set up a good example树立一个榜样be similar to与相似agree with同意,和意见一致aim to do sth打算做某事give sb. some advice on how to do sth. 就如何做某事给某人一些建议。recruit new members 招收新会员三、词汇扩展句子记忆1. 得知你们当地美术馆将举办中国画展,而且在招募志愿者,我写信申请成为

9、一名志愿者。Knowing that your local art gallery will hold a Chinese Painting exhibition and you are hunting for volunteers, I am writing to apply to be a volunteer.2. 我曾经在我们的社区做过一些志愿者工作,这帮助我更好地理解了现实生活。I used to do some voluntary work in our community, which helped me have a better understanding of real li

10、fe.3. 上周就我们城市是否应该建地铁进行了激烈的讨论。Last week, we had a heated debate on whether a subway should be built or not in our city.4. 为了对中国文化有更多的了解,我建议你提前了解一下唐诗的内容。下面是一些详细的内容。In order to have much knowledge of Chinese culture, I recommend you to learn about the content of Tang Poetry in advance. The following is

11、 some detailed content.5. 把志愿工作的精神牢记于心,我相信我能成为一名合适的志愿者。With the spirit of voluntary work in my heart, I am sure that I can be a suitable volunteer.6. 当你面对挑战时,你必须相信你能克服它,永不放弃。When you face a challenge, you must believe that you can overcome it and never give up.7. 作为21世纪的青少年,我们应该准备好迎接社会的挑战。As teenage

12、rs of the 21st century, we should be ready to meet the challenge of the society.8. 我被这么多令人困惑的问题弄得迷惑不解,站在那里,不知道接下来该做什么。I was confused by so many confusing questions that I stood there in confusion, not knowing what to do next.9. 沮丧和困惑,男孩决定向他的父亲寻求帮助。Frustrated and confused, the boy decided to turn to

13、his father for help.10. 我觉得我很适合这份工作,因为我的英语和法语都很流利。I think I am quite suitable for this job, because I am fluent in both English and French/I can speak fluent English and French/I speak English and French fluently.11. 毕业后,男孩不遗余力地追求他的梦想。After graduation, the boy spared no efforts to pursue his dream.1

14、2. 既然你对中国诗歌很感兴趣,我建议你读唐诗。Now that you are keen on Chinese poetry, I recommend that you(should) read Tang Poetry.13. 我将不胜感激如果你能考虑我的建议。I would appreciate it if you could take my recommendation into consideration.14. 在信中,你叫我给你推荐一些有名的中国风景。如果你去北京,我建议参观长城。In your letter, you asked me to recommend you some

15、famous Chinese sights. If you go to Beijing, I recommend visiting/recommend you to visit the Great Wall.15. 学习英语将增进我们对西方文化的了解。Learning English will advance our knowledge of western culture.16. 沉迷于电脑游戏显然对我们的健康有害。Being addicted to computer games is obviously harmful to/bad for our health.17. 很明显,饮食和锻炼

16、对我们大家都很重要。It is obvious that diet and exercise are of great importance to us all.18. 生活在新的时代,我们应该为实现中国梦负起责任。Living in the new era, we should take the responsibility for achieving the China dream.19. 突然,一种责任感涌上了他的心头。All of a sudden, a sense of responsibility welled up in his mind.20. 为了庆祝重阳节,我们班计划在这个

17、星期天下午去敬老院。In order to celebrate the Double Ninth Festival, our class is scheduled to pay a visit to the nursing home this Sunday afternoon.21. 青年时期我们学习, 老年中我们懂得道理。In youth we learn, in age we understand.22. 他表现得好像什么都没发生过。He behaved as if/though nothing had happened.23. 三峡大坝是世界著名的旅游胜地,每年都会吸引世界各地成千上万的

18、游客。Three gorges dam is a world famous tourist attraction, which attracts thousands of tourists around the world every year.24. 曾经有段时间,我把注意力集中在玩电脑游戏上,而不是学习上,所以你可以想象我的学习在那个时候是多么糟糕。There was a time when I focused my attention on playing computer games rather than studying, so as you can imagine my stud

19、y couldnt be worse at that time.25. 曾经有一段时间,我沉迷于玩电脑游戏,而不是学习,所以你可以想象我的学习在那个时候是多么糟糕。There was a time when I was so addicted to playing computer games rather than studying, so as you can imagine my study couldnt be worse at that time.四、课文句子记忆1. 从初中到高中真是一项巨大的挑战。Going from junior high school to senior hi

20、gh school is a really big challenge.2. 首先,我必须非常仔细地考虑我想上哪些课程。First,I had to think very carefully about which courses I wanted to take.3. 我的指导老师建议我选修高级文学因为我喜欢英语而且成绩不错。My adviserrecommendedthat I should sign up for advancedliteraturebecause I like English and Im good at it.4. 我试图加入学校足球队,但教练告诉我,我踢得不够好。I

21、 tried to join the school football team,but the coach told me that I didnt play well enough.5. 每周三,我们会在施舍处干活,把食物分发给社区里的无家可归者。Every Wednesday,we work at a soup kitchen and hand out food to homeless people in the community.6. 我知道作为一名高中生,我必须更加努力地学习,并习惯对更多的事情负责。I know Ill have to study harder as a senio

22、r high school student and get used to beingresponsiblefor a lot more.7. 我有点担心在我的高级课程中跟上其他学生的水平,要习惯所有的作业会相当困难。Im a bit worried about keeping up with the other students in my advanced course,and itll be quite difficult to get used to all the homework.8. 努力学习并不总是有趣的,但我会为大学或未来发生的任何其他事情做好充分准备。Studying ha

23、rd isnt always fun,but Ill be well prepared for university or whatever else comes in the future. 9. 我很理解你焦虑和糟糕的感觉I understand quite well that you are anxious and feel terrible.10. 对于你们这一代的青少年来说,被电脑游戏和网络世界所吸引并不罕见。It is not unusual for teenagersof yourgenerationto beattractedto computer games and the online world.11. 一些学生甚至沉迷于网络,无法集中精力在学校和家庭生活上。Some students even become addicted to the Internet and cannot concentrate on school and family life.


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