Unit 3 A Living legend in education张桂梅 ppt课件-(2019)新人教版高中英语高一必修第一册.pptx

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1、A living legend in education 345621NoImageStep1:Warming-up What do these poems have in common? What do these poems have in common? They all describe a specific person.Step2: Reading time Edwin Arlington Robinson美国诗人,三次获得普利策美国诗人,三次获得普利策奖,他的诗具有强烈的现实奖,他的诗具有强烈的现实感,语言简洁,用词浅显,感,语言简洁,用词浅显,深受读者喜爱。深受读者喜爱。Ric

2、hard Cory Richard Cory By Edwin Arlington Robinson Whenever Richard Cory went down town, We people on the pavement looked at him: He was a gentleman from top to down, Pretty handsome, and pretty slim. He was always well dressed, He was always noble when he talked; He moved our hearts when he said, H

3、e shined brightly when he walked. He was richyes, richer than a king He was well-educated in every action We thought that he was everything We wish that we were in his position. So on we worked, and waited for the light, And went without the meat, and complained the bread; And Richard Cory, one calm

4、 summer night, Went home and put a bullet through his head. Richard Cory By Edwin Arlington Robinson So on we worked, and waited for the light, And went without the meat, and complained the bread; And Richard Cory, one calm summer night, Went home and put a bullet through his head.每当理查德每当理查德.科利走上街头,

5、科利走上街头, 我们行人总是把他瞻望。我们行人总是把他瞻望。 他一派君子之风他一派君子之风, 俊朗不凡,伟岸颀长。俊朗不凡,伟岸颀长。 他穿着总是干净整洁,他穿着总是干净整洁, 他谈吐总是优雅大方。他谈吐总是优雅大方。 他说起话来让人怦然心动,他说起话来让人怦然心动, 他的步履溢彩流光。他的步履溢彩流光。 他有钱啊,甚至富比国王。他有钱啊,甚至富比国王。 举手投足间透着良好教养。举手投足间透着良好教养。 我们觉得他无所不有,我们觉得他无所不有, 他的处境为我们他的处境为我们盼盼望。望。 我们不辞辛劳,苦昐福光。我们不辞辛劳,苦昐福光。 一日三餐没肉,抱怨粗粮。一日三餐没肉,抱怨粗粮。 可他在一

6、个夏夜,可他在一个夏夜, 回到家里,用一颗子弹打回到家里,用一颗子弹打碎自己的脑浆碎自己的脑浆 Discussion:Why did Richard Cory kill himself ?Why ?Although he is materially rich, he is not happy mentally. 1. What does she look like?2. What impresses you most after watching the video?3. Do you think she is a living legend in education? why?4. Comp

7、are Richard Cory and 张桂梅,whose life is more meaningful and helpful?1. What does she look like?2. What impresses you most after watching the video?She looks normal, weak and serious.She is devoted to her students and tries her best to change their fate.3. Do you think she is a living legend in educat

8、ion? why?4. Compare Richard Cory and 张桂梅,whose life is more meaningful and helpful?Yes, because she has helped a lot of poor girs live a better life by getting educated.5. What makes 张桂梅?Her beliefs and values , her love for children.She is carrying out Core Values of Socialism.(社会主义核心价值观)Writing ti

9、mewrite a poem for the living legend!For Ms Zhang Guimeibrief impressionappearance, actionour judgementher influenceWhenever she _We students_She is _Pretty_and pretty_She is _She is_She _She_She is _She is_We think _We wish _So hard we work with the help of herFor the hope she gives us;If there is

10、something we can do for her,We will try and spare no efforts!A sample poemFOR MS ZHANG GUIMEIWhenever she appears at We students look up at herShe is smile-less and Pretty strict and pretty She is not particular about clothes;She cares little about what she eats;She moves slowly around the campus,Sh

11、outing with a horn,“Hurry! Girls!”She is fighting against deadly diseases;She is the light for us to chase.We hope she can overcome all difficulties;We wish she could live as long as pines.So hard we work with the help of her,For the hope she gives ;If there is something we can do for her,We will tr

12、y and spare no !HomeworkHomework1. Finish the poem 2. Read it to your partner and revise it 慈母手中线,游子身上衣。-孟郊游子吟 The thread in the hands of a fond-hearted mother, Makes clothes for the body of her wayward boy 但使龙城飞将在,不教胡马度阴山 王昌龄出塞 As long as the General defends the city, Invaders will never occupy the

13、 territory! 至今思项羽,不肯过江东-李清照I still remember Xiang Yu who refused to retreat to Jiang Dong. Oh, my luve is like a red red rose,Thats newly sprung in Jone; 啊,我的爱人像朵红红的玫瑰,六月里迎风初开- 罗伯特罗伯特.彭斯一朵红红玫瑰彭斯一朵红红玫瑰 The road ahead is long and has no ending; yet high and low I will search with my will unbending.路漫漫其修远兮,吾将路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索上下而求索-屈原屈原


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